Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 81 Speak! Aokiji Kuzan! I let you speak! (Additional chapter for the 10,000-yuan reward from

Blue sky, white clouds, and flocks of birds.

The flying squirrel woke up from the coma, but there was still a clear, tearing pain in his abdomen.

The intense pain caused the elite lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters to quickly shake off his confusion and regain consciousness.

"White Dragon!"

Regardless of the pain, Flying Squirrel stood up neatly from the deck of the battleship, trying to find Wang Shichibukai, who had just suddenly attacked him.

But what surprised him was that the prison battleship still looked peaceful and orderly.

There is absolutely no tragic scene like hell on earth that the flying squirrel imagined.

It seems that except for Flying Squirrel, the top person in charge, no other naval soldier on the prison battleship was injured.

‘White Dragon…is he just targeting himself? ’

Such a thought suddenly flashed through the flying squirrel's mind.

At this moment, Storm's voice sounded from the side.

"Hey, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, are you awake?"

Hearing the sound, Flying Squirrel was instantly startled. The saber he wore on his waist was unsheathed, and the bright blade was pointed directly at the enemy——

A pirate, one is...

A pirate holding a noodle bowl and trying hard to make noodles?

When he saw Storm's image clearly, the corners of the flying squirrel's eyes twitched violently.

What does this guy think of a warship? ?

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had such authentic navy ramen.”

While talking, Storm had already finished a large bowl of noodles.

He threw the empty noodle bowl aside, and the empty noodle bowls piled up to the height of a person.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, would you like a bowl?"

Storm picked up a bowl of ramen, then controlled the clay arm to bring a bowl of ramen to the flying squirrel.


The flying squirrel held a saber and slashed horizontally. The soft clay arm was immediately split into two by him.

Then he stretched out his right hand and caught the bowl of ramen firmly, without even a drop of noodle soup spilling out.

Pirates can eat this ramen, but he can't?


The flying squirrel sheathed the knife, took the chopsticks handed by the navy soldier on the side, and began to slurp his noodles.

Storm on the other side had almost eaten while the flying squirrel was unconscious.

After finishing the bowl of ramen in his hand, he stopped eating.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel."

Hearing Storm's words, Flying Squirrel didn't respond at all, he was just trying to be polite.

The lieutenant general only glanced at the empty noodle bowls piled high next to Bailong with his peripheral vision.

Then he rubbed his face harder...

Storm didn't mind the other party's cold attitude and said to himself.

"We are about to arrive at Gaya Island. I have already dealt with the pirates there in advance. You can just transport them to Impel Down City.

"I just wrote a letter, asking you to help send it to Hannibal, the warden of Impel Down.

“No matter what, I’m still trying to improve the performance of Impel City.

"I sent two pirates from Pirate Island to Impel Down in one go. Hannibal should be very happy, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the flying squirrel, who was chatting, couldn't help coughing.

"Building performance"?

What is this new statement?

Storm glanced at the flying squirrel who was still coughing, and continued to add without paying attention to the other person's posture.

"One more thing, I just wrote a letter, asking you to help send it to the Navy Headquarters Marshal Sengoku.

"Just say that my current reward amount is too low! Increase it a little! At least increase it to more than 100 million beli!

"Otherwise, I will fight a vice admiral when I meet him in the future.

"Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, you don't want the majesty of the navy to be trampled under the feet of pirates, right?"

You guy!

The flying squirrel simply stopped talking, he just glared at Storm.

If it weren't for the "rules", he would have given this bastard Bai Long some color!

At least Bailong must see blood!

Storm was stared at by the flying squirrel, but he felt no pressure at all. He shrugged his shoulders and continued.

"By the way, there's another thing -"

"The Navy is not your messenger!"

The flying squirrel couldn't stand Storm's endless chatter and interrupted him coldly.

“If you have any news, you can deliver it yourself!

"Whether it's the Navy Headquarters or Impel Down City, you are very much 'welcome'!"

"Well, you're right, but aren't I too busy to get away now?"

Storm spread his hands and said in a very unbeatable tone.

“You know, pirates are like this.

"A just navy only needs to obey orders, maintain the rule of the government, and be a good dog to the Celestial Dragons.

"But there are many things that pirates need to consider."

To be fair.

Storm's statement was really not sarcastic.

He just told what the navy did.

But as the classic saying goes.

Lies won't hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife.

When the flying squirrel heard this sharp comment, his lips moved, but he didn't say even a single word. His beard was so angry that he couldn't stop trembling.

And what makes the flying squirrel feel most defenseless?

Everything Storm said is true!

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore.


The furious Flying Squirrel unsheathed his sword, and the dark and heavy [Armed Color Haki] wrapped around and covered the surface of the saber.

For a naval vice-admiral, proficiency in armed color and knowledge color is the most basic requirement.

Storm was pointed at by the flying squirrel with a knife, but his expression did not change at all. He looked at the flying squirrel calmly.

"One more thing."

"Don't point a saber at a Shichibukai casually.

"Because you are weak~"

[Momo Fruit·100x Speed]!

Storm's voice exploded in the flying squirrel's ears like thunder.

With the reaction speed of the elite vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he could not even detect when the other party appeared.

He could not even sense the opponent's movement trajectory.

It was natural to be hit by the opponent's fist.


Storm's fist hit the flying squirrel's stomach again.

The latter curled up, his eyes bulged, and the whole person flew out of the warship and flew all the way to Gaya Island in front.

At this moment, it was just like that moment.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, fell to the street.

[Platinum Trophy: Flying Squirrel]

[Trophy Star Rating: ★★★★★]

Storm shook his fist and looked at the naval soldiers who were silent on the side.

"Navy, get to work!"


The prison battleship loaded the prisoners and sailed away from Gaya Island.

Due to the unexpected "passengers" - Gaya Island was not included in the original sailing plan of the prison battleship.

So many prisoners need to squeeze into the same prison.

But that is not a problem that Storm needs to worry about.

At this time on Gaya Island.

Apart from Storm, there are only two or three cats and kittens left.

It is not a big problem to say that this is an "uninhabited island".

Storm did not care about the rest of the people on the island. He was honing his [Armament Haki] alone on the shore.

Blue - Blue -

A ring of Den Den Mushi rang.

Storm seemed to have expected it. He flew into the sky with a dragon and then answered the Den Den Mushi.


"Vongola Storm!"

Aokiji's serious voice came out of the Den Den Mushi. He rarely used this tone.

"Why did you attack the flying squirrel? You even threatened to attack the vice admiral of the navy?"

"Sure enough, it was because of this..."

Storm was not at all surprised by Aokiji's fierce reaction. He said nonchalantly.

"Because this is my 'revenge'."


Aokiji's face, which had just been furious, became confused.

The Den Den Mushi vividly interpreted Aokiji's expression and demeanor.


Aokiji was not mentally prepared for this answer.

"Why do you want revenge...the flying squirrel? What's your grudge against him?"

"Not revenge against the flying squirrel, but revenge against the navy."

Storm corrected Aokiji's mistake.

"To be precise, I'm targeting you, Admiral Aokiji."

"......? Huh?"

The blank expression on Aokiji's face became more obvious.

"Me? Did I do anything wrong? I didn't do anything..."

"Yes! It's because you didn't do anything!"

Storm's tone became rhythmic, and he bombarded Aokiji.

"General Aokiji! You clearly agreed to increase my bounty to 1.295 billion Beli!

"Why did I only see 95 million Beli today?

"Where are the other 1.2 billion Beli? Did you embezzle it?

"Do you know how much damage this 95 million Beli bounty has caused to my young heart?"


Aokiji's mind was in chaos.

Or perhaps, the extreme helplessness made him completely speechless at this moment.

"Just... because of this?"

"Yes! Just because of this!"

"Are you sick! "


Aokiji hung up the Den Den Mushi indignantly.

He thought that the flying squirrel had done something first, which provoked Storm, and that led to the fight between the two.

Before Aokiji called, he had thought about mediating the conflict between the two.

But he never expected that it was because of the bounty?

Is this a problem?

Aokiji thought about it again and again, and endured it again and again, but he couldn't help it.

He directly called another Den Den Mushi.

"Vongola Storm! You kid! ! Don't be so lawless! ! ! "

"Captain Aokiji! You were the first to break your promise!"

"I didn't promise you this!"

"You didn't refuse this either!"

"Subordinates are not allowed to talk back to their superiors!"

"Report to Commander Aokiji! I'm not talking back to you! I'm talking to you about reason! "


Aokiji was furious at Storm's words.

If it weren't for the Den Den Mushi.

Aokiji wanted to use the "Ice Age" to seal Storm's mouth!

"Ah, what a sharp mouth..."

Feeling absurd, Aokiji was silent for a moment and laughed out loud.

"What kind of 'truth' are you talking about? The truth of the navy? Or the truth of pirates?"

"This is a universal truth!"

Storm said without giving in.

"Do what you say, that's the truth I'm talking about."

"You little brat..."

Aokiji couldn't help grinding his teeth, making a creaking sound.

"Anyway, it's wrong for you to beat up the vice admiral of the navy!"

"The vice admiral of the navy personally let the 'son of the devil' that the world government is focusing on escape, right?"


"The Vice Admiral ordered the bombardment of innocent civilian refuge ships, correct?"


"The Vice Admiral is sitting back and watching the triennial 'World Government Non-Aboriginal Aboriginal Hunting Competition', right?"


"Speak, Admiral! Qingzhi Kuzan! I let you speak!"


Qing Zhi closed his eyes, the anger in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he just let out a long sigh.

"Strong, what else do you know? At your age, you shouldn't be exposed to so many dark sides of the world..."

"Have you forgotten, I once worked in Impel Down City."

Storm's tone was calm.

“In Impel Down, I met a friend, Ambrio Ivankov;

“In Nanhai, I also met a new friend, Bartholomew Big Bear.

"As for the 'son of the devil', you personally entrusted it to me."

Ambrio Ivankov, Bartholomew Bear, Nico Robin...

Valley of the Gods incident, O'Hara incident...

One after another secret past events emerged in Qingzhi's mind.

He thought that "lazy justice" was too lazy to remember these disgusting evils.

I didn’t expect it to be today.

A few words from Storm.

It can once again bring back the dark memories left behind by Aokiji.

"I'm so sorry, Storm..."

Qingzhi smiled bitterly, his tone as sad as his [frozen fruit].

“That’s what the Navy is like.

"As you said, the navy only needs to obey orders and maintain the government's rule..."

The word "Justice" is branded on the back of the extremely white navy coat.

But the Navy serves as a violent institution under the World Government.

How difficult is it to uphold justice?

Let alone those ordinary sailors who cannot even understand and implement the concept of justice.

Even the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

It is also unable to implement its own justice!

Whether Akainu’s “thorough justice” is right or wrong is not a matter of discussion for the moment.

And Aokiji's "lazy justice"... is outrageous enough.

As for Kizaru's "ambiguous justice"...

Can this still be called "justice"?

It's obviously "Zhengyi" without a heart!

Even Aokiji, who is also an admiral, cannot understand Kizaru's "justice" many times.


This is the Admiral.

Storm's voice sounded again.

"General Qing Pheasant."


"Do you like playing chess?"


"Everything in the world is like a chess game. Those in authority are confused, but onlookers are clear."

"What did you say? I don't understand."

"Let me tell you, Admiral Aokiji, why don't you leave the navy-"


Qingzhi hung up the phone directly.

"Ah la la..."

Storm held up the phone bug that had lost its signal and imitated the characteristic laugh of his immediate boss.

"Blue Pheasant, Blue Pheasant, 'lazy justice' has been shaken once again~"

Storm remembers clearly that the last time he "recruited" Aoki Pheasant, the other party directly rejected his invitation.

Aokiji even said bluntly at the time, "I will never leave the Navy!".

But this time.

Storm once again gave the advice to "leave the Navy."

Qingzhi didn't say anything, he just hung up the phone.

Did he not want to answer?

Still don't dare to answer?

Storm smiled, and just as he was about to put away the phone bug, the ringtone suddenly rang again.

But this time it's not the Blue Pheasant.

It was Bartholomew Bear who had been missing for several days.

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