Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 189 Writing Bubble Fruit, reading as ability deprivation! (First update, please subscribe!)

Germa Castle, a room.

Nami is tirelessly trying out her new abilities.

"Clouds... white clouds... rain clouds... thunder clouds..."

Under the influence of the [Cloud-Cloud Fruit], a large number of clouds gathered in Nami's room, and thin white clouds kept floating out from the gaps in her room window.

At this moment.

Nami suddenly noticed that there was a crystal clear, palm-sized bubble in the room.

"Huh? Where did the bubble come from? Can clouds also create bubbles?"

Nami stared at the bubble that suddenly appeared for a while, and the latter suddenly burst on the spot.


The next moment, Storm's voice sounded in Nami's room.

"Nami, come here, I have something to talk to you about."


Nami blinked slightly confusedly.

Didn't she remember that the captain's ability was not [Clay Fruit]?

Why did the other party suddenly use "bubbles"?

Clay bubbles?

Nami came to the door of Storm's room quickly with a little doubt.

She was about to raise her hand to knock on the door, but the door of the room opened directly.

Storm stood at the door of the room and waved to Nami.

"The space here is too small, let's go out and talk."


Nami followed Storm, and the two left Germa Castle together and rode on the blue-eyed white dragon.

The blue-eyed white dragon soared into the sky.

Storm and Nami came to the "dragon head cab" of the blue-eyed white dragon together. The solid porcelain clay isolated the cold wind from the outside.

Nami looked around the environment in the dragon head cab, and then asked curiously.

"Captain, where are we going now?"

Storm did not hide and answered directly.

"Find a nearby sky island. If there is no sky island, the white sea is also OK."

Sky island? White sea?

These two unfamiliar terms are very fresh to Nami.

She was just a girl from the East China Sea before, and she had never left the East China Sea, let alone entered the Grand Line.

As for Sky Island, Nami didn't even know there was such a place in the world.

But she just had to follow the captain...

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon flew at a high speed above 10,000 meters.

Storm's mind was filled with general intelligence about Sky Island.

If people on the sea want to reach Sky Island above 10,000 meters, there is not only one route, the Sky Current of Gaya Island.

To be precise.

The Sky Current near Gaya Island is just an "unconventional route" to Sky Island, which is extremely dangerous.

To reach Sky Island through the Sky Current, either all members will arrive or all will be wiped out, with almost no middle value.

The other forces on the sea who know the existence of Sky Island have other, more gentle ways to reach Sky Island.

That is "High West"!

To put it simply.

The top of the Red Earth Continent is roughly the same height as the White Sea, and both are nearly 10,000 meters above sea level.

In this case, ships can reach the White Sea directly from the Red Earth Continent, and the starting point is the so-called "High West".

There is also a little "little knowledge".

Sky Island and Sea Cloud are not only in the Paradise Stage.

Even in the New World, there are Sea Cloud and Sky Island.

For example, a certain pirate emperor who does not want to reveal his name and claims to like suicide very much, when he gets drunk, he likes to run to the Sky Island in the New World and do a "10,000-meter ropeless bungee jump".

In just a short while, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon flew out of the Red Earth Continent.

Storm gave the Blue-Eyes White Dragon a speed increase.

Not long after.

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon flew over an unfamiliar sea of ​​clouds.

Storm controlled the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to stop, and then controlled the clay to send him and Nami outside.

"Wow! There are so many clouds! It looks like the sea!"

"This is the 'white sea' I just mentioned, the sea of ​​clouds above 10,000 meters, and the corresponding 'white sea' at 7,000 meters."

Storm explained briefly, and then said to Nami.

"Do you want to try your [Cloud-Cloud Fruit] ability here?"

"Can I?"

Nami asked this, but her body had already started to move.

Her lower body quickly turned into light clouds, and the whole person seemed to be sitting on a cloud, leaving the head of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and flying directly over the White Sea.

Flying is one of the unique abilities of the [Cloud-Cloud Fruit].


Nami flew freely over the 10,000-meter sea of ​​clouds, cheering with extreme excitement.

This feeling of freedom and wanton wandering made her extremely obsessed.

Nami liked her [Cloud-Cloud Fruit] more and more!

At this time.

Storm also jumped off the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and with the help of the [Floating Fruit] ability, he floated in the sky, and then stretched his right hand into the White Sea below.

He released the power of the Bubble Fruit, and a huge bubble as tall as a person appeared in the sea of ​​clouds of the White Sea. The surrounding keratin particles (pyrobloin) were attracted by the bubble and merged into the bubble's shell.

Storm pulled out his right hand, and a huge bubble jumped out of the sea of ​​clouds and quietly floated in front of him.

Nami on the other side noticed the situation here instantly. She flew over and looked at the bubble in front of Storm curiously.

"Captain, I just wanted to ask, what's the matter with this bubble?"

Nami looked at the bubble for a while, then turned her head to look at Storm, and she was suddenly stunned.

"Eh??? Captain, you are flying too???"

The reason why Storm could fly before was because he used the ability of [Clay Fruit] to create a flying Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Nami was very clear about this.

But now Storm, without standing on the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, can actually fly?

What new ability is this?

Is [Clay Fruit] so powerful?

"I'm not 'flying', I'm 'floating', but it's almost the same as 'flying'..."

Storm corrected Nami's statement, and then he pointed at the bubble next to him.

"Nami, can you help me test the new ability?"

"Me? Can I really help you?"

Nami's eyes lit up instantly, and she said very actively.

"What should I do?"

"Be prepared."

Storm controlled the bubble to fly over and slapped Nami with it.

The moment Nami and the bubble came into contact, she immediately felt a great sense of weakness. There was no place on her body that could move. Even the white cloud that had just been released was forcibly released.

Nami, who had clearly eaten the [Cloud-Cloud Fruit], now suddenly seemed to have become an ordinary person.

The bubble continued to move forward until it contained Nami's entire body.

Nami lay weakly in the bubble, looking at Storm outside the bubble in confusion.


Now Nami even had difficulty speaking, but she still insisted on asking the doubts in her heart.

"What is this bubble?"

"You can simply understand it as a 'seawater bubble'."

Storm stretched out his finger and poked the bubble in front of him. His finger poked a deep dent on the surface of the bubble.

Obviously, the toughness of this bubble is far better than that of ordinary bubbles.

"Nami, can you still release the power of the [Cloud-Cloud Fruit]?"

"No way at all..."

Nami said a few words and took a few breaths.

"It's so uncomfortable..."

Storm got the answer, and with a little force on his fingers, he directly popped the bubble.

He was quick-witted and caught Nami who was about to fall, so that this "cloud man" would not drown in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Huh! Saved!"

Nami breathed a sigh of relief.

After leaving the "seawater bubble", she instantly felt that her waist was no longer sore, her legs were no longer weak, and her whole body was revitalized.

Nami looked at Storm with a little fear.

"Captain, will the ability user become like just now when encountering seawater?"

Nami has many devil fruit ability users around her.

Of course, she knows the fatal weakness of the devil fruit - fear of seawater!

"This question is different for everyone."

Storm said seriously.

"To be honest, your reaction is stronger than I expected. It may be because you just got the [Cloud-Cloud Fruit], and your physical fitness is not that strong..."

"Starting tomorrow, I will train with Ace and the others!"

Nami said with a seemingly firm voice.

But Storm shook his head.

"That's another question I want to talk to you about, Nami."


"Do you remember what I said to Nokigo before?"

Nami's little head is very bright, and she instantly remembered what Storm had said.

But when she remembered the content of that sentence, she would rather not remember it.

"Ahaha... I don't remember it!"

Nami laughed dryly and pretended to be stupid.

"Visalia, the small sky island."

Storm didn't expose Nami, but just said directly.

"It is an island specializing in climate and clouds, and there are many knowledgeable meteorologists on it."

Nami pretended to be pitiful and begged for mercy in a very sweet voice.

"Captain~ I don't want to study~"

"No, this is the captain's mission!"

Storm was not moved by Nami's plea at all.

"If you don't like it, I can change it to another way - this is the master's mission!"

The corners of Nami's mouth twitched violently.

Here it comes again...

Why was she so stupid to sell herself to the captain?

And she didn't ask for a penny!

Nami rolled her eyes cunningly, as if she had thought of a plan again.


Storm suddenly stretched out his right hand and patted Nami's head, and a bubble flew out of her head instantly.

At the same time, Nami opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Nami looked at Storm in panic.

"I temporarily 'took away' your ability to speak."

Storm looked at Nami calmly and communicated with the other party.

"Now, I say, you listen, and blink if you agree."

Nami blinked instantly.

Storm said slowly.

"The first thing is that you must go to Visalia, Little Sky Island. Only there can your talents be cultivated to the greatest extent. By the way, I am also very impressed by a certain technology of Little Sky Island. If you are interested, I will go with you when the time comes.”

Hearing this, Nami blinked repeatedly.

You can actually go to Visalia with the captain?

Then it doesn't matter at all!

"The second thing is that your current physical fitness is still weak. You just said that you want to exercise with Ace and the others, so I will not let you go to Xiaokong Island immediately, but wait for a while. You also It takes time to get used to [Such Fruit].”

Nami blinked faster and faster.

What she was really worried about just now was that Storm would just leave her alone on a strange island.

That would be really terrible!

"The third thing, do you want to get your ability to speak back?"

This time, Nami no longer just blinked, but nodded wildly.

Storm snapped his fingers, and the bubble burst instantly.

"I want--"

Nami suddenly heard her own voice speaking again, and for a moment she felt tears filling her eyes.

There are some abilities that I don’t usually feel are special.

But once you lose it, you will regret it.

Nami had never thought that "not being able to speak" could be so torturous.

"Captain! You are so evil!"


"I mean - you're awesome!"

Nami gritted her teeth and praised.

She didn't want to ask what the captain's new ability was.

I just think that bubble is so scary!

Storm also felt the power of the [Bubble Fruit] after [Awakening].

Just as he had expected.

The [Bubble Fruit] after the six-star [Awakening] really has a terrifying effect that can be called "ability deprivation".

The "bubble" released by Storm at this time can not only deprive the opponent of his power, but can even deprive the opponent of other abilities, such as the ability to "speak".

Nami isn't Storm's first guinea pig.

To be precise.

Storm himself was the first experimental subject of [Bubble Fruit].

Vision, hearing, touch...

[Bubble Fruit] There are so many conceptual abilities that can be "deprived" of you.

And due to the special properties of "bubbles".

Storm can also use "bubbles" to temporarily "store" something.

Such as the previous "speech bubble".

Not long after he obtained the [Bubble Fruit], Storm has not yet developed the [Bubble Fruit] in any deeper way.

But he has an excellent ability to develop reference objects——

Bartholomew Bear!

Big Bear's [Meat Ball Fruit] can "bounce" many conceptual things, such as "tiredness", "pain" and even "memory".

So can Storm's [Bubble Fruit] also "clear" many similar conceptual abilities?

Storm retracted his divergent thoughts, looked at Nami who was still sulking, and casually revealed a piece of information.

"Beside the small sky island of Visalia, there is a real sky island."

Nami, who was stabbing a certain captain in her heart, suddenly heard Storm's words, and she raised her head and looked at him.

"Sky Island... so what?"

"Below the Sky Island, there is an island called 'Gaya Island'."


"Four hundred years ago, there was a city on Gaya Island called 'Golden City Shantora'. It was washed up on the island by the soaring sea currents. It was a truly golden city, even the architecture was beautiful. Paved with gold.”

When she heard the words "Golden City", Nami's eyes had already changed into the shape of Bailey.

"Captain! I love you so much!! I want to go to Little Sky Island now!!!"

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