Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 96 Storm: Akainu is too conservative! (Three updates, 9k, please subscribe!)

Cocosia Village.

Nami, still immersed in the "dream", returned to her hometown briskly with her hands behind her back.

As she passed the Sheriff's hut at the end of the village, she waved cheerfully towards him.

"Hey! Jian! Long time no see!"

Ken, the Sheriff of Cocosia Village, who wore a strange kite hat on his head, looked at Nami with some disbelief, who suddenly returned to her sunny and cheerful appearance. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub his eyes.

The happy smile blooming on Nami's face at this moment...

I haven’t seen Jian for at least four years!

Nami, what happened to her?

Jian subconsciously looked at the strange man following Nami.

Could it be related to this man?

Nami didn't know what Ajian was thinking.

Although she also wanted to talk to Ajian, what she thought about most now was the orange grove at home.

It was not a long journey between the Sheriff's Lodge and the Orangery.

It didn't take more than a few minutes.

Nami returned home and saw her sister doing housework.


Nami took three steps and two steps at a time, trotted all the way to Nokigao, and hugged him hard.

"I miss you so much!"

Nokigao was stunned because she could clearly feel that her clothes were soaked by something.

Those are Nami's tears...

Since Bellemere's death, Nami has never cried in front of others...

Today's Nami...

Nokigao was the same as Jian before. She gently hugged Nami and patted her back while casting curious eyes on the strange man who went home with Nami.

Storm looked at Nokigao's probing eyes. He raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and tapped his brain.

What he meant was very simple, and Nokigao "understood"——

There's something wrong with Nami's brain.


Nuo Qigao hugged her sister with more strength.

Nami didn't realize it, she was still telling Nokigao about the difficulty of the past few years.

"Nuo Qigao, actually I really don't like people who steal money..."

"Stealing pirates' money is very dangerous. Each of them has a gun in his hand. I was hit several times and it hurt..."

"Sometimes, I can't steal money, and I don't dare to spend the money I saved before, so I can only go hungry, and the feeling of being hungry is very bad..."

"But I haven't told you these things because I was afraid that you would worry about me and prevent me from continuing to steal money..."

"I have saved almost 40 million Baileys now. In just a few years, three years, or four years? I will be able to save 100 million Baileys..."

"When the time comes, I will definitely buy the village back from Aaron..."

Nami told Nokigao all about her experiences in the past few years.

In normal times, Nami would never have spoken so much to Nokigao.

But since it's a dream, it doesn't matter.

At the end of the sentence, Nami's voice gradually became weaker, and her breathing became steady.

She fell asleep.

Nokigao hugged Nami and sent her into the house before coming outside.

She saw Storm looking at the orange trees he planted with great interest.

Looking at the obviously valuable set of clothes on the strange man, Nuo Qigao's palms became sweaty. She quickly rubbed them on the clothes, stepped forward, and asked softly.

"Hello, sir, I am Nokigao, Nami's sister. Who are you and Nami..."

"Vongola Storm, Nami and I have a 'master and slave' relationship."

Storm withdrew his gaze from Orange, turned to Nozhigao, and explained openly.

"To put it simply, Nami's life was bought by me, and she agreed."


When Nuo Qigao heard the other party's first words, he was stunned.

But after listening to all the words, her mood changed directly from "shocked" to "confused."

Nami also agreed... What the hell?

“Master and Slave”…

Is this some kind of new era relationship between men and women?

Nokigao couldn't understand.

At least judging from Nami's state just now.

There is nothing bad about Nami except that she has become a little stupider, and she no longer has the cold temperament she had before.

In this way, Nami, who has a brain problem, can meet a man who makes her happy... which can be considered her blessing.

Nokia chooses to respect.

"Miss Nogigao, I have other things to deal with, so I won't stay here any longer."

Storm said politely to Nozhigao.

"Tell Nami for me. It can take as little as two days or as long as half a month. I will come back to pick her up and leave."

Nokigao originally wanted to open her mouth to retain the other party, but at least she had to invite the other party to have a cup of tea and a light meal at home.

But the ground under Storm's feet suddenly fluctuated, and a lifelike blue-eyed white dragon emerged from the ground and carried him into the air.

Nuo Qigao's brain immediately shut down.

There seemed to be something wrong with her brain. She actually saw a dragon in broad daylight...

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, Miss Nozhiko."

Storm pointed to Aaron Park.

"I have cleaned up the group of scumbag fishmen over there. You can tell other people in the village about this."

Aaron and his gang...are dead?

Nuo Qigao laughed dryly twice.

No matter it was Nami before or Hakuryu now, everything was very abnormal.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with her brain...

After giving a brief explanation to Nokigao, Storm left Cocosia Village directly on the blue-eyed white dragon.

He did not take over the Arlong Pirates' wealth.

How much money can a group of local bully fishmen who only dominate in the East China Sea have in their hands?

The "cash flow" in the Arlong Pirates may not be as much as the money in Nami's hands!

For this small amount of money, let’s let them “go back to where they came from”…

As for Nami.

Storm reached the horizon and turned to look at Cocosia Village behind.

Speaking of which, his current gang still lacks a "navigator"!

In the entire sea, there are not one, not two navigators known to have greater sailing talent than Nami...

But not at all!

Nami can sense climate change just by using her body.

Even in the Grand Line, Nami's super talent can be effective.

If we only talk about the simple "navigation level".

A certain Straw Hat super fan's grandma might be taller than Nami.

But if we only talk about talent...

Of all the navigators Storm knew, no one was more powerful than Nami.

He wants to call Nami the strongest!

After accidentally picking up a wild super navigator, Storm was in a very good mood.

Although the East China Sea is known as the "weakest sea".

But once shipped, it will be a legendary ruthless character.

It’s outrageous!

The blue-eyed white dragon slowly flew away from Cocosia Village.

But Storm did not leave the Conomi Islands directly. While approaching the 16th branch, he took out the phone bug and called Aokiji.

"Hey, hey, hey~ Is Qing Pheasant here?"

"Storm? It's you again? What did you do again this time?"

"Nothing has been committed, but something will be committed soon. I will arrive at the 16th branch soon, and then kill the colonel inside."

"Huh? Wait! Where is Branch 16? No matter where it is, the colonel is the highest officer of the branch, right!?"

Qingzhi was stunned. He didn't remember where the 16th branch was, but he was very surprised by Storm's actions.

"Strum, what's wrong with that colonel?"

"It's nothing..."

Sitting on the Blue Eyes White Dragon, Storm could already see the building of the 16th branch.

"It's nothing more than colluding with pirates, oppressing civilians, enslaving humans, and amassing money."

"This is a very serious accusation against a colleague..."

"It's not an accusation, it's a description. I met Aaron and his gang in the East China Sea... They were some fishmen who were discriminatory against humans in the Sun Pirates back then. The colonel of branch 16 was the protective umbrella of Aaron and his gang. They were gangsters. The collusion lasted at least four years.”

Storm briefly told what happened in Aaron Paradise.


Aaron said he hates humans and wants to rule them.

But every month he would honestly give a bribe to Colonel Mouse of Donghai Branch 16.

Aaron bribed Colonel Mouse for only one reason - to prevent the latter from snitching to the Navy Headquarters.

After listening to Storm's words, Qingzhi remained silent for a moment.

As the navy's ranks grow, some moths will inevitably grow.

The G-series branch of Grand Line is okay.

The branch in Sihai... is called a moth-stricken area.

"Ström, can you give that branch colonel a chance?"

Qing Pheasant said hesitantly.

"You can teach him a lesson, but don't kill him. Let him accept the punishment of the law."

"Ah? General Qing Pheasant, didn't you tell me earlier? I've already killed him."

Storm stood on the original site of the 16th branch base in ruins.

Colonel Mouse was dead, and all the other navy soldiers were knocked unconscious.

"But don't worry, I will only punish the culprit. You can let the other navy soldiers accept legal sanctions."

"I see!"

Qing Zhi responded stiffly.

"I will convey this matter to the Warring States Marshal and ask him to transfer people from other branches in the East China Sea to the 16th branch as soon as possible!

"Besides, Storm, the navy and pirates are different..."

"Yes, of course the navy and pirates are different!"

Storm didn't wait for Qing Pheasant to finish his words before interrupting him directly.

“In my opinion, General Akainu is still a bit too gentle.

"How can the so-called 'complete justice' only point its guns at pirates?

"There are also a lot of scum in the navy community and even in the world government system!

“These scum are also a threat to justice!

“If justice is not complete, it is completely unjust!

"Let me tell you, we should... Hey, hey? Green pheasant? Green chicken? Why did you hang up the phone again?"

Storm looked at the phone bug that had lost its signal and couldn't help but curled his lips.

Little green chicken, you still want CPU me, who do you think I am?

At the Navy Headquarters, I call you "General."

But this is the East China Sea, you have to call me King Shichibukai White Dragon!

Storm put away the phone bug and flew away from the ruins of the 16th branch base with the blue-eyed white dragon.

High in the sky.

Storm took out the map of the East China Sea that he had obtained from the map room in Aaron Paradise.

This is the East China Sea map that Nami drew stroke by stroke over the past few years. It is definitely the "latest version".

Storm took out the old antique map collected by the Vinsmoke family.

One old and one new, two maps, referencing each other.

Storm determined the next destination -

Dawn Island!

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