Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 50 Even if you die, the money will be mine! (Please read! Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Monkey D. Dorag.

This is not so much a "revolutionary".

Storm even felt that this man looked like a "peasant uprising leader"...

And he is still the kind of empty talker who talks all day long and never does anything serious...

As long as you study carefully, it is not difficult to find that Monkey D. Dolag has basically not participated in any major events.

That’s all.

Storm was even more speechless.

It was Monkey D. Dolag, as the supreme leader of the revolutionary army, who turned a blind eye to the life and death of important cadres under his command!

The Demon King Ambrio Ivankov, commander of the Revolutionary Army's Grand Line Army, was imprisoned in Impel Down for many years.

Monkey D. Dorag ignored him;

Ginny, the commander of the Eastern Navy of the Revolutionary Army, was captured by the World Government and became a tragic experiment of the Five Old Stars;

Monkey D. Dorag ignored her.

And wait until his son reaches adulthood and goes to sea.

Monkey D. Dolag immediately rushed to Rogge Town and personally escorted his son.

This guy is actually making a revolution.

Are you still playing house?

It would be fine to say that Monchi D. Dolag is a "newcomer" who has just come into contact with revolutionary ideas.

But this man had already started to form a revolutionary army after the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order incident more than ten years ago!

In other words.

Monkey D. Dorag has been involved in "revolutionary activities" for at least more than ten years!

Such a revolutionary army.

There is no guiding ideology, no program of action, and no revolutionary slogans.

There is no resistance.

Storm said that Monkey D. Dorag was a "peasant uprising leader". There was really nothing wrong with him!

All I can say is...

The world is a huge grassroots team.

Big Bear clearly felt the deep contempt for Dorag contained in Storm's words.

He wanted to defend Dorag, but he didn't know what to say.

Because what Storm just said are all ironclad facts.

The fact is that Dorag did nothing!

Well, maybe Dolag has also done something secretly that no one knows about?

"That's all, think about it for yourself, Bartholomew Bear."

Storm shook his head, turned and walked towards the church door.

"You protect your daughter very well, but a terminal disease like 'Jade Scale' cannot be cured by 'protection' alone.

“Of course, you can also pray to God and pray to Buddha, ask your Bible, and ask your gods for help.

“See if the gods answer your prayers!

"Or - let's see if the gods will appreciate your miserable life while holding their hands to their stomachs and laughing!"

After saying these words, Storm walked out of the church directly.

He was afraid that if he continued to speak, he would not be able to resist punching the big bear again!

At least, he didn't want to beat his father in front of his daughter.

This will teach bad things to children.

Storm left the dim church and came to the bright outside world, feeling that the dull feeling in his heart was swept away.

Monkey D. Drag, the Revolutionary Army, Nika and other terrible things that were worse than the last were immediately thrown out of his mind.


At this moment, a whimpering sound reached Storm's ears.

He walked towards the two clay figures placed next to the chapel - which he had casually thrown here before.

"Old man, don't think of me as some nice gentleman."

Storm stood in front of Bulldog's clay doll and gave a few warnings in advance.

"If you attack me again, I will let you know what 'baptism from hell' means!"

It would be a bit inhumane to throw Buldog into boiling hot oil or scalding boiling water.

But throw the other person into the sea and let the cold water sober up the other person's overheated brain...

Storm can still do it!


Storm snapped his fingers, freeing Bulldog from the bonds of clay.

"You disgusting pirate!"

Bulldog had a cold look on his face.

"You actually attacked an elderly man like me!"

"...Can you please stop being unreasonable?"

The corners of Storm's mouth twitched.

"Obviously you were the one who attacked me first, okay?"

Storm didn't want to reason with a cranky old man.

He simply ignored Bulldog, came to another clay statue, and released the other person's control.

The next moment.

King Beckley, the former king of the Sorbey Kingdom, fell in front of Storm like a homeless stray dog.

"Pirate-sama! Pirate-sama!"

King Beckley knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

"I have money in my hands! My country also has money!

"I can give you as much as you want!

"As long as you can let me go!"


There was a whistling sound in mid-air.

Storm glanced.

Buldog swung his cane and hit King Beckley on the head.


The old man is quite strong.

Such a thick walking stick hit King Beckley on the head, immediately creating a big bump on the latter's forehead.

"You scumbag!"

Bulldog continued to wave the cane in his hand and beat King Beckley hard.

"Set fire to the entire south! And he still has the nerve to come back!"

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

King Beckley protected his head with his hands and defended loudly.

“I am also doing this for the future of Solbei Kingdom!

"East China Sea! In the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea, there is a beautiful town without garbage!

“Even the Celestial Dragons once praised the beauty of that kingdom!

"For future happiness, we must be determined to reform the country!"

It’s okay that King Beckley didn’t defend himself.

As soon as he defended himself, Bulldog's anger was like a basin of hot oil being poured on him, and his whole body was about to "burn".

"So this is why you set fire to the nation?! Go to hell! King of Trash!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bulldog's cane fell on King Beckley like raindrops.

The latter lay on the ground and curled up together to avoid harm as much as possible.

But the old man's physical strength is always limited.

After beating Bulldog for a while, he was so tired that he was out of breath and had to stop.

Storm asked at the right time.

"You just said you are rich?"

"Yes, I have money, I have a lot of money..."

King Beckley was also not young, and he had just received a severe beating. He replied weakly.

"As long as you let me go, I'm willing to give you all my money..."

Bulldog's eyes widened, and he immediately wanted to raise his cane and beat this scumbag king to death.

But this time, Storm didn't let him run wild.

"Lord Consul, how could you treat your former king like this?"

With a thought in Storm's mind, a ball of clay appeared out of thin air, controlling Bulldog again.

"King of Shells, right? Where do you keep all your treasures? Is there a treasure house like the 'King's Treasure'?"

"My money..."

King Beckley swallowed quietly and lowered his voice involuntarily.

"My money is all in the palace."

"So where is your palace?"

"It, it...it was destroyed by that 'tyrant'!"

King Beckley replied helplessly, but then he became hopeful again.

"But my country is still here!

"As long as I can become the king of this country again, I will have endless treasures!"

The smile on Storm's face disappeared instantly, and he asked coldly.

"You mean, you have no money?"

"I have no money now! But my citizens still have money!"

King Beckley replied immediately.

"Lord Pirate! As long as you don't mind, I can give you half of the wealth of the Sorbei Kingdom!

"As long as you can help me regain the throne!"

This is the first time that Storm has been favored by the king.

"Do you know something?"


"As long as I want, even if you die, the money can still be mine!"

Without waiting for King Beckley to respond, Storm squeezed a ball of clay and stuffed it into the other man's mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

Storm turned to look at Bulldog beside him and asked in confusion.

"Didn't you say that a 'one-man revolution' occurred in the Kingdom of Solbe? Why didn't you kill this trash before?"

"We old bones don't have the ability to rush into the palace and defeat the army..."

Bulldog said helplessly, pouting towards the church on one side.

“That was King Bear’s decision.

"Not just this time, I remember he did this last time too."


As early as more than ten years ago, King Beckley's rule was overthrown by Big Bear.

By the way, Dorag and Ivankov also came to the Solbe Kingdom at that time.

The three giants of the revolutionary army came together to overthrow the original ruling power of a kingdom, and then...

Just left, gone, gone...

Until this year, the Big Bear once again overthrew the brutal rule of King Beckley.

This is the so-called "one-man revolution".


Big Bear once again let King Beckley go...

Storm looked at the bruised and bruised King Beckley speechlessly.

"Why do you insist on keeping this piece of trash who only promises empty promises?"

"This kind of thing is not something we can decide."

Bulldog shook his head and sighed, then whispered.

"Whether it was the revolutionary army back then or the current Big Bear King.

"Their actions will not be affected by little people like us.

“What else can we do but accept their decision?”

Storm was silent for a moment, then yelled at the church nearby.

"Bartholomew Bear! Did you hear that!?"

Storm roared.

"Revolution is not playing house! It is not treating guests to dinner!

"How long will you continue to be naive!?"

With a burst of rapid footsteps.

The big bear ran out of the church.

Storm didn't want to talk to him for the time being. He casually squeezed a white dragon and flew into the sky on it.

The strong wind from high altitude ruffled Storm's robe.

He looked at the three warships on the sea, took out the phone bug from his arms, and dialed a familiar number.

"Moxi Moxi——

"General Aokiji, do you want a warship or not?"

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