Chapter 17: Ning Danyi

It is said that many years ago, a master of Alchemy Dao named Yun Dan, from the Azure Dragon Temple, refined a Supreme Grade Immortal Pill.

Even if one is a walking corpse, a mere white bone, or only has a strand of shattered divine soul left, taking this Immortal Pill can still save their life.

It can be said to be the number one healing Holy Medicine in the world. Therefore, the mountain peak where he resided was renamed Yun Dan Peak to commemorate that Alchemy Dao master. This name has been used ever since.

Yun Dan Peak has a high reputation within the sect. It is also the main peak where all disciples practice Alchemy Dao.

The pills produced by Yun Dan Peak are constantly innovative and in high demand within the Immortal Gate. Outside, their prices can easily increase several times over.

Anything produced by Yun Dan is guaranteed to be of high quality.

If we were to discuss which mountain peak in the Kunlun Immortal Sect is the wealthiest, Yun Dan Peak would definitely be at the top.

Xu You's visit here was not for consumption. He didn't really need any pills at the moment; he was here to sell stolen goods.

"Senior brother, do you buy herbs?" Xu You walked directly to the counter and asked.

"Yes." The other person simply nodded.

Xu You then took out the Twin-Hearted Red Candle Flower and placed it on the counter.

The man picked up the herb and examined it for a while, then said casually, "The quality of this Twin-Hearted Red Candle Flower doesn't reach Supreme Grade. I can offer 350 Kun coins. Will you sell it?"

"Yes." Xu You nodded directly.

The transaction was completed smoothly. The man remained calm throughout the process, as if a business worth three to five hundred Kun coins was not worth mentioning to him.

Xu You couldn't help but marvel at the wealth of Yun Dan Peak.

"By the way, senior brother, I also need something." Xu You took out a Blazing Fire Snake Beast Core and placed it on the table.

"Hmm?" Seeing this pill, the lazy man was somewhat surprised. He picked up the pill and carefully examined it for a while before pondering.

"Wait a moment."

Saying that, the man lightly shook the bell on the table, and soon, a graceful figure came down from upstairs.

"Ning junior sister, take a look." The man handed the pill to the woman who came downstairs.

Xu You's gaze followed suit.

The woman's appearance couldn't be described as stunning, but she looked sweet, especially with the shallow dimples revealed by her smile, adding a touch of sweetness.

She was wearing a white robe, with a slightly plump figure, exuding a classical beauty with a fair and dignified face, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Her cultivation level was higher than Xu You's, at the early stage of the Fourth Realm.

A faint medicinal fragrance emanated from her, which was very comforting to smell.

Embroidered on her bulging chest was the symbol of a medicine gourd.

Realizing her identity as an alchemist, Xu You instinctively looked at the accessories on her body.

He recognized the fragrance pouch hanging from her waist, which he had seen in an advertisement in the previous newspaper. It was the popular Twin Fish Fragrance Pouch in the Immortal Gate.

It was a limited edition, with only a hundred available in the Immortal Gate, each costing two hundred Kun coins!

Xu You also recognized the light green and exquisite phoenix hairpin on her dark green hair. It was also advertised, the symbol of the Jade Hairpin Pavilion on the Heaven-Connecting Peak.

This was one of the famous luxury shops on the Heaven-Connecting Peak.

The accessories produced there were all priced at no less than three hundred Kun coins! Judging by the quality of the phoenix hairpin, it would cost at least four to five hundred Kun coins!

Xu You's eyes were shocked as he looked at these accessories on her body. Each one was exquisite and limited edition!

Just these small items on her body added up to nearly two thousand Kun coins!


How long would an ordinary Immortal Gate disciple have to work to save up this much money?

Indeed, regardless of the world background, the market for these so-called luxury goods is booming.

Girls who love beauty don't care about the price or practicality; they only care about whether it's trendy or not.

The value doesn't matter, what matters is that it looks good.

Xu You has been exhausted from these tasks, but the money he earned is still not enough to match the value of the other party's jewelry.

Such is the unpredictability of life.

Alchemy masters truly live up to their reputation as the wealthiest group of people. The other party's spending level completely matches the identity of an alchemy master.

Moreover, it seems that this is not just an ordinary alchemy master. Ordinary alchemy masters would never dare to spend so extravagantly.

The person before me is definitely an alchemy master at the Apex Level of alchemy technique!

Uh, the term "rich woman" completely applies here.

When this woman named Ning received the pill, her eyes quickly filled with surprise. She looked Xu You up and down and asked, her voice as sweet as her appearance, "Is this pill made by this junior brother?"

"It's mine. I would like to ask senior sister to see how much it's worth in Kun coins," Xu You nodded.

"Junior brother, would you accompany me upstairs?"

"Of course."

Xu You did not refuse and followed this plump senior sister upstairs. The private room on the second floor had a fresh and classical atmosphere, filled with the scent of medicine.

After the two sat down at a table, the other party directly spoke, "I am Ning Danyi, an alchemy master from the Cloud Pill Peak."

"I am Xu You, a disciple of the Vermilion Bird Peak," Xu You replied.

At this moment, he was somewhat surprised. He actually met the living Ning Danyi today.

Among the younger generation of disciples in the Kunlun Immortal Sect, Ning Danyi had a very special reputation.

She was the direct disciple of the current peak master of the Cloud Pill Peak, Master Sea of Bitterness. Before Sea of Bitterness, it was said that she was a once-in-a-century alchemy master of the Cloud Pill Peak.

But this direct disciple of his, Ning Danyi, surpassed expectations and had an extremely deep understanding of the Alchemy Dao.

She was obsessed with alchemy, truly deserving the title of an alchemy maniac.

He had seen many news about her in the Kunlun Mansion's reports before, but she never showed her face. Xu You had no idea what she looked like.

Seeing her today, she didn't match the image of an alchemy maniac described in the reports. Her appearance and temperament were so good.

After carefully examining the pill for a while, Ning Danyi scraped off a bit of powder from the surface and put it in her mouth. After savoring it for a while, she said, "The aura of the Fiery Snake Demon Beast Core can dispel demonic poison. Huh? What kind of medicinal ingredient is this? It can greatly enhance dual cultivation practice."

After hearing this, Xu You was stunned on the spot, not because the other party casually mentioned dual cultivation, but because she was able to analyze the properties of this pill just by tasting a bit of powder.

Ordinary alchemy masters couldn't achieve this level. She truly deserved to be the chief disciple of the Cloud Pill Peak.

"Junior brother Xu, where did you get this pill?" Ning Danyi asked excitedly. "I have been researching how to refine pills using the Fiery Snake Demon Beast Core recently. The Beast Core is full of toxic substances, making it extremely difficult to extract its medicinal properties. I want to know which master refined this pill. Please tell me, I will be very grateful."

"Sorry, senior sister, I don't know either. I obtained it unintentionally," Xu You apologized.

"What a pity," Ning Danyi said with some regret. "If junior brother still has a few of these pills, the price is not a problem."

"I have three," Xu You took out two more pills and placed them on the table.

"It's not enough for research purposes," Ning Danyi said with even more regret.

"If senior sister still wants them, I can try my luck and see if I can buy more later," Xu You added.

"Sure, price is not a problem," Ning Danyi smiled, revealing her cute little tiger teeth. "I will consider these three pills as three hundred Kun coins from junior brother."

Ning Danyi directly offered double the price.

"I will give these pills to senior sister as a gift, but I have a request," Xu You smiled.

"What is it?"

In the future, I may need to refine some pills, and I hope senior sister can help me," Xu You said.

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