Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 255 The world's number one casino and the world's number one gambler! (Two more ch

The blue-eyed white dragon gallops in the sky of the North Sea.

The huge snail castle of the Germa Kingdom quickly turned into a small group of black spots on the sea.

The Sky Courtyard, which was ten thousand meters above the ground, was also thrown behind by the blue-eyed white dragon, and gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

Storm withdrew his gaze towards the sky courtyard and instead focused on the permanent pointer in his hand.

This is the permanent pointer of Grandezolo that he just "borrowed" from Nami.

At this moment, the Blue Eyes White Dragon’s flight destination is also——

New world, Grandezolo!

Out of admiration for this "world's largest entertainment city" in the newspapers, Nami originally wanted to act together with Storm.

However, Storm forcibly rejected Nami's invitation on the grounds of the "North Sea Safari Plan".

For the current members of the Storm Pirates, the new world is still too dangerous.

Storm has long planned to bring the Storm Pirates into the new world——

In other words, the final destination of almost all pirate groups is the New World.

But not every pirate group can withstand the strong winds and waves of the new world.

Storm had originally considered taking the members of the Storm Pirates directly across the windless zone from the North Sea into the new world.

But after some serious thinking, he canceled this somewhat radical plan.

Storm's tentative course of action against the Storm Pirates is——

Activities in the North Sea first, then entering the Grand Line, and finally the New World!

At least until the "Storm Fleet Ranking Battle" is over.

Storm has no plans to bring the Storm Pirates into the new world.

And this time the "ship doctor" who returned to the North Sea to recruit-Trafalgar Law.

Storm also left Luo in Beihai.

The "Ship Doctor" of the Storm Pirates has a heavy burden on his shoulders.

First of all, Luo needs to participate in Bonnie's "Jade Scale" treatment plan;

Secondly, Luo needs to participate in the "North Sea Safari Plan" of the Storm Pirates;

The last and most critical point is that Luo needs to strengthen his physical training!

[Surgery Fruit] truly lives up to its title of "ultimate fruit".

But just like Storm said before -

Law relies too much on Devil Fruit!

All ability users, one by one, can rely on Devil Fruits, but they cannot only rely on Devil Fruits!

[Domineering], restrain all bells and whistles.

The ability mechanism of [Surgery Fruit] is indeed very powerful.

But if the target's [Haki] is too strong, Luo's [Surgery Fruit] won't even be able to shake the opponent.

Storm didn't ask for Luo's [Physique] and [Domineering] to be able to reach the level of Kaido of the Beasts and Barrett, the descendant of the devil.

But at least he can't even have the strength to "cut people", right?

Say one thousand, say ten thousand, it’s still the same four words——

When it comes to cooking, just practice more!

"I hope the crew can grow up as soon as possible. There are many things that still need help from people..."

Storm suppressed her expectations.

He constantly adjusted the flight direction of the Blue-Eyed White Dragon according to the direction guidance of the permanent pointer in his hand.

When the flying direction of the Blue Eyes White Dragon is completely consistent with the direction of the permanent pointer.

Only then did Storm put down the permanent pointer and enter a resting state.

"New World, I'm back!"

New World, Grandezolo.

Come this time.

After the bombardment of propaganda by World Economic News.

Everyone in the sea who should know the news about Gran Tezzolo basically knows about the existence of this "world's largest entertainment city".

On the undulating sea of ​​the New World, a ten-kilometer-long golden ship was sailing steadily on the sea.

Near the strange-shaped bow of the golden giant ship, two equally huge turtles were lurking in the sea. The turtles were covered with thick chains, and the ends of the chains were connected to the golden giant ship. bow.

Obviously, the "power source" of this golden giant ship is these two huge turtles.

And this giant golden ship was built with great effort by the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo——


Above the sky above the sea near Gran Tezzolo.

A small black shadow is floating.

The blind old man in purple robes, holding a staff and sword, was standing on a circular stone slab as wide as his shoulders, slowly approaching this magnificent and magnificent golden ship.

If there is a swordsman who is familiar with famous swords here, he will definitely be able to recognize the true identity of the sword that looks like a guide stick in the hand of the purple-robed old man.

One of the twelve skills of the supreme sharp sword - [Underworld FireWire]!

The true identity of the blind swordsman holding the [Yakuza Fire Wire] is the future admiral of the Navy Headquarters, nicknamed "Fujitora" - Ren Xia Yixiao.

He is blind with a smile, but his attainments in [Seeing, Hearing, and Color Dominance] are extremely high.

Relying on the extremely wide range of perception of [Seeing and Hearing Haki], Yixiao, who is located in the sky, directly perceives the entire situation of Gurantezolo clearly.

"What an exaggerated 'ship'!"

Yixiao sped up his flying speed and flew towards Gurantezolo.

"What an exaggerated 'casino'!"

As an old gambling dog who likes gambling.

Yixiao has traveled to many countries and visited many casinos in his life.

But he had never seen a casino as big as Gulantezoro!


"It's so exciting!"

There are very few countries or forces that have "air superiority" on the sea.

At least Gulantezoro does not have this ability.

In addition, Yixiao's individual target is very small.

The old blind man sneaked into Gulantezoro without any effort and did not alarm anyone.


As soon as he stepped onto Gulantezoro, Yixiao's [Observation Haki] sensed something wrong.

The air in Gulantezoro seemed to be filled with an atmosphere of decadence.

But Yixiao was keenly aware of this feeling, not only spiritually, but also materially.

In the air of Gulantezoro, a large amount of gold powder was floating and diffused.

Some gold powder can be observed with human eyes.

But some gold powder is difficult to see even with the naked eye.

Yixiao's [Observation Haki] sensed clearly that a large number of people in Gran Taizoro had inhaled this gold powder without knowing it.

And as they stayed on the ship for a long time, the amount of gold powder they inhaled became more and more.

Although for now, Yixiao has not found anyone who has taken in gold powder and has abnormal behavior.

But you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others.


Yixiao's [Black Fire Line] gently hit the golden deck of Gran Taizoro, and a layer of light purple light flashed on his body, covering him completely.

The gold powder floating in the air was pulled by an inexplicable force when it was about to enter the space around Yixiao's body, and immediately fell to the deck below.

Yixiao, a user of [Superman System·Heavy Fruit], can manipulate the strength and direction of gravity at will.

With the power of the [Chong Chong Fruit], Yixiao created a "gravity field" around his body, isolating the invasion of the gold powder from a physical level.

Knock knock knock——

A series of knocking sounds rang out.

Yixiao walked forward slowly, and relevant information about the Golden Emperor emerged in his mind.

'Legend has it that the Golden Emperor is a person who has eaten the [Superman-type Gold-Gold Fruit]...'

'These gold powders floating in the air should also be the work of the Golden Emperor...'

'Perhaps, this is the special management method that Gulantezoro has? '

Yixiao couldn't be sure whether his guess was true.

But now he couldn't care so much.


The old gambler's gambling addiction has come back!

"Oh my! So many casinos! Which one should I go to?"

Yixiao hesitated for a while, then took out a dice from his arms and shook it gently.

"I've decided on this one!"

Yixiao put away the dice, took out his purse, and strode towards the nearest gambling house.

"I can't wait!"


Gulan Tezuolo, the central tower.

This golden tower standing in the center of Gulan Tezuolo is the residence of the Golden Emperor Gild Tezuolo.

From this tower, the Golden Emperor can have a panoramic view of the entire Gulan Tezuolo.

At this moment.

Gild Tezuolo is observing a certain direction of Gulan Tezuolo from a distance.

That is where Yixiao logged in!

Tezuolo retracted his gaze towards that place and then returned to the tower room at the back.

"Gulan Tezuolo has welcomed another interesting 'guest'!"

The gold powder in the air of Gulan Tezuolo is indeed the work of Tezuolo.

As long as Tezuolo is willing.

Anyone who enters Gulan Tezulo and inhales the gold powder, Tezulo can use his own [Golden-Golden Fruit] ability to transform those people into immovable "golden statues".

Of course.

Under normal circumstances, Tezulo will not use this ability.

He is a businessman, and force is the last resort to solve problems.

However, these gold powders are affected by the ability of Tezulo's devil fruit.

Through the existence of these gold powders, Tezulo can also monitor any movement on this golden giant ship.

Almost at the moment when Yixiao logged in and used his ability to isolate the erosion of the gold powder.

Tezulo sensed the existence of this "guest".

Among the idiots who were eroded by the gold powder.

A special target that isolates all the gold powder is as dazzling as a firefly in the dark night.

But Tezulo does not intend to do anything to this guest.

The other party is an enemy who can detect and block the power of gold powder.

With his ability alone, Tezulo can roughly judge the other party's strength level.

Facing such a "strong man".

Tezoro would only welcome them, why would he drive them away?


If there were other uninvited guests who wanted to cause trouble in Gulan Tezoro.

Tezoro would never let it go.

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