Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 15 Domineering Awakening! (Please read on!)

Chapter 15 Awakening of domineering power!


Xi Liu looked at Storm who was still calm despite being cut in half by him, and couldn't help but scream in shock.

"Are you a natural ability user?!"

before today.

Shiliu had no intention of paying attention to Storm, the new jailer chief who took the initiative to apply to come to Impel Down City.

So he didn't even know that Storm was a user with the [Clay Fruit] ability.

At this moment, Shiliu suddenly saw Storm's special ability to "turn the body into clay".

He also mistakenly thought that the other party had eaten a very rare natural devil fruit.

Something like "mud fruit"...

Ke Xiliu was shocked.

It did not affect Storm's next operation.

His body was almost cut in half by [Thunderstorm], and white clay poured out from the gap, covering the surface of his body.

Under constant filling of clay.

Storm's size expanded in the blink of an eye to a level that was almost the same as Shiliu's.

The distance between the two is extremely close.

Storm grew larger, further shortening the distance between the two.


Storm's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared directly in front of Shiliu.

His right fist, which had been strengthened and expanded by the [Clay Fruit], swung forward with astonishing momentum.

Shiliu, who was caught off guard, was hit hard in the lower abdomen by Storm's clay fist.

Abdominal fisting!


Only a dull sound was heard.

Yu Zhiliu, who was still domineering just now, was instantly knocked away more than ten meters by Storm.


Xiliu, who was flying upside down in mid-air, stabilized his figure in time and turned over neatly and fell back to the ground.

He stared at Storm fiercely and raised the famous sword [Thunderstorm] in his hand again.

People with natural abilities are not invincible.

At least Shiliu has enough means to deal with natural ability users.

Domination is the enemy of all abilities!

But the moment Shiliu raised the [Thunderstorm] in his hand.

A completely different feeling from usual came to his heart.

Shiliu immediately looked at the [Thunderstorm] in his hand.

He suddenly discovered that the blood-red blade of [Thunderstorm] was entangled with several white clays at some point.

White clay appears to have the ability to "reproduce asexually".

A short moment.

The volume of the white clay expanded to several times its original size.

The gorgeous and coquettish famous sword [Thunderstorm] is covered with a special "scabbard" made of white clay.

It turned directly into a ridiculous white fire stick!

Shiliu completely lost his touch.

Storm has quite a lot of combat experience.

He knows it very well.

No matter what level a swordsman is, his strength basically lies in his weapons.

As long as he can lock the swordsman's famous sword, the opponent's strength will plummet.

There can't be such weird creatures as "the great swordsman of the no-sword style" in the sea, right?

Just when Xi Liu just drew his sword and killed someone.

Storm quietly created a few balls of clay to adhere to the opponent's long knife.

Now look at it, the effect is outstanding!

Temporarily "sealed" Shiliu's famous sword.

Storm took advantage of the opponent to clean up the clay and quickly approached him.


The four-star [Shaving] burst out at super high speeds as fast as lightning, and Storm immediately came to Shiliu.

But Yuzhiliu is the deputy director of Impel Down City after all, and his reaction speed is not slow at all.

Seeing Storm approaching, Shiliu no longer insisted on cleaning the clay on [Thunderstorm].

He waved the white clay stick in his hand like a long, sharp knife, slashing at the person in front of him.

【Paper Painting】!

Storm clearly felt the changes in airflow caused by Shiliu's attack, and his clay body surged with waves.

Shiliu's "clay stick" hit Storm's head straight.

But Storm did not dodge, and while allowing the opponent to attack, he also swung forward a "clay punch"!


Shiliu's "clay stick" hit Storm's head directly, and half of the latter's head exploded directly.

White clay splashed in all directions like water droplets.


Storm's heavy punch hit Shiliu's abdomen again, and the latter flew backwards.


His soft abdomen suffered heavy blows one after another, and Shiliu couldn't bear the damage and couldn't help coughing.

A wisp of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and slid down his chin.

One was an accident.

What about twice?

The surrounding impel city jailers couldn't help but whisper when they saw Shiliu being knocked out by Storm again.

"The deputy director was actually beaten away..."

"The chief warden is so strong! He can actually overpower the deputy director and beat him!"

"The prison won't change, right?"

Hannibal, who was mixed in the crowd, quietly retreated at this moment.

He didn't know whether Storm was more powerful or Shiliu was more powerful.

But there was a riot in the prison, and the chief warden and the deputy director fought each other in public...

Hannibal sends an emergency signal.

"Go to the fourth floor and invite Magellan!!"

The two people fighting on the field didn't care about the reaction of the crowd.

Shiliu wiped the corners of his mouth. He didn't care about such a minor injury.

But looking at Storm's head that quickly returned to its original shape, he couldn't help but spat again.

"Damn it!"

There is no time to entangle the weapon color, and there is no way to cause an effective attack on the enemy...

Shiliu glanced at the [Thunderstorm] on his right hand from the corner of his eye.

After this round of attacks.

[Thunderstorm] is already covered with more and more clay.

At this time, Shiliu couldn't even let go of the handle of the knife.

Because the clay not only entangles [thunderstorm].

At the same time, it also wrapped around most of his right hand!

Shiliu's right hand now looked like a mutated, huge white mallet.

'We can't let this mud get bigger...'

A thought flashed through Shiliu's mind.

The next moment, he didn't hesitate anymore and directly released his armed domineering energy.

Dark domineering energy surged out of Shiliu's body and wrapped around his entire right arm from the inside out.

Together with the famous sword [Thunderstorm] and the "clay scabbard" outside, they were all wrapped up in Shiliu's armament color.

Just now, Shiliu's right hand looked like a white mallet.

Now it’s the “black mallet”!

Although the weapon color can touch the entity of the natural ability user.

But there is no way to prevent the ability user from activating abilities like Hailou Stone.

And it's like the actual clay produced by [Clay Fruit].

There is no way to "erase" it with armed color domineering.

Shiliu released his armed Haki, which only suppressed the continued expansion of the clay, but could not make it disappear.

He briefly moved the mallet in his right hand a few times to get used to this special "weapon".


Shiliu looked at Storm and showed a cold smile.

"Game over!"

This time, before Storm could take the initiative to attack, Shiliu rushed towards him.

Even though the deputy director was dragging a weird black stick, it was quite funny when he moved it.

But the opponent's speed is not slow at all!

Seeing Shiliu using his armed haki, Storm had no idea of ​​contempt.

He waved his right fist without waiting for Shiliu to get close to him.

The white clay piled up together, rapidly expanding and becoming gigantic.

Storm's right arm expanded in a short moment to a level comparable to that of a giant.

He waved his right arm vigorously, and the giant clay fist launched a fierce attack forward.

Giant clay punch!

On the other side, Shiliu also waved his right arm - the weird and ugly black stick.


One black, one white.

Two weapons with different shapes and colors collided fiercely.

A loud roar suddenly erupted, and billowing waves of air vented and spread to all directions.

But Shiliu is Shiliu after all.

One of Impel Down's double walls.

Even though Xi Liu lost his famous sword weapon at this time.

But his level of armed domineering should not be underestimated.

In front of that armed stick.

Storm's giant clay fist only lasted for less than a few seconds, and then quickly collapsed.

Shiliu shattered most of the giant clay fist, and large chunks of clay fell to the ground.

But the soft nature of the clay itself still buffered his strength a lot.


Shiliu's black stick stopped.

It's not entirely because the clay negates some of his power.

At the same time, it was also because there was a strong force inside the giant clay fist that prevented the black stick from moving forward.

[Iron Block]!

Storm's right hand was deeply hidden in the giant clay fist.

The surface of his fist also exuded a dark luster at this time.

This moment.

Storm's fist was like a hard nail, resisting attacks from the front.

If he were distracted and checked his attributes at this time, he would definitely see a new ability appearing in his ability column——

[Armed color domineering: ☆]

But even if you can’t see the awakening of [Armed Haki].

Storm can still clearly feel the presence of this force.

Storm had felt the existence of this power before when he resisted the attack of the human-faced lions.

Now that [Iron Block] is used to resist Shiliu's attack, this feeling becomes more and more clear.

This is the power!


Storm just wanted to continue attacking with his fists and experiment with new abilities.

An angry shout came from the door of the prison cafeteria.

"Stop it!"

In the middle of the battle, Storm was unaware of the noise from the outside world.

The same is true for Shiliu.


"Poison dragon!"

Two dark purple poisonous dragons flew over menacingly.

Storm stood there, unmoved.

But Xiliu was like a mouse meeting a cat.

He quickly swung the black stick in his hand and swung it at the attacking poisonous dragon, smashing its head into pieces with one blow.

Immediately afterwards.

Xiliu hurriedly stepped aside to avoid the splashing venom.


Shiliu looked at the man standing at the door of the cafeteria with great fear.

"Hey, Director!"

Storm calmly waved hello to Magellan.

Magellan looked at Shiliu, who was in a mess and with blood at the corner of his mouth, and then at Storm, who was unhurried and calm.

Didn't Hannibal say that Shiliu was cold-blooded and cruel, and extended the butcher's knife to his companions in Impel Down?

But this scene in front of me looks like...

Is Storm abusing Shiliu?

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