Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 138 Forgiveness, Diankui, Murderous Intent! [Want To Subscribe Please]

Chapter 138: Forgiveness Hat, Dian Kui, Killing Intent! [Seeking subscriptions for 10,000 updates]

After reaching adulthood, many White Turtles would become river gods in various rivers and lakes, carrying the official seal of the Great Zhou to bless the people in that area and ensure favorable weather conditions.

In the eyes of both the Great Zhou and the people, these White Turtles were "honest and good turtles" and were deeply loved.

That's why such a plentiful supply of spiritual energy was allocated to the Cangjiang River Basin for their reproduction.

Although the Green Crocodile Turtle and the White Turtle belonged to the same turtle clan, their temperaments were too different to coexist. Shi Kaitian didn't know how he managed to stay with his small group in this place.

At noon, Xu You arrived at his destination on a flying boat.

After arriving, he was a little dumbfounded. The White Sands Bay was even bigger than he had imagined. This was practically a sea.

Xu You looked at the vast expanse of the river and didn't know where to start.

He took out the three black bone pins that Shi San had given him, hoping to find Shi Kaitian by sensing the aura on the bone pins.

Unfortunately, he couldn't feel anything. He circled low in the sky above the vast river for nearly an hour, but still gained nothing.

Soon, Xu You stopped this needle-in-a-haystack behavior.

He fell into contemplation and directly summoned a Sword Qi to strike the surface of the river, causing a large wave to ripple and spread to the depths of the river.

Then Xu You waited quietly.

Soon, a huge snow-white giant turtle slowly emerged from beneath the river surface, finally transforming into a middle-aged man who looked at Xu You floating above the river with some astonishment.

"I am Xu You, a true disciple of the Kunlun Immortal Sect. I need your help with something," Xu You took the initiative to bow and asked with a smile.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to underestimate Xu You's demeanor and background, so he clasped his fists and said, "What can I do for you, young hero?"

"Have any Green Crocodile Turtles come to this White Sands Bay recently? If so, please let me know. I have important matters to discuss with them," Xu You continued.

The middle-aged man calmly looked at Xu You and didn't immediately take on the task.

Xu You expected this reaction. The White Turtle ate the food of the Great Zhou and had no reason to help people from the Five Sects and Seven Schools.

Or rather, they had no obligation to serve the Five Sects and Seven Schools.

Xu You directly took out a token and threw it over, adding, "This is the token of Zhou Wuji, the county governor of Western River County. Please tell me the truth."

The man took the token and looked at it with some astonishment.

This token was Zhou Wuji's trusted token, and seeing it was like seeing Zhou Wuji himself. He didn't dare to be negligent. After all, Zhou Wuji was the most influential figure in the Great Zhou court.

"Young hero, please wait a moment. Let me go back and ask if any Green Crocodile Turtles have come here recently."

"Okay," Xu You nodded and said, "Please do not spread this matter. The Green Crocodile Turtle is very important to me. If it is scared away, it will not be good for County Governor Zhou."

"Understood," the middle-aged man clasped his fists heavily and directly disappeared into the river.

Xu You continued to wait patiently. After a few moments, the middle-aged man returned and said, "Young hero, there has indeed been a Green Crocodile Turtle named Shi Kaitian who came here recently."

"He came as a visitor. If you want to find him, please follow me."

"Thank you," Xu You thanked him cheerfully.

Xu You wasn't surprised that the man was willing to help him, even though he knew that Xu You coming to find Shi Kaitian probably meant trouble.

This showed the importance of connections and background. Compared to the Kunlun Immortal Sect and Zhou Wuji, Shi Kaitian seemed insignificant.

Soon, Xu You followed the man to a secluded beach. The three bone pins in Xu You's arms buzzed, and he sensed Shi Kaitian's aura.

"Thank you for your help. I will handle the rest myself," Xu You slightly bowed and then plunged into the river.

After taking a few more glances, the middle-aged man turned and left.

A moment later, the calm river suddenly exploded with a splash, and Xu You emerged from the water, holding a sleazy man in his thirties with tentacles on his lips.

Then he threw him heavily onto the beach, and the latter looked at Xu You in confusion, not knowing what had happened.

He had been sleeping peacefully, and suddenly he was dragged out by a burly man.

Although his cultivation level was much stronger than the other person's, Shi Kaitian had already sensed it earlier. His true strength couldn't compare to Xu You.

A real man could bend and stretch. Shi Kaitian licked his lips and got up respectfully, asking, "Why did the immortal come looking for me? Is it money or a task? With just a word from the immortal, I will go through fire and water."

"A task," Xu You sneered and casually threw the three black bone pins on the ground, asking, "Do you recognize these things?"

Shi Kaitian looked down and quickly recognized the bone nail, exclaiming, "I know this bone nail. May I ask where the immortal obtained it? I used it on one of my clan members in the past."

"That clan member's name is Shi San?"

"How does the immortal know? Are you acquainted with Shi San?" Shi Kaitian cautiously looked at Xu You.

"Give you some credit for having a brain, you're right." Xu You summoned a Sword Qi with a wave of his hand.

"Immortal, please, I..."


Before Shi Kaitian could finish begging for mercy, Xu You beheaded him with a sword, instantly ending his life. The body fell to the ground and transformed into a huge green crocodile turtle.

Xu You casually retrieved the opponent's soul stick.

Shi San's last wish was fulfilled, and this matter was concluded.

For Xu You now, killing a Monster Cultivator with shallow foundation like this was an effortless task, not worth mentioning.

Soon, Xu You converted the opponent's soul stick into a reward.

[Forgiveness Hat of the Green Crocodile Turtle]

[Can only be used on same-sex individuals with lower cultivation level than oneself, allows the other party to unconditionally forgive all your actions in any situation.

Secondly, it is advised not to use this Divine Ability to casually make others suffer, as it goes against moral principles and is detrimental to one's Dao heart.

Thirdly, it should not be used for extended periods of time, otherwise there will be a great sense of moral shame backlash.]

Oh, such a thing was obtained.

Xu You was somewhat speechless. It seemed that the Green Crocodile Turtle clan specialized in producing such things, truly living up to their reputation.

In summary, the Divine Ability was very useful, but it should be used sparingly in special situations, such as not easily becoming a scapegoat.

Xu You casually summoned a fireball and completely burned Shi Kaitian's body to ashes on the ground, then turned into a stream of light and left the place.

Night, the city was brightly lit.

The red light district of Tianque City was as bustling as ever, filled with the fragrance of young ladies.

There was a saying in Tianque City that no man could walk from one end of this street to the other without being tempted, including the eunuchs in the palace.

This saying was enough to prove the richness of the entertainment and the variety of beauties on this street.

Any kind of entertainment could be found here, even the "Eighteen Styles of Awai" were child's play, a pure paradise for men.

At this moment, Xu You, Han Qianyue, and Luo Kaiyang were walking on this street, finally stopping in front of the Feixuan Tower.

"To be honest, my legs are already wobbling. I've been longing for a divine fusion for a long time!" Han Qianyue grinned.

Luo Kaiyang nodded in agreement and began trembling in his legs as a practical demonstration. The experience of the last divine fusion was unforgettable for him.

Thinking that after tonight, they would no longer be in Tianque City, Luo Kaiyang felt a bit sad. He really couldn't bear to leave the local customs and practices of Tianque City.

"There happens to be a selection event tonight, how lucky we are." Han Qianyue said excitedly.

"What is the selection event?" Xu You asked, puzzled.

"Ordinary brothels also have selection events. Whenever a courtesan is ready to receive guests, they will hold such selection events to choose the first guest to enter.

But Feixuan Tower is different. This time's selection event is to choose the first customer for the divine fusion, a unique kind of selection event.

It is said that this courtesan is an unparalleled beauty, with high cultivation level. She has been nurtured by Feixuan Tower for many years, and no one knows her surname or given name. Tonight is her first appearance.

It is said that she was personally raised by the owner of Feixuan Tower since childhood and learned from various renowned teachers in the tower.

So even though she hasn't received guests yet, it is said that her "martial arts" have reached the pinnacle, especially her divine fusion power, which is said to be unmatched.

Of course, no one has tested these claims yet, but we will know tonight.

Although it's not a divine fusion, it would be extremely lucky to experience her first divine fusion.

I wonder which lucky bastard will have such good luck tonight."

As Han Qianyue spoke, he felt both emotional and regretful, only hating that he wasn't that lucky bastard.

Listening to Han Qianyue's detailed explanation and seeing the much more crowded crowd entering Feixuan Tower compared to last time, Xu You knew that this selection event was indeed popular.

"Why are there only young people here tonight?" Xu You asked with some confusion.

"Oh, the courtesan said that she only associates with outstanding and talented individuals, so tonight is a gathering for us young people. No, it's a gathering for young people like you, junior brother. I'm not young anymore," Han Qianyue patted Xu You's shoulder with a sigh.

"But junior brother, don't think too much about this courtesan event. There are actually hidden motives behind it. It may seem like she chooses whoever she wants, but in the end, it's all about the wealthy patrons. The Fei Xuan Tower is a grand stage, and if you don't have money, don't come. Do you think you have enough wealth, junior brother?"

Xu You shook his head directly, "Only a fool would spend money on this. I'm not interested."

Han Qianyue and Luo Kaiyang both gave thumbs up.

The three of them went up to the third floor as if they were familiar with the place. As soon as they reached the third floor, the atmosphere hit them in the face. Because of the courtesan event, all the private rooms were full, with no empty seats. The place was crowded with people.

A person stood up in one of the private rooms on the left and waved at them. His golden face was quite outstanding, and at the moment, he was dressed modestly, making it hard to tell that he was a monk.

Xu You and the other two went straight over. In addition to the person named Huiming, there was another young man sitting on the sofa. He was tall and sturdy, wearing a short jacket with his chest exposed, and had dark skin.

His height was no different from Han Qianyue's, and he exuded a wild and primitive aura. His cultivation was at the mid-stage of the Fourth Realm. On his strong muscles, one could clearly feel his terrifying explosive power and energy.

At a glance, one could tell that this person was a body cultivator, and he was from the Southern Barbarian Continent. Only body cultivators from that region had this unique aura; body cultivators from other places didn't have it.

"Junior brother, let me introduce you. This is Li Kun, a senior brother from the Heavenly Dipper Immortal Alliance, and he comes from the royal family of the Li clan," Huiming introduced him simply.

But Xu You and the others couldn't help but take a few more glances at Li Kun. He was from the Li clan, and his bloodline status within the Li clan was extremely high.

The reason why the Southern Barbarian Continent was called by that name was because the entire continent worshipped a wild civilization, where the strong were respected.

All the rules of social etiquette and civilized teachings were useless; only strength mattered. Those savage body cultivators didn't care about your background.

And the word "savage" had even more significance. Almost the entire continent was dominated by body cultivators who followed the Martial Dao. Apart from sects and forces like the Heavenly Dipper Immortal Alliance, the three major barbarian tribes were the most powerful.

These three major barbarian tribes had been passed down for countless years and were still in the form of tribes. They emphasized bloodline cultivation and only recognized bloodline as the determining factor.

Among them, the Li clan was one of the three major barbarian tribes. The royal bloodline of the Li clan was said to be the most pure, and their status within the Li clan was extremely high. Their bloodline talent was also exceptional.

This Li Kun not only came from the royal family of the Li clan, but he was also a disciple of the Heavenly Dipper Immortal Alliance, one of the Five Sects.

His status, talent, and strength were absolutely at the apex level.

Xu You also remembered that Li Kun was ranked 37th on the Heavenly Pride List, a true body cultivator with a brilliant record. He didn't know how many opponents he had torn apart with his bare hands.

Now he was on duty in Tianque City.

"This is Xu You, junior brother, who just made it onto the Heavenly Pride List this month," Huiming introduced Xu You to Li Kun, and then briefly introduced Han Qianyue and Luo Kaiyang.

"I've met Senior Brother Li," Xu You nodded with a smile.

"I don't like being called senior brother by junior brothers. I'm older than you, so just call me Kun-ge," Li Kun said in a deep voice.

Xu You was taken aback for a moment. This style was very casual, but he understood and followed suit, calling him Kun-ge.

"Let's all sit down. I'll pay for the expenses today," Huiming said generously.

He didn't have the demeanor of a monk at all, appearing more like a hedonistic monk. He was even more generous and righteous than Lu Zhishen.

"Huiming junior brother, you're really wasting your talents at the Great Thunderclap Monastery. What will you do when you go back to the Western Paradise Continent?" Han Qianyue said with emotion.

Huiming instinctively touched his head, "It's not a big problem. By then, I'll leave the secular world and always be with the Buddha."

Han Qianyue gave him a thumbs up.

At this moment, Hui Ming turned his head and smiled at Xu You, saying, "Congratulations on making it onto the Heavenly Pride List. I am impressed that you have surpassed me."

"It's just a false reputation, not worth mentioning," Xu You replied.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Hui Ming continued, "The main reason I came to find you is because last time we killed that evil dragon together."

"Now Kun Ge really needs the Beast Core of that Green Horned Red Dragon, so he contacted me to make a deal with you."

"So that's what it's about," Xu You smiled. "Brother, you should have said so earlier. You can take this Beast Core as a gift."

Xu You directly handed the Beast Core of the evil dragon to Li Kun, although it was precious, Xu You had no use for it and it was the most appropriate thing to use to build relationships.

Li Kun looked at the Beast Core with delight in his eyes and said, "Brother, name your price."

Xu You smiled and said, "It's a gift for Kun Ge. Killing the evil dragon was a joint effort between me and Hui Ming. This Beast Core should rightfully go to Hui Ming. Besides, Hui Ming and I get along well, talking about money would ruin our relationship. Next time I need something, I'll come to you, Kun Ge."

Li Kun glanced at Hui Ming, who nodded with a smile. Li Kun then accepted the Beast Core without hesitation.

"Although Junior Brother has a fair complexion, he is also generous. I have recognized you as a friend," Li Kun said in a clear voice.

Xu You smiled and nodded. Li Kun was indeed a straightforward person, which was related to the atmosphere of the Southern Barbarian Continent.

The entire Southern Barbarian Continent had such an atmosphere. Compared to other forces that liked to handle things in a roundabout way, problems were mostly solved through force in the Southern Barbarian Continent.

They fought until they were convinced, that was their worldview.

"I'll call the girls first. Let's have a good drink tonight," Hui Ming laughed.

"Call three for me first. I'm a bit angry today," Li Kun added.

"If you say so, I'll also call three. I'm a bit angry today too," Han Qianyue grinned.

"Then I'll also call three," Luo Kaiyang coughed lightly.

"Are you angry too?" Hui Ming widened his eyes.

The hostesses here were expensive, although he was treating, he couldn't be so extravagant. Monks also needed to save money for their daily lives.

"Yes," Luo Kaiyang nodded honestly.

"What about you, Junior Brother?" Hui Ming looked at Xu You.

"I don't need to call any. I'll just join you guys. There are enough girls here," Xu You replied.

"You're so considerate, Junior Brother!" Hui Ming waved to the maidservant with gratitude.

Thirteen girls were brought over. Well, he was also very angry and needed four.

Soon, a group of charming girls with fragrant winds arrived at the private room. The relatively spacious room was instantly crowded with these girls.

Xu You looked at the decadent scene before him and couldn't help but feel emotional.

No matter how many times he came to the Fei Xuan Tower, he would always feel this way, because it was very different from what he had imagined about cultivators.

Outside, everyone seemed ethereal, but when they came to this place of revelry, they were all ordinary people.

Being ordinary was good, being ordinary was good. Xu You joined in the drinking game.

The wine was good, the girls were beautiful, understanding, and good at toasting.

After a few rounds of drinking, Xu You and the other four were already quite heated.

Many times, simple and unadorned friendships were established in such entertainment venues with girls accompanying the drinking.

At this moment, Xu You leaned back slightly on the chair and half-closed his eyes, looking to his left.

Since earlier, he had felt someone's gaze on him. It was normal to have gazes on oneself in such occasions, but Xu You clearly felt that it was not normal.

It was a gaze filled with ill intentions, even hostility and murderous intent.

Following the gaze, he saw three people sitting there drinking, and the one who was looking at him with hostility was one of the young men.

The man was dressed in black, thin, and ordinary-looking. Most importantly, he was completely bald, not shaved bald, but naturally bald.

This surprised Xu You because it was almost impossible for cultivators to have hair loss problems, let alone being bald.

When the bald young man saw Xu You looking over, he sneered and made an extremely arrogant gesture of rubbing his neck with his hand, his eyes filled with naked killing intent.

He looked like he wanted to swallow Xu You alive.

(End of this chapter)

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