Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 224 [Domineering Haki], Awakening! (Three updates, 12w subscriptions required!)

Shampoo Islands, Island No. 12.

The giant red dragon suddenly descended on the island.

Island No. 12 is a lawless zone, and most of the people on this island are lawless gangsters.

But even outlaws know what they can and cannot do.

Anyone who watched the live broadcast of the execution just now knows very well what the three words "Sekiryuutei" represent.

At the moment when the red dragon descended on Island No. 12, the living people on the island ran away crying and howling, only hating their parents for missing a few legs.


The giant red dragon snorted and then turned into a human form.

Storm had no spare time to pay attention to the fleeing criminals. He took Pluto Rayleigh and directly opened the door of a tavern on Island 12.

His [Seeing and Hearing Dominance] had already sensed Xia Qi's aura.

The moment Storm opened the door, he saw Xia Qi sitting alone behind the bar, drinking.

Xia Qi felt that she was weak and did not follow the red-haired pirates just now. She just stayed alone in this tavern and silently watched the live broadcast of Pluto Rayleigh's execution.

When the red-haired pirates first appeared on the scene, Xia Qi felt that Rayleigh must be saved.

When the Sekiryuutei hit the snake girl with a swing and kicked the red hair away, Xia Qi felt that the sky was falling.

Xia Qi had no idea where this "red dragon" with a face exactly like the white dragon came from.

But she only thinks that the other party is a lawless devil!

Xia Qi watched the entire execution live broadcast, including the last scene broadcast by the live phone bug.

The pirate emperor is nowhere to be seen, and the life or death of the navy marshal is uncertain.

The final winner of the war is Red Dragon!

With the red dragon here, can Rayleigh still survive?

Xia Qi felt extremely depressed.

At this moment, she heard the door of the tavern being pushed open.

"No entertainment today -"

Xia Qi turned to look at the door of the tavern, about to kick the guests out.

But at this moment, she suddenly saw clearly the appearance of two figures standing at the door.


Xia Qi was suddenly startled, and then instantly happy.


Storm threw Pluto Rayleigh directly to Xia Qi.

The latter dropped the bottle of wine in his hand without hesitation, and then reached out to catch Rayleigh, who was charred and seriously injured.

As soon as Xia Qi took Lei Li, she moved her hands up and down.

My body is still warm... my breathing is still normal... my heartbeat is very steady... great! Still alive!

While Xia Qi was examining Reilly's body, Storm was frowning at the woman.

Red dragon?


Storm has almost lost count of how many people called him that today.

what is going on?

After Xia Qi checked Reilly's physical condition, she felt relieved for a moment, and then she heard Storm's voice again.

"What does 'Sekiryuutei' mean?"

Storm's eyes stared at Xia Qi calmly, and red light surged in the depths of his pupils.

Without waiting for Xia Qi to answer.

Storm's [Seeing Color Haki], which can "read people's hearts", directly began to read the old pirate's brain.

After a while.

Storm understood everything.

Blame it all on the big news bird, Morgance!

The good World Economic News is not the president of the newspaper, but it is the anchor of some live phone bug!

Storm suddenly felt a toothache.

The reason why he showed his true appearance without any scruples in this "War on Top".

It's because he is ready for his true identity to be completely exposed!


Even if Storm reveals his identity now, he doesn't need to worry about any consequences.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand words.

Storm now has nine [Devil Rings], and his [Physique] and [Domineering] attributes have all reached eight stars. His strength can almost be said to stand at the top of the sea's strength pyramid.

Excluding Joey Boy and Im from eight hundred years ago.

Storm thinks that now he is not afraid of any other opponents!

That being the case.

Why hide it anymore?


Back then, Storm's experimental ability accidentally hit the Red Earth Continent, and unexpectedly attracted the five old stars Markas Mazsheng and Kizaru.

At that time, because he had not yet gone to Punk Hassad, he could not easily give up his position as King Shichibukai.

That's why he had no choice but to wear the "vest" of Edward Teach, the Second Whitebeard.

But now Storm has gone to Punk Hassad.

The treatment plan for Bonnie's sapphire scale disease was also perfectly revised and improved by Vegapunk.

Storm also got the [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit].

The identity of "The King's Seven Warlords" no longer has any practical value to Storm.

There are only two main functions of King Shichibukai.

One is that it can be looted legally.

One is that you can not be wanted.

But how could Storm care about such trivial things now?

Storm had already made up his mind to give up his identity as King Shichibukai before he chose to show his true body!

But who can tell her...

Why did he "explode" directly and inexplicably "explode" a "Sekiryuutei"?

Is it necessary that Storm has [Clay Fruit] in his left hand and [Red Dragon Fruit] in his right hand?

Will everyone realize that the "red dragon" is actually the "white dragon"?

"Red Dragon Emperor..."

Xia Qi didn't realize that her brain memory had been completely read, so she only answered carefully.

"It's you..."

Storm took a deep breath. He was not familiar with Xia Qi at all, and he had no intention of explaining his identity to a stranger. He just said lightly.

"Where's the 'Devil Fruit' you promised before?"

Devil fruit?

Xia Qi was slightly startled.

She looked at Storm's face, which looked exactly like Shichibukai Hakuryuu's, and immediately realized something.

Xia Qi immediately ran behind the bar, took out the treasure box containing [Jiujiu Fruit], and handed it to Storm.

Storm took the treasure box and did not check it. He just stretched out his hand and lifted Pluto Rayleigh beside him.

Xia Qi was stunned again.

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Xia Qi mustered up her courage and said to Storm.

"Lord Sekiryuutei! Can you please let Rayleigh go?"

Storm just glanced at Xia Qi indifferently, and then walked out of the unknown tavern with Reilly.

He brought Rayleigh to Island No. 12 just to complete the "deal" he had made with Xia Qi and take away the agreed devil fruit from Xia Qi.

But letting Rayleigh go?

This is not part of the deal!

Storm walked out of the tavern, transformed into a dragon, took Pluto Rayleigh and [Jiujiu Fruit], and flew into the sky again.

The giant red dragon flew directly out of the Shampoo Islands and flew towards the Sky Courtyard 10,000 meters above the ground.

Xia Qi looked at the red dragon flying far in the sky, feeling happy and worried in her heart.

She was happy that Rayleigh was still alive for the time being - judging from Chiron's attitude, it seemed that the other party had no intention of continuing to do anything to Rayleigh.

But the thing that worried her was the same thing - why did the red dragon take Rayleigh away? Is it because of his identity? Or the "intelligence" in his brain?

Xia Qi felt mixed feelings.

And wait until Chilong leaves for a while.

The red-haired pirates, who lost their troops and generals, also returned to Island No. 12.

Xia Qi looked at this group of sad-looking and gloomy pirates, and her eyes rested on the leader, the red-haired Shanks.

Shanks' condition at this time was definitely not good. There were large blood stains on his clothes, and there was still a dark mark like a footprint on the left side of his face. The whole person looked miserable.

"Xia Qi...I'm sorry."

Shanks noticed Xia Qi's gaze and forced a smile.

"I...failed to rescue Mr. Reilly."

For a pirate emperor in a new world, admitting his mistakes and failures is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

But red-haired Shanks still admitted his failure to Xia Qi very seriously and sincerely.

Xia Qi pursed her lips and did not talk to Shanks and the others about the recent visit of the Sekiryuutei.

In the phone bug live broadcast just now, due to the final thunder and lightning tsunami, the outcome of the red-haired pirates was not made public.

Xia Qi didn't know what happened to the red-haired pirates.

But she looked at the heavy atmosphere between Shanks and them, and thought that the other party was sorry for what happened to Rayleigh.

Xia Qi tried to liven up the atmosphere.

"Anyway, it's over...do you want a glass of wine?"

"Xia Qi."

Shanks twitched the corners of his lips. He wanted to force out a smile again, but found that he couldn't smile no matter what.

"We... lost a mate.

"Our sniper, Jesus Bu, is dead."

Sky Courtyard.

Storm transformed into a dragon and descended here.

Just like before, he created a humanoid "clay prison device" for Pluto Rayleigh, and then sent Pluto Rayleigh into the depths of the sky courtyard.

There, Storm used the ability of [Fluttering Fruit] to open up a special "air prison".

For example, Donquixote Doflamingo, who was captured by him before, is the number one resident of the "air prison"!

Pluto Rayleigh is the second "resident".

Storm disposed of the two prisoners and then focused on all the "spoils" of the First Top War.

He first opened the treasure box he just got from Xia Qi and looked at the devil fruit inside.

[Superman type·Jiujiu Fruit]!

"It turns out to be Basque Choate's Devil Fruit!"

Storm thought for a moment and recognized the name and ability of this devil fruit.

"How could he be reborn so quickly and be found...?"

Devil Fruits regenerate very quickly.

But if people want to discover the existence of Devil Fruit, it takes time and opportunity.

If you're lucky, a Devil Fruit can even regenerate in place.

If you're not lucky, it may take hundreds of years for a Devil Fruit to appear!

Storm's impression of this [Superman Type·Jiujiu Fruit] was average.

He doesn't smoke, and he only drinks lightly.

[Jiujiu Fruit] is a priceless treasure for alcoholics.

In Storm's opinion, it's just an ordinary superhuman devil fruit.

This [Jiujiu Fruit].

In Storm's eyes, they are almost the same as [Stone Fruit] and [Water Water Fruit].

"Just put it away!"

Storm put the [Jiujiu Fruit] together with the Devil Fruits he had harvested before.

He currently has quite a few Devil Fruit reserves.

But most of them are devil fruits that I don't like.

However, there are some pretty good abilities among them.

For example, [Snow Snow Fruit].

"There are a lot of Devil Fruits. The current Storm Pirates cannot digest so many Devil Fruits."

Storm took a look at his Devil Fruit reserves and thought silently for a moment.

"Let's wait until the 'Storm Fleet' is formed before we consider using these Devil Fruits to enhance the strength of our subordinates!"

Storm counted all his Devil Fruit reserves, and then turned his attention to the [Grand Trophy].

[The big trophy] is the real focus.

Storm summoned his [Big Trophy].

The first thing that caught his eye were the two eight-star [Huiyue Trophies].

[Huiyue Trophy: Marshal·Warring States Period]

[Glory Moon Trophy: Red-haired Shanks]

Underneath the eight-star trophies are several seven-star [Star Trophies].

[Stars Trophy: Snake Girl Boya Hancock]

[Stars Trophy: Lackey Road/Ben Beckman]

Also included is a Death Stars trophy.

[Stars Trophy: Jesus Cloth]

There are also many six-star trophies.

The six leaders of the Red-haired Pirates, the big news bird Morgans, the Vice Admiral...

If you count carefully, there are eight.

What surprised Strom was that there were two special ones among these big trophies.

What's special about them is -

Storm had no impression of taking action against them.

[Stars Trophy: Kai Xia·Jinbei]

[Stars Trophy: Pluto Silbaz Rayleigh]

"This is probably a fire at the city gate, affecting Chiyu?"

An idea suddenly appeared in Storm's mind.

Kaixia Jinbei did participate in this execution.

But after the execution was over, Jinbei didn't even have the slightest sense of existence.

Now, Strom was inexplicably provided with a [Stars Trophy].

"It's impossible to be electrocuted by the 'thousand thunder' of [Thunder Fruit] during that lightning tsunami, right?"

Storm felt vaguely that he had guessed the truth of the matter.

But now he has no way to ask Kai Xia Jinbei for confirmation.

As for Pluto Rayleigh’s seven-star trophy.

Storm also felt that the battle might have affected the other party, causing the other party to be defeated by him.

No matter what, he still accepted these two star trophies!

The big trophy under six stars was completely ignored by Storm.

Storm looked at the big trophy in the void again.

Two eight-star [Glory Moon Trophies].

Six seven-star [Star Trophies].

Eight six-star [Diamond Trophies].

"Fighting to feed war is nothing more than this!"

Storm took a deep breath and looked at his ability bar again.

In the [Domineering] column, a brand new ability is displayed——

[Overlord color and domineering spirit: ☆]

Storm's [Overlord Color Dominance] has finally awakened!

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