Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 1 The Scene Of The Monster Case

Chapter 1: Scene of the Supernatural Case

In early spring, on the twenty-third day of the second month, in the Yixingfang district.

Ghost Cry Ridge.

The night was as dark as ink, as if it was about to drip down from the sky like a curtain.

Under the desolate moonlight, Ghost Cry Ridge was wrapped in a thin layer of silver, and amidst the scattered trees stood a nunnery.

Xu You was currently surveying outside the nunnery, and then he stepped on two dried corpses.

One was a monk, and the other was a nun.

Xu You rubbed his face and shivered.

Both corpses were naked. Their bald heads were adorned with scars from their vows, and their dry and wrinkled skin formed a peculiar "black hole" between their thighs.

Their facial features had collapsed into skulls, but the faintly outlined corners of their mouths revealed a sense of relief after experiencing pleasure.

It seemed that they had been completely drained.

To reach the point of the "black hole" between their thighs, one could imagine how cruel their deaths were.

A monk who died in such a manner lay in front of the nunnery.


So it was Monk Dengcao.

Xu You looked up at the nunnery. The surrounding walls were mottled, with cracks running through the bricks and tiles, forming a pattern resembling a crying ghost.

A faint mist rose, partially obscuring the nunnery, making the desolate night appear even more eerie.

Two red lanterns hung on either side of the nunnery gate, and the candlelight shone through the thin mist, creating a faint pink hue.

A cold wind brushed past, gently swaying the red lanterns, and the pole on which the lanterns hung seemed to be singing along with the flowing mist, as if a ghost was singing a tune.

Occasionally, a thunderbolt flashed in the distance, casting a gloomy light on the nunnery.

Most ordinary people would avoid such a mysterious and silent nunnery, but Xu You strode forward and stopped in front of the gate.


Xu You reached out his hands and gently pushed the wooden door underneath.

Blinding light instantly shone out from inside, causing him to squint.

The rooms inside the nunnery were exquisite, brightly lit, and filled with men and nuns mingling together, indulging in obscene and vulgar conversations. The scene was stimulating and exciting.

The lively atmosphere rushed towards him, creating two distinct worlds that contrasted with the eerie silence outside the nunnery.

The nuns were all dressed in light blue monk robes made of thin silk, and one could vaguely see their graceful curves underneath. Even the hats they wore were made of thin gauze.

Xu You, a righteous gentleman, looked at the impure scene inside the nunnery.

"Please come in, sir."

A seductive and enchanting nun with a charming figure and a graceful walk approached Xu You.

Her figure was as plump as jade, her voice as tempting as silk, her appearance as seductive as a demon, her eyes like rippling water and clouds of smoke, and her fragrance as refreshing as blooming flowers.

The cloth behind her swayed, exuding an air of sensuality.

Xu You looked nervously at the bald nun who swayed gracefully towards him.


A thunderbolt streaked across the night sky.

In an instant, the bright light illuminated the temple, and the temple gate closed automatically. Xu You's appearance was clearly visible under the lightning.

Wearing the Taoist Five Sacred Mountains crown, with an old gray wooden hairpin inserted to secure it.

With gentle brows and clear starry eyes, a straight nose, he exuded the air of a gentleman of the Taoist school under the dim yellow light.

Tall and slender, wrapped in a white robe, carrying a three-foot long sword on his back, a purple-gold hammer hanging from his waist, and wearing shoes representing the ten directions, he stood firm like a mountain.

As the lightning dissipated, Xu You's figure once again disappeared under the orange glow, and the reflected light danced on his face.

The nun eagerly and naturally took hold of his arm and led him inside.

Xu You allowed himself to be led in and soon arrived in a beautifully furnished room in the backyard. The two sat down at the table.

On the table were fine wine and delicacies, and the nun sat intimately by Xu You's side.

Xu You poured himself a glass of wine, the color of the wine was red and sticky, flowing like blood instead of wine.

"Young master only cares about drinking and doesn't understand this poor nun," the nun said with a seductive gaze, reaching out to gently caress Xu You's hand.

Charming and pitiful, with a touch of allure.

Ordinary men like to try new things, and faced with such a style of nun, they can hardly control themselves.

But Xu You was different. Having watched so many videos of beautiful women, he had seen all kinds of seductive scenes. Hey, you wouldn't believe it, but the next scene was something he had never seen before.

The monk gently took off her nun's hat, revealing a bald head under the lamp.

Looking at the graceful bald nun in front of him, with such a combination of beauty and buffness, even if Xu You was a gentleman, he couldn't resist.

"Why are you so restrained, young master?"

"Sister seems like a delicate and beautiful porcelain just out of the kiln. I feel a bit shy."

The monk did not perceive the other meaning behind these words and laughed, covering her mouth. "Young master, you have such a sweet mouth."

"I don't like group activities or anything like that. I prefer one-on-one. Many people say I'm the King of Northwestern Boxing." Xu You pointed towards the courtyard. "I like to challenge others individually."

"Don't worry, sister will have a one-on-one with you." The monk playfully pouted and chuckled, affectionately patting Xu You's arm.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'King of Northwestern Boxing'?" Xu You took off the purple-gold hammer from his waist and placed it on the table. "This thing, it has a great texture and feels powerful."

"Is that so?" Hearing the words "great texture," the monk curiously approached, ready to observe it up close.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came from the room.

Xu You suddenly rose up, took the purple-gold hammer in his hand, and swung it directly at the monk's chest, then followed up with a strike to the head.

The bald head was quite crisp, and the sound had a very satisfying texture.

With two strikes, the monk's face twisted, black smoke continuously emanating from it. The left shoulder sank, the right shoulder arched up, the left leg slightly bent, assuming a classic chicken stance.

The Divine Ability attached to the hammer has imprisoned them, but in an instant, the monks and nuns let out a mournful cry and broke free from the chicken stance, fleeing outward.


Then, Xu You gently raised his right hand, and a long sword behind him buzzed as it unsheathed. It was wrapped in gold and adorned with floating mysterious symbols.


Xu You lightly pressed his right hand, and the long sword turned into a stream of light. The golden sword energy fell from his eyes.

From the beginning of the elegant room, the entire nunnery was split in half by the sword technique displayed by this long sword. Wherever it passed, Daoist symbols floated around.

Mournful cries resounded from all directions.

Xu You slowly stood up and walked out of the split elegant room. The lively scene in the courtyard had disappeared, replaced by desolation. The magnificent lights had turned into an eerie red.

Xu You lightly tapped his left foot and soared into the air.


The flying sword once again turned into a stream of light and slashed downwards. The target was not the courtyard, but the corner on the right side.

Where the flying sword landed, the fleeing monk and nun panicked.

Xu You landed with a bang, holding a purple-gold hammer in both hands, charging towards the monk and nun like a cannonball.


Another crisp sound rang out as the purple-gold hammer slammed into the monk and nun, causing them to fall to the ground and not get up.

Xu You dealt with these troublesome women one by one with his hammer.

Soon, the fallen graceful monk and nun slowly transformed into a plump and terrifying sow, a transformation that could instantly stop any man in his tracks.

Damn it!

The appearance of the sow demon startled Xu You.

When he came, he only knew that there was a demonic presence, but he never expected it to be a pig demon.

In his heart, he couldn't help but silently mourn for those men who had lost their lives.

After the pig demon fully revealed itself, Xu You curiously observed it.

It had a large body with a thick horn on its forehead and was covered in yellow spots.

Xu You took out a jade slip from his pocket, which recorded information about monster beasts, and quickly found the answer.

This pig demon was not an ordinary wild boar that had cultivated into a demon. It was a rare breed of unicorn pig demon, born with both male and female characteristics.

It fed on the blood of the Xiren tribe and could consume both men and women.

When dealing with females, it would use its horn to drain their life force.

When dealing with males, it would use its Divine Ability to shrink their genitals and fill the empty space with its horn.

The horn was the part they used to suck human blood, and it could stretch and change at will.

Extremely perverted, extremely cruel.

Xu You took a cold breath. It turned out that the two monks died in such a way. This pig demon was truly not worth pitying!

After a moment of reflection, Xu You hung the purple-gold hammer at his waist, looked up at the night sky, and the three-foot-long sword naturally rose again, turning into a stream of light and splitting the night sky in half.

The morning sun poured down, bathing everything below.

This is not a night, but an illusion that keeps the nunnery shrouded in darkness. Even the objects in the courtyard are illusions.

The warm sunlight poured onto Xu You's shoulders, covering the entire nunnery. The exquisite buildings all disappeared, leaving only ruins.

At this moment, a soul flew out from the body of the female pig demon and entered Xu You's body. Xu You's thoughts also immersed themselves in his mind.

Inside, there lay a huge green lotus flower, Azure Lotus, with nine petals emitting a faint light.

Xu You came to the center of Azure Lotus and gently pressed on the delicate flower bud. Suddenly, this Azure Lotus burst into a strong light and began to rotate.

Then, he absorbed the soul of the female pig demon, compressing it into a small stick that emitted a faint glow.

Next, the Azure Lotus in the divine mansion stopped rotating, and a crack opened in the middle. The soul smoothly entered it.

The entire Azure Lotus began to vibrate rhythmically. Then, golden liquid poured out, transforming into a treasure.

Xu You didn't care about the transformation process, he only cared about the treasure.

Xu You regained his senses and opened his hand, revealing a white whip that looked like a pig's tail.

[Pig Demon Whip]

[When facing enemies, it is driven by cultivation. Can be used for whipping. Comes with a charm effect, which can greatly stimulate the inner desire attribute (exploding effect on mentally abnormal and morally corrupt individuals)]

Xu You looked at the pig demon whip in his hand, and his mouth twitched imperceptibly.

He solemnly put away the whip, and then his long sword flew out and hovered by his side.

Xu You leaped onto the flying sword and shot off into the distance with a whoosh.

Standing on the flying sword, Xu You stood with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering. Soon, he disappeared into the white clouds.

After about half an hour, Xu You arrived at his destination.

Looking down, he saw that the sea of clouds parted on both sides, revealing majestic scenery like a slowly unfolding scroll.

Tall mountain peaks rose into the clouds, standing on the earth like bamboo shoots after rain.

Clouds and mist lingered, and exotic flowers and plants competed in blooming. The continuous buildings resembled heavenly palaces.

The morning sunlight wandered between the peaks, dyeing the scene like a picturesque dream, incredibly fantastical.

Xu You changed direction and plunged into this fairyland.


Hello, my handsome and sturdy readers.

During this time, I have gained enlightenment.

A true warrior should write a book while walking on the edge of a knife!

The female lead still needs enough buffs stacked.

Writing a book, I have regained the feeling of being an auntie.

This book is a light-hearted comedy with a structure of three storylines: world line, upgrade line, and emotional line. The pace will be faster in the early stages, with daily updates.

I'm not just good at skirting around the edges, don't have any prejudice against me, I must argue this point.

Life is tiring, let's all have fun together. I wish my readers a pleasant reading experience and a constant smile.

(End of this chapter)

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