Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 153 The world is a desert! (2 updates, 7k, please subscribe!)

The grass withered, the earth dried up, and even the hard rocks were affected by the power of the [Sand Fruit] and turned into powder.

This is the [Awakening] power of [Shasha Fruit]!

The power of drying up like a natural disaster—

Eroding reincarnation!

Not just the earth.

Any inanimate matter in contact with the earth.

They have all withered under the influence of the "corrosive cycle".

And living things that are in contact with the earth.

The moisture in their bodies was also taken away by [Shasha Fruit] at this moment.

Taking the location of Crocodile as its source, the nearby area was quickly assimilated into a desolate and ruined desert.

Buckingham Stussy, who was regarded as a target by the Sand Crocodile, was the first to be affected by the power of "eroding reincarnation".

I saw that the pair of dark red pointed leather boots that Buckingham Stussy was stepping on were directly assimilated into grains of sand by the power of the [Sand Fruit].

"My designer leather boots!"

Buckingham Stussy suddenly let out a scream.

On the other side, Edward Weibull also made a confused cry.

"Mom! My shoe is missing! Did you see it?"

The natural devil fruit's range of influence is too large.

Hawkeye Mihawk didn't want to be affected by the Sand Crocodile's ability, and was planning to retreat a short distance back to avoid the power of "eroding reincarnation".

At this moment, Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly saw that Storm was still standing still, and the small piece of land under his feet turned into a ball of white clay at some point.

Use [Awakening] versus [Awakening]!

Crocodile's [Shasha Fruit] cannot affect Storm's [Clay Fruit] after all!

Hawkeye Mihawk jumped directly to Storm's side and stood side by side with him.

"What's wrong with the Sand Crocodile? Why is there such a big reaction to the name 'Buckingham Stussy'? Or is it because of... the Rocks Pirates?"

Compared to ordinary people, Hawkeye Mihawk certainly knows about the existence of the "Rocks Pirates".

A powerful pirate group that once dominated the sea for a while, but was eventually destroyed by the pirate king Roger and the hero Garp...

But Hawkeye Mihawk didn't know why Sand Crocodile had such a big reaction to the name of this pirate group.

"Everyone has a bad past."

Storm turned to look at Hawkeye Mihawk and said calmly.

"Isn't it?"

Storm could also see the angry mood of Sand Crocodile at this time.

He did not use the [Information Haki] that can "read people's hearts" to peer into the heart of Sand Crocodile.

It's just speculation based on the intelligence information we have on hand.

There is no doubt about it.

Crocodile's rampage is related to "Buckingham Stussy" and the "Rocks Pirates".

To be more precise, it should be the "Rocks Pirates"!

Very little is known about what the Rocks Pirates did in the past.

Even Storm only knew that the Rocks Pirates had participated in the Valley of the Gods incident, and then it became history...

Considering Crocodile's age and his violent reaction to the members of the Rocks Pirates...

There is also the "little secret" between the Shemale King Ivankov and Crocodile...

As well as the active experience of the Shemale King Ivankov in the Valley of Gods incident...

Strom concluded that -

Crocodile was also involved in the Valley of the Gods incident!

As for Crocodile's true identity...

Several possibilities ran through Storm's mind, but he said nothing.

"Perhaps it's because... Sand Crocodile once had an 'intersection' with the Rocks Pirates?"

After throwing these words to Hawkeye Mihawk, Storm didn't explain anything more and just turned his attention to the court.

Crocodile continues to release the "Corrosion Reincarnation".

"Erosion Cycle" can affect more than just the surrounding environment.

Even living bodies will be directly deprived of water when they come into contact with the "erosion cycle".

Buckingham Stusy just stood in the desert area shaped by the "erosion cycle" for a short time, and her leather boots were directly sanded and disintegrated, and the moisture on the soles of her feet was quickly extracted. Get out.

Edward Weibull on the other side also encountered the same situation, but his physique was relatively strong, so he didn't have any problems for a while.

"Weibull! Take me out of here!"

Buckingham Stussy, who had sensed something was wrong, immediately asked Edward Weibull to take her away from here.

After receiving his mother's order, Edward Weeble did not bother to look for the pair of boots that had been lost inexplicably. He bent down and picked up Buckingham Stussy, and wanted to run away.

But how could Crocodile let the mother and son leave so easily?

"Erosion Reincarnation" has another advantage, that is, it creates a desert and forcibly transforms the entire surrounding area into Crocodile's home field.

In this desert area, Crocodile's [Shasha Fruit] power can be brought into full play.

The world is a desert!

"Desert Sunflower!"

Crocodile manipulated the completely deserted ground and directly created a huge quicksand pit, like a blooming sunflower.

The mother and son Edward Weibull and Buckingham Stussy, who had just prepared to escape, were right in the center of this quicksand area.

Edward Weeble, who was tall and overweight, quickly sank into quicksand with his feet.

"Mom! Mom!"

Edward Weibull couldn't distinguish the situation. He only felt that the more he struggled in this desert, the faster he would sink. He could only obey his instinct and kept calling his mother, hoping that her mother could help him get out of trouble.

"Shut up! Silly son! Stop moving!"

Buckingham Stussy realized instantly that Edward Weeble could no longer be allowed to struggle.

If they fall deeply into this quicksand of death, there is only one ending waiting for the mother and son - being buried alive!

The situation is critical.

Buckingham Stussy no longer cares about hiding his strength.

A pair of huge, bat-like black membrane wings were seen growing out of Buckingham Stussy's back, and a layer of dark, fine down appeared on her face, making her whole person seem to have turned into an oversized... Bat spirit.

[Animal type·Bat fruit]!

This is the special ability that Buckingham Stussy has!

Buckingham Stussy, who had entered the half-human, half-animal state, suddenly burst out with an astonishing force. She saw her two claws firmly clasping the iron chains on Edward Weeble's body, and forcibly held him back. The man was pulled out of the quicksand.

Buckingham Stussy took Edward Weeble with him and wanted to fly high into the sky to avoid these three plague-like King Shichibukai.

But Crocodile was unwilling to let him go.

He raised his right hand and formed a continuously rotating salon roll on the palm of his hand.

Different from the previous "Shalan", this time the salon volume actually shows a heavy black color.

This is an enhanced version of "Shalan"!

"Heavy Shalan!"

Crocodile threw the salon roll in his hand towards Buckingham Stussy and Edward Weeble.

When this ball of salon scrolls flew into the air, it was affected by Crocodile and exploded and disintegrated, releasing a powerful shock wave.


After the deafening roar, a powerful sandstorm blew up, and the yellow sand rolled over the sky and swallowed up Buckingham Stussy and Edward Weibull.

In the super sandstorm that was like a natural disaster, Buckingham Stussy, who was dragging Edward Weeble, a burden, could not fly at all, and her flight path also became crooked.

Just when it was about to be blown down by the sandstorm.

Buckingham Stussy didn't know whether it was intentional, careless, or deliberately careless.

Her paws that tightly held the chains on Edward Weibull's body suddenly loosened.


Looking at Edward Weeble falling downwards, Buckingham Stusy let out a mournful cry like a cuckoo crying for blood.

But whether it's Storm or Hawkeye Mihawk.

The two Wang Shichibukai, who were standing aside and watching with cold eyes, could clearly see Buckingham Stussy flapping her bat wings frantically, clearly wanting to leave here as soon as possible.

The miserable wailing sounds were in sharp contrast to the crazy wing flapping movements.

"Is this woman really the mother of 'Whitebeard III'?"

Hawkeye Mihawk's brows furrowed tightly, obviously seeing through Buckingham Stussy's sinister intentions.

"In such a critical moment, he abandoned his own child! He is worse than an animal!"

"Who knows?"

Storm raised his eyes to the sky.

Buckingham Stussy, who transformed into a bat, flew faster and higher, and was about to fly out of the Golden Island.

But at this moment, a blue-eyed white dragon suddenly appeared in the sky.

Storm's thoughts moved slightly.

The blue-eyed white dragon opened its bloody mouth, pointed at the old bat who was about to fly away, and let out an earth-shattering roar.

[Dragon Roar]!


The roar of the dragon that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, followed by an extremely powerful explosion wave, fell from the sky at a violent speed of sound and directly hit Buckingham Stussy.


A bright "big firework" immediately burst out in the sky.

Buckingham Stussy, who was sprayed by the blue-eyed white dragon's [Dragon Roar], fell directly from the sky like a bat with broken wings.

An ordinary [golden trophy] jumped out in front of Storm's eyes.

[Gold Trophy: Buckingham Stussy]

[Trophy Stars: ★★★★]

‘Such an old Buckingham Stussy still retains strength comparable to that of a supernova... Tsk! ’

‘The Rocks Pirates back then were really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! ’

Storm calmly put away the [Golden Trophy].

other side.

Edward Weibull, who was directly abandoned by Buckingham Stussy, has also fallen into the "Desert Sunflower" specially prepared for him by Crocodile.

This time.

Without Buckingham Stussy's help.

Edward Weible is like a child with ADHD, constantly struggling in "Desert Sunflowers".

Then... there is no more.

Edward Weibull was swallowed directly into the quicksand.

At the same time, Crocodile released the drying power of the Sand-Sand Fruit, forcibly absorbing the moisture in Edward Weeble's body.

Under the quicksand, there was a sound of struggle.

As time passed.

Edward Weeble, who was directly drained by Crocodile, also lost the power to resist.

Crocodile manipulated the surrounding yellow sand and released the mummy-like, dry Edward Weeble from the desert sunflower.

On the other side, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon also flew back here with Buckingham Stussy, who had completely lost his ability to resist.

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon released its claws, and Buckingham Stussy fell from the sky and hit Edward Weeble accurately.

Edward Weeble, who looked like a mummy, murmured in a low voice and finally stopped struggling.


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