Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 205 The five major leaders of the

Storm put on the [Red Dragon Ring] and decisively activated his devil fruit ability.

As the old saying goes, dragons have nine similarities.

The head is like a camel, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like a rabbit, the ears are like an ox, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, and the palms are like a tiger.

In a moment.

Storm transformed into a mighty and domineering red dragon, wrapped in flame cloud ribbons!

The red dragon can be big or small, it can ascend or hide.

If it is large, it can call for wind and rain; if it is small, it can hide its form.

When it rises, it soars between heaven and earth; when it disappears, it lurks within the waves.

[Animal type·Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Blue Dragon Form] has many extra abilities.

And this [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit] also perfectly replicates the various supernatural powers of [Phantom Beast Species: Blue Dragon Fruit].

Flame - the destructive "hot breath"!

Storm - the "bad wind" that cuts gold and jade!

Thunder - the earth-shaking "roaring thunder"!

Flying - the "flaming cloud" that moves mountains and reclaims seas!

Storm put on the [Red Dragon Ring], and inexplicably felt like he was wearing the [Burning Ring], [Thunder Ring], [Fluttering Ring], etc. at the same time...

If we only talk about the expressive power of Devil Fruit.

Storm feels that [Blue Dragon Fruit] dares to be ranked second, and no other devil fruit dares to be ranked first!

[Blue Dragon Fruit] is indeed too comprehensive!


The [Red Dragon Fruit], which almost perfectly replicates all the power of the [Blue Dragon Fruit], also has a shortcoming, and that is——

Too perfect~

Storm transformed into a red dragon and flew directly back to a deserted honeycomb island.

The moment the dragon landed, the power of [Clay Fruit] eroded the ground of Beehive Island, and clay dolls grew out of the ground one after another.

The two people who appeared first were——

Whitebeard II wearing the [Thunder Ring]——Edward Teach!

The second golden lion wearing the [Fluttering Ring] - Ryan!

The Dahai Qiao family wearing [Bubble Ring]——Qiao An!

Storm continued to release the ability of [Clay Fruit] and created two new clay dolls.

One of them had black eyes and black hair, and a sunny smile on his face, like an upside-down English letter "D".

If he were in the Windmill Village of the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea, some villagers would definitely be able to spot this black-haired young man, whose appearance is somewhat similar to that of Portcas D. Ace.

Storm "abandoned" the [Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit], and there was no way to reproduce it perfectly one to one.

But with his eight-star [Clay Fruit], he can also make extremely exquisite clay dolls.

This clay doll is a brand new clay doll that Storm fabricated based on Ace's image.

He threw the [Burning Ring] to the clay doll and temporarily named it "Natsu".

The other person is handsome, with short blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a white suit, and has a calm temperament.

Storm threw the [Explosive Ring] to the clay doll and temporarily named it "Bowie".

Five clay dolls stood quietly in front of Storm, waiting for the Creator's orders.

Storm temporarily removed the [Thunder Ring], [Fluttering Ring], [Burning Ring], [Bubble Ring] and [Exploding Ring].

The only ones left in his hand were the [Red Dragon Ring], [Momo Ring], [Clay Ring] and [Childlike Ring].

The power of the [Clay Ring] is used to maintain the movement of the five clay dolls.

[Childlike Ring] was temporarily ignored by Storm.

He only plans to use the power of [Red Dragon Ring] and [Momo Ring] now!

Storm gently fumbled with the [Red Dragon Ring] and instantly activated the "human-animal form" of the animal devil fruit.

A pair of thick dragon horns grew out of his forehead, and his arms and legs transformed into monster shapes that looked like dragon claws. Red and dense dragon scales covered the surface of his body, and the whole person seemed to have transformed into a monster. Got a "little dragon man".

Storm's eyes also turned into a pair of dark golden red dragon vertical pupils at this time.

The golden eyes scanned the five clay dolls in front of him indifferently.


Thunder roared.

The battle resumes on Beehive Island.

A fierce battle broke out between Storm and the five clay dolls.

Each of these five clay dolls is made using eight-star [Clay Fruit], and each has its own corresponding [Devil Ring].

If you leave aside the [Domineering] ability.

Every clay doll can be regarded as an eight-star powerhouse!

And each of them also possesses high-level Devil Fruit abilities!

With one against five, Storm also faced tremendous combat pressure.

But it was also under such high-pressure fighting.

Storm quickly became familiar with the power of [Red Dragon Ring].

This [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit] with an eight-star quality was gradually familiar to Storm until he completely mastered it!

On Beehive Island, the battle continues, and the roar sounds day and night.

other side.

Kizaru took a naval battleship and left from Punk Hassad Island.

Through special channels of the World Government, Kizaru led the navy across the Red Continent and brought Pluto Rayleigh back to the navy headquarters.

"This is Malinfando..."

Pluto Rayleigh followed Kizaru, leisurely admiring the sight of the Navy headquarters.

It was obvious that he was wearing very heavy shackles on his hands, but the shackles seemed to have no effect on him.

"I originally thought about what the Navy Headquarters would look like and whether it would be different from other Navy branch bases...

"But now it seems that except for the larger space and higher floors, this place is no different from an ordinary naval branch base."

"Because the Navy Headquarters is also a 'Naval Base'."

Kizaru replied casually.

He led Pluto Rayleigh all the way into the Navy Headquarters building, and then arrived at the marshal's office on the top floor.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I have brought Pluto Rayleigh."

Kizaru raised his right hand and greeted Sengoku.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back to Impel City. We still need manpower there~"

During the recent period, Kizaru has been "sitting in" Impel Down City, protecting this deep-sea prison from being invaded by pirates.

If it weren't for Pluto Rayleigh's incident, Kizaru would still be fishing in Impel Down City (crossed out) - guarding it for a while.

Now Hades Rayleigh has been brought to the Navy Headquarters.

Kizaru thought his mission was accomplished.

Then it’s time to return to Impel Down—

"Don't even think about it!"

Warring States coldly broke Kizaru's dream of fishing.

He first looked at Lieutenant General He beside him.

"Ahe, let's talk about this for now...take this guy Rayleigh down and lock him up first!"

Before Lieutenant General He could speak, Rayleigh laughed first.

"Ahe? Hahaha..."

Reilly let out a weird laugh like an old man.

"Shouldn't it be called 'position' in the Navy Headquarters?"

Grandma He just glanced at Rayleigh calmly, and then directly activated her devil fruit ability.

The demonic power of [Washing Fruit] surged out from the air and directly acted on Rayleigh's body.

Rayleigh, who was smiling strangely just now, was instantly transformed into a "paper man" by the power of [Washing Fruit].

Not only did his body become "thinner", but his mind was also washed by the power of [Washing Fruit] at this time.

The old man's strange laughter disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Lieutenant General He slowly walked forward. Like an ordinary old woman packing her clothes, she put the "paper man" that Rayleigh had turned into on her arm.

During this period, Pluto Rayleigh had no idea of ​​resistance.

"I'll take the people down first."

Lieutenant General He nodded to Sengoku, and then looked at Kizaru.

"Porusalino, you...be more careful."


Kizaru pretended to be confused with a smile.

"Lieutenant General He, do you want to enjoy afternoon tea with me? I do have some good tea there."


Lieutenant General He shook his head, and then she said nothing and just walked out of the Marshal's office.

Kizaru originally wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

But Warring States stopped him directly.

"Porusalino! I have something else to talk to you about!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, push forward to the city—"

"As long as Magellan is guarding Impel Down!"

Warring States directly interrupted Kizaru's words, and he revealed some intelligence information to the other party.

"The government has just released the 'Hiryu of the Rain' from the infinite hell.

"With Magellan and Yu Zhixi staying, there won't be any big problems in Impel Down City."

Kizaru frowned when he heard the name "Hiryuu of the Rain".

After all, he had stayed in Jinjin City for many days, and he was immersed in it, and he also knew the attitude of the rest of the people in Jinjin City towards Yu Zhiliu.

It's not just the prisoners who hate and fear the deputy director of Impel Down.

Even the jailers were full of fear of the deputy director.

Give an inappropriate example.

Kizaru felt that Shiru of the Rain who was advancing into the city was like Sakaski in the navy.

Both guys are very unpopular.


It should be said that Yuzhiliu is even more of a bastard than that guy Sakaski!

At least Sakaski isn't killing sailors for no reason.

And Hiryuu of the Rain will hurt the jailer without any scruples.

"Isn't it a little bit to release Hiro of the Rain now..."

"The government has eliminated the position of deputy director of Yuzhiliu Ame, and he is now the warden of Impel Down City."

Warring States simply explained two sentences.

"After Magellan's strong recommendation, the man named 'Hannibal' is now the deputy director of Impel Down."

Kizaru nodded slightly.

"Hannibal is indeed a very nice person~"

"In short, the 'Whitebeard II' has not appeared for a long time. You don't need to stay in Impel Down now!"

Warring States said bluntly.

“Porosalino, the news of Pluto Rayleigh’s execution will soon be disclosed to the whole sea.

"In the near future, we will conduct a public execution of Hades Rayleigh in the Shampoo Islands.

"Now, you just stay at the headquarters! Waiting for execution!"

"Huh? Me?"

Kizaru pointed at himself, with confusion on his face.

"Marshal Warring States, don't you think I have too many tasks recently?

"Those two guys, Sakaski and Kuzan, have always been 'idle'~"

To the end.

Kizaru also did not forget to give "eye drops" to his two colleagues.

"Sakaski and Kuzan are both out there cleaning up the pirates, and they also have their own tasks to deal with."

Zhan Guo responded calmly.

"As for you, Borsalino, you are the fastest. If you don't do these things, who will?"

Does being fast mean you have to work harder?

Kizaru secretly complained.

No salary increase!

"There's just another task for you now!"

Zhan Guo said slowly.

"You go to the New World again now."

"Go to the New World again?"

Kizaru looked at Zhan Guo speechlessly.

"I just came back from the New World..."

Zhan Guo completely ignored Kizaru's complaints and said to himself.

"You go to the G5 branch in the New World with Dark Horse now."

"Dark Horse? Vice Admiral Amanejo?"

Kizaru was startled and instantly realized something was wrong.

Vice Admiral Amanejo of the Navy Headquarters.

Just by virtue of the nickname "Dark Horse", one can see the extraordinaryness of this vice admiral.

Yellow Monkey, Akainu, Aokiji, Momosabu, Chaton...

In the navy system, navy officers with special nicknames of "color" + "animal" are basically super big shots.

In fact.

Dark Horse Tianzheng is indeed a powerful and elite vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

He also manages an extremely special internal agency of the Navy-

Navy Criminal Investigation Bureau!

In the navy, those who are targeted by the Navy Criminal Investigation Bureau basically have no good end.

Yellow Monkey frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"What happened to the G5 branch in the New World?"

"According to reliable intelligence..."

Zhan Guo paused, feeling a little embarrassed, but still reluctantly said.

"Vergo, the highest commander of the G5 branch, is an undercover pirate."

"Undercover pirate?"

Yellow Monkey smiled crookedly, and at this moment he directly thought of Storm.

"Like Major General Storm?"

But as soon as these words came out.

Yellow Monkey suddenly felt something was wrong.

Storm is the second-in-command of the Blade Force. He is not a "pirate undercover", he is a "marine undercover who became a pirate".

And Vergo...

Kizaru asked in astonishment.

"Virgo is a pirate?!"


Sengoku took a deep breath and said with a heavy expression.

"Virgo is a senior cadre of the Don Quixote family..."

"I should have discovered it earlier. Vergo took the initiative to apply to join the G5 branch. The distance between the branch base and Dressrosa is very close.

"Over the years, Vergo has gained military merit very quickly, and has grown rapidly from a marine to a vice admiral.

"I thought this was another shrewd and capable talent in the navy.

"But now it seems...

"I'm afraid that Vergo's ability to gain so many military merits is inseparable from the Don Quixote family!

"A vice admiral of the navy, a Shichibukai... actually colluded with each other!

"What a shame for the navy! "

Kizaru nodded involuntarily.

Letting a pirate become the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters...

Marshal Sengoku is indeed very derelict in his duty!

"Marshal Sengoku."

Kizaru adjusted his sunglasses and asked calmly.

"Do you need me to go to Dressrosa and "warn" the Don Quixote family?"


Sengoku looked at Kizaru with a slightly strange look, but he quickly reacted and shook his head.

"No need."

Is it because of Don Quixote Doflamingo's identity as a Shichibukai?

This thought just emerged in Kizaru's mind.

I heard Sengoku add.

"The Don Quixote Pirates have been destroyed."

"...Ah? Who did this? Is the pirate emperor of the New World angry?"

"It's not the pirate emperor..."

Sengoku said with a complicated expression.

"It's our Shichibukai Hakuryu."

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