Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 199 A great harvest of devil fruits! (Three updates with 10,000 words, please subscribe!)

Storm looked at the pretty, well-behaved and obedient girl beside him and shook his head in his heart.

There are many people with "mental illness" on the sea.

And I don't know if it's his illusion.

There are obviously many more women with "serious mental illness" than men.

For example, a "king of the world" who likes to live among flowers and has been a stay-at-home girl for hundreds of years, once she feels the [domineering color domineering] of a certain enemy, she immediately kneels down and screams in fear;

For example, a "steel balloon" who lives on a cake island made by power, eats and sleeps all day long, and has the strongest defense in the world, but it is easy to break the defense when she gets sick;

For example, a "world's first beautiful pirate" who lives in the windless nine snake island, feels sick when she sees a man, and wants to kill all the male creatures in the world...

But even among these women with serious mental illness.

Baby5's "mental illness" can be called an extremely serious one.

As long as someone makes a request to Baby5.

Baby5 will do her best to meet this request for others.

Even if someone wants Baby5 to commit suicide, Baby5 will not hesitate at all.

It is because of this acquired "mental illness" - or inner defects.

Storm vaguely remembers that Baby5 is carrying a debt of nearly 100 million Baileys, and has nearly double-digit deceased fiancés.

Why is it "deceased fiancés"...

Because every man who deceived Baby5 and said he wanted to marry her was executed by Doflamingo...

Putting aside other issues.

Doflamingo is still very good to the members of his "Don Quixote Family".

Storm "solved" Baby5 without any effort.

But he didn't plan to do anything to this "mental patient".

To be fair.

Baby5's [Weapon Fruit] is indeed very strong.

If it is placed in the hands of super scientists like Vegapunk, Quinn, Judge, and Caesar.

The ability of this [Weapon Fruit] can definitely play the maximum effect.

But this devil fruit, which can be called heaven-defying, can only produce some gunpowder guns and cannons in Baby5's hands at most...

And Storm is not very interested in the [Weapon Fruit].

Although it is a bit shameful to say this, his scientific literacy is indeed not up to standard.

If Storm obtains the [Weapon Fruit], he may not be as strong as Baby5 in development.

On the other hand.

There is another reason why Storm keeps Baby5.

He plans to use Baby5 and the [Silence Fruit] to "make a nest" and see if he can use these two "baits" to catch a super big fish...

Storm "recruits" Baby5.

On the other side, Joan also used the "sea bubbles" created by the [Bubble Fruit] to imprison almost all the ability users of the Don Quixote family.

The only person who died on the field was Torrebol.

Because this guy is not only long-winded, but also has a very disgusting ability.

Storm is very speechless about Torrebol's [Sticky Fruit].

Charlotte Perospero, the candy minister of Totland of the World, possesses the [Licking Fruit], and he has developed the "candy" superpower with it.

But why did Torebol develop the "snot ability"?

Because of this guy, Storm has also lost interest in the [Sticky Fruit].

Joan manipulated a series of "sea bubbles" and followed Storm silently with prisoners one by one.

Even Don Quixote Doflamingo, who had just been knocked unconscious by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's tail, was now imprisoned in a "sea bubble".

Except for his chest still rising and falling slightly, Doflamingo now looks like a corpse.

Storm's eyes swept over the Don Quixote family, and then he looked at Baby5.

"Baby5, you should be familiar with the Dressrosa Palace, right?"

"Yes, sir."

Baby5 nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and even took the initiative to suggest.

"Do you need me to lead the way for you?"

As soon as these words came out.

The Don Quixote family members who were imprisoned in the sea bubble but still had clear consciousness immediately cast disappointed, shocked and helpless eyes at Baby5.

Everyone knew that Baby5 had personality problems.

But they didn't know that Baby5's personality problems were so serious!

The enemy had already defeated the young master and destroyed the family.

Baby5 was actually obediently leading the other party?

The members of the Don Quixote family were almost desperate!

Unlike this group of desperate pirates, Storm was extremely satisfied with Baby5's initiative.

If only all enemies could be as obedient as Baby5.

"Lead the way!"

Baby5 received Storm's order and walked directly to the front, leading him, Joan and the rest of the "sea bubbles" to the Dressrosa Palace.

At this time.

A tall and plump figure walked over from the Dressrosa Palace.

The person who came was the former princess of the Dressrosa Kingdom - Violet!

Before Storm could say anything, Baby5 took the initiative to take a step forward.

"Don't come here! Violet!"

Baby5 used the ability of [Weapon Fruit] to turn his right arm into a rocket launcher and pointed it directly at Violet.

"This gentleman is my distinguished guest!"


Violet looked at Baby5, and then at the large list of incapacitated Don Quixote family members behind Storm. Several big question marks appeared on her head.

Isn't Baby5 also a member of the Donquixote Pirates?

Did she... also betray?

The white dragon that comes to the rescue is right in front of you.

Violet didn't care about anything else.

She was about to kneel down to Storm and implore him to destroy the Don Quixote family and save the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

But that's it.

A small palm suddenly stretched out from behind Violet.

Without any warning, Violet turned directly into a female doll with a wheat complexion.

Immediately afterwards, a short green-haired lolita wearing a white polka-dot dress appeared in front of Storm.

Storm couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as he looked at the green-furred loli who suddenly appeared holding a doll.

At this time, he had already recognized the other party's identity.

The hidden ace of the Don Quixote family, the [Superman-Childlike Fruit] esper, sugar!


Storm identified Sugar's true identity.

But Sugar continued to pretend.

"Big brother..."

Sugar hugged the doll in her arms tightly, pretending to be pitiful.

"Have you seen my mother?"

Storm was unmoved.

Instead, Qiao An, who was standing behind him, slowly stepped forward.

One step, two steps...

The distance between Qiao An and Sugar is getting closer and closer.

The members of the Don Quixote family who were imprisoned in the bubble of the sea held their breath involuntarily.

Sugar's pupils were also slightly dilated. She carefully stretched out her hands, trying to touch Qiao An.

Joan stretched out her right hand.

‘I’m going to catch you! ’

Sugar's nose was slightly enlarged, and she was planning to directly activate her [Childlike Fruit] ability.

But a cold touch suddenly came into her palm.

The next moment.

Sugar only felt weak all over, and even the power of the [Childlike Fruit] was out of control.


Qiao An held up a huge "sea bubble" in his hand, like a sledgehammer, and hit the sugar hard, directly arresting the malicious green-haired lolita on the spot!

And as Sugar was trapped by the "sea bubble", her [Childlike Fruit] ability was also forcibly released.

And the doll that was held in Sugar's arms just now also changed back to Violet's appearance.

However, due to the posture problem of the two of them just now, they are all imprisoned in a sea bubble.

If it weren't for the smaller size of sugar.

This sea bubble will probably be filled to the brim...

Violet regains her human form and immediately gets her memories back.

She instantly realized that her memory had just been tampered with!

This ability can only be achieved by Sugar’s [Childlike Fruit]!

Violet has endured the humiliation of the Don Quixote family for several years and already knows the true identity of the family's hidden ace and the ability of the Devil Fruit.

However, due to the special nature of [Childlike Fruit], even if Violet knew about the existence of sugar, she had no idea how many people sugar had turned into dolls that she could manipulate.

But now.

Violet has realized that Sugar has just used her power to turn her into a doll.

Immediately afterwards.

Violet discovered sugar close at hand again.

She originally wanted to take action directly on Sugar.

It's a pity that "sea bubbles" are equal to all abilities.

Sugar is a user with the [Childlike Fruit] ability, and her ability was forcibly sealed by the "sea bubble".

As a user with the [Glare Fruit] ability, Violet also became extremely weak and unable to move.

When Storm saw that Violet and Sugar were all trapped by the "sea bubbles", he simply stopped walking.


Baby5 looked at Storm in confusion.

"Aren't you going to the palace?"

"No, my target has been found."

Storm shook his head and glanced at the sugar in the sea bubbles.

Of course he knows about Sugar's Devil Fruit abilities.

The reason why Storm wanted to go to Dressrosa Palace just now.

It’s because there is this last “fish that slipped through the net”——


The real "fish that slipped through the net" is not in Dressrosa, but in the New World G5 branch next door! In the Navy!

The figure of the chief commander of the New World G5 branch base flashed through Storm's mind.

Senior cadre of the Don Quixote family, the first generation of hearts, Vergo!

‘Find an opportunity to visit the G5 branch later! ’

Storm put away his distracting thoughts and waved to Baby5.

The blue-eyed white dragon lingering in the sky then landed.

Storm, Joan, Baby5 and a large group of sea bubbles boarded the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

Where no one has noticed yet, the size of the Blue Eyes White Dragon has expanded a lot.

In its dragon-belly cabin, Storm quietly opened up a new space.

"Baby5, you stay here at the dragon head first, I still have some things to deal with. Be good."

Storm told Baby5.

As expected, he got a very positive answer.

"Okay, sir! I'm the best and the most obedient!"

Storm left Baby5 in the dragon head cabin.

Then, he and Joan entered the dragon belly cabin together.

Storm captured so many Don Quixote family members alive in one breath, not to send them to the city!

He just took a fancy to the devil fruit abilities of these people!

Those without abilities will be executed on the spot.

Those with abilities will be temporarily retained.

One after another, the sea bubbles were put into the dragon belly cabin.

The first ones to be dealt with by Storm were naturally the two major cadres of the Don Quixote family.

"Spades" and "Diamonds"!

[Superman System·Stone Fruit].

[Superman System·Floating Fruit].

Then, there were a group of other middle-level cadres.

Senior Pico, Mahabas, Buffalo, Gladius.

[Metahuman Water-Water Fruit]

[Metahuman Ton-Ton Fruit]

[Metahuman Spin-Spin Fruit]

[Metahuman Boom-Boom Fruit]

Finally, there are Monet and the Sugar sisters.

[Natural Snow-Snow Fruit]

[Metahuman Childlike Fruit]

Obtain eight devil fruits at once.

Putting aside the quality issue, in terms of quantity, Storm's harvest this time is even greater than the last "Pluto Rayleigh Deal"!

Storm looked at the eight devil fruits lined up in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

The ancestors were honest.

The gold belt of murder and arson, and a bumper harvest of devil fruits!

The huge Don Quixote family.

Put aside those low-level pirate minions.

The main figures of the Don Quixote family.

Except for the undercover Vice Admiral Vergo of the Navy Headquarters.

There are only three members left.

Don Quixote Doflamingo.

Riku Violet.


If we round it up.

The Don Quixote Family.

Now only Doflamingo is left alone!

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