Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 160 Zefa: I was defeated by a fool? (Fourth update, 12w subscription required)

Paradise, a certain sea area.

A navy warship with an ordinary appearance is sailing on the rough sea.

After a period of rest and adjustment, the annual navy elite recruit training camp is underway.

Zefa strolled on the deck of the navy warship.

He was followed by two adjutants, who were also his two beloved disciples-Ain and Binz.

Not far from Zefa, a group of recruits wearing blue and white uniforms of the navy were holding their heads high and training their military posture.

"You guys!"

Zefa walked while educating with regret.

"It's simply the worst class I have ever taught!"

Zefa said this not only because he wanted to motivate this group of new marines.

This sentence also contains a lot of Zefa's real thoughts.

The fact is-

The navy is indeed facing a very serious talent gap problem!

Take the navy elite recruit training camp initiated by Zefa as an example.

Recruit training camp

The first batch of members included young monsters like Sakaski and Borsalino.

After a few batches.

There will be another Kuzan among the recruits, whose talent level is not inferior to the previous two.

Then after a few batches.

There will be top-notch talents such as Flying Squirrel, Burning Mountain, and Ghost Spider, whose talents are not top-notch but can also serve as the backbone.

Then... there are basically no new navy recruits worthy of praise.

In the past ten years.

As the chief instructor of the recruit training camp, Zefa can clearly feel that the level of each batch of navy seedlings is declining.

Since the opening of the Great Pirate Era.

The number of pirates is increasing day by day.

The quality of the navy is getting lower day by day.

If this situation is not improved, there will be a big problem one day in the future...

Zefa knows this situation clearly, but he is powerless to change it.

Because the general environment is like this.

These days, young people with talent, strength, and courage like to go to sea as pirates.


No one likes to be a navy!

Zefa wanted to continue to motivate this group of recruits.

No matter how inferior their talents are compared to their predecessors...

But these people are always good marines who are willing to dedicate themselves to justice!

But at this moment, a Den Den Mushi rang.

Zefa took out the Den Den Mushi and looked at it, then waved to Ein and Binz, and threw the task of educating the recruits to them.


Navy battleship, top floor office.

Zefa searched in the office and found a white Den Den Mushi that could prevent eavesdropping.

Since the incident three years ago, similar anti-eavesdropping equipment has been deployed in the recruit training camp.

Wait until all preparations are ready.

Zefa then connected to the Den Den Mushi.

"Vongola Storm!"

Zefa took the lead and scolded the person on the other end of the Den Den Mushi very strongly.

"Who are you now? Who am I now? How dare you contact me so risky?

"Did you throw the confidentiality regulations of the Blade Force into the sea? ! "

Zeffer was the main recommender for Storm to go to the Blade Force.

He certainly knew that the famous Shichibukai Hakuryuu on the sea was the major general of the Navy Blade Force!

To be honest.

When Zefa recommended Storm to the Blade Force, he really didn't expect Storm to grow so fast.

It was as if the boot camp had completely squeezed out his potential, and then after he left the boot camp, he started to soar directly...

If I had known that this kid was so talented.

Zeffer would not have recommended him to the Blade Force!

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now...

"Teacher Zefa, what you said..."

Storm complained to Zefa in a low voice while holding the Den Den Mushi.

"Am I someone who doesn't understand things and doesn't know the importance of things?

"If it wasn't because there was something important enough to contact you directly, I wouldn't have called you."

Zeffer certainly knew that Storm had made a special trip to Kuzan to contact him, and called again, so there must be something important to report.

But he is just an old marine who has retired from the front line for many years...

Is there anything worth Storm's concern?

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

Zeff urged.

"I still have to teach the new recruits!"

"Why, this batch of marines is the worst batch that Teacher Zefa has ever met?"

Storm teased, easing the atmosphere, and then went straight to the point.

"Teacher Zefa, do you remember the name 'Edward Weibull'?"

"Edward Weibull?"

Zeff touched his right arm involuntarily, and the empty touch reminded him of his past shameful experience all the time.

"Remember! Of course I will remember this name! I will never forget it in my life..."

As a former admiral of the navy, he was actually cut off his arm by a pirate, and almost all the marines on the ship died.

The incident three years ago kept haunting Zefa like a nightmare.

Until now, Zefa can still clearly recall all the details of what happened that day...

Heavy rain, warships, Whitebeard, a knife, a broken arm...

"I met Edward Weeble."

Storm's calm voice entered the cabin through the receiver.

"To be precise, I have caught him."


Zefa's left hand clenched subconsciously, and the powerful force violently crushed the surrounding air, making a loud explosion, which showed how surprised he felt at this time.

"Who? Storm! Who did you say you caught?"

"Edward Weeble!"

Storm said solemnly.

"Three years ago, Edward Weeble attacked the boot camp and caused a major impact on the Navy!"

"Where are you now?"

Zefa stood up subconsciously and said impatiently.

"I'll go right away!"

"Teacher Zefa, aren't you working as an instructor in a boot camp? Calm down."

Storm comforted him and then said.

"Edward Weeble has been captured by me now. You can see him whenever you want."

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Zefa shouted the word "good" three times in one breath, and it was obvious that he was very excited at this time.

"Edward Weeble! That damn white beard!"

"Ahem! Teacher Zefa, don't be so excited."

Storm coughed lightly and reminded helplessly.

"Your current physical condition is not good. If you accidentally fall ill because of Edward Weibull's incident...

"Well, don't be so excited anyway."

"You kid! Did you talk to the teacher like this?"

Zefa laughed and cursed.

"However, since you have captured Edward Weibull, send him to Impel Down immediately!

"Or I can arrange for a navy warship to go to your place to escort him."

With Edward Weeble's level of power, and the crimes he's committed in the past.

Once he is escorted to Impel Down, he will only be imprisoned in Infinite Hell.

"Important City..."

Storm pursed her lips and asked softly.

"Teacher Zefa, haven't you heard about infinite hell?"

"You mean you killed all the prisoners in infinite hell? But isn't that a lie?"

Zefa thought for a while and said directly.

"In order to arrange for you to leave the navy, I deliberately staged this scene."

"Actually, it's not a lie... I really killed most of the prisoners in the infinite hell."

Storm said seriously.

"Maybe a dozen were missed last time, but last time, only three were killed.

"If General Kizaru hadn't stopped them, I could have killed all the remaining three."


Zefa suddenly fell silent.

Why didn't he see that Storm's temperament was so radical before?

It's simply a little more radical than Sakaski...

Even Sakaski couldn't do anything like go to Impel Down City and forcibly execute prisoners!

"What do you mean, you don't want to send Edward Weeble to Impel Down?"

Zefa thought he understood what Storm meant.

"You want...to kill him directly?"

"Actually, I haven't thought about killing him yet..."

Storm hesitated for a moment and finally confessed.

"Teacher Zefa, do you know the condition of Edward Weibull?

"I'm not talking about his strength, but his intelligence... That's a fool who doesn't understand anything."

When Zefa heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

What Storm means is... he had his right hand chopped off by a fool?

"The thing is like this, I first heard about the movements of the Sand Crocodile from the Warring States Marshal..."

Seeing that Zefa continued to be silent, Storm gave a general account of today's events.

"In general, Edward Weeble is a fool, and all his actions are manipulated by Buckingham Stussy.

"Now that Buckingham Stussy is dead, I feel confident enough to control Edward Weeble.

"Anyway, Edward Weeble did inherit the powers of Whitebeard in his youth.

“Leaving aside his IQ level, Edward Weibull’s strength is not inferior to that of ordinary Oishi Shichibukai.

“So I wanted to recruit Edward Weeble.

"However, I know what Edward Weibull once did to the navy, so I contacted Mr. Zefa specifically.

"Teacher Zefa, if you want to punish Edward Weibull, this fool, I can send him to you immediately and let you deal with him.

"Or, I can take action myself and help you kill Edward Weibull...there is no need to send him to jail.

"But, Teacher Zefa, if you don't want to punish Edward Weibull..."

Storm's last words remained unspoken.

But his meaning was clear.

If Zefa didn't want to punish Edward Weeble.

Then Storm would naturally recruit this "Whitebeard III".

Zefa fell into deep hesitation.

He doesn't like killing per se.

He has fought countless pirates in his life, but has never killed an enemy.

But Edward Weibull...

"Bring him over to see me, Storm, let me see this pirate with my own eyes!"

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