Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 20 The Clay Fruit Awakens! (Please read on!)

Chapter 20 Clay Fruit Awakens!

In the extreme cold hell, the cold wind is biting.

Storm sat cross-legged in the single cell, and the breath he exhaled quickly turned into a cloud of white mist.

"It is as cold as the rumors say."

Storm raised his right hand and moved his five fingers a few times, without feeling the slightest stiffness.

"Fortunately, I have upgraded the [Endurance] attribute to five stars before.

"Otherwise, a four-star physique cannot withstand the cold air of the extreme cold hell. "

Storm looked outside.

His sight passed over the frost-stained fence and reached the single cell opposite.

The prisoner in the cell with a bounty of over 100 million was covered in ice all over his body, without any trace of life.

This prisoner was frozen to death by the extreme environment of the extreme cold hell!

"What a pity for a golden trophy..."

Storm's regret flashed in his heart.

He unfolded his own [Observation Haki] and explored the outer world.

In Storm's perception.

The shivering Hannibal had disappeared in the extreme cold hell with a group of jailers in protective clothing.

Well, it is rumored that the warden "is not afraid of severe cold and heat"...

It seems that this is indeed just a "rumor".

"Anyway, Hannibal finally left! "

Storm was relieved.

He took the initiative to enter the extreme cold hell, not because he really wanted to go to jail!

He came for the [Big Trophy]!

Compared to the upper layers of hell.

Not only are there more powerful prisoners in the extreme cold hell, but there are no surveillance Den Den Mushi here.

The vitality of Den Den Mushi is not as strong as imagined, and it can't withstand the terrifying low temperature of the extreme cold hell.

Excluding the 5.5th floor that has not been discovered by others-the new transvestite paradise is not mentioned.

The extreme cold hell is a rare "monitoring blind spot" in the city!

This also means-

Storm's free time is finally here!

Sharpening the knife makes the work of chopping wood.

Storm did not immediately reward Instead of hunting with cups, he summoned his own [Big Trophy] first.

The platinum trophy obtained by defeating four jailer beasts before.

Storm only used one, and there are still three left in his hand!

Now is a good time to add points!

Storm took a deep breath and put a [Platinum Trophy] into the [Clay Fruit].

[Clay Fruit: ★★★★★★]

There are currently two platinum trophies left.

Storm originally planned to put them into his own [Physique] attribute.

But there is a shortage of supplies in the Extreme Cold Hell.

If Storm chooses to add points to [Physique] now, he will probably starve for several days.

"When the confinement is over, add points to the [Endurance] attribute! "

Storm put away the two [Platinum Trophies] and turned to look at the [Clay Fruit] that had been upgraded to six stars.

It seemed that endless inspiration exploded in his mind.


Storm realized the gap between "five and a half stars" and "six stars"!

He stretched out his right hand, pressed it on the floor of the cell, and suddenly activated the ability of the [Clay Fruit].

Under the influence of the power of the devil fruit.

The solid frozen soil of the extreme cold hell that had been frozen for who knows how many years softened instantly.

Storm's right arm sank down and pressed directly into the ground of the extreme cold hell.

In the gap between his arm and the ground, a steady stream of white clay gushed out like a fountain.

"Six stars!"

Storm only had a thought, and the power of the [Clay Fruit] spread to the entire cell, and the frozen ground instantly softened into soft clay.

"Awakening level! ”

The awakening characteristic of the animal-type devil fruit is that it allows the ability user to gain unparalleled strong recovery and vitality.

And the awakening characteristic of the superhuman devil fruit is that it can affect other things besides the ability user himself!

When Storm raised the star level of the [Clay Fruit] to six stars.

The [Clay Fruit] awakened!

Storm released the power of the [Clay Fruit] and changed the floor of the cell into a soft clay bed.

He jumped and rolled on the clay bed, and his expression at this moment was as excited as if he had been infected with the "Nika virus".

After initially adapting to the awakening ability of the [Clay Fruit].

Storm no longer hesitated and took action immediately.

"Golden Trophy, here I come! "

Because it is "confinement" rather than "imprisonment".

Storm was not put on the seastone shackles that symbolize the identity of a prisoner.

But even if he was put on the seastone shackles, he was not worried at all.

Storm can use the power of [Clay Fruit] with the help of the power of [Devil Ring].

What does the seastone restraining ability users have to do with him who is not a person with ability?

Storm has already tested this himself.

When he got the [Seastone Baton] from the Navy Equipment Department.

Storm had tested the restraining effect of seastone on him.

The final conclusion is -

Seastone is just a rotten stone, useless.

As early as that time, Storm had a rather vague "prison plan" in his mind.

Now he has been sent to the extremely cold hell, and seastone cannot stop his actions.

Storm stood in front of the cell door and walked steadily towards the fence in front of him that was mixed with seastone.

The moment his body came into contact with the sea-floor stone fence, it immediately softened into balls of white clay.

Hailoushi Prison cannot restrict Storm's movements!

A cold wind blew.

Storm stepped out of the cell door calmly.

The next action plan is of course - harvest the golden trophies in the extreme cold hell!

The quality of the [Grand Trophy] is mainly linked to the strength of the opponent.

In the pirate industry, the reward amount is undoubtedly the best symbol of strength.

Just as Storm had originally speculated.

Each of the pirates with a bounty of over 100 million can bring him a [golden trophy]!

Starting from his single cell, Storm continued to loot the large trophies from the prisoners around him.

One after another [golden trophies] fell into his pocket.

Wait for Storm to clear the cell area where he is.

The number of [Golden Trophies] in his hand has reached double digits!

A total of fifteen gold trophies!

"This quantity is far from satisfactory."

Storm's footsteps finally stopped in front of a snowy forest.

"But it doesn't matter. In addition to the prisoners, there are also corresponding prison cells in the extreme cold hell.

"Army Wolf!"

Before going in search of army wolf.

Storm took the lead in calling out his [Big Trophy], intending to add another wave of points.

Gold trophies disappeared like bubbles one after another.

Five-star abilities immediately appeared in Storm's ability column.

[Armed color domineering/Informed color domineering: ★★★★★]

[Iron block/paper painting/shaving/finger gun: ★★★★★]

In the blink of an eye.

Storm used up twelve [Golden Trophies].

Because the strength level of the army wolf is not yet certain, Storm deliberately left three gold trophies.

He had previously raised the [Endurance] attribute to five stars, but the other two [Physique] attributes were still only four stars.

These three gold trophies are prepared for the [Strength] and [Speed] attributes.

Everything is ready, all we need is——

"Army Wolf!"

A sharp red light flashed in Storm's eyes, and his [Seeing and Hearing Haki] flowed through the dense forest in front of him like the wind.

"Found it!"

Storm raised his right hand, created a tall [Clay Clone], and controlled it to rush into the dense forest in front of him.

The owner of the dense forest soon noticed the movement.

With a rustling sound.

An army wolf wrapped in snow-white fur appeared in front of the [Clay Clones].

The size of the army wolves is not as huge as the beasts in the beast hell.

But the eyeballs of every army wolf were glowing with blood-red light, making them look extremely untouchable.


Following a breathtaking wolf howl.

The seven or eight army wolves surrounding them seemed to have received the order and ran towards the [Clay Clone] together.

The army wolf moves so fast that it almost overtakes the Minoan zebra.

But the wolf moves faster.

It’s not as fast as [Clay Clone]’s clay.

Under Storm's control, [Clay Clone] punched forward fiercely.

Its huge arm exploded like a cannonball and dispersed into seven thick and equal-sized pieces of clay.

The tips of these clay tentacles were deliberately shaped into fists, striking the army wolf in front of them with incomparable precision.


The movement speed of the army wolves is simply no match for the awakened [Clay Fruit].

They rushed over like thunder.

Then he jumped on the street under the violent storm of giant clay fists.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ——

Accompanied by eight crisp head tapping sounds.

All the eight army wolves that besieged him were knocked unconscious.

[Gold Trophy: Army Wolf] X8

"It is indeed a golden trophy!"

A faint joy flashed in Storm's eyes.

But at this moment.

A figure hidden in the darkness suddenly appeared.

There was just an orange shadow flashing in mid-air.

The [Clay Clone] that was showing off its power just now had its head cut off directly.


The headless [Clay Clone] pushed the golden mountain, toppled the jade pillar, and fell directly to the forest floor.


The orange shadow stopped moving and revealed its true appearance.

His hair and clothes are half orange on the left and white on the right. There is a huge lightning scar from his forehead to his right eye.

It is worth noting that this guy's arms are not human arms, but two huge scissors.

A senior cadre of the revolutionary army, Lightning.

Before Lightning could step forward to confirm the situation, the "body" of the [Clay Clone] suddenly made a strange sound.

Bar chirp—ba chirp—

The clay suddenly softened as if it had received some kind of force.

[Clay Clone]'s body and the severed head were reunited in Lightning's shocked eyes.


[Clay Clone] The emotionless white eyeballs stared at Lightning, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a mocking arc.

"It hurts..."

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