Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 187 Chapter 215 216 Mo Yuhuang Kills The Joyous Union Sect, And The \"Old Woman\&quot

Chapter 187 Chapter 215 216 Mo Yuhuang kills the Joyous Union Sect, and the "old woman" fights in the Apex Level Shura field!

Yun Yanjin's expression softened slightly. She actually didn't realize that she had a little bit of an ostrich mentality now.

She really didn't know how to deal with such a sudden thing. Now that Xu You had such a sonorous answer, she didn't want to delve into it, let alone didn't dare to delve into it.

Just treat it as a beautiful misunderstanding and a dream, and never mention it again.

So, Yun Yanjin said with a slightly cold face, "Since it involves your Great Dao's secrets, I won't ask you too many questions. I will only tell you a little.

Today you only learned the Heavenly Spirit Yin and Yang from me, and nothing else happened. Do you understand? "

"Yes, senior." Xu You breathed a sigh of relief and immediately assured.

Yun Yanjin hesitated for a moment, then moved slightly forward, placed his right hand on Xu You's lower abdomen, and said, "The incident happened suddenly and violently. Let me see if there is any damage to the foundation in your body.

By the way, let’s see if you have completely mastered the Great Zhoutian of Tianling Yin and Yang. "

"Okay, senior." Xu You obediently pushed her belly forward to cooperate with Yun Yanjin's inspection.

The moment Yun Yanjin put his hand on Xu You's abdomen, a loud voice came from above the roof,

"Yun Yanjin! Where are you, old woman! Where did you hide my disciple? Hand it over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of sword energy crashed directly onto the roof, shattering the roof in an instant. Countless pieces of dust and wood fell, and the room was filled with dust.

Immediately afterwards, a tall purple figure loomed out of the dust and walked toward Xu You.

It’s Mo Yuhuang!

Only she can wear purple so elegantly.

Xu You never expected that Mo Yuhuang would appear here so suddenly. Not only him, but Yun Yanjin also never expected that Mo Yuhuang would come and kill her like this and tear down her roof.

Soon, the dust dispersed, and Mo Yuhuang raised his beautiful eyebrows and looked at the scene in front of him.

Yun Yanjin and Xu You sat opposite each other on the floor, and the former's thin hand was placed on Xu You's lower abdomen.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yuhuang was furious! He took out a long sword and pointed it at Yun Yanjin, scolding,

"You old woman, I knew you had evil intentions towards my disciple! Now you dare to openly kidnap my disciple to Joyous Union Sect.

How dare you do such a shameless thing to my disciple, do you understand what etiquette, justice and shame are? I didn't even touch you like this, how dare you touch me like this!

Look at the sword! "

Mo Yuhuang was obviously very angry at this moment, especially when he said the words that he didn't even touch, it was really sour murderous intent.

She drew her sword directly towards Yun Yanjin without hesitation, and the cold sword energy enveloped him instantly.

Fortunately, Yun Yanjin calmed down at this moment. If he was in the same state just now, he definitely wouldn't be able to block this sword.

Yun Yanjin was seen leaving the spot in an instant, holding the sword energy in her hand and taking ten steps back before barely holding on, anger welling up on her face.

"Mo Yuhuang, are you crazy! Can you figure out the situation!"

"Am I crazy?" Mo Yuhuang sneered, "I think you are crazy! Can you figure out the situation? After taking advantage of my beloved disciple, now you are talking nonsense?"

"You, pay attention to your wording!" Yun Yanjin shouted.

"The wording? How dare you, an old woman, swear on your Taoist heart that you don't care about my disciple at all?"

Yun Yanjin's expression was stagnant. If she could have said it directly without hesitation before Shen Fusion, the misunderstanding might have been resolved.

But after this divine fusion, Yun Yanjin is now completely confused. It has just been a while, and his mind has not yet adjusted back. How can he swear directly with his Taoist heart?

Seeing this scene, Mo Yuhuang's voice became louder and louder, "Wow! You old woman didn't expect to have such thoughts, do you know what shame you have!"

Don’t even look at how old you are! Do you have the heart to do it? My disciple is only nineteen years old! Don’t you look at how old you are now! "

"Mo Yuhuang, I say it again, don't talk nonsense!" Yun Yanjin said calmly.

"Nonsense? Look at the sword!" Mo Yuhuang snorted coldly.

Xu You quickly ran to Mo Yuhuang's side, took her right hand and said, "Master, things are not what you think. Please listen to my explanation."

"Don't be afraid. Master will take care of it. I will take you out of Joyous Union Sect safely!" Mo Yuhuang patted the back of Xu You's hand distressedly.

"This broken Joyous Union Sect, my teacher will help you raise it today!"

"Alas, Master is not like this. Senior Yun didn't do anything to me."

Xu You couldn't finish what he said, and Mo Yuhuang didn't want to hear his explanation at all. She saw everything. She was feeling sour and had to help her beloved disciple regain his innocence today and regain her own place!

My beloved disciple was kidnapped by an old woman with evil intentions, and I couldn't bear it any longer.

She only found out about this at dawn today. She had been busy outside during this period and only returned to the Kunlun Tower in Tianque City in the morning.

I originally wanted to show my love to my beloved disciple whom I had not seen for a long time, but he was not there. After asking, I found out that Xu You had been taken away by Yun Yanjin.

It took two days to leave.

Qingcang directly agreed to this matter. Although Qingcang said that Yun Yanjin came to Xu You personally for help, it would definitely not harm Xu You. After all, Joyous Union Sect could not do such a stupid thing.

Ask a Venerable to take Xu You away, and then harm her. Not only will they not cause harm, but they will also do their best to ensure Xu You's safety.

The relationship between Joyous Union Sect and Kunlun is already in the honeymoon period, and as Joyous Union Sect is one of the seven sects, it naturally has to abide by the rules of the game.

How could he break the rules of the game so blatantly and give people all over the world a reason to criticize him?

In addition, Xu You himself thought so at the time, so Qing Cang was relieved in the past two days.

I originally thought about contacting Xu You today to make sure he was safe, and if there was any problem, I would report it immediately.

But unexpectedly, Mo Yuhuang directly pulled off some of the old man's beard, cursed him as an old man, and left in a hurry.

From Mo Yuhuang's perspective, she naturally understands Yun Yanjin better than Qing Cang.

Last time, Yun Yanjin had an evil plan to win over his beloved disciple, but luckily he found out.

If it's dark now, let's make it clear! How dare you take Xu You away openly.

Thinking of Xu You being taken away by such a big-ass old woman, Mo Yuhuang became very anxious.

Then he rushed towards Joyous Union Sect non-stop.

Qingcang was also a little stunned. He didn't care about the torn beards and hurriedly reported Zhang Zhangli to the door.

When it comes to Xu You, you still have to be on the safe side. Although Mo Yuhuang often has well-developed limbs and a simple mind, he can only do what he says.

But now that he was acting in such a hurry, he naturally couldn't hold back and had to help.

So, Mo Yuhuang rushed towards Joyous Union Sect as quickly as possible.

When I arrived, I went directly to Yun Yanjin's Bailu Island without any obstruction. Because she is a celebrity, most of the disciples of Joyous Union Sect know her.

In addition, Mo Yuhuang also came to Bailu Island several times to look for Yun Yanjin.

Naturally, the flow was unobstructed this time, and no disciple of Joyous Union Sect dared to stop the famous Peak Master Mo without his foresight.

Then he went directly to Yun Yanjin's Taolu, and then the scene just happened.

Xu You was also anxious at this moment. He didn't expect Mo Yuhuang to come directly to kill him, and his cultivation level couldn't stop him at all.

Now he has to find a way to cool down Mo Yuhuang, otherwise if things really get into trouble, he will become famous again, and he will still have a rather bad reputation.

Xu You can even help those unscrupulous newspapers come up with good headlines. The genius of Kunlun was kidnapped to the Joyous Union Sect?

Bailuyu is happy that Venerable ended up personally, is it suspected that an old cow eats young grass?

Mo Yuhuang kills Joyous Union Sect, and years of sisterly love turn into hatred?

Titles like this make Xu You dizzy just thinking about it.

You know, now it is not only him who is the traffic password of those Di newspapers, but also Mo Yuhuang.

With his distinctive personality in the Immortal Cultivation World and the fact that he creates big sensations from time to time, Mo Yuhuang supports countless editors.

With these two masters and apprentices working together, and the special power of Joyous Union Sect, the editors were so happy.

It won't even turn into a fight between Mo Yuhuang and Yun Yanjin to steal his man, right?

Xu You shuddered hard and would never allow such a thing to happen.

But at this time, Mo Yuhuang had already taken Yun Yanjin to the sky, a sword fairy and a Venerable of Joyous Union Sect.

Two top-notch combat women clashed directly in the sky, and the commotion they caused was no joke.

The chaos on the battlefield was filled with all kinds of sword energy and all kinds of spells that controlled the general trend of the world. It was so white that it was hard to see what was going on inside.

I can only feel the endless waves of battle gushing down.

The surrounding Joyous Union Sect crowd has gathered, and many people are watching the battle in the sky on Bailu Island from a distance. This kind of scene is rare in many years.

As one of the seven sects, Joyous Union Sect, which monk dares to be so crazy and kill directly?

Of course, this battle not only attracted those Joyous Union Sect disciples, but also many Venerables in the sect were alarmed. Who dared to kill them without risking their lives?

The first to arrive were two Venerables from Vernal Equinox Island and Guyu Island, one male and one female, who were the closest to Bailu Island. They were monks of the same generation as Yun Yanjin.

The owner of Chunfeng Island is a man named Venerable. The owner of Guyu Island is a woman, named after the island where she is located, Guyu Venerable.

The two of them appeared at Bailu Island for the first time. They didn't dare to get too close. They just looked at it from a distance, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

"What's going on? Why did Mo Yuhuang come to kill him?" Da Ri Venerable asked in confusion.

"Yes, aren't Mo Yuhuang and Yan Jin good sisters? They communicate a lot on weekdays and have a good relationship. Why do they fight so fiercely?" Gu Yu Venerable also asked in confusion.

"I'll have someone check what happened." Da Ri Venerable was a man of action, so he sent the message directly and had people investigate as quickly as possible.

Taking advantage of this moment, the battle over there reached a fever pitch, Gu Yu Venerable said, "Well, why don't you stop it? If the fight continues, I'm afraid something bad will happen."

"I won't go, I can't beat Mo Yuhuang. That woman is very scary." Da Ri Venerable shook his head like a rattle, "I want you to go."

"Forget it, let's look at it later."

Soon, the big day Venerable received a reply. After reading it for the first time, his face suddenly became strange.

"What's going on?" Gu Yu Venerable asked.

"It is said that Yun Yanjin brought Mo Yuhuang's true disciple Xu You back without Mo Yuhuang's knowledge. After bringing him here, he took Xu You all over our Joyous Union Sect, and even more so in the past two days. Live deep in Bailu Island.

Among them, Xu You has been in her room with Yun Yanjin since dawn today. "Da Ri Venerable explained briefly, and his expression became weirder the more he spoke.

"What do you mean? Why did Yanjin bring Xu You back without permission? Then is Xu You the most prominent disciple in Kunlun Immortal Sect recently who claims to be able to revive Kunlun?"

"It's him. This kid has been very popular among the younger generation recently."

"Why did Yanjin bring him back? No wonder Mo Yuhuang came to kill him. Anyone else would have to come to kill him. No, why does your face look so weird? Is there any hidden secret?"

"Ahem. I just heard it from hearsay." Da Ri Venerable coughed twice, "I just said that Mo Yuhuang shouted a few words when he killed Bailuyu.

It probably means, well, you know what happens between men and women. "

"What!" Gu Yu Venerable's eyes widened, "What do you mean? You mean Yanjin has a problem with Xu You?"

"Hearsay, not me."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Gu Yu Venerable immediately shook his head, "Yanjin has been single for so many years, how could she suddenly be with a junior and still be the disciple of a good friend? This is impossible.

It is impossible for Yanjin to do such an unethical thing. "

"Then how do you explain that the two of them fought so fiercely?"

Looking at the fierce battle in the distance, Gu Yu Venerable was silenced. Yes, if it was nothing serious, Mo Yuhuang wouldn't be so angry.

In other words, this hearsay may be true. I didn’t expect that Yun Yanjin would be so good at this after being single for so long?

How old is the age difference between her and Xu You? Seniority is still here, the most important thing is that sisters Yun Yanjin and Mo Yuhuang have been getting along for so many years, so this matter can be done.

"No, how can a little kid like Xu You have such great charm?" Gu Yu Venerable asked incomprehensively. Although she has heard the name Xu You during this time.

But that's all I've heard. As a Venerable who has a lot to deal with every day, he naturally won't care too much about a junior for no reason.

"This has his appearance." Da Ri Venerable casually handed the jade talisman in his hand to Gu Yu Venerable.

Guyu Venerable took the jade talisman and looked at it. The picture inside was what Xu You looked like when he played Joyous Union Sect yesterday.

Looking at Xu You's splendid appearance in the picture, there is also an inexplicable and unique calm temperament that does not belong to his age.

The strange blend of youthfulness and maturity creates a very unique temperament.

Guyu Venerable looked silent again, this young man seemed to really have something.

The more I looked, the more I had an idea.

Question Yun Yanjin, understand Yun Yanjin, and become Yun Yanjin.

All I can say is that Xu You’s temperament and appearance really appeal to old women like them.

"Maybe Yun Venerable is not to blame for this." Gu Yu Venerable muttered in a low voice.

"Huh?" Da Ri Venerable turned to look at the other party, with a question mark slowly placed on his head.

"Anyway, once things are clear, we still have to help with this kind of thing, we can't just watch. Otherwise, Mo Yuhuang will really cause a big problem.

Let's take action together to stop it. Calm down and talk. "

"Okay." Big Day Venerable nodded slightly.

Just when the two of them were about to step forward, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of them.

He was a silver-haired old man, wearing red clothes that were very unconventional. He has a long beard and wrinkles on his face. Although his face looks a little old, he looks very energetic and full of vitality.

When Da Ri Venerable and Gu Yu Venerable saw the old man Qing, they clasped their fists at the same time and said, "I have met the Lord of Shangyuan Sea."

There are four sea lords on the twenty-four islands of Joyous Union Sect. The twenty-four peaks of Joyous Union Sect are divided into four seas according to their regions, and there are four sea masters in total.

This Lord of Shangyuan Sea is Yun Yanjin and the Lord of Shangyuan Sea where these two Venerables are located. His status can be compared to that of the Palace Master of Kunlun, and he is one of the most Apex Level leaders in Joyous Union Sect.

"What happened?" Sea Master Shangyuan asked.

The big day Venerable informed the matter in detail. After the latter listened, a gentle smile appeared on his wrinkled face, "It's not a big deal. Yun Venerable and the Mo Peak Master will naturally have a sense of proportion. You guys go down and check the surroundings." The disciples were dismissed.

I don’t want to hear any speculative remarks later. Don't spread such ridiculous remarks everywhere. "

"Yes." The two Venerables nodded slightly and went to deal with things separately.

Shangyuan Sea Lord did not leave, but floated there. After watching the battle there for a while, his eyes fell on Xu You on Bailu Island in the distance.

From a distance that was invisible to the naked eye, the old man could clearly see Xu You and take it into his eyes.

Xu You, after the old friend.

Shangyuan's memory was pulled back to the scenes of meeting Li Changsheng, the previous successor of Nine Yang Immortal Jue, many years ago.

The friendship between the two is not deep and can only be regarded as ordinary communication.

Maybe he didn't leave any special impression on Li Changsheng, but Li Changsheng left a very deep impression on him.

People will always remember those dazzling talents who stood at the top when they were young.

Although I was one of them at that time, Li Changsheng's personal style charm is really unforgettable.

Of course, Shang Yuan soon pulled away from the memories. After all, he and Li Changsheng were not very close, and they didn't have many memories and emotions.

It's just that when I think of an old friend who has come to an end long ago, I can't help but feel a bit wilted.

As he watched, Shangyuan Seamaster's cloudy eyes narrowed slightly, and a divination tortoise shell appeared out of thin air in his right hand.

The tortoise shell started spinning in the palm of my hand, and when it finally stopped, it was covered in golden light.

"Qi movements can't be deduced." The old man was a little surprised, and then he said to himself in surprise, "Why do you combine so many Joyous Union Sect luck? This guy is extremely weird."

Then, the old man put away his tortoise shell, gently closed his wide sleeves and floated away in the direction of Bailu Island.

At this moment, Xu You was still watching the battle in the sky on Bailu Island, and there was another person beside him, Luo Qiaoqiao.

Luo Qiaoqiao lives on a small mountain peak associated with Bailu Island. When such a big movement happened here, he naturally rushed here as soon as possible.

Knowing that it was Mo Yuhuang who came to kill her, Xiao Nizi felt very guilty now.

She thought Mo Yuhuang didn't like her, that's why she was so angry, Xu You had to explain a lot of time to this.

After making an agreement with Luo Qiaoqiao, Xu You wanted to go directly to the battlefield to stop him. Although the battle was fierce, as long as he went up, Mo Yuhuang should be able to stop.

Just when Xu You was about to fly up, an old man in red suddenly appeared in front of Xu You.

Xu You looked at the old man in red in front of him with a slightly startled expression. He could not tell the specific strength of the other person. He was definitely an Apex Level Tiandao monk.

Coupled with the extraordinary aura about him, he is no ordinary person, he is definitely the boss of Joyous Union Sect.

When Luo Qiaoqiao saw the other party, his face was also startled, but he quickly said hello with a smile, "I have met the old sea master of Shangyuan."

He seemed to be quite familiar with this Shangyuan Sea Lord.

Hearing the word "Sea Lord", Xu You was also stunned for a moment. He naturally knew the Apex Level combat power of Joyous Union Sect, the Four Sea Lords.

No wonder the popularity in front of him is so extraordinary. The Sea Lord of Shangyuan was the immediate boss of Bailu Island just now, and his master broke into the mountain gate and actually lured the Sea Lord out.

The Four Sea Lords are famous, each one is an Apex Level boss, and they are all powerful monks with names on the Divine Continent.

Among them, Lord Shangyuan is a weirdo. Not only has he achieved extraordinary achievements in his own Great Dao, he has also mastered several other Great Dao.

You must know that it is very difficult to master other Great Dao at the same time. That is to say, only a perverted plug-in like Xu Youyouzhizhi can be said to be able to master other Great Dao perfectly.

Like ordinary monks, even genius monks do not have that much energy to practice other Great Dao at the same time.

But this Lord of the Sea of ​​Shangyuan is a genius among geniuses. He has personally studied several other Great Daos, among which the most accomplished ones are undoubtedly luck and divination.

And he has achieved quite astonishing achievements. It is said that in the Joyous Union Sect, he is also responsible for the door's luck and many fortune-telling behaviors.

It's equivalent to doing all the work for Yi Li and Ziyang Perfected Being by himself in Kunlun.

Of course, compared to Yi Li and Ziyang's Perfected Being's expertise in arts, Shang Yuan is definitely inferior to them in these two aspects, but it won't be too far behind.

In short, this old man is also a legendary figure.

Xu You also has great respect for such big guys. Although he uses cheats, it does not affect his respect for these big guys who do not rely on cheats and rely entirely on their own abilities.

Xu You didn't think too much, and bowed his hands, "I've met senior Shang Yuan."

"No need to be polite, you are a guest." Shangyuan smiled faintly, and his eyes fell on Luo Qiaoqiao, "Hey, girl, I haven't seen you in more than a year, and you have a lot of luck."

"Ah?" Luo Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment.

Lord Shangyuan squinted his eyes and looked at Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You carefully. He was good at fortune telling, so he could naturally see the luck on Luo Qiaoqiao.

Compared to before, luck is now so intense that it’s weird.

Looking further, a line of luck and cause and effect is constructed between Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You.

What's more important is that all the luck in her body seems to have been passed to him by the other party under Xu You's luck causality line.

But looking at Xu You, there is no luck that belongs to him, only the luck of Joyous Union Sect all over his body.

In other words, Luo Qiaoqiao also fed the luck of Joyous Union Sect to Xu You through this causal line?

No, that's not the case.

The more Shangyuan looks at it, the stranger he becomes. The luck of the Joyous Union Sect displayed by Xu You in front of him can be said to be a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect.

But he is truly a disciple of Kunlun.

Interesting, really interesting. He has been asking for divination in the abyss for so many years, but he has never seen such a strange situation.

A mere luck and cause-and-effect line can pour such overwhelming luck into Luo Qiaoqiao. One can imagine how much luck he has, but with his cultivation in this area, he cannot see Xu You's personal luck at all.

For a small four-level monk, Shangyuan would not find this situation interesting.

The most important thing is that there is no trace of Xu You's luck that obscures the secret. It is not human intervention, but his own weirdness.

Faced with such a situation, Shangyuan did not choose to ask Xu You in depth. It is taboo to talk briefly and deeply.

Even if his cultivation and seniority surpassed Xu You, he still couldn't rely on his old self to do such a thing.

In other words, once an individual deeply studies the secrets of luck, the deeper the study, the deeper the taboo or fear about it becomes.

If you can't count the signs yourself, it's best to observe silently. Talking too much can lead to trouble.

The Xu You in front of him belonged to this kind of person. Shangyuan did not directly talk to Xu You about this matter, but only talked about it from the side.

"You two are a Taoist couple, right? Girl, when did you stop telling me about being a double cultivator? Do you still have an elder like me in your eyes?"

"Ah?" Luo Qiaoqiao was stunned again, and then lowered his head shyly, "No, how did you see it? I never told you."

"I can clearly see the line of luck between you and this boy, how can you hide it from me?"

When he said this, Shangyuan's peripheral vision was focused on Xu You, who didn't show any unnecessary abnormalities because of the word "luck".

"Are you Mo Yuhuang's disciple?" Shang Yuan asked Xu You again.

"I'm here." Xu You clasped his fists quickly, and then explained, "Old senior, Qiaoqiao and I."

"It's natural for men to love each other and women to love each other." Shang Yuan directly interrupted Xu You, "Li Changsheng and I can be considered old friends, and now that his descendants have become Taoist companions with Bailuyu's true disciples is something worth celebrating.

There's nothing wrong with it. Joyous Union Sect and Kunlun are now considered an offensive and defensive alliance, so it's good to get married. "

Xu You didn't say much after hearing this, he just smiled and hugged his fists.

"Is your master angry because you and Qiaoqiao are a Taoist couple?"


"That's because Kunlun didn't agree and asked your master to come."

"No." Xu You said bravely, "My master actually doesn't know about me and Qiaoqiao."

"Huh?" Lord Shangyuan narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean, kid? You're hiding something like this? What are you thinking about? Could it be that you have other romantic debts outside?"

Xu You quickly waved his hand and explained, "Senior, I misunderstood. It's definitely not for this reason. I can't explain it in one sentence or two. Senior, don't worry, I am absolutely sincere to Qiaoqiao!"

"No, it's something we don't want to talk about for the time being. My master just found out about it two days ago." Luo Qiaoqiao on the side also intervened in time to protect her husband.

"Yes, senior," Xu You continued to add, "My master just didn't know about this misunderstanding. I'm going to ask my master to stop."

"No need." Lord Shangyuan shook his head, "They will stop soon. I don't understand and can't control the affairs of young people. The atmosphere now is really different from before."

When Xu You heard this, he immediately looked up at the sky.

In the white battlefield in the sky at this moment, Yun Yanjin and Mo Yuhuang each fell back more than ten feet after a violent spell explosion.

Mo Yuhuang's long hair and purple clothes were fluttering, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at Yun Yanjin across from him. The latter was breathing a little at the moment, and his clothes and hair were a little messy.

Under Mo Yuhuang's indiscriminate bombardment, the image cannot be maintained well, and now it has a messy beauty with a sense of fragmentation.

"Mo Yuhuang, do you have to keep fighting like this?"

"Haha." Mo Yuhuang sneered back.

Yun Yanjin took a deep breath, "If we continue to make such a big fuss, it will be ugly, and the gossip outside will be bad for everyone."

"Hey, now you know your shame, why did you go there earlier!" Mo Yuhuang said loudly, "Why weren't you afraid when you insulted my apprentice before?"

"Mo Yuhuang!" Yun Yanjin also shouted, "Don't insult others' innocence out of thin air! Your apprentice and I are innocent, what are you thinking about?"

"Qingqingbabai, you brought my apprentice here secretly? Qingqingbabai, you put your hand on my apprentice's belly. Is there such a Qingqingbai in the world?"

"Can you please be smarter?" Yun Yanjin said angrily, "This is the kind of person I think?"


"." Yun Yanjin's expression froze, "Not to mention me, if this matter gets serious, it won't be bad for your apprentice. When there are more rumors, aren't you afraid of hurting your apprentice?"

Hearing these words, Mo Yuhuang's expression froze and he suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Use your smart mind and think about it. How old is Xu You? When these rumors crush him, will you, the master, be responsible?" Yun Yanjin continued.

There was some hesitation on Mo Yuhuang's face, and he slowly put down the sword in his hand, and his aura gradually relaxed.

What Yun Yanjin said is indeed correct, and what he said accurately hit Mo Yuhuang's weakness. If he continues like this and makes the matter worse, it may have a very bad impact on Xu You.

When rumors spread about him and an old woman, or an old woman from Joyous Union Sect, it would be very inappropriate indeed.

After thinking about this clearly, no matter how unhappy Mo Yuhuang was at the moment, he could only look at Yun Yanjin angrily for the time being and stopped taking action.

Yun Yanjin breathed a sigh of relief, then flew to Mo Yuhuang and looked at him sincerely, "Think about it, we have known each other for so many years, you know my temper.

I have always been bold and courageous. How could I be sneaky and deceive you about this kind of thing? Besides, I wouldn’t bring your apprentice to Joyous Union Sect to do such a thing, right? "

Mo Yuhuang's "smart" eyes rolled twice. It was undeniable that Yun Yanjin did make sense. She was not that stupid.

But he was still angry when he should. Thinking about the shameless old woman touching her beloved disciple's belly just now, Mo Yuhuang felt extremely unhappy.

Can anyone touch it?

Only he, the master, can touch the disciple's core!

No one else can! Especially this old woman!

You said that if Xu You behaved like this with a little girl, she, Mo Yuhuang, might be able to tolerate it, but if she behaves like this with an old woman who is several years older than herself, there would be no room for negotiation.

In this regard, she Mo Yuhuang is "possessive", so she can get it herself!

"Then why did you arrest my apprentice? And you brought him to your room. What do you want to do?" Mo Yuhuang asked.

(End of chapter)

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