Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 133 The Ruthless And Terrifying Mo Yuhuang

Chapter 133: Mo Yuhuang, Ruthless and Terrifying

Xu You knew that Mo Yuhuang was truly angry at the moment, so he had to be absolutely obedient. He had experience in dealing with situations like this.

Mo Yuhuang didn't say anything more and directly lifted Xu You with one hand, flying away from the balcony.

Xu You was being carried by Mo Yuhuang like a piece of dried meat, and her speed was incredibly fast. Even with Xu You's cultivation at the Fourth Realm, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

He had no choice but to pull down the hem of his master's clothes to cover his face from the wind, carrying a unique fragrance as they sped away.

After who knows how long, Mo Yuhuang stopped on a mountain peak.

Only then did Xu You stand up, wiping his face and surveying the surrounding environment.

There were clusters of mountains nearby, with thin spiritual energy and no signs of human habitation. Judging from this situation, they were already quite far from Tianque City.

"Master, which force did we deal with this time?" Xu You asked.

Mo Yuhuang casually threw her communication jade talisman to Xu You and said, "See for yourself."

After speaking, she immersed her mind and spread her spiritual power to sense the aura of all living creatures within a radius of several hundred miles.

Xu You carefully looked at the investigation report inside the communication jade talisman.

The people who acted in these two places were very clean and efficient, but they couldn't escape the meticulous investigation of the Kunlun Immortal Sect's expert trackers.

The force that destroyed the Shen Family Village and seized the Earthfire Copper Mine was a mid-level evil force called the Ghostfire Sect.

The Ghostfire Sect was an organization of evil cultivators within the Hengling Mountain Range. They usually engaged in activities such as killing and robbing, and most of their cultivators were wicked Demonic Cultivators.

Especially their sect master, Ghostfire Evil Lord. This person's cultivation had reached the Late Stage of the Sixth Realm many years ago, and he was a thorough Demonic Cultivator, with countless cultivators' blood on his hands.

However, this person acted with caution and never provoked major forces. Before committing any crimes, he would always investigate the background. He was a very careful person.

Thirty years ago, he took a risk and went to the Northern Cold Continent to seize a treasure that could help him break through to the Great Dao. He managed to succeed, but he also offended the Good Fortune Immortal Sect.

Perhaps due to his extremely good luck, he managed to escape from the Northern Cold Continent and disappeared from sight after that, breaking through to a higher realm.

Relying on the treasure that resonated with his Great Dao, he successfully reached the Seventh Realm of the Great Dao, although he belonged to the lowest quality cultivator at that realm.

But at least he was a cultivator of the Great Dao, completely stepping into the upper echelons of the cultivators in the Divine Continent.

The Ghostfire Evil Lord knew that his cultivation limit in this lifetime was here, and there was no possibility of any further improvement.

He had offended the Good Fortune Immortal Sect, and although hiding in the Central Continent would make it difficult for the Good Fortune Immortal Sect to reach him, there was still a chance that they would send powerful cultivators to hunt him down.

In addition, he couldn't make any further progress in his cultivation, and he was already old. This intensified his desire to establish his own sect.

He created an organization called the Ghostfire Sect with his own name, and eventually settled in the Hengling Mountain Range.

On the surface, the Ghostfire Sect had no connection with the strongest organization in the Hengling Mountain Range, the Heng Alliance. However, the Kunlun Immortal Sect naturally discovered more than just this.

There was ample evidence to suggest that the Ghostfire Sect had close ties with the Heng Alliance in secret, and it was actually one of the hidden hands of the Heng Alliance.

Many of the crimes committed were done on behalf of the Heng Alliance.

This was also a declaration made by the Ghostfire Evil Lord. As one of the Transcendent Level forces, the Heng Alliance could indeed ensure that he wouldn't be pursued by the Good Fortune Immortal Sect across continents.

Therefore, on the surface, the Ghostfire Sect was an independent force in the Hengling Mountain Range, but in reality, it was a subordinate force of the Heng Alliance.

These concise pieces of information were very clear. Given the cautious nature of the Ghostfire Evil Lord over the years, it was impossible for him to suddenly commit the act of destroying the Shen Family Village.

He wouldn't offend the Kunlun Immortal Sect for the sake of some Earthfire Copper Mine unless he had gone mad.

Therefore, there must be the intention of the Heng Alliance behind this matter, most likely not his own will.

Mo Yuhuang came here for two reasons. First, to directly exterminate the Ghostfire Sect, yes, to exterminate them directly.

The Immortal Gate specifically instructed that no one should be left alive, and all these evil cultivators who had committed numerous crimes should pay with their lives.

This could also be considered as making a contribution to the purification of the world. The second reason was to find out the person behind the scenes, whether it was the Heng Alliance or not, the Immortal Gate needed a definite answer.

And the situation in Linjiazhuang is much more complicated. The force behind the attack is a powerful family, the Dongfang Family.

The Dongfang Family is a formidable and influential clan, one of the top forces in the Jiushen County.

Their family head, Dongfang Wuque, is a cultivator at the Late Stage of the Sixth Realm. The fact that a family has a cultivator at the Late Stage of the Sixth Realm overseeing them shows their strength.

The extermination was not carried out by the Dongfang Family themselves, but by a powerful assassin at the Late Stage of the Sixth Realm.

After a thorough investigation by professionals within the sect, they were able to trace the origins of this assassin from almost invisible traces.

Codename: Night Shadow. He is one of the top assassins from the Flowing Sands Pavilion, one of the most powerful assassin organizations in the Divine Continent.

The Flowing Sands Pavilion is one of the apex-level forces in the underground Immortal Cultivation World of the Divine Continent. Their motto is that there is no one they cannot kill, only people who cannot afford their price.

With their reputation for trustworthy service, noble ideals, and clean and efficient methods, they are known for their almost untraceable secrecy.

The Flowing Sands Pavilion is the first choice for many who wish to hire assassins, and Night Shadow has never failed a mission before.

The traces left behind this time were seamless, but unfortunately, they encountered the immensely powerful machine that is the Kunlun Immortal Sect, which was able to trace Night Shadow in just one day.

Although the Flowing Sands Pavilion is indeed powerful, they generally do not take on missions involving forces of the level of the Five Sects and Seven Clans unless absolutely necessary.

It is an unwritten rule, as these forces have the ability to retaliate against the Flowing Sands Pavilion if things were to escalate.

There is no need to make things so ugly and confront these forces directly.

But this time, things are different. The Flowing Sands Pavilion deviated from their usual behavior and accepted a mission involving the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Xu You doesn't know why, but he can probably guess that the Flowing Sands Pavilion must believe that the Kunlun Immortal Sect is currently not in a favorable position and will become the target of many forces.

Having one more force like the Flowing Sands Pavilion doesn't make much of a difference.

Of course, this is not important. Xu You doesn't dwell on it.

The assassin with the codename Night Shadow was hired by the Dongfang Family to exterminate the Linjiazhuang.

After investigation, it was found that the Dongfang Family and the Lin Family had no communication or conflicts for many years. It is impossible for a family living in Jiushen County to dare to attack the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

The real reason lies behind the Dongfang Family, which is one of the white gloves of the Demon Alliance.

The core disciples of the Dongfang Family do not cultivate orthodox techniques but follow the path of demonic cultivation. Whenever there are talented disciples with demonic aptitude in the family, they are absorbed into the Demon Alliance.

This kind of secret is unknown to most forces, but the Kunlun Immortal Sect was able to uncover it at the fastest speed.

The result is clear: the Dongfang Family was probably instructed by the Demon Alliance to seek the assistance of the Flowing Sands Pavilion's assassin.

In this way, all three parties bear responsibility.

After reading this information, Xu You fell into contemplation.

The Demon Alliance, the Heng Alliance, and the Gu God Clan almost simultaneously targeted the Kunlun Immortal Sect. There must be an unknown collusion behind this.

And the most important thing is, do they really think that the Kunlun Immortal Sect won't be able to uncover all this?

Xu You doesn't believe so. They must know that the Kunlun Immortal Sect's strength is capable of uncovering everything, which is why they let the Ghost Fire Sect and the Dongfang Family take action.

Because gloves are useful in normal times, but they can be taken off and discarded when it's crucial.

Even if the Kunlun Immortal Sect uncovers everything, the Demon Alliance and the Heng Alliance can completely deny their involvement, claiming that they didn't know about these matters and that it has nothing to do with them.

To say that it has something to do with them would be to frame and set up the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Of course, there is another possibility, that there is another force hiding behind, manipulating the Ghost Fire Sect and the Dongfang Family to frame the Heng Alliance and the Demon Alliance.

This would completely tear apart the relationship between the Heng Alliance, the Demon Alliance, and the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

But upon careful consideration, this possibility is low. There should be no other force capable of doing such a thing.

What Xu You is currently puzzled about is why the Demon Alliance and the Heng Alliance would give up such a useful tool to deal with the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Is it just to challenge and test the bottom line of the Kunlun Immortal Sect?

Xu You doesn't have a definite conclusion for now. He shakes his head to clear his mind and focuses his gaze on Mo Yuhuang, asking.

"Master, what are you doing here now?"

"I am locating the aura of every cultivator from the Ghostfire Sect."

"Master, are you saying that you want to lock onto the aura of all these Demonic Cultivators?" Xu You asked in shock.

The headquarters of the Ghostfire Sect is still two to three hundred miles away from here, and the sect is considered a major power with many disciples stationed in various places.

Moreover, they are mostly scattered within this range. The amount of spiritual power needed for Mo Yuhuang to lock onto all of them cannot even be described as terrifying.

Has my master become so powerful and abnormal?

Mo Yuhuang did not answer Xu You's question, but instead demonstrated it through actions. He slowly rose into the air.

With each rise, the Sword Intent on his body became stronger. Finally, he floated in the sky, and the Sword Intent on his body had reached an unimaginable level.

Even Xu You, with his sword cultivation, found it difficult to open his eyes at this moment. It was too dazzling!

Xu You quickly followed suit, opening his law enforcement recorder to record the sexy image of his master.

Mo Yuhuang raised his right hand lightly, and a brilliant Sword Qi emerged, long, thick, and bright!

It illuminated the surrounding area for hundreds of miles, causing a commotion among the Ghostfire Sect's Demonic Cultivators hiding in the mountains.

All the Demonic Cultivators of the Ghostfire Sect were shocked as they looked at the terrifying Sword Qi in the sky.

Mo Yuhuang gently raised his right hand in the air, and this Transcendent Level Sword Qi slowly pressed down towards the Ghostfire Sect's mountain gate like Mount Tai.

As it descended slowly, the cultivators below the Ghostfire Sect could only watch as this Sword Qi fell, locking onto their auras. They were also locked by this Sword Qi and were unable to resist its terrifying pressure. As the Sword Qi fell, the pressure increased, and those with lower cultivation levels even fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Xu You widened his eyes as he watched the scene before him. Can this really be done?

Can a Sword Qi press down on the entire Ghostfire Sect and render them powerless?

At this moment, a figure shot out from the Ghostfire Sect. It was an old man wearing a black robe, with a sinister appearance and evil eyes.

At first glance, it was clear that his hands were stained with blood. He was a senior Demonic Cultivator.

Xu You immediately recognized this black-robed old man as the sect master of the Ghostfire Sect, Guihuo Xiejun.

Although he didn't have much reaction under this Sword Qi, the shock in his eyes couldn't be concealed. However, when his gaze fell on Mo Yuhuang, his face instantly changed.

In that instant, without any hesitation, he abandoned all his disciples and fled like a startled swan.

Yes, he ran away, without any intention of confronting Mo Yuhuang.

Jokingly, this is one of the top peak masters of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, with immense strength. As a cultivator at the early stage of the seventh realm of the Heavenly Dao, there is no possibility of survival under her.

This terrifying Sword Qi was obviously aimed at all the cultivators of the Ghostfire Sect. This woman wanted to annihilate the sect!

Guihuo Xiejun immediately knew that the other party had come because of the incident at Shenjiazhuang, which he had indeed caused.

He knew that the Kunlun Immortal Sect would likely investigate it in the end, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, not even a day.

Although Guihuo Xiejun's strength is not at the Apex Level, he has many years of experience in covering up his tracks. It is his skill and he is extremely confident.

Originally, he planned to stay in the sect for another day or two, settle the remaining matters, and get more benefits from the Heng Alliance. Then he would run away and hide, waiting for the situation to calm down before returning. He was very familiar with this process.

How could he have expected that the Kunlun Immortal Sect would find out so quickly and send Mo Yuhuang, this great deity, directly?

From this moment on, the Ghostfire Sect and I, Guihuo Xiejun, have no relationship whatsoever. We are not familiar at all!

Xu You looked at the figure of the black-robed old man running away in astonishment. Was the Ghostfire Sect that he had spent decades building really lost like this?

He didn't even try to defend himself and just ran away?

He didn't know whether to describe the other party as cowardly or cautious. At this moment, Xu You was somewhat admiring him. It's no wonder he has been able to do bad things for so many years. There is a reason for it.

Anyone with a reckless personality would not be able to survive for so long.

"Master, he ran away," Xu You dutifully pointed in the direction that Guihuo Xiejun had fled.

Mo Yuhuang sneered, placing his right hand on Xu You's shoulder. After a moment of trance, the two appeared several tens of miles away.

They stood precisely in front of the Ghostfire Evil Lord.

The latter stopped his escape, his face looking extremely ugly as he stared at Mo Yuhuang. The opponent's strength made the Ghostfire Evil Lord extremely fearful in this moment, and running away was no longer an option.

His mind raced, thinking about how to survive.

Mo Yuhuang was not in a hurry either, standing there with his hands behind his back. Xu You, at this moment, turned his law enforcement recorder to capture the situation on the side of the Ghostfire Mountain Gate.

They saw a massive Sword Qi crashing down, flattening several mountain peaks around it. All the buildings on top of them turned into rubble under this Sword Qi.

The ground shook, and the surface was filled with traces of ravines. The overflowing Sword Qi stirred the surrounding spiritual energy of the heavens and earth, directly assimilating all of it.

The vast area became a domain similar to the "Domain of the Sword."

Under the eruption of this Sword Qi, the bodies of cultivators who were closer were completely destroyed, while those who were farther away were shredded by the Sword Qi.

Only a few cultivators on the outskirts managed to escape with their lives, dragging their heavily injured bodies and desperately fleeing.

But once Mo Yuhuang locked onto them, how could these cultivators escape?

The residual might of the massive Sword Qi formed numerous small Sword Qi that rampaged through the forest, precisely killing one cultivator with each strike.

The continuous screams echoed from the woods, sounding particularly miserable in the darkness of the night.

After a moment, there was no sign of any life left. The large mountain peak returned to its quiet state, without any trace of living beings.

With a single sword strike, all the members of the Ghostfire Sect, except for the Ghostfire Evil Lord, were killed!

Xu You, holding the law enforcement recorder, was dumbfounded at this moment. He knew that Mo Yuhuang was powerful, but he didn't expect him to be this powerful. It was simply godlike.

Too terrifying.

At this moment, Xu You was not only shocked but also distressed. So many Demonic Cultivators, if he had killed them all himself, wouldn't that be a problem?

Looking at Mo Yuhuang's figure, Xu You suddenly felt a little unfamiliar. His own master was also a ruthless female killer, killing people like a swarm of ants.

"Master Mo, I..."


The Ghostfire Evil Lord raised his fist to speak, but before he could say a few words, Mo Yuhuang directly punched him to the ground.

The Ghostfire Evil Lord fell to the ground like a meteor, creating a huge deep pit upon impact.

Mo Yuhuang slowly descended, looking expressionless at the Ghostfire Evil Lord on the ground, who looked as miserable as a dead dog. He asked calmly, "Who ordered you to annihilate the Shen Family Village?"

"Master Mo, it's a misunderstanding. How could I have done anything to the Shen Family Village? I didn't even know about it," the Ghostfire Evil Lord replied with a pale face.

"Do you think I'm here to confront you? You have three breaths to answer," Mo Yuhuang said.

The Ghostfire Evil Lord's face changed unpredictably, but in the end, he nodded and said, "Alright, Master Mo, I will tell you everything I know."

"Speak," Mo Yuhuang withdrew his imposing aura.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed. The Ghostfire Evil Lord instantly split into seven and swiftly dashed in seven different directions.

Xu You was momentarily stunned. With his cultivation level, he naturally couldn't discern which one was the real body. He didn't even know which direction to point the law enforcement recorder.

The information stated that the Ghostfire Evil Lord practiced the Ghostfire Great Dao, specializing in various escape techniques, making him a master of fleeing. The current situation confirmed the power of the Ghostfire Great Dao.

Mo Yuhuang's face still maintained a cold smile. He didn't get up to chase any of the clones but lowered his head and looked at the ground. Finally, he stomped his right foot heavily.

A huge crack was formed in the mountainous terrain below, extending continuously into the distance.

Finally, a black figure was forced out from within the crack by the tremendous impact.

It was indeed the Ghostfire Evil Lord, his face now pale and unrecognizable, his vitality extremely weak. The illusionary technique of the seven clones had consumed too much of his blood essence.

This was his life-saving escape technique, which had been invincible before. He had escaped countless dangerous situations relying on this move.

(End of this chapter)

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