Passed a battle with the Demon King Ivankov.

Storm fully mastered the power of the awakened [Clay Fruit].

After awakening, [Clay Fruit] can forcibly assimilate the characteristics of the surrounding environment.

Supplemented by the [Devil Ring], it can be called endless "natural energy".

Now as long as Storm is given enough preparation time.

He can completely assimilate an entire island into a "clay island"!

Round it up.

Now Storm can be considered to have "island-destroying level combat power"!

"It would be best to develop a few more 'awakening skills', single target, group, range damage..."

"The reference objects for the development of awakening skills are those who have developed superhuman fruits to the awakening level..."

"Doflamingo, Katakuri, Tezoro, and Douglas Barrett..."

Storm retracted his somewhat divergent thoughts and turned to look at the six-star trophy he had just won.

【Diamond Trophy】!

After confirming the news that "Six Stars Awaken", Storm had a new understanding of the strength of Six Stars.

Judging from his past experience.

The four-star [Golden Trophy] has a corresponding bounty of approximately 100 million beli.

In layman's terms.

Four stars roughly correspond to the "Supernova" in the pirate camp.

Then the six-star rating probably corresponds to the "Ocean's Shichibukai"!

"If this level difference is correct, eight stars is the level of the general and the four emperors?"

Storm gently rubbed the [Devil Ring] on his finger a few times.

“Then it seems that the strength of [Devil Ring] is higher than I previously expected!

"Nine-star, I'm afraid it's already the level of 'ancient weapon', right?

"It is indeed the crystallization of wisdom from the super ancient kingdom!"

On the premise of owning the [Devil Ring], increase the development level of the [Devil Fruit] as much as possible.

This choice is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

Storm looked at the glittering and translucent [Diamond Trophy] in the void.

Change to the past.

He will definitely throw this [Diamond Trophy] into the [Clay Fruit] without thinking!

But now.

Storm quietly changed his mind.

[Big Trophy] has the powerful ability to make wishes.

The greatest support that Storm has - [Devil Ring].

I got it by making a wish with the [Big Trophy]!

A [Devil Ring] is so powerful.

Then the two [Devil Rings] are not allowed to take off?

Storm's hands have ten fingers.

The [Devil Ring] he wants is not one, not two, not three...

To be fair.

As a "special super-type", [Clay Fruit]'s strength is pretty good, but it's definitely not top-notch!

Let’s not mention the [Nika Fruit] of “Superman’s Metamorphosis Evolution Beast”.

The [Susui Fruit] that can transform into Nika, the [Surgery Fruit] that can perform immortal surgery...

The [Meat Ball Fruit] with the ability to manipulate concepts at will, can be called the [Childlike Fruit] with the effect of the law of cause and effect...

Compared to these superhuman devil fruits.

[Clay Fruit] is too "weak".

According to Storm, there are roughly two ways to increase the strength of [Clay Fruit].

The first one is to honestly develop the [Clay Fruit]'s own abilities and develop it all the way to "Nine Stars".

The second one is to hunt other powerful Devil Fruits and mix them with [Clay Fruit] to increase the strength!

For example, there are two "exploding fruits" that can make [Clay Fruit] more "artistic".

Whether it’s [Explosive Fruit] from Baroque Studio’s MR.5;

It’s also the [Explosive Fruit] of Gladius of the Don Quixote family.

All of them can make Storm's [Clay Fruit] "evolve" into——

"Animal type·Human Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Deidara Form"!

Even if these two "explosive fruits" are excluded.

There are also other Devil Fruits that can help the [Clay Fruit] increase its strength.

But no matter which devil fruit it is.

Storm wants their power.

I want to become a "multiple devil fruit user".

They all need more help from [Devil Rings]!

Going round and round.

Or [Devil Ring]!

"The only question now is."

"With the six-star [Diamond Trophy], can I make a wish and get the [Devil's Ring]?"

"Even a weakened version of the six-star [Devil's Ring]?"

The wish-granting ability of [Big Trophy] is not omnipotent.

For example, when Storm defeated the chameleon fruit user before, he used the opponent's [Grand Trophy] to make a wish.

At that time, he also fantasized about using the [Silver Trophy] to make a wish to obtain the [Devil's Ring].

In the end, I only gained a three-star [Color Changing] ability...

[Diamond Trophy] is much stronger than [Silver Trophy].

But can [Diamond Trophy] really allow you to wish for [Devil's Ring]?

Storm is unknown.

He only has one [Diamond Trophy] in his hand, so the risk of trial and error is too high.

In case the wish fails.

It’s just that I didn’t get the [Devil’s Ring].

What if I accidentally acquired some "new shemale boxing technique" or "free gender change" ability...

That’s called pure waste!

Storm pondered for a long time, and finally chose to put away this [Diamond Trophy].

"It would be great if there was a second six-star trophy..."

Storm made the decision not to use this unique [Diamond Trophy] for the time being.

If it is simply "adding points", a [Diamond Trophy] cannot bring about a qualitative improvement.

But if "the wish succeeds".

Two [Devil Rings] can definitely help Storm's strength change qualitatively!

"Among the six-star experts in Advancement City, Ivankov is one of them in the New Ladyboy Paradise, and there are also some in Infinite Hell."

"The rest...Ame no Shiru?"

A thought flashed through Storm's mind, and then he buried it in his heart.

He summoned his [Big Trophy] again and checked the ability bar.

Before, Storm disguised himself as "Edward Teach" and declared his dream with Ivankov and others.

He once clearly sensed some kind of "aura explosion" phenomenon that happened to him.

"Could it be... [Overlord color and domineering energy]?"

Storm checked his own [Domineering] attribute, and still only saw the five-star [Armed Color] and [Information Color].

Behind [Overlord Color Haki], the words "Not Awakened" are still displayed.

"Could it be that the previous outburst of momentum was actually just my illusion?"

Storm's brows wrinkled slightly.

"Impossible! That feeling is definitely not an illusion!"

Storm closed his eyes, trying to feel the previous burst of momentum again, but unfortunately he felt nothing.

"Or maybe...the awakening of [Overlord Color Dominance] requires more accumulation and a more special timing?"

Storm struggled for a while, but ultimately couldn't find any clue.

"A little irritated!"

Storm looked at the extremely cold hell that had returned to its original state.

He suddenly stretched out his right hand, assimilating the earth into clay again, and then controlled the clay to catch the human demon king buried in the ground.

He was blasted from the front and buried directly in the dark underground.

Even for a "miracle man" like Ivankov, his face looks very ugly now.

But Storm can't control that much.

He manipulated the clay and wrapped it around Ivankov's right foot, shaking it for a while as if he were carrying some small animal.

Ivankov, who fainted, was "forced to turn on" by this inhumane shaking behavior.

He opened his slightly out-of-focus eyes and didn't react for a while.

"Who am I? Where am I? My head is so dizzy!"

At this moment, Storm's voice came from below.

"Lady King, are you ready?"

Ivankov looked over after hearing the sound, and saw an unhappy-looking Storm standing on the ground below.

"Eh? Vongola Storm! Why are you standing upside down in the sky?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Ivankov finally came to his senses.

Not "Vongola Storm standing on his head in the sky"!

But he, Ambrio Ivankov, was hanged!

"Hey! Wait, wait a minute!"

Ivankov clasped his hands together and begged for mercy.

"I've been seriously injured and can't fight anymore!"


Storm glanced at the Demon King lightly.

"Aren't you still very energetic now?


Long strips of clay rose into the sky one after another.

The words that Ivankov had not yet spoken were completely blocked in his mouth.

...the battle dividing line...

[Platinum Trophy: Ivankov]

[Trophy Stars: ★★★★★]

"Well, if you beat it once, the quality will drop, but the platinum trophy is not bad!"

Storm manipulated the clay arm, grabbed Ivankov who was unconscious again, and returned to the new transvestite paradise.

When he came to the five point five floor.

None of the transvestites who had just been controlled by the giant clay hands managed to escape.

Ignore the Whitebeard III who has been standing in the corner.

These ladyboys really have no courage at all!

Storm glanced at the shemales, manipulated the surrounding clay, and knocked them all unconscious!

For a while.

A series of big trophies appeared on the screen in front of Storm's eyes.

But he looked carefully and found that these big trophies were basically silver trophies.

There is only one gold trophy.

"King of Monsters, what have you tried so hard for?"

Storm threw Ivankov to Lightning's side.

"Can't you recruit a few more powerful subordinates?"

Naturally, Ivankov, who had not yet woken up, could not hear Storm's complaints.

Neither the silver trophy nor the gold trophy has any added effect on Storm now.

That being the case.

"Make a wish!"

The golden trophy in the void quietly melted with Storm's will.

But what disappointed him was that the four-star trophy still did not come to him as he wished for the [Devil's Ring].

"Another new ability!"

Storm looked at his ability bar.

[Name: Blink of Death]

【Rating: ★★★★】

[Effect: By blinking at high speed, a strong explosive wind is released]

[Comment: So cute! 】

"Hey! Art is coming!"

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