Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 141 The Courteous Courtesan Su Yanluo, Xu You, Your Soul Is Inhumane! [10,000 Updates]

Chapter 141: Gathering Strength, the Courtesan Su Yanluo, Xu You, you heartless bastard! [10,000 updates]

"It seems that the Great Muscle Tyrant is not well-received in the Central Earth Continent." Li Kun touched his muscles and looked at the fair-skinned Xu You with some emotion.

Soon, a group of girls with much better quality than before came with a fragrant breeze and sat down at Xu You's table to accompany him.

The girls at the Imperial Concubine Tower are divided into three grades, and the girls who accompany the guests are no exception.

These girls are all beautiful, both in appearance and figure, reaching the apex level. This kind of consumption is very expensive.

If it were his own expense, he couldn't afford it at all.

Han Qianyue and the other three had no intention of questioning Xu You at this moment. They were fully engaged in playing with the girls.

One after another, they were all in high spirits, without any trace of arrogance.

Xu You reluctantly joined in with a critical smile on his face, immersing himself in this muddy pool.

The girls were sensible, good at chatting, and had various drinking techniques, creating a lively atmosphere at the table.

By the late night, Xu You and the others were more or less intoxicated after drinking countless fine wines. Even with their cultivation, they couldn't resist the intoxication.

At this time, the broadcast came from every floor of the Imperial Concubine Tower, announcing that the highlight of the night, the selection of the top courtesan, was about to begin.

As a result, the guests on each floor turned their attention to the central stage of their respective floors.

The courtesan was on the top floor, but each floor was projected by powerful individuals using special divine abilities. In other words, what each floor saw was the same, without any difference.

Xu You looked towards the stage, where ethereal mist rose, complemented by the faint reflection of the lights, creating a stage with an apex-level texture.

At this moment, a woman sat gracefully in the mist, with a zither in front of her. She was dressed in white, and the breeze gently blew her long robe.

Her face was covered with a thin veil, making it impossible to see her appearance. Coupled with the mist's concealment, she was completely indistinguishable.

Only through this faintly visible figure could one judge that she was an otherworldly fairy, the purest kind of snow lotus.

Although the scene was beautiful, Xu You quickly lost interest after a few glances.

Is this it?

It's so cliché!

These brothels always like to play these half-hidden tricks, and the women are preferably pure saintesses.

This way, it caters to the evil thoughts deep in many customers' hearts, the perverse desire for a saintess to fall into depravity, which occasionally arises in every man's heart.

Therefore, many brothels often use this extreme contrast technique.

Although this technique is old, it is still effective. After all, it works in any era.

But no matter how good a technique is, it can still become tiresome and suffer from aesthetic fatigue.

Anyway, Xu You is not very interested in this kind of pretentiousness now. He prefers straightforward and vulgar things.

Maybe he will like this kind of vulgarity when he gets older.

Of course, if the contrast is big enough, like Xiaolongnü DJing in a nightclub, then it would be exciting.

Just as Xu You was about to withdraw his gaze, there was suddenly a commotion on the stage, and several accompanying dancers descended from the sky.

The white clothes on those dancers suddenly burst open!

The clothes turned into countless small strips of fabric and fell from the sky, carrying a faint fragrance as they landed on each floor.

Xu You's eyes widened in disbelief. What the fuck!

Women can also have clothes burst open?

He had never seen such an exciting performance before. He thought that the Imperial Concubine Tower also lacked novelty, but now it seems that he judged too early.

As the number one brothel in the Heavenly Capital, the Imperial Concubine Tower definitely has its own tricks.

In the next moment, the accompanying dancers in the mist began to dance, and the courtesan in the pure white dress also joined in.

Yes, the courtesan was extremely elegant, performing a dance with a fairy-like aura. With the added effect of the dancers' clothes bursting open, this dance became fucking exciting!

At this moment, under the mist, there was a unique illusion, giving people a sensory stimulation of both elegance and vulgarity.

"Han Senior Brother, are the top courtesans at the Imperial Concubine Tower always this exciting?"

"Mmm." Han Qianyue replied without turning his gaze, "Otherwise, what do you think? How could so many people come if it were just like usual?

But Junior Brother, be careful. This dance has just begun. It is the unique enchanting dance of the Imperial Concubine Tower, and only a very small number of people can perform it.

It belongs to a kind of Divine Ability, capable of captivating people's hearts and minds. Ordinary people cannot resist it."

As soon as Han Qianyue finished speaking, Xu You felt his vision become somewhat blurry, and he couldn't take his eyes off the dance on the stage.

There was an indescribable magic enveloping his thoughts, and his whole body and mind were immersed in it.

While Xu You was lost in watching the dance at the Imperial Concubine Tower, outside the Tianque City, Chen Luo was standing by an ordinary river.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his expression on his face was extremely distorted.

A corpse floated on the surface of the river, and it was the body of his little brother, covered in numerous injuries, clearly tortured before death.

Beside his feet, Jin Meili sat huddled, her clothes almost torn apart, her whole body covered in bruises, her hair disheveled. She was now trembling and sobbing softly.

Yes, after taking the two of them out, Chen Luo directly forced out the truth.

Who was Chen Luo? From childhood to adulthood, he had no idea how many lives he had taken. The extent of his ruthlessness was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Naturally, his little brother couldn't withstand such inhuman torture, and he confessed to having an affair with his sister-in-law.

The result was clear. Chen Luo directly destroyed his soul, leaving behind a heavily injured body to be devoured by the creatures in the river. It wouldn't be long before it was completely consumed.

The outcome was undeniably tragic.

As for Jin Meili, Chen Luo didn't kill her, but instead subjected her to brutal physical torture.

Although Chen Luo was often violent, as the young master of the Crimson Gold Sect, he still had some sense. Jin Meili's father, Elder Jin, was one of the most important elders of the Crimson Gold Sect, and Chen Luo's father also relied heavily on him.

So even though Jin Meili had made a fundamental mistake, Chen Luo didn't dare to directly kill her.

"You despicable woman! If it weren't for your father, I would chop you up right now!"

Chen Luo squatted down, slapped Jin Meili several times, and then fiercely grabbed her neck, saying angrily.

Jin Meili's face quickly turned red, and she struggled desperately, her eyes showing signs of suffocation.

Finally, Chen Luo let go of his hand and kicked the other person in the stomach. "You bitch, just wait for me. You'll suffer in the future."

"Did I treat you badly? Did your mother do all this behind my back?"

Jin Meili held her stomach and collapsed on the ground, tears in her eyes.

Chen Luo laughed wildly, his smile contorted. "I have to thank Xu You. It was him who made me see your true face, you slut."

Just as Chen Luo was about to beat the other person, a withered hand reached out from the darkness and stopped him.

It was an old man in black clothes, with a cold and indifferent expression. His voice was slightly hoarse. "Young master, stop it, or it won't be easy to explain to Elder Jin."

Chen Luo's frenzied expression gradually calmed down, and he nodded gently at the man.

This old man was the trusted aide of the Crimson Gold Sect's sect master. Chen Luo usually called him Old Chen. He was at the mid-stage of the sixth realm and had been responsible for Chen Luo's safety and taught him the art of strategy since he was young.

Especially after Chen Luo's temperament became more violent, he often acted recklessly and caused trouble everywhere. In order to ensure his safety, Old Chen had been secretly protecting Chen Luo for the past few years.

Of course, under normal circumstances when Chen Luo wasn't going crazy, he still respected Old Chen very much. Or rather, as long as he wasn't going crazy, he still had the demeanor of a young master in his dealings with others.

"Old Chen, what kind of technique did Xu You use on me just now? I feel like I've become a puppet," Chen Luo asked.

"From the description you just gave, this old man also doesn't know," Old Chen shook his head. He hadn't been in the Imperial Concubine Tower just now.

Or rather, it was inconvenient for him to enter the Imperial Concubine Tower with his identity, as it would cause unnecessary trouble, so he waited outside. There was no need to worry about security inside the Imperial Concubine Tower.

"Do you have a solution?" Chen Luo asked.

Old Chen thought for a moment and took out a jade talisman, explaining, "This is a Soul Suppressing Talisman. Xu You's methods probably targeted your divine soul. With this talisman, Xu You's strength at the fourth realm shouldn't be able to harm you."

"Good, good, good!" Chen Luo said three times, then took the jade talisman, his expression instantly turning violent.

The humiliation he had just experienced, combined with Jin Meili's betrayal, pushed Chen Luo to the brink of collapse. He had never experienced such humiliation in his life.

With the accumulation of new grievances and old grudges, Xu You must die!

Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng were deeply indebted to him, and his feelings for the two of them even surpassed his father, who had been away from him for a long time.

Therefore, no matter from which perspective, Xu You is Chen Luo's biggest enemy at the moment.

"Young Master, do you want to go back to the Imperial Concubine Tower?" Chen Lao frowned slightly. Over the years, he had become very familiar with Chen Luo, and just by looking at his expression, he knew what he wanted to do.

"Yes." Chen Luo nodded. "I want to reclaim my reputation! I have always been the one playing tricks on others, never the one being played. I can't swallow this humiliation."

"Xu You has many companions, and there are also many disciples from the five sects and seven schools in the Imperial Concubine Tower. It's not good for you to go in, and I can't follow you in either."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Luo sneered. "I know my limits. As long as I don't fall for Xu You's strange techniques, I am absolutely confident."

"He is just a newly advanced cultivator in the Fourth Realm."

"Young Master, don't underestimate him. He just recently made it onto the Heavenly Pride List and has strong power. He is not an ordinary cultivator in the Fourth Realm."

"Heh, the Heavenly Pride List is nothing! What credibility does a list without demonic cultivators have?" Chen Luo disdainfully said. "Chen Lao, don't try to persuade me anymore. I know what I'm doing."

After speaking, Chen Luo walked towards Tianque City.

Chen Lao sighed slightly. He naturally knew Chen Luo's temperament, and at this moment, no amount of persuasion would be useful. All he could do was secretly protect him when needed and ensure his safety.

There shouldn't be any casualties in the Imperial Concubine Tower.

After Chen Luo left, Chen Lao began to treat the injuries of Jin Meili on the ground.

Inside the Imperial Concubine Tower, Xu You was still carefully watching the courtesan on the stage.

A dance had just ended, and the courtesan put on a plain white robe and continued to play the guzheng in the mist, as if the passionate dance just now was an illusion.

Many people, especially young cultivators, were silent at this moment, deeply impressed by the enchanting dance and unable to extricate themselves.

This dance truly lived up to the reputation of the Imperial Concubine Tower's signature enchanting dance, its allure was truly terrifying.

"How about it, Junior Brother, did I not deceive you?" Han Qianyue said with a nostalgic expression on his face.

"It's indeed interesting." Xu You also sighed. Today, he had truly broadened his horizons. He had never seen such a diverse dance before.

"What's next?" Xu You continued to ask.

"Next, we will select the chosen guests, and then these chosen guests will compete in an auction," Han Qianyue explained slowly. "The so-called chosen guests are selected by the courtesan through divination, choosing twenty people with fate, and then these twenty people will compete."

According to what the courtesan said before, as long as they are young people, so this time the twenty people are all young.

"Does the courtesan know divination?" Xu You asked.

"Of course, didn't she say it before? Courtesans at the level of the Imperial Concubine Tower know many things, more than you can imagine," Han Qianyue said. "In any case, no matter what kind of person you are, she can find topics to chat with you and make you happy. Otherwise, do you think so many people would come for a courtesan event?" Han Qianyue pointed to the crowded surroundings.

Xu You was a little speechless. In that case, this courtesan was indeed a Transcendent Level Apex Level woman.

Choosing twenty people with fate was just a gimmick. Otherwise, if they chose twenty poor people, how could they make money?

"I am Su Yanluo, I have seen all the guests." A faint ethereal voice came from the stage. This was the first time the courtesan named Su Yanluo spoke after appearing on stage, and her voice was extremely magnetic and pleasant to listen to.

Just listening to this voice made people feel intoxicated.

After a few simple greetings, Su Yanluo continued, "Now, I will begin the selection. I will use divination to select twenty young gentlemen present, and then these twenty gentlemen will compete, following the same procedure as before."

As she finished speaking, Su Yanluo began to divine in the mist.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Imperial Concubine Tower was very quiet, everyone was watching Su Yanluo.

At this time, Chen Luo also returned. He went straight to the third floor and his gaze immediately locked onto Xu You.

In fact, he came tonight for this courtesan. Chen Luo was not a virtuous young man, so naturally he was interested in such a courtesan and wanted to become her guest.

But now he had no interest in the courtesan at all, all his attention was on Xu You.

Without even looking at the courtesan, he stared at Xu You with a look of murderous intent. If the killing intent in his eyes could materialize, Xu You would have died a thousand times already.

Just as Chen Luo angrily walked towards Xu You, twenty beams of light descended from the top of the Imperial Concubine Tower, indicating that the divination was complete.

The small wooden sticks used for divination floated in the air and twenty beams of light fell, enveloping the twenty so-called chosen people.

And at this moment, Xu You was in one of the beams of light.

Xu You squinted his eyes and looked at the dazzling light on his body. He was a bit confused now, not understanding why he was chosen.

Wait a minute, he wasn't even a Youyuan person. Could it be that this selection was really based on fate?

At this moment, not only Xu You, but also Han Qianyue and the others beside him were staring at Xu You with wide eyes. They didn't expect Xu You to be included as well.

"What the hell, Junior Brother, you can do this?"

"What do you mean? I don't have money, so it doesn't matter." Xu You shrugged.

"No money? How can you not have money?" Han Qianyue slammed the table, his face slightly ferocious. "We'll help you raise the money! If others find out that the five of us can't even come up with the money for a huakui, then what's the point of our existence?"

"That's right, Kun Ge also cares about face!" Li Kun also slammed the table, saying loudly, "If people see that, they'll think we cultivators from the Southern Barbarian Continent are all poor losers."

"Slap me! Slap me no matter how much it costs!"

The atmosphere heated up, Huiming also slammed the table and said that he had accumulated some savings from hunting demons over the years and was ready to help.

Even Luo Kaiyang, who was about to return to Kunlun, also strongly supported it.

Xu You looked at everyone with some gratitude. "Thank you, senior brothers, for your kindness. Money should be spent on the blade, it's a waste to spend it like this."

"What a waste? Face is priceless, Junior Brother, don't worry, we'll help you raise it!" Han Qianyue shouted.

"Even if we raise it, it will be me who goes up, senior brothers don't need to participate, there's really no need."

"Well, why don't you go up and ask if we can join in?" Huiming smiled.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's gaze fell on him, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident. Are you sure you're a monk from the Great Thunderclap Monastery?

Monks are playing like this now?

Huiming quickly realized that his words were inappropriate and waved his hand. "I was just joking, livening up the atmosphere. What are you thinking? How could I be that kind of person?"

Junior Brother Xu, don't worry, I'll take care of this for you today!"

"5,000 Shenzhou coins!" At this moment, voices suddenly started to bid from other places.

Soon, the voices spread like dominoes, creating a chain reaction.




The price quickly soared to around 50,000.

Han Qianyue and the others looked at the rapidly rising expensive price in astonishment.

"Han Xiong, is the price of this huakui really so exaggerated?" Huiming asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Han Qianyue gritted his teeth. "It wasn't this expensive before. It's probably because Su Yanluo is the only huakui trained by the owner of the Imperial Concubine Tower. I guess others think Su Yanluo is the same? And it's the first time for the Divine Fusion price, so it's understandable?"

"Fuck! What should we do? Even if you have some gimmicks, it shouldn't be this expensive, right? Are these people crazy? Haven't they seen a woman before? Why are they inflating the price like this?" Kun Ge cursed directly.

"What do you think? Should we also shout a price?" Luo Kaiyang asked lightly.

"Let's give it a try?" Han Qianyue wasn't sure.

"One hundred thousand!" Someone shouted another price.

Han Qianyue and the others looked at each other, and the atmosphere became somewhat awkward.

After a moment, Han Qianyue immediately put on a disdainful expression on his face. "These people are just vulgar, not cultivating properly and competing for fame and jealousy? Competing for the huakui? If we were like them, wouldn't we be lowering ourselves?"

"That's right." Huiming nodded in agreement.

Li Kun remained silent, indicating his agreement.

"Junior Brother, it's not that we don't want to help you, but we don't want to have such a bad reputation. Vulgar! Boring!" Han Qianyue looked at Xu You and said.

Xu You nodded gently and smiled, "I understand."

"The five of us can't come up with a hundred thousand, and we're pretending to be high and mighty here? How come the people from Kunlun are so poor and despicable?" A mocking voice came from next to them.

Xu You and the others turned their heads to look, and it was Chen Luo leaning against the next booth, sneering with a mocking tone.

At this moment, Chen Luo felt a sense of satisfaction as he looked at the "poor devils" in front of him, feeling a bit relieved.

Leaving aside everything else, if Chen Luo's wealth is indeed superior to Xu You and the others, after all, he comes from a prominent family.

Chen Luo is in a good mood now. He plans to first humiliate Xu You and insult them verbally, and then continue with his revenge plan later.

Today, Xu You must be surprised!

"What the fuck did you say? Do you believe that I can slap you to death with one palm?" Han Qianyue sneered.

"Come on, do you dare to kill me here? Do you have the guts?" Chen Luo sneered again, relying on his background and the feeling of being able to do whatever he wants at the Imperial Concubine Tower.

Of course, he is now tightly holding onto the Soul Suppressing Talisman in his hand, in case Xu You launches a surprise attack.

I, Young Master Chen, must regain the face I lost earlier today!

Xu You smiled as he looked at Chen Luo, then turned to look at his companions and said, "Brother Han, do you want to make a name for yourself without spending any money?"

"What?" Han Qianyue was taken aback.

"I'll have this young master Chen pay, and you can bid in your name. How about that?" Xu You continued.

"Is that possible?" Han Qianyue's eyes lit up, then he remembered the incredible things Xu You did to Chen Luo earlier. He became interested and asked,


"Really." Xu You nodded, then smiled at Chen Luo.

When Chen Luo saw this smile, his heart skipped a beat. He raised the Soul Suppressing Talisman in his hand, forced a cold smile, and said,

"I'm prepared now, fucker!"

"You're amazing!" Xu You praised, then immediately used his Divine Ability.

[Turtle's Obsession]

Facing this Divine Ability, unless you have an iron will, even if you have a Divine Weapon protecting you, it's useless.

As expected, Chen Luo was directly hit again this time.

A strong determination to dedicate himself to Xu You surged up in his body.

Although he hated Xu You to the bone, at this moment, his footsteps involuntarily walked towards Xu You.

Damn it, stop it, fuck your brother!

Chen Luo was driven by a mysterious force to sit down next to Xu You, his words and actions completely opposite, like a split personality patient.

"I want to win the auction. What do you think we should do?" Xu You said calmly.

"Fuck, of course I'll fucking help you win!" Chen Luo's expression twisted, gritting his teeth as he said this affirmative statement.

"Brother Han, you can start bidding now. Chen Young Master will pay for all the bids," Xu You said to Han Qianyue with a smile.

Han Qianyue was a little stunned and couldn't react. Even though he had seen Chen Luo's abnormal behavior once before, seeing it up close again now left him shocked.

"Junior Brother, are you sure? Don't wait until later and then we have to pay for it," he asked.

"Don't worry, go ahead and bid. With the backing of the Crimson Gold Sect, are you afraid we can't afford a courtesan?" Chen Luo said through gritted teeth.

"130,000!" Han Qianyue stood up excitedly and shouted.

In an instant, countless eyes focused on him, making Han Qianyue's straight posture swell a bit.

Damn it, fuck!

Chen Luo cursed in his heart, but his trembling hand took out a token symbolizing his identity as the Young Master of the Crimson Gold Sect and slammed it on the table, gritting his teeth.

"All the expenses can be recorded on this token."

Seeing this, Han Qianyue completely believed it and confidently joined the bidding.

So this is what it feels like to be rich at the Transcendent Level? It feels fucking great! Han Qianyue kept bidding with others, basking in the envy of the people around him.

He felt inflated and proud, but with each price he called out, Chen Luo's expression became more angry and twisted, with a hint of sadness.

In the end, his entire face was filled with sadness.

"Can your family fortune hold up?" Xu You asked.

"Of course, definitely! It's nothing!" Chen Luo said, and as he spoke, two crystal tears rolled down his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, it will pass soon." Xu You kindly handed Chen Luo a handkerchief to wipe his tears.

Damn it, Xu You, you heartless bastard!

Even the most talented actor couldn't perform the rich layers of expression on Chen Luo's face at this moment.

They all looked at the bizarre scene in front of them, stunned and unable to find any words to describe their own feelings.

But at this moment, they all had a unified mindset, which was admiration for Xu You.

Damn, he's amazing!

How did Xu You do it?

For a moment, the atmosphere in the private room became strange, with people's emotions not connecting with each other.

Only Han Qianyue stood out, continuously shouting prices.

Finally, the price settled at two hundred thousand, a sky-high price!

Yes, even Su Yanluo, with her fairy-like aura, shouldn't be able to shout such a terrifying and exaggerated price, but tonight it happened.

It can't be ruled out that someone deliberately raised the price, but with Chen Luo, a true local tyrant, it was impossible to resist.

Han Qianyue didn't feel the slightest heartache for spending his own money. At the moment when the dust settled, he still felt a bit unsatisfied.

In the end, Xu You won with a price of two hundred thousand, setting a record for the highest bid at the Imperial Concubine Tower.

Soon, specialized staff came over to handle the transaction, and Chen Luo handed over his token with tears in his eyes.

After confirming that everything was correct, the staff left.

With so many people watching, Crimson Gold Sect couldn't afford to go back on their word, otherwise they would no longer be able to mix in the Divine Continent.

The integrity and reputation of the vast Crimson Gold Sect far exceeded this two hundred thousand.

At the moment Chen Luo handed over the token, he burst into tears and lost all his composure.

It was so frustrating, no one could hold back their tears.

Damn it, two hundred thousand, who wouldn't feel heartbroken about losing so much money!

If his father found out, he would beat him to death!

"You've worked hard." Xu You patted Chen Luo's shoulder.

"Here to serve you, Brother Xu." Chen Luo said angrily while crying.

"Alright, you have nothing else to do, you can leave." Xu You said heartlessly.

"Okay." Chen Luo had countless thoughts of killing Xu You on the spot in his mind, but now his body involuntarily stood up and left. That figure was so desolate.

"Damn, you're amazing!" Li Kun directly gave a thumbs up. "Don't call me Kun Ge anymore, I'll call you Xu Ge. You're really amazing!"

Seeing Chen Luo willingly pay this sky-high price for Xu You, everyone present couldn't help but admire him.

"Brother, I want to learn, teach me!" Huiming also stared at Xu You with wide eyes.

"This can't be learned." Xu You waved his hand and smiled.

"Damn, he's really amazing!" The four of them were still in a state of shock and could only express their astonishment with vulgar language.

So, what just happened?

Han Qianyue showed off his wealth, and the three of them watched this wonderful performance for free, feeling a sense of honor and pride with Han Qianyue.

Later, they could even go upstairs and enjoy themselves for free with Xu You's face.

And Xu You even directly obtained the right to fuse with the Flower Maiden for the first time.

All of this without spending a single Divine Continent Coin.

Everyone benefited, except for Chen Luo, who was in a world of pain. This night was truly miserable for him, incredibly miserable.

Soon, a fragrant breeze blew in, Lady Yun holding a folding fan, swaying with charm as she walked over, her face carrying a gentle smile. She lightly patted Xu You's hand and said,

"I never expected it to be the young master who won the bidding. Congratulations, young master. Please follow Lady Yun. Lady Yun will take you to Miss Yanluo's place."

Xu You didn't have any thoughts of refusal this time. After all, he had spent two hundred thousand! He really wanted to see what kind of girl was worth that much.

So, Xu You followed Lady Yun, attracting envious gazes from others, as they walked through a private passage to the upper floor.

Lady Yun walked ahead, while Xu You followed a few steps behind, watching her graceful figure swaying in front of him. Lady Yun truly embodied the essence of a mature woman, the most feminine Xu You had ever seen.

"You're different from other men, young master," Lady Yun suddenly turned around and laughed.


"Other men sneak glances at me, but only you look at me openly."

"I am a gentleman, so naturally I look openly," Xu You said confidently.

Hearing Xu You redefine what it meant to be a gentleman, Lady Yun burst into laughter. They reached a corner, and she slowed down to walk alongside Xu You, casually asking, "If I'm not mistaken, young master had some conflicts with the young master of the Crimson Gold Sect. How did he manage to provide two hundred thousand for you?"

"That's not something you should be concerned about, Auntie," Xu You squinted his eyes.

"I spoke out of turn."

"Auntie, I don't want you to publicize my achievement in becoming a point leader. I prefer to keep a low profile," Xu You said.

"Don't worry, young master. I won't let anyone in the building gossip about it. However, there was quite a commotion just now, so many people might already know."

"That doesn't matter, as long as you don't maliciously spread my business," Xu You waved his hand.

"Alright, we're here. Just go in, young master, and enjoy yourself," Lady Yun stopped and pointed to a private room at the end.

Xu You walked directly towards it, while Lady Yun stood in place, fanning herself with a folding fan, watching Xu You enter the room before turning and leaving.

The room was very elegant, exuding an air of refinement in its decoration and layout.

At the entrance was a semi-transparent screen. Passing through it, a fragrant scent could be detected, emanating from the sandalwood incense burning on the table.

Xu You was familiar with this scent. It was the soothing incense he always lit when playing the game "God Fusion."

Behind the screen, there was a sheer curtain hanging down. Through the curtain, a woman could be faintly seen sitting behind a piano, her posture elegant.

"Please have a seat, young master. Allow me to play a tune for you," came the voice of Su Yanluo from behind the curtain.

Compared to her ethereal voice outside, her voice now had a touch of reality, but it was still pleasant to listen to.

Xu You glanced around the room. Instead of sitting down, he strode forward and forcefully tore down the curtain.

What a joke! At this point, they still wanted to play the elegant card?

Sorry, Xu You was a vulgar person. He was feeling very angry right now and had no time to listen to these romantic gestures. He just wanted to have fun!

He wanted to see what kind of thing was worth two hundred thousand.

As the curtain fell, the woman named Su Yanluo behind it fell into Xu You's gaze.

She was a bit stunned, not expecting Xu You to be so rough as to tear down the curtain directly. Their eyes met.

Xu You squinted his eyes, examining her.

She was wearing a blue dress, her hair piled high with various ornaments. Her face was small, with a three-dimensional beauty that was enhanced by her bone structure.

Her outstanding features complemented her bone structure, and the only words that could describe her were "stunning."

This kind of pure beauty was rare, the kind that would remain beautiful as she aged.

Xu You was immediately captivated by her stunning face and features. Moving down, he noticed her slender and fair neck, as well as her overall slender figure.

Su Yanluo was tall, with a perfect supermodel figure. Even though she was sitting, Xu You could still sense the astonishing length of her legs beneath her long skirt.

In summary, she was a young woman with a graceful temperament, beautiful bone structure, and a perfect supermodel figure.

Amidst her tranquility and elegance, there was a hint of hidden sensuality, leaving a very good first impression.

Her appearance, combined with the aura she exuded, truly impressed Xu You. He was amazed.

In addition to her appearance, she was also talented and had a cultivation level at the Four Realms Initial Stage. With all these factors combined, she was truly deserving of being the top courtesan of the Imperial Concubine Tower.

"Young master, you..." Su Yanluo stood up, her silky long dress flowing down like water, her tall and graceful figure making a strong visual impact.

"Come out, I don't like listening to music," Xu You said, turning around and walking to the table outside.

Su Yanluo smiled lightly, revealing two shallow dimples on her cheeks. She lifted her skirt slightly and walked elegantly to the table, sitting down.

Then she took the initiative to pour wine for Xu You. Her slender and graceful fingers poured the wine skillfully and elegantly, with a pleasing posture that showed she had practiced it specifically.

"How should I address you, young master?" Su Yanluo asked softly with a gentle voice.

"Xu You."

"Is Young Master Xu a disciple of Kunlun?"

"Oh? How did you know?"

"The Heavenly Pride List has been updated recently, and Young Master has made a strong presence. In addition, many recent events in the city seem to be related to Young Master's actions. Although I live a secluded life, I have heard your name many times."

Su Yanluo spoke slowly, deliberately raising her tone, creating an atmosphere of admiration for Xu You.

Xu You once again looked at Su Yanluo in front of him. This woman really understands men. No wonder she is personally trained by the owner of the Imperial Concubine Tower.

There is no denying that being with her brings a genuine sense of pleasure.

"Can you sing the song 'Eighteen Touches'?" Xu You raised his wine glass and took a sip.

Su Yanluo didn't know how to answer this question for a moment. How could she possibly learn such a vulgar song?

Most importantly, Xu You has a clean and handsome appearance. It seems that he should be refined and elegant. However, from the moment he entered until now, his behavior has been quite different from the initial impression.

"You can't?"

"I... I can't, but if Young Master wants to listen, I can learn it next time," Su Yanluo said apologetically.

"No fun." Xu You pouted and then began to reach out to undress.

"What are you doing, young master?" Su Yanluo was surprised.

"Do what I came here for," Xu You said matter-of-factly, "I don't have the mood to listen to any pretentious music. Right now, I just want to cause trouble."

"Why, can't you undress yourself? Shall I help you?" Seeing that Su Yanluo didn't move, Xu You asked.

"Young master, I think you have misunderstood. Today, there is only artistry, not selling myself," Su Yanluo apologized again.

"I spent two hundred thousand!"

"I know, but..."

"I spent two hundred thousand!" Xu You emphasized again.

"Young master, I..."

"I spent two hundred thousand!" Xu You raised his voice, "Now you tell me you don't sell yourself? Do you think Xu is a fool?"

"Young master, I..."

"Enough, I was just teasing you." Xu You's expression suddenly softened, and he let go of the buttons on his clothes. He said lightly, "Why so nervous, no sense of fun at all."

"Young master is so bad," Su Yanluo said with a playful smile.

At this moment, Xu You squinted his eyes and carefully observed the other person. He didn't speak. The reason he did this was to see what kind of person Su Yanluo was.

In the end, Xu You accurately judged from the subtle expressions on her face and the calmness and faint coldness in her eyes that Su Yanluo was not a woman of the pleasure district at all.

If forced to say, she was a bit like a cool and aloof lady, with a sense of mission.

In such a situation, there are generally only two possibilities. One is that Su Yanluo was forced to come here, and the other is that she is not a person who entertains with her body, but appeared here for some special reason.

"Young master, have a drink." Su Yanluo poured another glass of wine for Xu You and handed it to him with her delicate hand.

Xu You took the wine glass, but instead of retracting his hand, he directly grabbed Su Yanluo's soft hand.

Her slender fingers carried a hint of coldness, with delicate skin and an excellent touch, like touching soft jade.

Xu You smiled, his fingers caressing the back of her hand, his gaze meeting her clear eyes.

Startled by being held, Su Yanluo was initially taken aback, but she didn't pull her hand back. Instead, she slightly lowered her eyes with a hint of shyness.

Xu You was about to speak when suddenly, he felt a movement in his divine palace. The True Witch Tianzhu, which had been quietly dormant, stirred slightly.

(Today's two chapters are combined. The courtesan is a useful supporting character, and tomorrow she will have a breakthrough that you can't imagine.)

(This courtesan has a background and plays a role in connecting some plotlines. Tomorrow, it will unfold with a relationship that you can't imagine. She is a pure and innocent girl, not flashy like others.)

(End of this chapter)

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