Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 193 Human capabilities have limits! (First update, please subscribe!)

Eight-star [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit]!

After determining the star level of [Pink Dragon Fruit] through [Big Trophy].

Storm finally understood a problem.

Why can Momonosuke Kozuki in the future gain such powerful power quickly after eating the [Powder Dragon Fruit]?

This is not at all because of the "blood power" of the Kozuki clan, or because of Kozuki Momonosuke's "personal talent".

Simply because the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] itself is an extremely high-level artificial devil fruit!

‘What will be the effect if you eat this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit]? ’

Storm communicated silently with the [Grand Trophy], trying to confirm his suspicions.

Waves of ripples appeared in the void, and the [Grand Trophy] directly answered Storm's question.

The eight-star [Pink Dragon Fruit] only requires a little adaptation and development, and you can immediately obtain the eight-star devil fruit ability!

This also means——

No matter who it is, as long as they can obtain this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit], they can immediately be promoted to an eight-star powerhouse!

Especially this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] is also a phantom beast devil fruit.

Eight-star phantom beasts can give those who eat them extremely powerful physical qualities.

Even if the eater's other abilities are not up to par - attributes such as [Physique] or [Domineering].

But as long as he eats the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit], he can have at least one eight-star ability.

Just by relying on this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit], the eater can almost become a "Fake Pirate Emperor"!

When Storm realized this, he immediately had a more intuitive understanding of Vegapunk's technological level.

Although Vegapunk's "world's best mind" comes from [Superman-type Brain Fruit];

Although Vegapunk’s “science and technology that surpasses the world for five hundred years” comes from the ancient kingdom;

Although Vegapunk has a bunch of other weird problems...

But put aside these issues.

Vegapunk's scientific and technological level is indeed not bad!

Just when Storm was carefully looking at this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].

Vegapunk's voice came from the side again.

"Did you see that artificial devil fruit? It's like an apple."

"I've got it."

Storm responded, then took the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] and returned to the side of the swimming pool.

Kizaru looked at the strange-looking Devil Fruit in Storm's hand with great interest.

"Is this the Devil Fruit that was copied using Kaido's bloodline factor?"

Kizaru touched his chin and asked slightly curiously.

"This is completely different from the appearance of [Animal Type, Fish Fruit, Phantasmal Beast Species, and Blue Dragon Form] recorded in the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book"~"

In fact.

Not just [Blue Dragon Fruit].

Almost all Devil Fruits have very strange appearances.

It’s that special shape that would never appear if it relied on natural growth.

For example, [Surgery Fruit], such as [Ghost Fruit]...

They are all devil fruits with extremely special shapes.

As for this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].

Just from the outside, it looks like a sick, moldy apple.

Apart from that, there is nothing else particularly peculiar about it.

"Because this is a man-made devil fruit."

Vegapunk immersed his brain in the swimming pool, letting the brush fish shuttle and wash among his white hair. He raised his hands and gestured at the ceiling of the swimming pool.

"A normal Devil Fruit will have a large number of swirling spiral patterns on its surface, just like a vortex in the sea.

"But the artificial devil fruit has circular patterns on its surface.

"Of course, a 'circle' is also a very perfect shape, but its 'perfection' also means that it has a 'boundary'."

Kizaru tilted his head, and several question marks faintly appeared on his head.

As the top leader of the Naval Science Corps.

Kizaru is aware of many of Vegapunk's research inventions.

For example, he just revealed that this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] comes from Kaido of the Beasts!

Not only that.

Sometimes Kizaru personally participates in Vegapunk's research——

as the person being researched.



Kizaru's understanding of "science and technology" is definitely much higher than that of normal people.

But even so.

Kizaru still didn't understand the meaning of what Vegapunk just said.

And he was just talking about the "shape" of Devil Fruits before.

Why did Vegapunk suddenly talk about the "pattern" of Devil Fruit?

Storm was also a little confused. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly realized a problem.

Vegapunk has been conducting scientific research on Punkhassad Island.

Logically speaking.

The "world's best scientist" should be able to master extremely advanced science and technology.

At least it won't be easily monitored by others...

But one of the Five Old Stars, the God of Scientific Defense - Satan Saint, can monitor Vegapunk's every move.

‘This is really... something we have to guard against! ’

Storm silently released the ability of the [Thunder Fruit].

He has already upgraded the [Thunder Fruit] to seven stars.

In addition to "current propulsion" and "thunder ability".

Storm has long mastered some more "fancy" abilities.

For example——

Use the ability of [Thunder Fruit] to disrupt wireless signals in an area!

In a place where no one noticed, a series of electromagnetic waves invisible to the naked eye, with Storm as the source, quickly enveloped the entire swimming pool, directly blocking the communication signal between the swimming pool and the outside world.

After finishing this matter, Storm slowly raised the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] in his hand.

"Dr. Vegapunk, what do you mean by 'boundary' just now?"

"The so-called 'boundary' is actually the 'limit'."

Vegapunk answered very frankly.

"Although I have only made this artificial Devil Fruit, I am its designer and maker after all, and I have a certain understanding of its general abilities.

"According to my previous calculations, the power contained in this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] should be similar to that of Kaido in his youth.

"After all, this Devil Fruit is a 'failure' created using the blood factor of the young Kaido."

Kaido in his youth?

Kizaru's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait a minute! Doctor! Didn't you say before that this artificial Devil Fruit was a failure?"

If this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] really contains power comparable to that of Kaido in his youth...

Vegapunk calls this thing a "failure"?

Even though Kaido of the Hundred Beasts in his youth was not as good as the current "Pirate Emperor" who occupies a large amount of territory in the New World, he was still one of the few powerful monsters in the sea, okay? !

Faced with Kizaru's surprise, Vegapunk couldn't understand it.

"Yes, this is indeed a failure!"

Vegapunk continued.

"I haven't finished what I just said... that...

"Yes, look at the circular patterns on the surface of this artificial devil fruit. This 'circle' represents the 'limit' of this artificial devil fruit and also represents the limit of human beings.

"In my opinion, after eating this artificial devil fruit, there is no way to continue to develop like the real [Blue Dragon Fruit]. At most, it will only be at the level of Kaido of the Beasts."

"At best, it's only on the level of Kaido of the Hyakushou"...

The corners of Kizaru's mouth twitched violently.

A wave of malice suddenly surged in his heart. He really wanted to push Vegapunk's head into the pool and let the cold water clean his brain.

Is Hyakushou Kaido weak? !

Storm was also speechless at Vegapunk's words.

He knew better than Kizaru.

This [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] is actually an eight-star artificial Devil Fruit itself!

Judging from Storm's previous experience.

Eight-star rating is already the level of pirate emperor and navy admiral!

This level is really not weak!

As for [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit], there is no way to continue developing it...

This is not a big deal!

Eight stars are enough to guard one side!

"Of course, this is not the most serious problem with this artificial devil fruit!"

When Vegapunk said this, he suddenly changed into an extremely serious tone.

"I have been researching Kaido's bloodline factors for twenty years and invested a lot of research funds...

“But it’s impossible to create a Devil Fruit with exactly the same ingredients.

"This artificial Devil Fruit has very serious flaws!

"There is a very obvious gap between it and the [Blue Dragon Fruit]!"

So is this the real reason why Dr. Vegapunk calls this artificial Devil Fruit a "failure"?

When Kizaru heard this, he frowned and asked.

"Doctor, what exactly do you mean by 'defects'?"


As soon as these two words came out, Kizaru was stunned.

He stretched out his little finger, used [Return to Life] to lengthen his nails, dug his ears, and then asked again.



Vegapunk said very frustrated.

"The color of this artificial devil fruit is completely different from the [Blue Dragon Fruit]

"If someone eats this artificial devil fruit, it will turn into a pink dragon! Not a blue dragon!"

Harder, harder, Kizaru's fist became harder.

"There's absolutely no problem with this kind of thing, right?"


Vegapunk dipped his head into the pool, and there was another violent shaking, causing water to splash everywhere.

"That's a huge failure!"

"Dr. Vegapunk."

Storm weighed the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] in his hand and said casually.

"If you think this artificial Devil Fruit is a 'failure', then just make a few more, right?

“If it doesn’t work once, do it twice; if it doesn’t work twice, do it three times…

"Science is about trial and error step by step, and then you can arrive at the truth."

"Huh? It seems to make sense!"

Vegapunk stopped shaking his head, sat upright with difficulty, and then sighed again.

"But that's not possible...

“For funding issues, I can apply to the government.

"But Kaido's bloodline factor has been completely exhausted.

"Besides, I have other research work to deal with.

"This 'artificial devil fruit' has reached its limit."

Storm glanced at Vegapunk and said nothing.

To be honest, he was really interested in this "world's number one brain".

But such a world's number one scientist...

With Storm's current financial resources, he can't afford to support him at all.

Not to mention that Vegapunk has not yet entered the "technological explosion period".

Wait until the future.

Vegapunk has come up with technological inventions such as "pacifist", "seraphim" and "green blood"...

The money and resources required are completely huge!

I can't afford to support him, I really can't afford to support him.

'Let the world government help support this number one brain first...'

Storm put away the [artificial pink dragon fruit] and asked two clay giants to come forward.

"Dr. Vegapunk, I have some medical information here, can you help confirm its effect?"

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