Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 219 Chapter 280 81 Valkyrie Gongsun Li, Xu You’S Uncle Plus Version Mo Yuhuang, The Wind Is

Chapter 219 Chapter 280 81 Valkyrie Gongsun Li, Xu You’s uncle plus version Mo Yuhuang, the wind is rising!

Huangfu Lan also fell silent. This is a fact, if he has been missing for too long. It would definitely be mistaken for being silenced, and something bad would indeed happen.

After all, the identities of the three of them are too sensitive.

And this special interface may be able to isolate the induction of the Soul Card, and then it will be directly recognized as death.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Lan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Xu You continued to ask, "Auntie, do you think it's possible that we are inside this Lost Realm?"

"How to say?"

"I think everything in the world has two sides, all opposites and unity. A place as big as the Lost Realm outside has no aura at all.

Could it be that the spiritual energy was compressed into this mysterious space?

And this space is the real reason why the Lost Realm extinguishes its spiritual energy? "

Huangfu Lan looked up at Xu You, "Your statement is quite new. I have never heard such a statement before."

Xu You continued, "All matter and energy in this world are measured. If there is more, there will be less. If there is gain, there will be loss. It will not appear out of thin air, nor will it disappear for no reason.

The so-called disappearance must appear in another place, and that place is here. "

Huangfu Lan thought for a moment, "It makes some sense, and then what?"

"Uh, nothing more."

"Doesn't it mean we have to rely on breaking the formation?" Huangfu Lan said lightly, "As soon as it comes, let it go, there will always be a solution. Since you are so free, I suggest you practice here.

There is no other place with such rich spiritual energy in the entire Divine Continent. One day of practice here is equivalent to more than half a month of practice outside. "

"But if the spiritual energy is too strong, it will be harmful, right?" Xu You said with a smile.

"Eh? You know all about this?"

"Auntie, I told you, I was a baby in Kunlun. Our head teacher told me the secret of spiritual energy before."

"Even if it is poisonous, that will happen in the future. The spiritual energy like this now is always very good for you. With your talent, if you practice here for a period of time, you might not be able to try to condense the Taoist platform and enter the fifth realm."

"Eh? Auntie, what you said reminds me!" Xu You's eyes lit up, "This is indeed a good place to break through to a great realm. Such a rich aura does not require other auxiliary means!"

Huangfu Lan's words really reminded Xu You that such a good place cannot be wasted.

Otherwise, if you go out later and you are still in the Lost Realm, it will still be very dangerous. But if you enter the Fifth Realm, you can really be unscrupulous in the Lost Realm.

There is absolutely no problem in saving his life, and he will not be hunted down like a lost dog again.

Xu You has always been an action person. He said directly to Huangfu Lan, "Auntie, you first study this world-breaking formation carefully, and I will go to practice immediately."

With that said, Xu You flew directly to a place a little further away and immediately sat cross-legged and meditated.

As the Nine Suns Immortal Art circulated, the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, no, it should be the spiritual crystals of heaven and earth, poured into his body crazily.

The energy contained in the aura that is so rich that it crystallizes is terrifying. If Xu You hadn't been a member of the Jiuyang Dao Foundation, it would have been difficult to practice in a place with such a rich aura.

A monk with ordinary qualifications would be able to burst out of his body if he practiced here.

But the efficiency is really fierce. This is the first time Xu You has experienced such an exaggerated speed. Even Gong Yangzheng's small yard is not as good as here.

It can really reach four or five times the cultivation speed outside!

Soon, Xu You devoted himself wholeheartedly to practicing at such a terrifying speed.

On the other side, Xue Qianluo also woke up soon after.

Then Huangfu Lan became a competent commentator again, explaining the current situation to Xue Qianluo one by one.

"Where is Xu You?" After understanding this, Xue Qianluo also fell into deep thought for a long time and finally asked.

"He is practicing. He doesn't know when he will be able to go out. If you practice now, you can gain one more point of strength. Don't waste such a good place." Huangfu Lan pointed in the direction of Xu You and said.

Xue Qianluo glanced at Xu You who was in a state of cultivation, and then said to Huangfu Lan, "You can study the boundary-breaking formation here, and I will go to retreat to practice."

"Well, go ahead." Huangfu Lan nodded.

Xue Qianluo said no more, bowed to Huangfu Lan and then flew to another place to concentrate on meditation.

Huangfu Lan glanced at the two of them and felt a little emotional.

With such a high talent and hard work, Kunlun might not be able to fail.

After thinking about it like this, Huangfu Lan continued to concentrate on studying the formation, and the huge white space fell completely silent.

The three of them perform their duties here very harmoniously.

Tianque City, Kunlun Tower.

Zhang Changli was leisurely making tea and drinking tea as before. At this moment, he did not know that such a shocking change had occurred in the southern part of Dongyang County in the distance.

But this matter is being collected by major forces as quickly as possible and then spread.

After all, the incident was so big that most of the southern part of Dongyang County was completely disconnected, and the world changed drastically.

Whenever something like this happens, it is the most important event at the Apex Level. It suddenly became a storm, and all the forces who knew about it immediately focused their attention there.

Various forces also sent high monks to check, especially those Apex Level forces with properties or affiliated forces in the southern part of Dongyang County. They immediately started to move to deal with various changes that may occur in the future.

Qing Cang rushed directly into Zhang Changli's room at this moment without even knocking on the door.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Changli put down the tea in his hand and immediately asked solemnly, "What's the matter?"

The two have been partners for so many years. Zhang Changli has long been familiar with Qing Cang and knows that Qing Cang will not act like this unless it is an urgent matter.

Qingcang said with a solemn expression and said concisely, "Come to report, something big happened in the southern part of Dongyang County! Most of the southern territory is covered by the Lost Realm, and the situation inside is unknown.

The Ghost Shadow Sect came out in full force to protect the Lost Realm. "

"The Lost Realm?" Zhang Changli fell into thinking for the first time, and then he was shocked, "Is it the Lost Realm that is known as the restricted area for monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm?"


"Is the information correct?" Zhang Changli frowned, "Tens of thousands of years ago, those lost realms were slowly eradicated by powerful monks working together.

How could there be more? "

"The information is correct." Qing Cang nodded and said, "There is a high probability that the Lost Realm has been sleeping under the southern border of Dongyang County. It is very likely that it was inspired by the Ghost Shadow Sect."

"What do the Ghost Shadow Sect want to do? Are they crazy? How dare they do these things out of nowhere? No, it's impossible for the Ghost Shadow Sect to suddenly do such a big thing.

It is even less likely that he would dare to fight alone. Who else is participating? "Zhang Changli grasped the key points immediately.

"There is no such news now. There is only this news now." Qing Cang shook his head and said, "But these are not important for the time being."

Zhang Changli's expression changed greatly, "Xu You and Xue Qianluo are in the Taihua Mountains!"

"Yes, the two of them are in the Taihua Mountains, and the Taihua Mountains bear the brunt."

"Damn it!" Zhang Changli walked back and forth anxiously, "Where is Mo Yuhuang?"

"Yesterday I went sightseeing with Yue Qingyu from Penglai Immortal Gate. I'm not in Tianque City and can't be contacted." Qing Cang replied, and then added.

"However, Master Gongsun of Luoyan Peak just returned to the Kunlun Immortal Sect yesterday."

"Gongsun Li is back? Isn't she on duty in Nanyi Manzhou? Why did she come back?" Zhang Changli was stunned for a moment.

"I don't know."

"Send the news back as quickly as possible! Pass it to the Headmaster, pass it to the Council of Elders! Just tell Xu You and Xue Qianluo that they are in trouble and come quickly for reinforcements!"


"In addition, it is also passed on to Gongsun Li. She is Mo Yuhuang's senior sister and Xu You's uncle. Now that Mo Yuhuang cannot be contacted, this senior uncle must know.

Otherwise, with Gongsun Li's temper, if she found out later that we didn't tell her immediately, she could tear me apart from Tingzhufeng. "


"Also, Mo Yuhuang has been in contact. This unreasonable one is already uncomfortable enough, and now Gongsun Li suddenly comes back."

Zhang Changli said helplessly, and then continued solemnly,

"Immediately spread the news to all the offices in the surrounding counties of Dongyang County! No matter where the monks of the sixth realm or above are or what they are doing, they should stop what they are doing immediately!

All go to Dongyang County! Violators and those who are arrogant will be killed without mercy! "


"Stern words, a warning to the level of extermination!"

"Is this too serious and exaggerated?" Qing Cang asked, "I'm afraid it will cause unrest."

"Unrest? If something happens to Xu You and Xue Qianluo, it would be called turmoil!"

Zhang Changli said solemnly, "You have no idea of ​​Xu You's current value. All of us can die, but he can't. Do you understand?"

"I see!"

"Hurry up and do it. I'll go first. You can come over as soon as you finish your work!"

After Zhang Changli finished speaking, his whole body turned into a thunderbolt and broke through the roof of the building.

The huge movement shocked the monks in the building and the people on the street outside to look up. Everyone looked at each other in disbelief as the steward Zhang Changli disappeared into the sky.

For a while, they all speculated about what kind of big event could make Zhang Changli so anxious.

Qingcang looked up at the damaged roof, but instead of paying attention, he immediately turned around and went out to do errands.

Qing Cang was very efficient in his work, and soon, dense numbers of communication birds were flying around from Kunlun Tower.

These communication birds are the highest-level spiritual birds in Kunlun. They are very fast and make a lot of noise. People outside Kunlun Tower are looking over at them more and more.

Look at the spiritual birds galloping away in the sky.

First, Zhang Changli was in such a hurry, and then so much information spread. Many people had never seen such a scene.

Everyone speculated about what could cause Kunlun to go into such a big fight. Such a thing must be not trivial and extremely serious!

These spiritual birds span thousands of mountains and rivers and fly to all the relative core offices of Kunlun Immortal Sect in several surrounding counties.

Immortal Gate office, the core area, is personally staffed by monks from the Sixth Realm. Normally, there are at least two Sixth Realm monks, one in charge and one in charge.

When the spirit bird falls into these offices, the first reaction of all offices is to enter the highest wartime alert state!

No matter what they were doing, all the monks in charge, including the deputies, with six levels of cultivation, immediately put down what they were doing and rushed to the aid of Dongyang Nanjun as quickly as possible.

Kunlun Immortal Sect's big movements in these counties attracted countless attention, and there was a sudden uproar.

In addition, news of the great changes in Dongyang County slowly spread, and all the forces and individuals of the Independent Cultivator were fully prepared, and then turned their attention to Dongyang County.

Kunlun Immortal Sect.

At this moment, the sky is blue and there is peace and tranquility.

But suddenly there was a thunderous thunder, and a huge explosion echoed through most of the Immortal Gate.

It was a sound that exploded from the sky above a tall mountain peak, and there were two vague figures facing each other there.

The fluctuation just now is most likely the result of a battle of wits.

Does anyone dare to fight openly in Kunlun Immortal Sect? Many monks around him poked their heads around, and finally leaned over cautiously to watch the gods fight.

Watching the fun is engraved in everyone's bones.

When the disciples who were watching the excitement arrived at this big mountain peak, there were many people bustling around, including disciples from all peaks.

However, no one dared to get too close and watched from a distance of more than ten miles.

The confrontation was between a man and a woman. The man looked middle-aged, had a bald head, had a ring scar on his head, was wearing a simple monk's robe, and had a kind-hearted look. He was clasping his hands with a look of helplessness on his face.

As a woman, you can't tell her age, but she can make people look at her in a sea of ​​people.

She is tall and well-proportioned, wearing light blue shorts and a short coat and vest. The well-proportioned muscles on the body are directly exposed to the sun, and the muscle lines are extremely beautiful.

The thighs are round and strong, the clear waistcoat line is embellished on the waist, and the bronze skin shines with a powerful beauty.

There are two streaks of blue paint-like lines on his cheeks. Under the long eyelashes are extremely unruly eyes. His eyes are amber in color, and his facial features are extremely three-dimensional, with a sense of sharpness that pierces the dimension.

The overall visual effect is very shocking and wild.

Very few women can give people such a sense of power.

As a result, the melon-eaters who were watching around began to communicate in a rustling manner.

"Who is this person?"

"Don't you know Gongsun Li?"

"Gongsun Li? That Gongsun Li, the peak lord of Luoyan Peak in Vermilion Bird Palace?"

"Who else can have such momentum besides her?"

"My little brother just entered the mountain gate a few years ago. I have never heard of it. Can you please explain it?"

"Gongsun Li, the master of Luoyan Peak, is the senior sister of Master Mo Peak of Vermilion Bird Peak, and the founding disciple of Master Li Changsheng of Vermilion Bird!

Peak Master Gongsun went to Nanyi Barbarian Continent for a rotation six years ago. Logically speaking, he should not be back so soon.

Why did he suddenly come back and still fight here? "

"Master Mo's senior sister? Isn't that very strong?"

"Nonsense! This Peak Master Gongsun is famously strong! He practices the Great Dao of Physical Culture. It is said that a pair of fists can kill countless souls. I don't know how many people he has beaten to death."

"So powerful! How is this Peak Master Gongsun like? I think she seems to have a very fierce aura now."

"What do you think she is like as Peak Master Mo's senior sister?"


"Not bad! The peak masters from the Vermilion Bird Palace are all very unique."

An understanding brother began to talk to the friends around him about Gongsun Li and why he started fighting when he came back.

Gongsun Li is a pure physical practitioner, walking the Martial Dao.

And he has a reputation in the sect. Of course, it's all relatively negative, such as being fond of fighting.

Not only does she often appear in the Kunlun Immortal Sect newspaper, she is also frequently mentioned in the newspapers of various other forces.

This is something Mo Yuhuang cannot match. As long as there is news about her, it is more or less violent.

When she was sent by Immortal Gate to the Southern Yi Barbarian Continent for rotation, she heard that many peak masters clapped their hands and applauded her.

In these years, Kunlun Immortal Sect has rarely become much quieter.

The only ones who were reluctant to let her leave Middle-earth Heavenly Continent were the editors of major newspapers.

With the temporary departure of Gongsun Li, there are fewer major events to report, which even affects sales to a certain extent.

In short, Gongsun Li is just such a famous person.

Her favorite saying is: If you have a big fist, you can do it even if you don't do it; if you have a small fist, you can do it even if you don't do it.

Although it sounds like the remarks of a gangster, they are somewhat rough and unreasonable.

Therefore, Gongsun Li is "notorious", but her way of doing things where she can fight without talking has also attracted many young fans.

A considerable number of monks use her code of conduct as their life doctrine.

Based on this, many people previously jokingly called Gongsun Li and Mo Yuhuang the two most brilliant flowers of evil in the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Both of them have fanatical fans, conquered by their style and strong personal charm.

This time Gongsun Li didn't know why he suddenly wanted to come back to Kunlun, but it didn't matter.

The important thing is that Kunlun Immortal Sect has only been back for one day, but in this short period of time, it is said that he has already had three fights.

It almost made the entire Kunlun Immortal Sect go crazy.

The first game went directly to the White Tiger Temple. It is said that the peak leader of the White Tiger Peak, Yan Gongjian, knocked out one of his teeth and finally walked away.

The reason for this fight is very simple. In recent years, the cultivation resources in Kunlun Immortal Sect have been allocated by the White Tiger Palace.

Gongsun Li said that the White Tiger Palace took advantage of his absence, especially that Yan Gong framed the public to avenge his personal revenge, directly reducing the resources of Luoyan Peak. Let Luo Yanfeng live a poor life.

When he finally left, it was said that he had robbed a lot of things.

No one knows the specific reasons, because it is impossible to talk about public and private revenge when it comes to resource allocation. No one would do such a thing when it involves a disciple of a peak.

But Gongsun Li insisted on this reason, and many people speculated that she just wanted to steal things.

No one else knows the specific details. Yan Gongzhen went into seclusion directly, saying that he gave up his career. The resources are allocated to whoever wants to do it.

The second game was simply to find someone to compete with, and went directly to Black Tortoise Hall.

He just had a fight with Fang Kaiyang, the peak master of Black Tortoise Peak. It is said that Fang Kaiyang offended Gongsun Li on something in his early years and she has "held a grudge" to this day.

If nothing happens, make a big fuss at Black Tortoise Peak.

Many people say that Gongsun Li is trying to establish an image, and establish an image of revenge.

You see, this Fang Kaiyang was beaten by me because he provoked me once many years ago. I advise others to keep their eyes peeled.

Of course, to put it mildly, revenge must be retaliated, and many people secretly said that the peak master of Luo Yan Peak was petty.

You offended Gongsun Li and still want to run away?

The third game is now. In fact, after playing those two games, Gongsun Li is already very comfortable and doesn't plan to continue struggling. Just when he was about to return to Yanfeng to become an uncle, he came over and killed him again because of something.

The target is directly at Master Mingzhi, the master of the Kunlun Temple's Yaoguang Peak.

Kunlun Immortal Sect Great Dao accommodates Myriad Manifestations, and naturally some people enter the Buddhist Gate. Among them, Master Mingzhi, the master of Yaoguang Peak, is the most important.

In his early years, this wise master was not a member of the Buddhist Gate. Later, he went to the Western Paradise of Paradise and when he came back, he sat down and took refuge.

At that time, with his Sixth Stage Late Stage cultivation, he actually abolished the previous Great Dao and directly switched to Buddhist Gate.

He started right from the beginning and later achieved enlightenment through Buddhism again in less than thirty years. Cultivation into the realm of heaven.

Now he is the peak master of Yaoguang Peak. His cultivation is unfathomable and his combat power is ominous. He is at the forefront among the peak masters of Kunlun.

Because he turned to Buddha halfway and achieved such great achievements again, this wise master has been famous all these years. Many young monks follow his example.

Moreover, after entering Buddhism, Master Mingzhi was basically willing to do good and charitable, and he looked exactly like an enlightened monk.

It has an excellent reputation among Immortal Gate.

Therefore, Yaoguangfeng has a very important responsibility, that is, major "personnel transfers" and the like must be evaluated by Yaoguangfeng.

Because Master Wise only acts according to rules and principles, without any partiality. It is said that he can recite the extremely lengthy Kunlun Immortal Sect rules by heart.

It is the ruler walking in Kunlun Immortal Sect, and the mirror is in its heart.

But Gongsun Li doesn't care about this. If she is unhappy, the King of Heaven and I will be useless.

This happened when Master Mingzhi directly rejected Gongsun Li's request to receive a true disciple.

Logically speaking, a peak master like Gongsun Li basically accepts disciples based on her own hobbies, and the sect will not care too much. Just like when Xu You entered the Immortal Gate, Mo Yuhuang just reported.

But because this disciple was the first disciple Gongsun Li had accepted in so many years, and because of the bad influence Gongsun Li had accumulated in the past.

Yaoguang Feng immediately checked the background. This check didn't matter.

The origin of her disciple is too problematic. Gongsun Li brought him back from Nanyi Barbaric Continent.

It is said that he is from the Lazi tribe, and his bloodline status is still very high among the Lazi tribe.

Like the barbarians, the Lazi, the three major barbarian tribes in Nanyi Manzhou, are inherited in the form of tribes. The clan attaches great importance to bloodline cultivation, and only bloodline is the final word.

Later, Master Mingzhi verified that the disciple Gongsun Li brought back was of the royal bloodline of the Lazi clan. It was said that he was the most direct descendant. His status was extremely high among the Lazi clan, and his bloodline talent was even more outstanding.

She is an Apex Level seedling of self-cultivation. Now I don’t know how Gongsun Li lured her back and accepted her as a disciple and settled down in Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Isn't this a joke?

If you bring back the direct bloodline of the Lazi tribe, will the Lazi tribe agree to it?

Can Nanyi Manzhou's physical cultivator be easily offended?

All the sophistication and civilizational dogma are useless, they are nothing more than fists. Don't worry, the three barbarians who are in the same spirit don't care what your background is.

And there is no need to think about it. Gongsun Li definitely did not bring this disciple out of the Lazi tribe in an upright manner.

In short, things will not end well if things get serious. At least it will affect the work of Kunlun Immortal Sect in Nanyi Barbarian Continent, and at worst it will involve diplomatic issues between the two Apex Level forces.

It was inevitable that Yaoguangfeng didn't take it seriously. After Master Mingzhi found out about it, he directly rejected Gongsun Li's request according to the sect's rules and asked Gongsun Li to bring the person back to the Lazi people safely.

Gongsun Li was immediately furious. This is my first time accepting a disciple. Are you so disrespectful? If word spreads, will she continue to hang out?

Without saying a word, she rushed directly to Yaoguang Peak to demand justice, grabbing Master Mingzhi and beating him.

So there was this battle.

"No, Peak Master Gongsun is so strong! In the three games she fought back, she was the strongest Peak Master! Does she really only pick the tough ones?" Someone around asked in amazement.

"What do you think? The position of the master of Vermilion Bird Palace has always been vacant. I heard earlier that the sect had always wanted Master Gongsun to take the position.

But because of her reputation and her style of doing things, the palace master has been undecided. ",

"Which one is stronger, Master Mo Peak or Master Gongsun Peak?"

"Peak Master Gongsun is very strong. I heard that she has entered the eighth realm. She is now at the early stage of the eighth realm."

"So powerful? I remember that there aren't many peak masters who have entered the eighth realm, right?"

"Yes, no, the three battles that Peak Master Gongsun fought when she came back were all at this level. She just picks the toughest ones to fight!"


The surrounding disciples who were not familiar with Gongsun Li only had the word "awesome" to evaluate him after learning about this.

Being famous is not as good as meeting her. Gongsun Li is indeed worthy of her previous reputation.

Of course, what everyone is most curious about right now is what makes Gongsun Li such a strong disciple.

Everyone looked upward. Behind Gongsun Li was a young girl.

She was dressed exactly the same as Gongsun Li, even her skin color and body shape were the same.

It is simply a smaller version of Gongsun Li. The only difference is the hairstyle. The girl's hair is tied into two buns, one on the left and one on the right. Like Chun-Li.

At this moment, with his back to the crowd, he could only see his well-proportioned and powerful figure.

"Bald Donkey, are you going to be admitted or not?" Gongsun Li pointed at the other monk's nose and asked directly.

Master Wise shook his head.

"I agree, the Lazi people agree, and my disciple also agrees. It's your turn to object, you bald donkey?" Gongsun Li's voice was a little hoarse, very magnetic, and her tone was unquestionable and condescending, making her the queen invincible.

"Master Gongsun, please"

Before Mingzhi finished speaking, Gongsun Li instantly appeared in front of Master Mingzhi. She raised her right fist high, showing an extremely graceful and powerful posture under the sun.

Punch out!

The punch evaporated all the air, and all the power of the punch fell on Master Mingzhi.

Although the latter was protected by Buddha's light, he flew backwards quickly under this punch, and finally hit the peak below hard.

If a missile with a speed of more than ten Mach per hour hits the mountain peak, there will be faint fireworks everywhere it passes, and the void will be burned up by its speed.

Boom——, boast——

A violent sound came directly from the top of the mountain, causing the cave and the mountain to shake. The huge peak of several thousand feet below was directly destroyed by the huge impact. Most of the top of the mountain was destroyed.

Dust was flying and rocks were flying.

Many disciples flew out from various places on the lower peak. Although this mountain is not the main peak, it is just a wild peak where not many people live, but there are also Taoist huts on it, and there are also Immortal Gate disciples practicing.

At this moment, they were running away in a hurry, looking back at the collapsing mountain peaks, their eyes widened.

This special home is gone!

The aftermath spread, and the entrained dust shook the surrounding disciples watching the excitement.

After a while, when the flying dust dispersed, everyone saw that the beautiful mountain peak collapsed in disgrace, and everyone's eyes widened.

There was a collective gasp.

So scary!

The power of a punch can be so terrifying!

Looking up at Gongsun Li, he saw her floating there as usual, and the muscle lines on her body were even more dazzling in the sun.

This damn body fat rate, this damn sense of strength, this damn powerfulness.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is a Valkyrie.

"Balu, complete the procedures today, otherwise it will be your Yaoguang Peak who falls next time." Gongsun Li said while looking at the ruins below.

Master Mingzhi slowly flew out of the dust. The Buddha's light on his body was somewhat dim, but still steady. The Dharma is as profound as him, but he can't control his expression at this moment.

Pointing at Gongsun Li, this unreasonable woman, she was almost speechless.

"Peak Master Gongsun, you are too arrogant and unreasonable! Rules are rules, even if you ask the sect master to come there, you must act according to the rules!"

"No matter what the rules are, I, the majestic peak master of Luoyan Peak, don't even have the power to accept a disciple? Let me ask you again, do you want to be admitted?"

Master Wise shook his head.

Gongsun Li sneered, and turned into a meteor bomb and rushed towards Mingzhi.

The Buddha's light bloomed again on the latter's body, and he passively defended himself. For a moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds changed, and the battle situation was monstrous.

The surrounding disciples retreated again and again, fearing that they would be affected by this terrifying movement.

On the other side, Kunlun Hall and Kunlun Peak.

Kunlun Immortal Sect has five halls under its jurisdiction, and the Kunlun Hall guarding the center has always been the strongest hall.

The Master of the Hall, Master Kunlun, is the Apex Level boss known throughout the Immortal Cultivation World of the Divine Continent. The Master of the Kunlun Hall is very senior, and he is of the same generation as Gong Yangzheng.

At that time, he was a strong competitor for the master of Kunlun Immortal Sect, but he was more focused on practicing Great Dao, so he had no intention of competing.

So he has been serving as the master of Kunlun Palace for so many years. He originally wanted to retire a few years ago, but he has never been able to find a suitable successor.

Master Kunlun has only accepted one true disciple in his practice so far, that is, Xue Qianluo's master, Linghu Yuan, the master of Kunlun Peak.

Although Master Linghu is the only true disciple of Master Kunlun, in the end he did not follow the Great Dao of Master Kunlun, but the way of swordsmanship.

And Linghu Yuan only accepted one disciple, and that was Xue Qianluo.

The peak masters of the twenty main peaks of Kunlun are all very powerful, but to determine the ceiling of battle power among the peak masters, Linghu Peak Master must be among the top three.

The top five peak masters in the Kunlun Immortal Sect are actually skilled enough to be the master of a palace. One can imagine how terrifying their strength is.

Linghu Yuan entered the Eighth Realm in his early years of cultivation. His swordsmanship reached the heaven and earth, and his external performance could be described as outstanding. He was the most famous Linghu Sword Immortal in the Immortal Cultivation World of Shenzhou.

Together with Mo Yuhuang, they are known as the two most representative swordsmen of Kunlun Immortal Sect.

(End of chapter)

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