Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 30 Clay awakens thousands of hands! (Please read! Please vote for me!)

Magellan finally agreed to Storm's suggestion.

After all, there is no better way, right...

However, regarding the duel between the two, Magellan still made a request:

As the director, he needs to watch the whole battle, and even intervene to stop the battle when necessary!

Regarding Magellan's request.

Whether it is Storm or Xiliu, they all agreed casually.

Magellan strongly suspected that these two guys did not take his warning as the director to heart, but he could not find evidence.

A few minutes later.

Everyone left the director's office and came to the open space outside the prison.

Scorching hell, the sea of ​​fire was blazing.

Storm and Xiliu stood on both sides of the open space, and their eyes met and collided in the air.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Xiliu's eyes were like a hungry wolf. He stared at Storm and put his right hand on the handle of the famous sword [Thunderstorm] at his waist.

This time, he will not be careless!

'Little devil! Go to hell! '

Without any sign, Xiliu instantly drew out the famous sword [Thunderstorm] from his waist and swung it heavily forward.

The blade flashing with strange blood light drew a round trajectory in the air.

The next moment, the sword body of [Thunderstorm] rolled up the air and released a crescent-shaped flying slash!


The fierce and brutal flying slash crossed half of the sea of ​​fire of the scorching hell in an instant and came in front of Storm.

The momentum of the flying slash dissipated, causing the blazing flames around to be suppressed close to the ground, almost extinguished directly.

Facing Xiliu's flying slash, Storm was not at all flustered.

He raised his right leg, concentrated all his strength on his legs and feet, and kicked forward fiercely several times.

[Mist Kick]!

In an instant.

Storm kicked out several extremely sharp vacuum slashes to meet the crescent-shaped sword energy that was rushing towards him.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the flying slash and the vacuum kick collided with each other.

Boom boom --

Accompanied by several deafening roars, the two shock waves canceled each other's power in mid-air.

The rolling shock waves spread in all directions, and many of the fires burning around were directly blown out.

'Six Styles! Storm Kick! '

Xilu's knowledge was not weak, and he saw the essence of Storm's ability at a glance.

Considering Storm's naval origin, it was not surprising that the other party knew the six styles.

Xilu clenched the famous sword in his hand, and the dark armed color domineering emerged on his forearm, wrapping around the blade of [Thunderstorm].

The next moment.

Xilu's figure left a residual image on the spot, and the whole person approached Storm at a very fast speed.

And Storm was waiting for this moment!

White clay gushed out from his body, wrapping around the surface of his body, causing his body to swell and grow.

By the time Shiliu arrived in front of Storm, the latter had grown into a monster like a small giant!

Shiliu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the [Thunderstorm] in his hand suddenly turned into a cold light and slashed towards the clay giant.

The attack of [Thunderstorm] was like a wisp of raindrops falling from the sky, and the sharp sword light almost formed a line.


But Storm's reaction was not slow at all.

The clay giant swung its huge fist and smashed it hard at the famous sword coming from the front.

The white clay was also wrapped with [Armament Haki], adding more power.

"Giant Armed Fist!"

The fist wrapped with [Armament Haki] and the famous sword collided fiercely.

It seemed that a thunderbolt sounded in the scorching hell, and the momentum of the battle was enough to pierce the clouds and split the rocks.


Shiliu's right arm muscles bulged high, and he concentrated all his strength on the [Thunderstorm] in his hand.

He thought that Storm was just a clever kid.

He never expected that the opponent's true strength was so strong!

Xiliu was still gritting his teeth and wrestling with the clay giant.

But Storm on the other side was distracted by another means of attack.

The power of the [Clay Fruit] silently assimilated the land of the scorching hell.

'Not good! '

Xiliu's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The ground under his feet suddenly softened, turning from the original hard floor into soft clay.

Without the support from his feet, Xiliu's whole body tilted, and his original strength relaxed.

The clay giant transformed by Storm retracted his right fist slightly, and then smashed it heavily in front.


Xiliu was immediately beaten and flew dozens of meters away. He rolled on the ground and became a rolling gourd.

When Xiliu finally stabilized his body and looked up to the front,

He was shocked to find that the ground under Storm's feet had been completely assimilated into a piece of clay.

[Clay Fruit], the power of awakening!

"Clay Rain!"

Storm assimilated the entire ground into clay, and dozens of clay strips grew out of the ground and attacked the opponent together.

Xiliu held the [Thunderstorm] tightly in his hand, retreating while swinging the sword repeatedly.

The blood-red sword blade swung in front of him to create a protective wall that could not be splashed by water, like a shield.

As soon as the clay strips created by Storm touched the sword light barrier transformed by [Thunderstorm], they were directly cut off.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind moved slightly.

Some of the clay strips still turned into "rainstorms" and continuously bombarded Xiliu.

But most of the remaining clay strips were mixed together in twos and threes under the control of Storm's will.

The clay strips that were originally only as thick as arms, after continuous fusion, their diameters continued to expand.

It was as if a human arm suddenly became huge and turned into a giant's arm!

At this moment.

The diameter of each clay strip was nearly one meter!

"Clay rainstorm!"

Storm controlled these huge clay strips and attacked Xiliu without stopping.

The sword light barrier that Xiliu's [Thunderstorm] could form had a limited protection area after all.

It could withstand the previous "clay rainstorm".

But it could not withstand the current "clay rainstorm"!

Xiliu also understood this truth. He no longer waved [Thunderstorm], but just tried his best to improve his perception.

His eyes glowed with scarlet light, and he used his observation Haki to capture the attack routes of the thick clay arms.

Boom! Boom! Boom! --

Every time a giant clay hand hit the ground of the scorching hell, a loud roar could be heard.

Shiryu, who used his observation Haki to the fullest, fled madly in this endless series of attacks, like a wild civet running around in a melon field.

The bombardment of the giant clay fist lasted for several minutes.

Shiryu finally realized that something was wrong.

He originally thought that with Storm's physical strength, there was no way to sustain such a large-scale attack for a long time.

But he was almost tired of running, and the attack of the giant clay fist did not stop at all.

The clay seemed endless, and the continuous attack did not give Shiryu any breathing time.

Shiryu looked at Storm at the other end through the gap in the attack of the giant clay fist.

What embarrassed him was that Storm was still calm and composed.

It seemed that the fight just now did not consume any of his energy at all.

‘We must interrupt the attack rhythm of that little devil! ’

Xiliu continued to dodge for a while, and finally found a short breathing time.

He swung the [Thunderstorm] in his hand vigorously, directly cutting off a clay giant fist.

He kicked the broken clay fist forward again, interfering with the attack route of another clay giant fist.

With this operation, Xiliu finally won a short attack opportunity for himself!

He held the famous sword [Thunderstorm], poured power into the sword, and slashed towards Storm.

The blood-red flying slash passed through the air, and its appearance showed an irregular shape, twisted and distorted, like lightning.

The great swordsman's flying slash with all his strength easily tore the clay arm made of ordinary clay.

The blood-red sword energy came to Storm with great force.

Storm was unmoved. With a thought, a huge shield as tall as a man stood in front of him.

"Clay shield!"

The dark [Armament Haki] wrapped around the surface of the clay shield, increasing its protective ability.

The next moment.

Xiliu's flying slash accurately hit the clay shield.

However, the clay shield wrapped with [Armament Haki] had a defense power that was incomparable to the previous clay.

Xiliu's slash did not break the clay shield.

Such an attack could not threaten Storm behind the clay shield.


Xiliu still bought himself a rare breathing time through this flying slash.

The tireless clay giant fist just now finally stopped attacking at this moment.


Xiliu stood in place and breathed slightly.

He was about to raise his sword and move forward to attack Storm.

Suddenly, he saw the giant clay fists just now, as if they had received an invisible command, and began to shrink rapidly in the direction of Storm.

‘What is that? ’

Xiliu consciously raised his vigilance.

But the change of clay was not affected by his personal will.

Storm gathered all the clay, surrounded him, and piled them together.

As the clay continued to change.

A huge Buddha statue standing upright appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​fire in the scorching hell.

The size of this Buddha was extremely large, but what was even larger was the dense "arms" behind it!

One hundred? One thousand?

The dense white arms piled up together, covering the clouds and the sun, countless.

Storm sat cross-legged on the head of the white Buddha and launched the final attack on Xiliu.

Awakening·Clay Fruit·True Thousands of Hands!

Endless giant clay fists bombarded the ground of the scorching hell.

Instantly, the ground broke and space collapsed.

Accompanied by countless rubble and flames.

Shiliu was knocked directly from the Burning Hell to the Extremely Cold Hell by Storm.

[Diamond Trophy: Shiliu of the Rain]

[Trophy Star Rating: ★★★★★★]

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