Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 109 Luo Qiaoqiao Wants To Take Tao Xinlian

Chapter 109: Luo Qiaoqiao's Desire for the Dao Heart Lotus

On the other side, Xu You's body was now burning hot and red. The backlash of the Moral Sword Qi was about to make him explode.

Fortunately, he had previous experience, and coupled with taking a few Clear Heart Pills given by Luo Qiaoqiao, he could barely maintain a trace of rationality.

But he couldn't take too many Clear Heart Pills. Before this last trace of rationality was strangled, Xu You didn't know how to resolve the situation.

There were quite a few people around now, and if he did something inappropriate, he was afraid his reputation would be ruined.

Xue Qianluo frowned as she looked at Xu You, reaching out to grab his wrist to see what was happening inside his body.

When her delicate and cold hand touched Xu You's wrist, he suddenly exerted force and tightly grabbed Xue Qianluo's wrist.

Her fair wrist instantly turned red from being squeezed.

Xue Qianluo calmly looked at Xu You, and finally knocked him unconscious with a palm strike, using the back of her foot to support his falling body.

Then she placed her right palm on Xu You's back, starting to transfer pure spiritual power into his body.

Xue Qianluo's spiritual power had a Yin attribute, which was most suitable for neutralizing the furnace-like situation inside Xu You's body.

After a while, Xu You's complexion visibly stopped turning red and slowly faded away.

Tang Ruyi and the others continued to rush towards Xichuan City with full concentration. The fact that Wang Tanxiao didn't catch up with them immediately relieved a lot of pressure.

They could barely hold on and continue to use the Sword Escape technique.

After a short while, two powerful cultivators suddenly shot towards them.

Tang Ruyi's face immediately showed joy because one of the people was an elder from the Sword Sect's branch in Moonlight City, his senior martial uncle.

A mid-stage Six Realms cultivator's strength was enough to deal with the majority of situations.

The other person was an elder from the Kunlun branch office, who rushed over as soon as he received the news.

Tang Ruyi and the others stopped using the Sword Escape technique, their faces pale and ethereal, but they still performed the proper etiquette of juniors, holding their swords and greeting, "Greetings, Senior Wang."

"Where are the thieves?" This Senior Wang was a middle-aged man who didn't smile easily. His long-term cultivation of the sword path made him resemble a sharp sword himself.

"I don't know now, but it's possible that they are still chasing after us in this direction."

"Brother Dong, you take them back, I'll go meet them," Senior Wang turned to look at the elder from the east.

"Go ahead, I will safely bring them back to Moonlight City," the latter nodded in agreement, not worried about the number or strength of the enemies Senior Wang would face.

The sword cultivator surnamed Wang didn't say anything more, turning into a streak of light and leaving. The elder from the east summoned a flying boat for the juniors to board.

After understanding the situation, the elder from the east quickly brought them back to Moonlight City and took over the task of healing Xu You.

Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng were still in pursuit. The two of them didn't say a word, and the atmosphere was somewhat tense.

Suddenly, their expressions changed slightly as they saw a magnificent aurora rushing towards them in the distance.

It was Sword Qi, an invincible Sword Qi!

Standing on the Sword Qi was a man with his hands behind his back, riding the Sword Qi with an imposing manner.

Seeing this Sword Qi that stirred up the world, both of them immediately braked and their faces changed drastically.

They naturally recognized the person who had come. If they hadn't been exhausted earlier, even if they couldn't defeat him one-on-one, they could still handle him together.

But now it was impossible. They had just consumed too much cultivation and essence blood, and they didn't know if anyone else would continue to come.

The only way out was to retreat. If this Senior Wang had come, they would never be able to catch up with Xu You and the others.

The two of them retreated at the same time, in perfect harmony.

"Trying to run?" Senior Wang snorted coldly, and a lotus flower Sword Qi with earth-shattering might fell upon the light shields of the two.

The tremendous impact caused Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng to stumble and fall to the ground, while the residual Sword Qi scattered, stirring up the surrounding world like muddy water.

Wang and Li, in perfect harmony, once again used their secret technique to escape, leaving the official with a disappointed expression.

When they reappeared, their faces were pale and their energy was depleted.

"Wang, you have disappointed me today with your consecutive misjudgments," Li Fengsheng lamented.

Wang remained silent, unable to respond.

"Let's run for now. We can't go back to the Red Gold Gate anymore. We didn't get the things we wanted, and we didn't kill anyone. If we go back, the gate master will tear us apart. Let's find a place to hide and wait for the storm to pass before reporting back," Li Fengsheng suggested.

Wang nodded silently in agreement. The two of them continued to fly into the distance, their figures somewhat desolate.

After confirming that he couldn't track down Wang and Li, the official lingered for a while before returning to the Moonlight City.

He glanced at the devastated Heaven Splitting Sect without any fluctuations in his emotions. The Immortal Cultivation World was often cruel in this way.

The destruction of small and medium-sized forces played out every day, and the most that could be left behind were a few lines in the corner of a newspaper.

The ruins of the Heaven Splitting Sect had regained absolute tranquility. Only the sound of the wind brushing against the remnants remained, as if the intense battles that had just taken place had never happened.

After an unknown period of time, the air above the Heaven Splitting Sect gently fluctuated, and a golden-colored insect emerged from it.

This insect was almost identical in appearance to the Blood Silkworm, except for the completely different color.

Two middle-aged men sat on the insect, wearing blue linen clothes and hats on their heads. Their faces were tattooed with unknown divine insects.

The ancient characters "True Witch" were embroidered on their cuffs. Both of them had a somewhat cold temperament as they looked at the ruins of the Heaven Splitting Sect, their brows slightly furrowed.

A slightly dry conversation unfolded between the two.

"The members of the Demon Alliance, the Red Gold Gate, Kunlun, and the Sword Sect have all been here."

"Those two demonic cultivators are both cultivators at the Sixth Realm, masters at the Hall Master level. The Red Gold Gate must have invited them here, presumably for the True Witch Heavenly Pearl."

"In that case, it is highly probable that the True Witch Heavenly Pearl, which was lost thousands of years ago, was hidden by the Perfected Being of the Great Gu in the Heaven Splitting Sect."

"We are responsible for searching this Nine You County. We have secretly come to the Heaven Splitting Sect several times before and thoroughly investigated it. There is indeed no trace of the True Witch Heavenly Pearl. Although Lu Tianming knew about it, we couldn't find any information related to the True Witch Heavenly Pearl by forcibly probing his soul."

"For so many years, we have kept the Heaven Splitting Sect intact in order to find the True Witch Heavenly Pearl. I didn't expect it to be hidden in this sect. How did they hide it?"

"Perhaps there are other means of concealment. Otherwise, Lu Tianming wouldn't have been able to convert the protective array into a Blood Spirit Array, let alone turn it into a battle between humans and insects. It seems that something must have happened between those two demonic cultivators and Lu Tianming. Currently, only the True Witch Heavenly Pearl would make Lu Tianming choose the path of self-destruction."

"Well, what should we do next?"

"Let's report to the sect first. If the recent events were indeed caused by the True Witch Heavenly Pearl, those two demonic cultivators are the most suspicious. Let's see if we can catch up to them. In addition, considering Lu Tianming's cunning, he probably didn't completely destroy the inheritance of the Heaven Splitting Sect. There must be a backup plan. The core disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect might have taken the True Witch Heavenly Pearl with them. We need to find these people. The last possibility is that the Heavenly Pearl has fallen into the hands of the Sword Sect or the disciples of Kunlun. However, their strength is unlikely, so we won't focus on them unless necessary."

"That's the plan. However, no matter what, the importance of the True Witch Heavenly Pearl must be our top priority. It involves the fate of the Gu Clan and cannot be taken lightly."

After discussing for a while, the two of them pursued in the direction that Wang and Li had left.

On the other side, Xu You, who was still unconscious, had no idea that the pearl he had just obtained was the object that the True Witch Gate had been searching for thousands of years.

After being brought back by Elder Dongfang, he was immediately settled down, and Xue Qianluo stayed behind to treat his backlash.

Elder Dongfang immediately contacted various forces to make them aware of the sudden appearance of Wang and Li in the Heaven Splitting Sect and the subsequent destruction of the sect. This matter needed attention.

Most importantly, these two demonic cultivators dared to openly attack the disciples of the Sword Sect and Kunlun, especially the outstanding core disciples. This matter crossed the bottom line and could not be tolerated.

"How did it go? Did you catch the person?" On the city wall of Moonlight City, the Eastern Elder, who had been waiting there, asked when he saw Wang Zhi Shi return.

Beside him was Bai Genshuo, who was a witness and would be needed later.

Tang Ruyi and the other two stood on the other side, their aura slightly improved. They immediately walked behind their senior martial uncle.

Wang Zhi Shi shook his head. "They escaped using a combined attack technique, but I know who they are. Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng. If I remember correctly, they were the ones who kidnapped Lord Huo's daughter outside of Xichuan City last time."

"It's them."

"They're quite audacious, specifically targeting us," Wang Zhi Shi sneered. "Sword Sect will definitely demand an explanation from Chi Jin Men for this matter."

The Eastern Elder lightly clenched his fist.

Wang Zhi Shi was about to leave when he stopped and continued, "Continue searching for the disciple who falsely accused our Sword Sect. I won't tolerate this person."

Wang Zhi Shi's voice was resolute. He always detested those who used the name of Sword Sect to deceive others, and this time, they even falsely accused someone. It caused a storm in the city, and he wouldn't spare this person.

"Of course," the Eastern Elder replied, clasping his fist.

Bai Genshuo, who was standing beside them, shrunk his neck and forced an awkward smile on his face, avoiding Wang Zhi Shi's sharp gaze.

Wang Zhi Shi didn't say anything more and turned to leave.

Tang Ruyi then clasped her fist towards Bai Genshuo and said, "Please pass on a message to Duan Aotian for me. When he reaches the Fourth Realm, I will challenge him to a duel!"


Tang Ruyi didn't say anything more. The three of them followed their senior martial uncle and left. They were going back to the sect to demand an explanation from Chi Jin Men.

Sword Sect had always been like this, never holding grudges overnight. They would settle their debts and repay their favors immediately.

If Chi Jin Men wanted to openly kill a core disciple like Tang Ruyi, he had to be prepared to face the anger of Sword Sect.

Watching them leave, the Eastern Elder couldn't help but feel emotional.

It was as if he saw the shadow of Kunlun Immortal Sect from many years ago in Sword Sect. Back then, the young Kunlun Immortal Sect was also clear about grudges and favors.

Now, they had become mature and restrained, emphasizing moderation, balance, and stability in everything they did.

The passion of the young people was gradually fading away. He hoped that with the arrival of the new Great Dao era, the young disciples of the sect would rise to the challenge and show their own brilliance.

"Senior martial uncle, on my way back just now, I heard many people talking about the Dao Heart Lotus. Is it true that it has appeared in Suoyang Valley?" Bai Genshuo walked to the side of the Eastern Elder and curiously asked.

In their conversation, it seemed like they had known each other for a long time, even though they had only recently met.

This was Bai Genshuo's skill. With his high emotional intelligence, he could easily get along with people of all ages and genders.

If he didn't have this flexible tongue, he wouldn't have been able to win the hearts of so many senior martial sisters with his outrageous appearance.

"It is true. A Dao Heart Lotus has indeed appeared in Suoyang Valley, and many people are rushing there. This kind of thing is meant for those who are destined to obtain it."

Especially in such a public situation with so many people, it would definitely restrict the actions of cultivators above the Fifth Realm. If you want to go, you can go.

Who knows, you might have the chance. If you can obtain the Dao Heart Lotus, it will greatly benefit your future Dao Foundation cultivation," the Eastern Elder patiently explained.

"Will there be any great danger?" Bai Genshuo was somewhat tempted. Although he had always been a slacker in cultivation, he couldn't resist the allure of the Dao Heart Lotus, which was a Divine Medicine for Third Realm cultivators.

But he couldn't help but want to go and see it for himself, to broaden his horizons.

"Don't worry, as long as you wear the sect's clothes, nothing will happen to you. Suoyang Valley is close to Moonlight City, and no one will have any ill intentions towards you. Of course, don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke," the Eastern Elder said.

"Understood. Thank you, senior martial uncle. I'll go there right away," Bai Genshuo said happily and immediately bid farewell.

The Eastern Elder casually gave a few instructions and let him go. Although the Dao Heart Lotus was a Divine Medicine, it wasn't a big deal to him. He turned around and went to deal with the matters of Heaven Splitting Sect.

Outside Suoyang Valley, the night was about to break, and numerous cultivators poured into the valley one after another.

The news of the Dao Heart Lotus appearing in Suoyang Valley had already spread near Moonlight City. Many cultivators came rushing over, with the majority being Third and Fourth Realm cultivators.

In the usual times, there are hardly any cultivators who come to Suinyang Valley. It is just an ordinary valley outside Moonlight City, with mediocre spiritual energy and no precious treasures. However, it is surprising that a treasure like the Dao Heart Lotus has appeared in such an ordinary place with ordinary spiritual energy.

But it makes sense. If Suinyang Valley had abundant spiritual energy, the Dao Heart Lotus would have been discovered and taken away when it was still young and not yet mature.

In the heart of the valley, three people are rushing through a dense forest. All three of them are wearing the clothes of the Joyous Union Sect, and the leader is Luo Qiaoqiao.

Behind her are a man and a woman, both at the early stage of the fourth realm.

At this moment, Luo Qiaoqiao is extremely focused on the surrounding situation, and her beautiful eyes are particularly clear at dawn.

She has just arrived from elsewhere. Previously, she had been waiting outside Cold Mountain Monastery for Xu You, but he didn't show up, which made her angry.

Later, her junior sister asked her to do something. It wasn't complicated. A fourth realm Monster Cultivator had stolen something from the Joyous Union Sect.

Luo Qiaoqiao led the team to track down the thief to Moonlight City. While she was waiting outside Cold Mountain Monastery for Xu You, her junior brother and sister went to search for monsters.

Later, when they received news, she could only follow along to deal with it. The Monster Cultivator wasn't strong, and once they knew his whereabouts, Luo Qiaoqiao and the others directly killed him and retrieved the stolen item from the Joyous Union Sect.

With the matter resolved, of course, Luo Qiaoqiao couldn't go back to the Joyous Union Sect directly. She planned to stay in Moonlight City a little longer.

Because Xu You was still here, she definitely wanted to stay and attract him.

Then she heard the news of the Dao Heart Lotus appearing in Suinyang Valley. At first, Luo Qiaoqiao was just surprised but not interested because she had already reached the fourth realm and didn't need the Dao Heart Lotus.

But soon, she had a flash of inspiration. She didn't need it, but Xu You definitely did.

He was currently facing the hurdle of building his Dao Foundation. If she could find the Dao Heart Lotus and give it to him, wouldn't she have a direct hold on him?

She took out Yun Yanjin's manual and looked at it.

The master said: Boys like practical things, such as giving him a flying boat for transportation or a set of excellent Cave Mansion with abundant spiritual energy.

These practical things are often most liked by boys. As long as you give them these things, you can easily control and attract them.

Luo Qiaoqiao agreed with this and thought, what could be more practical for Xu You than the Dao Heart Lotus?

The answer was nothing. Once she realized this, Luo Qiaoqiao came directly to Suinyang Valley to find the Dao Heart Lotus.

Thinking about Xu You's excited expression when he received this gift, Luo Qiaoqiao herself became more motivated.

"Sister, why do you suddenly want to find the Dao Heart Lotus? It's useless for you," the junior sister behind her asked in confusion.

"Just help me get it. If we find it, I'll buy you two something nice," Luo Qiaoqiao promised, making empty promises.

Naturally, the two of them wouldn't refuse. Luo Qiaoqiao is well-liked in the Joyous Union Sect, and her generosity is especially respected by her junior brother and sister.

"But the Dao Heart Lotus will merge into the earth after it matures and only reveals itself for a short time each day. It's already hidden and extremely difficult to find. I don't know if we'll be lucky enough," the junior brother said with some emotion.

The peculiar nature of the Dao Heart Lotus requires a lot of luck to find. It is integrated with the earth, wandering everywhere, and difficult to detect.

It only emits a faint fluctuation of energy when it appears. If you're not close enough, it's impossible to obtain it.

"So pay more attention," Luo Qiaoqiao said before continuing to search the surroundings while on the road.

After a while, a cry of surprise came from not far away, followed by the ripples of a fight.

Seeing this, Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes lit up. The only possibility for a fight to break out in this situation is if the Dao Heart Lotus has been discovered.

Without hesitation, Luo Qiaoqiao led her junior brother and sister to rush towards the commotion at the fastest speed.

Soon, the three of them arrived at their destination. It was a depression with dozens of people crowded around, not as many as in the valley.

Thanks to sixteen nights-sama for the captain's reward, thank you boss! Thank you to You Ji Qingmei Is You, Transcendent Level Soldier, and dsc for their support, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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