Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 155 Kunlun Immortal Sect? It's The Kunlun Society! [10,000 Updates]

Chapter 155: Kunlun Immortal Sect? It's Kunlun Society! [10,000 more]

"You've worked hard. Let's do it now. Show me when you're done," Xu You smiled.

"Okay," Qin Long nodded, then efficiently took Wu Bufan to shoot the realistic footage.

Xu You quietly waited on the side, observing.

After about an hour, Qin Long had taken a simple law enforcement recorder and shot and edited the footage.

Xu You took it and looked at it immediately.

After watching it, Xu You had only one feeling: impressive.

This realistic footage combined the content he had recorded in Gucheng Mountain, the content recorded during the interrogation, and the footage they had just shot seamlessly.

Of course, any scenes and sounds that were unfavorable to Kunlun were cut, including those of Wu Gude and Qin Long.

Only one theme was highlighted: Wu Bufan was ordered to kill Xu You.

The footage was exquisite, and the emotional ups and downs were perfectly portrayed. Crimson Gold Sect was depicted as a ruthless villain, while Xu You became a pitiful victim.

The pacing was tight, making it impossible for people to stop watching. It gave a feeling of a fallen noble family being trampled upon by a nouveau riche.

It created a genuine expectation: to see this fallen noble family destroy the nouveau riche.

Finally, the plot was touching. Xu You "escaped from death" and faced life and death with uncertainty. If this grudge was not avenged, Kunlun would lose face in the world.

In summary, every aspect portrayed Kunlun as standing on the moral and truthful high ground. No matter how they retaliated, Crimson Gold Sect was portrayed as full of justice!

To top it off, they would add a voiceover when releasing this footage. It would undoubtedly be the best declaration of war against the thieves.

"Qin Dao, you did a great job," Xu You praised without reservation, then said, "The two of you can rest here for now. Later, I have something important to discuss with Qin Dao."

"At your command," the two of them saluted.

Xu You didn't say much more. The matter he wanted to discuss with Qin Long was simple.

Xu You was impressed by Qin Long's filming ability and the exaggerated income he earned. Yes, Xu You planned to let Qin Long continue to excel in filming.

He had countless ideas in his mind. After all, he had watched so many films. He planned to have a deep discussion with Qin Long later.

His ideas, Qin Long's directing ability, and storytelling skills.

He felt that he could become rich! He would hide behind the scenes and count money until his hands cramped.

Of course, this kind of thing was generally not honorable. He couldn't let the people of Kunlun know that he was making this kind of money in the shadows. So he would have a private conversation with Qin Long later.

Xu You handed the realistic footage to Zhang Changli and Qing Cang. After they watched it, they both said it was excellent.

Especially Zhang Changli, his view of Qin Long had changed. Throughout history, talented individuals had always been valued, and Qin Long's ability in this aspect was top-notch.

Zhang Changli happened to have a soft spot for this kind of talent. It was hard not to develop a fondness for Qin Long.

"Qing Cang, touch up this footage a bit more, then release it later. We have the advantage of time now. Let's take the initiative in the conversation," Zhang Changli instructed.

"Understood," Qing Cang took the footage and hurriedly went upstairs.

Xu You didn't stay any longer. His body was about to give out, so he immediately went upstairs with Zhang Changli to rest for a while.

In the basement, only Wu Bufan and Qin Long remained.

Originally, the two of them were not familiar with each other, but now, because of Xu You, they had no choice but to become familiar.

In a sense, the two of them would be sympathetic partners for a long time to come.

At this moment, Wu Bufan sighed deeply, not for any other reason, but for Crimson Gold Sect.

It was obvious from the recorded footage that Kunlun was only targeting Crimson Gold Sect. Moreover, Heng Alliance and Gu God Clan would probably pretend to be dead. Even Demon Alliance might not step forward. After all, this matter was indeed indefensible and couldn't be justified to the Immortal Cultivation World.

If Crimson Gold Sect really fell, he would bear the primary responsibility. After all these years in Crimson Gold Sect, it was impossible for him to have no emotional attachment.

Now, all he could do was pray that Crimson Gold Sect could survive this disaster.

On the rooftop of Kunlun Tower, after returning to his room, Xu You immediately sat down and meditated to rest.

There are not many people in the Kunlun Tower who know the details of Xu You's situation, but the key figures are all aware of it and are now actively preparing for follow-up actions.

Han Qianyue and Zhang Wei are not in the tower right now, so no one is disturbing Xu You.

An hour later, Mo Yuhuang pushed open Xu You's door and sat down beside him.

"How did it go, Master? Did the people inside agree?" Xu You asked.

"I followed your plan and they agreed. The Crimson Gold Sect matter is now up to us," Mo Yuhuang nodded and replied.

"Now let's go back to the sect."

"Do I have to go back too?" Xu You asked.

"Of course. You should claim that your life is unpredictable and it's inconvenient to stay here. Stay in the sect for a while until I handle this matter cleanly. Besides, your injuries will heal faster there. The Sect Master has ordered you to go to him for a while so he can personally take care of your recovery," Mo Yuhuang said.

"What? Isn't that inappropriate? The Sect Master is busy with many things, how can I go and disturb him?" Xu You was startled.

"That's what he said. Go back. I don't have time to argue with you. I still have a lot of preparations to make," Mo Yuhuang said.

"Alright." Xu You obediently got up, tidied his clothes, and asked, "Are these preparations troublesome?"

"Of course. The Crimson Gold Sect is powerful. It's not like dealing with small cats and dogs," Mo Yuhuang replied.

Xu You rubbed his forehead, not knowing how big this matter would eventually become.

Soon, Xu You followed Mo Yuhuang outside and boarded her flying boat, speeding towards Tianque City.

Xu You immediately sent several communication jade talismans, informing Luo Qiaoqiao that he would be returning to the sect for a while, and also informing Han Qianyue to some extent.

Finally, he specifically left a message for Wu Yanluo, asking her to contact him immediately if there were any special circumstances.

This time, he would have to stay in Kunlun for at least a few months, so he had to inform those who needed to know.

After finishing these tasks, Xu You returned to the bed and lay down.

Yes, under Mo Yuhuang's strong request, this time he was the one lying down while Mo Yuhuang took care of him.

Covered by the master's blanket, a faint fragrance filled Xu You's nostrils.

Mo Yuhuang sat beside him, channeling her cultivation into Xu You's body to nourish him.

"Rest well, don't think too much. You'll be there after a good sleep," Mo Yuhuang said softly.

"Okay, Master." Xu You didn't resist, feeling the warm power of cultivation flowing through his body. He slowly closed his eyes. He was indeed very tired and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Mo Yuhuang looked at the sleeping Xu You, his face pale and weak. At this moment, Mo Yuhuang felt a deep affection for Xu You.

This disciple of hers was good in every way, really considerate and lovable.

In all these years of being his master, he had never caused her any worries.

But sometimes, she did push him too hard. It was easy for a beloved disciple to be overwhelmed.

Mo Yuhuang slowly got up and stood at the front of the flying boat, looking at the flowing clouds around her. Her purple robe fluttered, exuding an unparalleled elegance.

Xu You felt that he had had a very comfortable sleep. When he opened his eyes, the sky was already completely dark.

The endless peaks of Kunlun Mountain came into view, and Xu You felt a sense of nostalgia as he looked at the familiar scenery. It had been a while since he had come back.

This rotation in Tianque City was the longest mission he had ever experienced.

Instead of heading towards Vermilion Bird Peak, Mo Yuhuang flew higher into the sky. She was heading directly to Kunlun Tower, where the Sect Master of Kunlun was located.

Above Kunlun Immortal Sect floated three major immortal mountains, one of which was the Moon Jade Pavilion, the main residence of luck.

Kunlun Tower was the second one.

The location of Kunlun Tower was higher than that of the Moon Jade Pavilion. It floated in the sea of clouds all year round and was protected by hidden formations. Ordinary disciples of Kunlun could hardly go up there without special opportunities.

Kunlun Tower had a long history. It had been an immortal mountain since the establishment of Kunlun and had always been the residence of the Sect Master of Kunlun. It was also where the Elder Council, the highest decision-making body of Kunlun, was located.

It was also a retirement place for some retired elders or senior members with very old seniority. It was the most peaceful immortal mountain in Kunlun Immortal Sect.

At the same time, it can also be considered as the central brain of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, where decisions involving various important matters of the sect are mostly made.

As Mo Yuhuang, there were naturally no obstacles for her to enter and exit the Kunlun Platform. She directly drove the flying boat into the sea of clouds and finally penetrated into a hidden formation.

Xu You suddenly felt enlightened, as a lush and spiritually abundant immortal mountain floated before his eyes.

This immortal mountain was not big, occasionally inhabited by immortal birds and beasts. The mountain was filled with various spiritual trees, flowers, and plants, making the spiritual energy even more intense.

Contrary to Xu You's imagination, he originally thought that the buildings on the Kunlun Platform would be extremely luxurious, after all, it was the place where the sect leader resided.

But when he saw it with his own eyes, he realized that it was far from what he had expected.

There were no magnificent palaces, only low and flat houses, and even many ordinary buildings made of thatch and bamboo.

It didn't have the grandeur that a central hub should have, but rather resembled a thousand-year-old village, ordinary yet carrying a sense of the vicissitudes of time.

Mo Yuhuang put away the flying boat and carried Xu You through a bamboo forest, finally stopping in front of a relatively large bamboo courtyard.

The overall architectural style of this bamboo courtyard was not much different from Xu You's Dao Hut, the only difference being that it was much larger, and the spiritual energy here far exceeded that of Xu You's Dao Hut.

The degree of spiritual power that could make one's spirit particularly excited, this level of spiritual power was rare in the world.

The words "Wu Shi" were written on the door of the bamboo courtyard.

Obviously, this was where the leader of Kunlun resided.

From the outside, it was an extremely ordinary Dao Hut.

Xu You had never seen the leader of Kunlun before, or rather, a considerable number of Kunlun disciples would probably never have the chance to see the leader up close in their lifetime.

It was like being in university for four years without knowing what the principal looked like.

But Xu You naturally knew the basic information about this leader.

The leader of Kunlun had the surname Gongyang, with the single name Zheng. Later, he gave himself the Dao title "Wu Shi".

In his own words, Gongyang Zheng didn't like the sharpness of the character "Zheng" in his name, so he came up with the Dao title "Wu Shi".

Compared to being called Gongyang Zheng, he preferred to be called Gongyang Wu Shi by others.

Of course, with Gongyang Zheng's current status and strength, except for a very few fellow cultivators of the same generation, few people dared to directly address him by his name or Dao title, they all used respectful titles.

Gongyang Zheng's strength was mysterious, it was said that he hadn't made a move in over a hundred years.

Gongyang Zheng had a high seniority, having held the position of sect leader for nearly three hundred years.

In the Divine Continent, the lifespan of cultivators below the Heavenly Dao Realm was limited to around three hundred years. Heavenly Dao Realm cultivators had a lifespan of five hundred years for the seventh realm, seven hundred years for the eighth realm, and only those in the extreme realm could live for over a thousand years.

Xu You had always been puzzled about the issue of the lifespan of Divine Continent cultivators. In theory, at this level of cultivation, their divine soul and essence should be sufficient.

Theoretically, reaching the extreme realm of cultivation not only meant immortality, but it was also difficult to say that one would die of old age or sit in meditation.

But the fact was that there was a set lifespan.

According to previous historical records, the lifespan of cultivators tens of thousands of years ago far exceeded the present, even if they didn't reach the Heavenly Dao Realm, living to a thousand or eight hundred years old was quite common.

However, at that time, the concentration of spiritual energy in the world was far from what it is now, and only a very few cultivators could reach the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Later, with each Great Dao Era, the Divine Continent would undergo earth-shaking changes.

The most important change was the change in the concentration of spiritual energy. After each Great Dao Era ended, the concentration of spiritual energy on the Divine Continent would rise to a higher level.

With the increase in the concentration of spiritual energy, the overall cultivation level of the Immortal Cultivation World would rise to a higher level.

This also led to the increasing prosperity of the cultivation world. Until now, the overall strength of the Immortal Cultivation World was far beyond what it was tens of thousands of years ago.

Achieving the fifth realm before the age of twenty-five, as seen on the Heavenly Pride Ranking, was something that was unimaginable tens of thousands of years ago. No matter how amazing one's talent was, it was impossible to achieve this.

After all, the environment at that time was different.

However, although the strength can now climb higher than before, the fatal flaw is a significant decrease in lifespan. Those who haven't reached the Heavenly Dao Realm can't live past three hundred years.

Only those who have reached the Heavenly Dao Realm can live a few more years.

No one can understand this matter, and no one knows why this phenomenon occurs.

Later, it could only be attributed to the balance of the Heavenly Dao. At that time, the realm was difficult to advance, but there was enough lifespan. Now, although the realm is relatively easier to improve, lifespan is more severely restricted.

Of course, in terms of lifespan, cultivators who live in the present are at a disadvantage, or rather, cultivators with good talent who live in the present are at a disadvantage.

Because for cultivators who want to break through the Eight Realms, the richness of spiritual power is no longer very important. What matters is the comprehension of the Great Dao and true talent in cultivation.

However, it is really difficult to break through without enough time for enlightenment in the Great Dao, and lifespan becomes a restriction.

As a result, a very special phenomenon has emerged, where many Heavenly Dao Realm cultivators do not have enough lifespan to break through to realms above the Eighth Realm. In the end, they can only feel bitter.

This has led to a decrease in the number of top cultivators compared to ancient times.

After all, back then, lifespan was long, which meant more possibilities for cultivators.

In summary, the current situation is that due to the continuous richness of spiritual power in the world, there are more cultivators in the middle class. However, the number of top cultivators has sharply decreased. There are very few cultivators who can reach the Arcane Transformation Realm, and even fewer who can reach the Eighth Realm.

In this situation, it is truly unsolvable for Apex Level cultivators. Some even predict that if this continues, after several Great Dao eras, the lifespan of cultivators will further decrease, becoming no different from mortals.

By then, even if your spiritual power is incredibly rich, the number of Heavenly Dao Realm cultivators will still decrease to an even more exaggerated extent.

Of course, Xu You doesn't know much about these things. His limited understanding comes from some books. He can't control what will happen in the future.

Lifespan, Great Dao, Heavenly Dao, luck, and other issues must have deeper reasons behind them. It's normal for him not to understand with his current strength and status.

He will know when he enters the upper circle in the future.

In any case, Gong Yangzheng has been the sect leader in Kunlun for three hundred years and has gained deep popularity among his disciples.

Originally, Gong Yangzheng wanted to retire and focus on his own Great Dao advancement a long time ago, but he couldn't find a suitable successor after all these years.

So Gong Yangzheng had to continue as the sect leader until now. Three hundred years have passed, and his middle-aged and old age have been dedicated to Kunlun Immortal Sect.

If we look back at Gong Yangzheng's early life, it can be described with four words: unexpected and surprising. This includes his unexpected rise to the position of sect leader.

Gong Yangzheng came from an ordinary family, not from a prestigious background. His parents were just ordinary mortals.

When Kunlun was recruiting new disciples, he luckily joined Kunlun.

Yes, his talent was considered very good compared to the cultivators outside, but in Kunlun Immortal Sect, where geniuses were everywhere, he seemed ordinary.

He almost entered Kunlun Immortal Sect by a narrow margin.

Later, he practiced in the White Tiger Hall's White Tiger Peak, diligently cultivating step by step. His cultivation speed was average among the disciples, without anything special.

Coupled with his ordinary appearance and temperament, he was just an ordinary disciple.

But strangely enough, when Gong Yangzheng turned sixty, it was as if he suddenly had an epiphany.

First, his stagnant cultivation broke through in that year. He first reached the Late Stage of the Fifth Realm and then directly broke through to the Sixth Realm.

He suddenly became a high-ranking force in the White Tiger Peak, and he seemed to have awakened, showing his brilliance.

His methods became more experienced, and his way of doing things became more strategic. He began to exude the aura of a leader.

After that, he went from being a steward in the White Tiger Peak to an elder, and then he stood out among the elders and became the peak master of the White Tiger Peak.

At that time, Gong Yangzheng's strength was relatively low among the elders, so it was indeed unexpected for him to be elected as the peak master.

But because of his personal leadership charm, everyone in the White Tiger Peak respected him.

Later, under his leadership, the White Tiger Peak flourished, and many achievements can be described as outstanding.

Afterwards, he was transferred to the headquarters of the Azure Dragon Hall to serve as the right-hand man to the hall master. During that time, he assisted the hall master in achieving many glorious accomplishments.

Later, he successfully ran for the position of the hall master of Kunlun Hall.

At that time, his strength was still relatively average among the candidates, but relying on his outstanding abilities, he forcefully became the hall master of Kunlun Hall.

It should be noted that in the selection process of the leadership in Kunlun Immortal Sect, strength and the potential to reach a higher cultivation level are the most important considerations.

Its importance accounts for about seventy to eighty percent of the overall qualities. It can be said that only strength and talent matter, and the ability to handle affairs is secondary.

But at that time, the sect leader went against public opinion and directly promoted Gong Yangzheng because of his outstanding abilities.

After becoming the hall master of Kunlun Hall, Gong Yangzheng lived up to the expectations of the sect leader and led Kunlun Hall to glory despite many doubts.

In his seventy years as the Lord of the Palace, later generations referred to it as the "Golden Seventy Years."

Now, Kunlun Palace can firmly hold the position of the head of the Five Palaces. Gongyang Zheng has made great contributions in these seventy years.

Later on, he was transferred to the Elder Pavilion of Kunlun Terrace, serving as the right-hand man of the Sect Master, assisting in handling affairs.

This lasted for more than a hundred years.

Then, when the Sect Master stepped down, the candidates were selected from all the Lords and Elders, and the Sect Master once again went against popular opinion.

Entrusting the Great Dao, Gongyang Zheng was appointed as the Sect Master.

Due to being questioned every time before and proving his abilities through strength each time, the resistance this time was much smaller, but still significant.

However, the prestige Gongyang Zheng had built over the years and the support of many people below him were enough capital for him to successfully succeed as the Sect Master this time.

And in that year, he broke through to the Eighth Realm, becoming the first person in the history of Kunlun Immortal Sect to become the Sect Master immediately after breaking through to the Eighth Realm.

Setting a record as the "weakest Sect Master" in history.

And now, he has been the Sect Master for more than three hundred years until now.

Looking back at the first half of Gongyang Zheng's life, it took him three hundred years to reach the early stage of the Eighth Realm. Although his speed was slow, he was steady, step by step.

This surpasses countless so-called geniuses of the same period. Many of Gongyang Zheng's peers have only reached the Sixth Realm, and those who can enter the Eighth Realm are still a very small number.

After becoming the Sect Master, Gongyang Zheng rarely made a move. The last time he made a move was more than a hundred years ago, and it was an ordinary move, so his true strength is unknown.

Entering the sect for six hundred years, growing from an ordinary peasant child to the Sect Master. Such a life can only be described as unexpected.

Gongyang Zheng can be said to have dedicated his entire life to Kunlun Immortal Sect, creating countless indelible achievements for Kunlun.

Until now, he is the most trusted Sect Master among all the disciples of Kunlun.

Examples like Gongyang Zheng are often more inspiring. In fact, many so-called geniuses have a high probability of falling during their growth.

Instead, those cultivators who step by step climb to the highest position are the most stable.

Cultivators are long-term struggles. Only by steadily moving forward can they truly laugh in the end. Those who are satisfied with their early achievements will not go far.

Xu You holds this belief, so he focuses on stability and has a long-term perspective. The current achievements are nothing in his eyes.

So what if you are invincible among all the cultivators in the world? In the end, you are still just a cultivator in the Fourth Realm. One must look further.

Mo Yuhuang knocked on the bamboo door, while Xu You nervously adjusted his clothes from behind.

He is about to meet the Sect Master, who is famous for his wrist. Xu You is quite curious. Such legendary figures are rare.

"Come in." A plain and unadorned voice came from inside the courtyard. The voice was old but full of vitality.

Xu You couldn't hear any domineering or authoritative aura from inside, just the voice of a very healthy old man.

Mo Yuhuang pushed open the bamboo door and walked in with Xu You, without any restraint or respect, just the usual lazy posture.

Xu You walked humbly, his gaze wandering around the bamboo courtyard.

The interior decoration was also simple, filled with the traces of time. The path was lined with tall trees, and many fertile fields had been cultivated inside, filled with various fruits and vegetables.

These fruits and vegetables were just ordinary crops, but due to the rich spiritual energy in this place, not only were they vibrant and large, but they also contained traces of spiritual power.

To be honest, if ordinary cultivators saw this, they would be heartbroken. Such a good Spirit Field should be used to cultivate Spirit Medicine.

Now, growing these fruits and vegetables is simply a waste.

"Uncle Zheng, I've brought someone for you." Mo Yuhuang stopped and shouted at the back of an old man in the Spirit Field.

Xu You was stunned for a moment and followed his gaze.

It was an old man wearing coarse linen clothes, thin and barefoot, stepping on the soil with his pants rolled up, currently bending over to pull out weeds.

When he heard Mo Yuhuang calling him, he turned around, supporting his old waist with his right hand, completely resembling an old farmer.

His hair was half white, held in place by a wooden hairpin. His face was clear but rough, showing the roughness left by the years.

There was no sign of cultivation on his body. No matter how you looked at it, he seemed like an old man who had worked in the fields for decades.

At first, Xu You thought this person was a servant specifically responsible for planting these vegetables, but now it seems not. Isn't this Gongyang Zheng?

Xu You couldn't help but be surprised. Not to mention Mo Yuhuang directly calling out "Zheng Ye" and making Xu You widen his eyes.

Just based on the appearance of this Zheng, it greatly differed from what Xu You had imagined. Wasn't he the sect leader who relied on his wrist to rise to power? It was hard to tell from his appearance.

But soon, Xu You had a thought. The hermits in the world all liked to pretend to be inconspicuous old men, just like the sweeping monk.

This Zheng was probably the same. Xu You collected his scattered thoughts and looked at the other person calmly.

"Long time no see, Xiao Mo. Don't you want some fruit?" Zheng Ye smiled happily, revealing a set of slightly yellowed teeth, looking like a kind old grandfather.

From the simple conversation between Mo Yuhuang and Zheng Ye, it was enough to see that their relationship should be quite good. Zheng Ye was completely like Mo Yuhuang's grandfather.

"I don't want any. The ones you grow taste bad. I'll leave first, I have something to do." Mo Yuhuang said this and directly turned around and left.

"Ah." Xu You was a little stunned. He didn't expect Mo Yuhuang to just leave him like that.

I'm not familiar with this Zheng at all. As his master, shouldn't you introduce us?

But Mo Yuhuang really had no intention of staying, he left directly, and then the large bamboo courtyard was left with only Xu You and Zheng Ye.

"This Xiao Mo is becoming more and more disrespectful to the elderly, no future." Zheng Ye clapped his hands, picked two big fruits, and walked over, sitting on the edge of the field.

Then he gestured with his mouth, indicating for Xu You to come and sit down too.

Xu You looked at Mo Yuhuang's figure disappearing into the distance, and then without being polite, walked over to Zheng Ye and sat down on the field.

"Eat." Zheng Ye handed a fruit to Xu You.

Xu You looked at the fruit. Zheng Ye's hands were somewhat dirty, with dirt under his fingernails, and the parts he held were all black.

Not very hygienic.

Xu You shook his head, "I won't eat."

"Hmm?" Zheng Ye raised an eyebrow, "Young man, have you never heard the saying that you can't refuse when an elder gives you something?"

Xu You could only take the fruit, and then used a little bit of magic to wash the skin of the fruit clean before taking a bite.

"Thank you, Sect Leader, for the gift."

Perhaps Zheng Ye's current appearance was too down-to-earth, Xu You couldn't help but not feel any awe, and just treated him as an ordinary old man.

"You still think it's dirty?" Zheng Ye saw Xu You acting like a refined young master and slightly widened his eyes.

"Yes, I like cleanliness." Xu You said honestly, stating the fact.

Zheng Ye looked Xu You up and down, his gaze was calm, but for some reason, Xu You felt like he was being seen through, like an x-ray from his mother.

Quite uncomfortable and awkward.

Zheng Ye looked quickly, without much delay, he withdrew his gaze, and took a bite of the dark fruit in his hand without any disgust.

"Your name is Xu You, right?"

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"It's been about four years since you entered Kunlun?"

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"Really impressive."

"Huh?" Xu You was stunned for a moment.

"I said you're amazing." Zheng Ye raised his thumb, "You cultivated to the Fourth Realm in four years. How many years did it take me back then?"

Xu You didn't know how to respond, so he continued to eat the fruit.

"But are you sure you're following Li Changsheng's Great Dao? Has Xiao Mo been teaching you these past few years?" Zheng Ye continued to ask.

Uh, yes." Xu You nodded affirmatively.

"Weird." Zheng Ye was somewhat puzzled, "Then why are you so polite?"


"The temperament of Vermilion Bird Peak seems to have not rubbed off on you at all. Well, being polite is good, young people with manners have a future. The elderly should definitely be respected."

"You're pretty good," Gongyang Zheng happily patted Xu You on the shoulder.

Xu You glanced at the black handprints on his white clothes and didn't know what to say for a moment. He just reached out to brush off the black stains on his clothes.

There's a saying, isn't there?

The closer the fragrance, the stronger the stench.

After this close contact with Gongyang Zheng for a while, to be honest, Xu You didn't find anything extraordinary about the other person. Instead, he seemed a bit unlike a sect leader.

I don't know if it's because he's very cunning or if he's just like that.


Just as Xu You was about to speak, Gongyang Zheng waved his hand to interrupt him. "Don't call me master, call me Zhengye."


"I like being called Zhengye in private. Master is so boring. 'Ye' is the most invincible term." Gongyang Zheng explained.

Xu You, "."

"Have you read wuxia novels?" Gongyang Zheng continued, "When I was young and hadn't started cultivating, I read a lot of wuxia novels. The important characters in those novels were all called 'ye.' I think this title is fantastic. Zhengye, Zhengye, it sounds so good! So cool!"

I see, it's the fond memories of a young rascal.

Xu You decided to let go as well. Gongyang Zheng clearly didn't follow the same high-profile path as the other sect leaders. He followed a down-to-earth approach.

Just go along with his rhythm. As long as he's happy, after all, he's the boss.

Instead of Zhengye, why not rename Kunlun to Xinhe Alliance? Wouldn't that be even cooler for everyone to play in a club?

"Zhengye," Xu You called out.

"Feels good." Gongyang Zheng patted Xu You's shoulder again, very satisfied.

Xu You, with an expressionless face, brushed off the stains on his shoulder again and continued to ask, "Zhengye, did you call me here just to let me rest and recover?"

"Can't I call you for no reason?" Gongyang Zheng asked in return. "Why are young people so impatient? As the sect leader, I just wanted to see you outstanding young people. Is that not allowed?"

"Okay." Xu You forced a smile.

"I envy you," Gongyang Zheng suddenly said with emotion.

"Huh?" Xu You was once again surprised.

"Look at you, so handsome, with such high talent, and such fast cultivation speed. Your personality is also good. How could girls not like you? Look at you, no matter what you do, there's news about you everywhere, and praise everywhere. It's amazing."

Unlike me when I was young, just ordinary, no girls liked me at all.

Do you think I envy you?" Gongyang Zheng said with a sigh.

Xu You was speechless. He finally understood why Mo Yuhuang didn't want to stay and left immediately.

This old man is really strange. If you didn't know he was the sect leader of Kunlun, you would think he was some old bachelor that no one wanted in the village.

"You're much better than Li Changsheng," Gongyang Zheng continued, "Although Li Changsheng was also a very charismatic figure when he was young, he still falls short compared to your achievements now."

Xu You humbly said, "Zhengye, you overpraise me. I still have a long way to go compared to my master."

"I'm not talking about your cultivation, but your methods of handling things," Gongyang Zheng took another bite of fruit and said, "It was you who suggested your master's thoughts on the Crimson Gold Sect matter, right?"

"More or less, how did you know, Zhengye?"

"With Xiaomo's small brain, could she think of these things? If you hadn't recommended it, she would probably have forced me to use the full power of Kunlun to fight. Luckily, you were there. Young people are reliable." Gongyang Zheng patted Xu You's shoulder with satisfaction. "At the age of eighteen or nineteen, you handle things so shrewdly, and your character is so mature and stable. You're a talented individual."

Xu You silently continued to brush off the stains on his shoulder. Just as he cleaned it, Gongyang Zheng patted his shoulder again.

"How about it, do you feel dissatisfied?"

"No." Xu You replied, brushing off the dirt from his shoulder.

"Not bad, kid. You have a broad mind and a limitless future!" Gongyang Zheng patted Xu You's shoulder.

But this time, Xu You moved away because he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Why? Can't even handle a pat on the shoulder?" Gongyang Zheng stared at Xu You.

"Zhengye, I'm a clean person," Xu You said honestly.

"Don't you know how fortunate you are? Look at your injuries," Gongyang Zheng sneered.

Xu You was taken aback, then quickly looked at his injuries.

Hey, you won't believe it, but in just a short moment, his injuries had actually improved by about ten or twenty percent.

Xu You asked in surprise, "Zhengye, were you healing me when you patted my shoulder?"

"Otherwise? Because you're handsome?"

Xu You felt a little ashamed and sat back down. He really didn't expect Gongyang Zheng's Divine Ability to reach this level!

Just a pat on the shoulder, without any fluctuation in cultivation, could heal his injuries?

This was beyond Xu You's understanding. According to reason, this kind of thing shouldn't be possible. Energy should have a tangible form and should be perceptible.

Xu You could only assume that Gongyang Zheng's strength had reached a transcendent level.

Seeing Xu You obediently return, Gongyang Zheng continued to pat his shoulder.

"When your master was young, he focused on being romantic and had no ambition. He fought with others every day. It wasn't until he got older that he understood the meaning of stability.

Of course, I used to have high hopes for him. I even wanted to pass on the position of sect leader to him, but it's a pity."

Xu You didn't expect there to be this reason behind it, but thinking about it, Li Changsheng's strength was among the best among the several hall masters at that time.

He was at the top in terms of fame and other aspects. He was indeed a good candidate for sect leader.

Gongyang Zheng continued, "Unfortunately, Kunlun lost a handsome sect leader. You know, in these years that I've been the sect leader, I've been criticized by outsiders for my appearance. They think Kunlun doesn't have any handsome people.

So, I've made up my mind. The next Kunlun sect leader must be handsome."

Xu You listened to this and started to numbly chew on the fruit. He didn't care about what Gongyang Zheng was saying, just nodding along.

This old guy spoke incoherently, like a village peasant, without any semblance of a sect leader.

After rambling for almost half an hour, Gongyang Zheng finally got up, patted the dirt off his buttocks, and looked at the hoe by the edge of the field before walking to the side house.

There was an old well there that had been around for a long time. Gongyang Zheng drew a bucket of water and washed his hands first, then brought over a small stool and sat down.

He took a brush and scrubbed the dirt from between his fingers, then started washing his feet, rubbing them with his hands.

Xu You silently watched on the side. It was impossible to cultivate the aura and behavior of an old farmer without decades of farming experience.

Today, he truly opened his eyes.

"Before your master finishes dealing with things, stay here and focus on healing and cultivating. The spiritual energy here is decent and very useful for your current cultivation level.

Remember to pick a fruit from the tree every day and eat it," Gongyang Zheng said as he washed, explaining.

"Why do I have to eat one every day?" Xu You asked, puzzled.

"If you want your injuries to heal quickly, eat one every day. It's for treating your injuries," Gongyang Zheng explained.

"So, the shoulder pat earlier didn't heal me?"

"It was just to cheer you up."

"So, you're saying that shoulder pats don't actually heal injuries?"

"Of course not," Gongyang Zheng said matter-of-factly, "Do you really think I'm a god?"

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