Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 180 Chapter 201 202 Pretending Can Be Divided Into Fake And Real! The Journey Of Two Unlucky

Chapter 180 Chapter 201 202 Pretending can be divided into fake and real! The journey of two unlucky men [please vote]

"Who gave the idea to those three people to capture Xu You alive?"

"The cause of the matter is that the young master of Chijinmen, Chen Luo, had a quarrel with Xu You, and then Chijinmen proposed to the alliance the idea of ​​using Xu You as a lever.

Later, it was unanimously approved and this action was taken.”

The old man in black told the whole story of the matter, including all the details of the plan.

After hearing this, the young man just said, "A stupid plan thought up by a stupid person."

The old man didn't answer. The young man in front of him could say this, but he couldn't.

"Chen Quqiu is also dead?"

"I don't know." The old man in black shook his head, "I don't know whether Master Chen is alive or dead. Before the Chijin Sect was destroyed, Elder Jin had already escaped with a group of disciples.

But no one knows where they are going. Obviously, Chijinmen no longer trusts the Demon Alliance. The specific whereabouts of these people are unknown.

Now there are people in the alliance who have been investigating the whereabouts of these people, but to no avail. "

The young man nodded slightly and continued, "I asked you to find that Yuan Lei before to help cultivate an Apex Level succubus. How did you go about this?"

The old man cupped his fists and said, "Back to you, young master, Yuan Lei is an upright man and only loyal to the orders of the Joyous Union Sect. I have sent people to contact him in secret and in secret before, but to no avail.

Later, a special relationship was used to facilitate this matter. Don't worry, young master, Yuan Lei is now working hard to complete this matter.

It's just that it's not an easy task to cultivate a succubus of Ling Jiu's level, and I can't guarantee when it will be completed. "

The young man didn't ask any more questions, just looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance and said with a very relaxed attitude, "Anyway, Xu You will kill Ling Jiu and ruin my plan.

What is this person's temperament like? "

"Judging from the current information, this boy has extremely high talent for cultivation and can be said to be the number one person in Kunlun. Secondly, he is smart and humble, and his methods of conduct are quite orderly. He is a very wise young man."

"Oh? You think so highly of him?"

"I really think that this son is a rare genius, otherwise he would not be regarded as the son of Kunlun Zhongxing, and the Chijin Sect would not be destroyed because of him."

"I am somewhat interested in this person now." The young man tapped the fingers of his right hand on the platform he was sitting on, "Our Demon Alliance values ​​​​revenge.

Ling Jiu's hatred now falls on me. He followed a Taoist path, but it suited my kind of demon perfectly. "

The old man was startled, "Young master, do you want to plant demons in Xu You?"

The young man said calmly, "This kind of natural gift is just the best container for my demon seed. If it can be successfully planted, Xu You will be able to provide a lot of advantages in the future with his status in Kunlun."

The old man fell into deep thought, and then said, "What the young master said is absolutely true. From this point of view, there is indeed no monk more suitable than Xu You to plant the young master's demon seed. However, the young master has a very important stake in this matter, so he should be cautious."


The old man continued, "There are two things now. First, the Penglai Immortal Meeting will be held in Tianque City in ten days. It will be organized with the help of Sword Sect. Young master, will you go to the meeting?

This Penglai Immortal Meeting has always been open to everyone regardless of their origins. "


"In addition, Obsidian Venerable means that after the young master comes out of seclusion, he will go to the Profound Transcendence Valley to practice there." The old man continued.

"Profound Transcendence Valley?" the young man asked in confusion, "Profound Transcendence Valley is now involved with us?"

"I don't know the specific situation, it's top secret. I only know that Obsidian Venerable and the Baili Palace Master of Hengmeng have reached a certain agreement with the Valley Master of Profound Transcendence Valley.

At this stage, they probably want to integrate the small and medium-sized forces of the demonic and evil ways through the Profound Transcendence Valley. "

"That's it." The young man didn't show too much surprise, he just said, "Where is the helm in Profound Transcendence Valley now?"

"It's in Hengling in Jiushen County."

The young man stood up directly and said, "Let's go."

"Young Master is"

"Go to the Hengling Mountains and the Profound Transcendence Valley."

"Go now."

"Uncle Obsidian has spoken, so of course I have to obey." The young man yawned slightly.


The old man bowed in response, and the old man and the young man jumped off the high platform and turned into a thunderbolt and shot away in the distance.

In the afternoon, in Jiushen County, a white flying boat was galloping in the mid-air, and Bai Genshuo sat on the flying boat with high spirits.

During this period, he truly found the value of life.

I can write the stories I like myself, and then I can collaborate with my idol, Great Demon mentor Qin Long, to film the stories I wrote.

The most important thing is that it has only been released for a few days, and it has received overwhelming reviews, sales are terrible, and its reputation is excellent.

This kind of thing is the greatest comfort to him as an author.

Baek Keun Suk's dream has always been to be a rhubarb expert, someone who can be "famous for generations to come".

It can make every young person who rushes late at night know that the real images or literature they read are produced on rainy nights with a knife and no umbrella.

Now I have slowly started to do it, and my first real actual battle exploded.

How can this not make Baek Keun Suk feel high-spirited?

Furthermore, Xu You also achieved unprecedented success with the adult store he opened, and its popularity exceeded Baek Keun Suk's imagination.

It exploded again! If it weren't for the pressure from the sect, that store alone would be able to make a fortune every day.

Now it can be said that we have both fame and fortune, and the spring breeze is so proud that the boat is flying!

Baek Keun Suk sat on the flying boat, feeling the strong wind on both sides, looking at the beautiful rivers and mountains on the ground, and felt indescribably comfortable.

And now that they have reached the core of Jiushen County and are about to arrive at Tianque City, Baek Genshuo is even more excited.

I have never been to Tianque City in my whole life. This Tianque City, which is known as the largest city in the Heavenly Continent of Middle-earth, is very attractive to people like Baek Keun Suk who likes to have fun.

Feixuan Tower is famous all over the world, and Baek Keun Suk has long wanted to visit it and learn about its style.

Now that there was such an opportunity, he had to go. Don't worry about money. My good friend Xu You is now prosperous in Tianque City, but he is still worried that he has no girls to look after.

Furthermore, I am now going to Tianque City to conduct business. Tianque City tolerates Myriad Manifestations and all walks of life.

Opening an adult store here will be absolutely popular and there will be no consequences. When the time comes to spread out the branches based on Tianque City, then you can really make money.

Thinking of such a bright future, Baek Keun Suk became even more proud.

Becoming a buddy with Xu You is the best decision I have ever made in my life.

If you hang out with your brother, you will have meat to eat!

At this time, there was not only Baek Keun Suk alone on the flying boat, but there was also a person beside him. He had a fair appearance and a pair of peach blossom eyes. He was wearing white clothes and holding a white fan in his hand. He was standing on the flying boat with a very stinking look.

No matter how strong the wind was, no matter how fast he was, nothing could mess up his demeanor. He stood there proudly like a pine tree, and his body was full of energy.

He is Duan Aotian, Duan Aotian who has reached the state of pretentiousness.

At this time, I went to Tianque City with Baek Keunshuo.

To say that the current relationship between the two is actually very good, we have to start from the time when they were in Moonlight City, when they and Xu You did the mission at Lietianmen.

In fact, the two of them knew each other briefly before, but Baek Keun Suk was outwardly generous to this feminine man who liked to show off, but secretly he didn't like him very much.

I also complained to Xu You a lot about Duan Aotian's behavior of showing off and being a hot boy and cheating.

Later, after experiencing that mission, they became fellow students who had experienced life and death together.

After that, when they returned to the door, Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian had several in-depth contacts.

Slowly, Baek Keun Suk discovered that although Duan Aotian likes to show off, he still coincides with him in many aspects. After getting to know him more deeply, he is also a man of justice and restraint.

His character is really not bad, and the most important thing is Duan Aotian's pretty face and he is indeed a very good disciple of White Tiger Peak, and he can be ranked in the top three of White Tiger Peak.

With such a background, personality and looks, his compatibility with women is still very good. Good compatibility with women means more stories.

As a screenwriter, Baek Keun Suk naturally needs material about friends with many stories, so after going back and forth, the two have now established a very deep friendship.

This time I came to Tianque City mainly to see the Penglai Immortal Society, and secondly, I came with a mission. He is a descendant of a noble family. This time he came to Tianque City to visit some elders.

I learned that Baek Keun Suk was coming too, so we dropped in together.

"I told you to stop pretending. It's just the two of us, who can we pretend to be?" Baek Keun Suk complained as he looked at Duan Aotian's pretense.

Duan Aotian just glanced 45 degrees downward at Bai Genshuo without answering the question. The first thing to do is to be pretentious and speak less.

"Actually, I often want to ask you, why are you pretending like this? You can obviously be a good person, why don't you be a good person?"

"You do not understand."

Baek Keun Suk's expression paused, and then he said, "Then let me ask you, who do you think can beat you when it comes to showing off? Or who do you admire?"

Seeing Bai Genshuo asking such a soul-piercing question, Duan Aotian slowly replied, "In the past, I only obeyed Master Yili of Chiyou Peak."

"Master Yili Peak has indeed reached the pinnacle in this aspect, and few people can shake his position in the world of pretense." Baek Genshuo nodded with deep approval.

"But what you said was before, but now it's changed?"



"Xu You."

"Old Xu?" Baek Keun Suk was a little stunned, "Are you out of your mind? Old Xu is such a humble and low-key person. Is he any less stinky than you? Don't slander others."

"You don't understand." Duan Aotian shook his head.

"Why don't I understand again?"

Duan Aotian patted the folding fan in his hand gently, looked up at the sky at a thirty-five-degree angle, and sighed slightly,

"In the past, I also thought that the best way to show off is to show off to outsiders that I am awesome. Until I met Xu You."

"How do you say it?" Baek Keun Suk also became interested, sat up straight and said.

"Invisible pretense is the most powerful thing." Duan Aotian stopped the folding fan in his hand and raised his voice by two degrees, "When you don't think you are showing off, and you have enough strength and capital to do so, then Just pretending to be the best."


"To put it simply, my previous methods were all about false strength, which could be broken by one poke. But Xu You's kind is real strength, strong and powerful, and no one can shake it."

"I kind of understand, it turns out there is so much knowledge here." Baek Keun Suk suddenly realized, "Then why are you still the same as before?

Why do you keep pretending to be fake when you know that it’s not possible to be fake? Why don’t you imitate Lao Xu and pretend to be real? "

"I just said, you have to have enough strength and capital to show off. Do you think you can find a few like Xu You?" Duan Aotian said slightly painfully.

"I'm far inferior to him in this regard, so how can I pretend to be real? That will only make me appear naive. It's better to stick to my original intention."

Baek Keun Suk looked at the other party sympathetically, "Then don't you feel tired?"

Duan Aotian said, "Fortunately, although sometimes I feel empty and tired, the benefits of pretending are also many. Without this ability, I wouldn't be able to make so many good sisters.

If I can’t make a good sister, what can I do to fill the emptiness in my heart? "

"Fuck!" Baek Keun Suk raised his middle finger.

Just when Baek Keun Suk raised his middle finger, a spell suddenly shot from the right side, and the huge impact directly overturned the flying boat.

Baek Keun Suk was in a daze and quickly grabbed the flying boat, then immediately looked to the right.

Duan Aotian beside him was also a little stunned by the impact, but his pretentious instinct made him float in the air for the first time.

After arranging the messed up hairstyle, he proudly clasped his hands and looked to the side.

I don't know when a flying boat approached next door. The magic spell just now was done by the two monks on the flying boat.

Those were two middle-aged men, both of whom were in the Four Realms Late Stage! It's still the peak state of being in this realm all year round.

They are two ultimate veterans at the pinnacle of Four Realm Late Stage!

When Baek Keun Suk saw the two people clearly, his expression suddenly changed.

This is not the point, the point is that they are wearing Profound Transcendence Valley clothes!

These are not the two non-staff members of Profound Transcendence Valley, Fang Yuan and Zhou Changkun, who we met before. These are serious Profound Transcendence Valley disciples.

Is this so fucking unlucky?

Baek Keun Suk was complaining in his heart at this moment, and his memory instantly returned to more than half a year ago.

At that time, I and Xu You were doing a mission in Luofeng City and solved two people from Profound Transcendence Valley. It was at that time that we formed a feud with Profound Transcendence Valley.

Later, in a fit of rage, the real image of Zhou Changkun being tortured in return with a long stick was accidentally exposed, severely offending Profound Transcendence Valley.

Later, Profound Transcendence Valley issued a "Jianghu Rape and Murder Order" against him. This incident became a big deal and made the front page of Kunlun Monthly News.

In fact, Baek Keun Suk was still very scared at that time. After all, the Profound Transcendence Valley was very powerful, not just cats and dogs. This rape and murder order is still very weighty.

Therefore, he has actually been very careful in the past six months or so. He spends most of the time huddled in the door, and when he goes out on missions, he hugs his legs and goes out, and he is not too far away from Kunlun.

Today, he came to Jiushen County so far away alone. He never expected to be caught directly by the people from Profound Transcendence Valley.

Damn it, after being careful for more than half a year and getting along fine, Baek Keun Suk has already lowered his vigilance, plus not many people know about his outing this time.

He acted in a very secretive manner. The Middle Earth and Heavenly Continent was so big, how could he have thought that he would be caught while on the road.

Damn it, is there nothing to do in Profound Transcendence Valley? Have you been staring at this little Third Realm monk like yourself for more than half a year?

Although Baek Keun Suk has never fallen behind in his training for more than half a year, and finally succeeded in breaking through to the Late Stage of the Three Realms a few days ago, he is still very satisfied with his training speed and strength.

But in the current situation, my meager cultivation is really not enough.

Not everyone is as perverted as Xu You and can cross the border to kill people. You know how much you weigh.

Two Four Realm Late Stage pinnacle monks and ten Baek Keun Suk can't beat them together.

Thinking of this, Baek Keun Suk turned to look at Duan Aotian. Seeing the indifferent master look on the other side, his eyes lit up and he asked, "How can I say that you look like you can beat the two of them?"

"Haha." Duan Aotian sneered, "Can't beat him."

"Then what the hell are you pretending to be?" Baek Keun Suk almost vomited blood out of breath.

Also, although Duan Aotian is in the early stage of the Four Realms, he is definitely no match against two experienced monks who are in the Late Stage of the Four Realms.

The stupid Duan Aotian only knows how to show off, but he really can't give himself any sense of security!

It's shameful to give up in this situation. Baek Keun Suk immediately flipped over the flying boat, and then used all his strength to drive the flying boat.

Duan Aotian on the side immediately stood upright on the flying boat and ran away together.

During this time, because of the store opening, Baek Keun Suk and Ding Qing's relationship grew day by day, and they became like new good buddies.

The flying boat under his butt was given to him by Ding Qing when he left. In Ding Qing's words, this flying boat is a Supreme Grade flying boat.

Especially after changing form, the speed can be doubled!

Not only the flying boat, but also a lot of Law Weapon. It was said that Baek Keun Suk wanted to go to Tianque City so far away alone, so there would be more protection on the way.

Baek Keun Suk is now extremely grateful to Ding Qing, he must be a practical and reliable buddy!

People like Duan Aotian are really useless.

Baek Keun Suk directly pressed his hand on a button on the right side of the flying boat to start the transformation!


The white flying boat suddenly began to fold and change shape, and finally turned into a maggot several feet long!

Yes, it’s like an enlarged version of Transcendent Level’s white and tender maggots! Lifelike!

Baek Keun Suk was stunned for a moment, unable to realize how his Ai Zhou turned into a maggot.

The two guys from Profound Transcendence Valley were also stunned for a moment, looking at the flying maggots under Baek Keun Suk's butt in some confusion.

Then very quickly, the maggot-shaped flying boat was seen shooting forward at an astonishing speed.

The lasing posture is also very shocking. It arches flexibly, just like a giant maggot crawling and twisting crazily in the air.

Soon, the flying maggots flew far away. Only then did they react and quickly drove the flying boat to catch up with them at the fastest speed.

Baek Keun Suk was confused at first, then disgusted, and finally surprised.

Because this flying maggot is disgusting, but the speed is really not limited, it can be doubled.

He threw the two people away with just a glance, and Baek Keun Suk burst into laughter at this moment, a kind of joy of escaping from death. I even think the flying maggots on my butt are not disgusting at all, but rather cute.

He hugged his body tightly, and the power of his galloping was great. If he didn't hug him tightly, he would fall down.

As long as we can get rid of these two people, everything will be safe in Tianque City.

Baek Keun Suk watched the two people behind him slowly falling behind. He suddenly raised his middle finger to them crazily, laughing loudly and wildly,

"You bitch, come and catch me if you have the guts! Two weaklings!"

The proud mood of the spring breeze returned again, and Master Bai began to float again.

The smile spread to Duan Aotian next to him. He stretched out his fan and faced the two monks and sneered, "Trash."

But soon, the smile on Baek Keun Suk's face slowly froze, because the flying maggots under him suddenly began to transform again.

Transformed with a click.

In the end, it turned into a big fat white pig with two white wings on its back. It looked very cute and cute.

But the speed is not cute, not even half the speed of the initial form of the flying boat, despite the two white wings flapping very fast.

But the bloated body is crawling very slowly.

Baek Keun Suk's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, but at this moment there was no time to be shocked and he quickly found the transformation button.

I pressed it frantically, but there was no response. The flying pig was still flapping its wings and flying hard.

Baek Keun Suk was sweating profusely.

"What's going on?" Duan Aotian also asked with a frown.

"Gan, this thing seems to be broken!"

"What should we do?"

"How would I know?"

call out-

The sound of friction in the air sounded around me, and the airship of the two Profound Transcendence Valley monks hovered beside Baek Keun Suk, and even slowed down its flight speed in a mocking way.

Accompanying the flying pig slowly.

Baek Keun Suk turned to look at the two men with dark faces, and a smile appeared on his face, "Hello, brother."

Duan Aotian kept an indifferent expression and looked at the two people opposite him coldly. He couldn't lose in terms of momentum.

"Smile, why aren't you laughing?" One of them sneered.

"And you, what the hell are you pretending to do?" Another person pointed at Duan Aotian's nose and said, "You pretty boy, what are you pretending to do?"

Baek Keun Suk continued to smile and wanted to say something to make his elder brother happy, but these two middle-aged monks had quite a lot of experience in fighting.

The two of them shot at Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian at the same time without hesitation.

Baek Keun Suk was shocked. Just when he was about to resort to counterattack, it was already too late.

The gap between big realms, especially the big gap between the three realms and the four realms, is an insurmountable gap.

Of course, as Baek Keun Suk thought, not everyone can be as perverted as Xu You. Even if he is a disciple of Kunlun, there is only one ending when faced with such a situation.

That is to be killed instantly.

Baek Keun Suk was subdued instantly without even reacting. He was knocked unconscious and his whole body's cultivation was also sealed.

Duan Aotian did better and withstood the first wave of attacks, but when the other one eliminated Baek Genshuo, the two of them attacked Duan Aotian together.

Duan Aotian responded to the enemy calmly, with a sneer on his lips that was one part disdain and two parts sarcasm.

He quickly pinched it with both hands and stood proudly. He was knocked unconscious by someone handsome and his cultivation was sealed.

Two monks from Profound Transcendence Valley casually threw Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian on the flying boat, and then immediately shot away.

Profound Transcendence Valley is a force that seeks revenge and protects its shortcomings. It is precisely because of this that most of its disciples have a strong sense of belonging to Profound Transcendence Valley.

Therefore, even though it is an evil force, the loyalty of its disciples is much higher than that of many righteous forces.

But precisely because they are evil forces, they must stay together and be more cohesive, otherwise how can they survive in this Immortal Cultivation World.

After all, Profound Transcendence Valley is not like other evil forces. What they do is the kind that makes people angry.

"This guy has been holding a reward for more than half a year, and we finally captured him today. Now there's a lot of rewards in the door, right?"

"It's quite a lot. If you catch this person and take him back, the reward will be enough for us to practice for a year and a half."

"Very good. You said this kid did such a crazy thing back then, which brought our Profound Transcendence Valley into disrepute and made it difficult for us to hold our head high."

"What? Are you so angry? Do you want to take care of this kid first?"

"Fuck you, why do you want to be so ugly?"

"Go away, you can do it yourself, I have aesthetic pursuits."

"What about this one? This pretty boy, go to the head office." One person pointed at the unconscious Duan Aotian and said.

Even though he was lying there in a coma, Duan Aotian's figure was still lying there upright, and the expression on his face remained the same as before the coma.

He even fell into a coma with his arms crossed.

"Bah! What I hate the most in my life is pretending. This guy is the most pretentious I have ever seen. He has no fucking ability. Pretending is unnatural.

I don't dare to be interested in such a pretty boy. "

"That's right." Another person kicked Duan Aotian casually, trying to break up his pretentious manner even though he was unconscious, but it was useless and he still maintained his handsome posture.

So the two monks from Profound Transcendence Valley cursed and galloped southward.

It wasn't until the sun set that the two people's flying boat arrived at an endless mountain range.

This place belongs to the Hengling Mountains, which spans Dazhoushu County. The end of it happens to fall in Jiushen County.

The spiritual energy is not rich, and it is divided by many forces, large and small.

Although the Hengling Mountains are the main territory of the Hengmeng, they occupy the inner core area of ​​Hengling, which is vast and endless. Hengmeng did not intervene in such peripheral areas with little aura.

Many forces of good and evil are allowed to take hold.

Among them, the present helm of Profound Transcendence Valley is located in this area.

One thing about Profound Transcendence Valley that is different from other forces is that Profound Transcendence Valley does not have a headquarters mountain gate, but is divided into pieces and has various strongholds in many places.

The location of this rudder is temporary, that is, during this period, the core center of the door will be in this rudder.

Stay for a while, then change places, and shoot for another.

Profound Transcendence Valley also had its own mountain gate before, but once it was almost destroyed by a joint effort, this time it became the current operation method.

The reason why it is so miserable is also because of the above reason. The reputation of Profound Transcendence Valley is really bad, and it is a thorn in the eyes of many black and white forces.

After all, the way of cultivation of Profound Transcendence Valley disciples is too special, picking up yang and replenishing yang.

I don’t know how many disciples of the forces have been harmed by the Profound Transcendence Valley.

If Profound Transcendence Valley hadn't been more discerning and never provoked those forces that it couldn't afford to provoke, even if it accidentally provoked it, it would have dealt with it well.

It is precisely because Profound Transcendence Valley is so cautious that even though many forces hate it, they cannot make up their minds to fight it.

There is no need to beat him if you can, and there is nothing you can do if you hate him if you can't beat him. After all, the strength of Profound Transcendence Valley cannot be built on.

Belongs to the first echelon under the five sects and seven sects.

Coupled with Profound Transcendence Valley's wise decision to change its rudder at will, it is even more difficult to eradicate, and it has allowed Profound Transcendence Valley to flourish to this day.

Soon, the two disciples of Profound Transcendence Valley diverted the flying boat to the deep valley of the mountains. The place was dark and gloomy, and the buildings were mainly black.

The kind that is hidden in a deep valley and cannot be seen from a high place.

Secrecy is something engraved in the very bones of Profound Transcendence Valley.

After the two landed in the deep valley, they walked in one by one. They greeted many people they met along the way, and many people stared at Baek Keun Suk and Duan Aotian.

Baek Keun Suk was shivering at the moment, having woken up just now when he landed on the ground. But now his cultivation is sealed, just like an ordinary person.

The first thing he did after waking up was touch his butt. Fortunately, his innocence was still there!

Then, just as he was relieved, he became extremely nervous again, especially when he looked at so many eager eyes around him.

He couldn't have guessed that he was being taken back to the base camp in Profound Transcendence Valley.

Just like a little white rabbit entering a wolf's den, Baek Keun Suk's heart is full of despair at this moment. He is afraid that he will have to confess here today.

Thinking about the punishment he might suffer later, Baek Keun Suk wanted to cry, and he couldn't help but be afraid and trembling.

Of course Duan Aotian can do it. Even though he is being dragged in an indecent manner, he still maintains his strong character.

His demeanor is particularly out of place in this valley full of Demonic Cultivators.

Baek Keun Suk looked at Duan Aotian and was so angry that he couldn't even show off at this damn time.


"Oh? Are you afraid now? Weren't you very aggressive when you stabbed us in Profound Transcendence Valley? Do you want us to taste the horns?

Don't worry, someone will satisfy you later. "The man carrying Baek Keun Suk said.

"Brother, it's all a misunderstanding, brother! I couldn't help myself back then!" Baek Keun Suk's voice almost sounded like he was crying.

"Crying? There's no point in crying."

How can you not fucking cry when you enter Nantong's nest?

"Brother, how much reward money will Profound Transcendence Valley give you if you catch me? I will give you ten times! No, a hundred times!" Baek Keun Suk said in a low voice while trying to calm down.

The two of them paused, let go of Baek Keun Suk, and looked directly at him.

When Baek Keun Suk saw the reactions of these two people, he felt happy, there was something going on!

He immediately added and explained, "Don't worry, two eldest brothers, I am very rich, but the money is all outside. As long as you let me go, I will be rewarded a hundred times! Absolutely!"

Or can you take me away now and escort me to get the money? "

The two monks from the Profound Transcendence Valley looked at each other, then looked at Baek Keun Suk ferociously at the same time, and roared in a low voice, "Why didn't you fucking say it when you were outside just now?"

Baek Keun Suk was stunned, "You guys didn't give me a chance. I was knocked unconscious by you before I could speak. I didn't wake up until now."

The two looked at each other again, their eyes filled with extreme regret at the same time. They never thought that Baek Keun Suk would be so rich!

Where can a disciple of the Three Realms go with money?

"Brother, take us out now, it's too late!" Baek Keun Suk continued.

"It's too late for your mother!" the man on the left said angrily, "Now damn, so many people have seen you two being brought back by us.

Now, where are you going? Do you want to take us to death together? "

(End of chapter)

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