Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 258 Brutal! Too Brutal! (Two more chapters, please subscribe!)

The Golden Emperor Gilder Tezolo.

Apart from being rich and knowing how to make money, there is almost nothing praiseworthy about him.


In addition to looking more sinister, this is the future admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

Compared to a smile.

What the hell is the Golden Emperor?

Storm came to Grande Tezolo with the original intention of meeting the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezolo.

If suitable, he also wants to try to see if he can recruit the other party.

The Golden Emperor is quite strong and is good at making money.

The main opponent also has conflicts with the world government!

In Strom's view, this is undoubtedly an excellent candidate for a "tool man"!

But Storm never expected that he would actually meet the future admiral of the Navy Headquarters in Grantezolo——


Yixiao and Tezzolo?

Is there any need for comparison?

Storm almost immediately opened her mouth and smiled solicitously.

But Yixiao just frowned and "looked" at the King Shichibukai who suddenly spoke.

Since killing himself, Yixiao's main way of observing the world is to rely on his [Visibility and Color Haki].

It is precisely because of this that Yixiao's [Visual Color Dominance] gradually developed some very personal abilities.

For example - emotion perception!

Yixiao's "Emotional Sensing" [Visual Color Haki] has a very wide sensing range and is very accurate.

He could clearly sense the strong emotions emanating from the King Shichibukai opposite him...

That positive emotion of excitement and joy, as if I had encountered some happy event from heaven.

But... why?

Yixiao clenched the staff knife [Underworld Fire Line] in his hand.

He traveled on the sea for many years, honed his extraordinary skills, and made many friends.

For example, the current candidate for admiral at the Navy Headquarters - Cha Doujiaji, is one of Yixiao's friends.

But Yixiao is not as "famous as the navy admiral or the pirate emperor."

At least in the eyes of the world at this time.

A smile that does not cause or create any big events has no sense of existence at all.

But for such an "unknown" blind swordsman, the world-famous King Shichibukai was able to reveal his true identity...

Yixiao couldn't help but feel shocked at Bailong's intelligence gathering ability.

He was silent for a moment and asked in a deep voice.

"Have you heard my story?"

"No, but your face has stories written all over it."

Storm shook his head and answered seriously.

He smiled and then paused. On his face... there was the scar he had made by himself...

"It's true that I closed my eyes myself, because there are too many things I don't want to see in this dirty world..."

"Well said! The courage is commendable and worthy of admiration."

Storm applauded warmly and then solemnly invited.

"Please be sure to join my team!"


He smiled and was stunned, and he didn't know where to put his right hand holding [Underworld FireWire].

The reason why he flew to the sky to meet King Shichibukai White Dragon.

On the one hand, it was because he had heard about Bailong's reputation for cruelty.

According to news reports in the World Economic News, the White Dragon has destroyed several islands, from Banaro Island where the Lizard King is, to Gaya Island in Paradise, and then to Beehive Island where Wang Zhi is...

This is just the list of islands disclosed by World Economic News.

How many islands has the White Dragon really destroyed...

I can't even think about it with a smile.

A ruthless man who destroys the island at every turn, so cruel! How cruel!

on the other hand.

A smile flew into the sky because he had just received the help of Baccarat's "lucky".

There is absolutely no unwarranted kindness in the world.

One smile is certain that Baccarat's "goodwill" should come from the owner of the world's largest entertainment city——

Gold Emperor Gilder Tezzolo.

For these two reasons.

Yixiao will never allow Bailong to destroy Gurantezolo again and destroy the world's largest entertainment city.

But what Yixiao never expected was.

After Bailong saw him...

He would actually invite him to join the other party's team?

"What a joke!"

Yixiao once again clenched the supreme sharp knife [Underworld FireWire] in his hand, and replied sonorously.

"I will never collude with pirates!"

Yixiao met Bailong for the first time today.

Before today, all his impressions of Bai Long came from the outside world.

Mainly from news reports from World Economic News.

In the impression of a smile.

Bailong is a great lawless pirate.


As soon as the white dragon appeared, he used a power of [Overlord Color Haki] that Yixiao had never heard before, and directly knocked down the leader of Gran Tezoro, the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezoro.

Looking at the other party's posture, I think of what the other party did in the past...

Yixiao just felt that Bailong probably wanted to continue destroying Gurantezolo.

Just like how he destroyed Banaro Island, Gaya Island, and Beehive Island before...

Such a lawless pirate.

How could Yixiao collude with the other party?

"Well said!"

Storm got another round of applause and then continued.

"Mr. Yixiao, I also have some connections in the Navy Headquarters.

"If you don't mind, I can directly recommend you to the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters - Aokiji Kuzan!"

Why recommend Yixiao to Aokiji Kuzan?

Of course, it's because Aokiji is the highest commander of the Blade Force!

Storm recommended Yixiao to Aokiji, which actually means recommending Yixiao to the Blade Force!

And if Yixiao really joins the Blade Force.

As the second-in-command of the Blade Force, can't Storm still transfer Yixiao to his own command?

"Of course, if Mr. Yixiao thinks that Aokiji Kuzan is a little young, his personality is a little out of tune, and his 'lazy justice' is too ridiculous..."

Storm didn't wait for Yixiao to answer, and continued to add.

"I can also recommend you to the previous Admiral of the Navy Headquarters - Black Arm Zephyr! The good old man in the Navy who advocates 'justice without killing'."

Black Arm Zephyr, the leader of the future New Navy (NEO Navy)

Storm recommended Yixiao to Zefa, which actually meant recommending him to the new navy.

Who made him the second-in-command of the new navy at the same time?

Having multiple positions is tiring.

After hearing Storm's words, Yixiao was stunned again.

Aokiji Kuzan?

Black Arm Zefa?

How could Haku know these two high-ranking figures in the navy?

As mentioned just now, Yixiao is not without connections in the navy.

Admiral candidate Chaton Kaji is an old friend that Yixiao has known for many years.

But even if it is Kaji.

That "Chaton", his status and prestige in the navy are not enough to be compared with "Aokiji" or "Black Arm", right?

And as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, how can Haku be related to those two big figures in the navy?

Yixiao asked blankly.

"Who... are you?"

"Shichibukai Haku, the current captain of the Storm Pirates."

After Storm said these two identities, he didn't say anything more.

At this time, several people were in the sky.

The only "outsider" Golden Emperor has fallen to the ground and cannot wake up for the time being.

Storm revealed to Yixiao that he had contact information with Aokiji and Zephyr, which was already a crazy test on the edge of exposing his identity...

He couldn't continue to reveal the identity of "Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters" and "Blade Force/New Navy Second in Command" to Yixiao.

That would have to wait until the relationship between the two of them became familiar to a certain extent before we could tell!

If Yixiao was determined to join the Storm Pirates.

Then Storm would definitely not mind revealing his true identity to the other party.

But now?

Yixiao hasn't agreed to "join" yet!

"Seven Warlords of the Sea..."

Storm didn't explain his identity in detail, which made Yixiao's reasoning shift to another direction.

"A mere pirate can actually reach out to the navy! He can even influence the admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

"The corruption and filth of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters are beyond my imagination!"

"Well said! "

Storm applauded Yixiao's remarks for the third time.

"The World Government and the Navy Headquarters are indeed full of filth!

"But the real source of sin is not the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, but the world nobles who are above the World Government-the Celestial Dragons!

"Mr. Yixiao, do you want to come with me to wipe out all the sins in this world?"

"Don't brag! Pirates!"

Yixiao clenched the supreme sword [Black Fire Wire] in his hand, and wisps of thick purple energy like smoke wrapped around the "scabbard" of [Black Fire Wire].

"If you continue to talk, I wish I could pierce my eardrums again!"

How can a mere pirate talk about sweeping away sins?

Yixiao just felt that there was no point in talking.

He pulled out the [Black Fire Wire] in his hand with a "clang" sound, and waved it towards the position where Bailong was.

"Gurantezolo does not welcome you! "

Yixiao swung the supreme sword in his hand, and a huge horizontal gravity wave burst out from the snow-white blade of [Black Fire Line], rushing towards the Seven Warlords of the Sea in front like a storm.

"Gravity Blade·Tiger!"

Affected by Yixiao's [Heavy Fruit], all the surrounding air was squeezed out by this "Gravity Blade·Tiger", forming a broad and majestic, high-speed moving air wall.

"Gravity Blade·Tiger" wrapped in a majestic air wall formed an extremely wide attack range, and the overwhelming shock wave made it almost impossible to hide.


Storm sighed softly.

He raised his right fist, and [Armament Haki] and [Hero Haki] were wrapped around his fist at the same time, and black and red arcs ran between his five fingers. The air crackled as it scurried away.

Deliberate punch!

Storm's eyes condensed as he swung his right fist towards the horizontal gravity wave in front of him.

A powerful shock wave burst out from his fist, and at an extremely fast speed, it hit the oncoming "Gravity Blade Tiger" through the air.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a thunderous roar.

The two shock waves collided with each other in mid-air, and then canceled each other's power. The thick purple gravity wave and the black and red arc wandered in the void, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

The violent shock wave turned into a fierce gust of wind, bursting and spreading in all directions. The clouds in the sky were also stirred up by this force, as if some kind of natural disaster was about to fall.

Storm's robe was rustling in the wind. He stood on the dragon head of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and stared at the blind man across from him.

"Don't underestimate me, uncle."

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