Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 225 Chapter 292 293 Kill Kill Kill! With One Against A Hundred, Kill Through The Lost Realm!

Chapter 225 Chapter 292 293 Kill kill kill! With one against a hundred, kill through the Lost Realm! Where was your unruliness just now?

Shen Shou immediately looked at Xu You ferociously, thinking about Xu You begging for mercy later in his mind.

But soon, Shen Shou froze there again, only to see that Xu You and Xue Qianluo had recovered like this, with full cultivation and no injuries at all.

Are you kidding? This is the Lost Realm! How could he recover from his injuries in just a few hours without getting any spiritual energy replenishment?

Wait, what the hell is going on with this cultivation level?

Seeing the two people's new cultivation realm, especially Xu You's dazzling fifth realm cultivation realm, Shen Shou's face changed drastically, and he looked in disbelief.

Who the hell would believe it?

Three hours to break through the realm? How in the world could such a thing happen?

Shen Shou couldn't figure it out at all, his mind was a little confused for a while, and he even rubbed his eyes.

"Stop rubbing it, you idiot. It's your grandpa and me." Xu You sneered ruthlessly.

Shen Shou was stunned for a moment, and then with an extremely gloomy face, he ordered the people around him, "Fuck me, fuck him all the way! Catch him in front of me!"

The surrounding Ghost Shadow Sect monks looked at each other, but in the end they thought it wouldn't be a big problem with the strength of the people, so the twenty or so Five Realm monks headed straight for Xu You.

Xu You looked at these Five Realm monks with indifferent eyes. He stretched out his hands to draw war talismans in front of him at the same time!

Draw the Geng Yan Dragon Talisman on your left hand and the Kuiyang Needle Talisman on your right hand!

Two Apex Level Five Realm War Talisman are instantly drawn with the highest quality!

At this moment, Xu You, who has cultivated in the fifth realm, can fully activate the power of these two Apex Level war talismans!

Several extremely powerful fire dragons roared and shot out, and dozens of Sunflower Needle Talismans hidden in the air also shot out to the other side at the same time.


Puff puff-

The explosion of the Flame Dragon and the penetration of the Sunflower Needle resounded all around.

At the explosion site of the Flame Dragon, a dozen monks of the fifth realm let out screams one after another. Their whole bodies were wrapped in inextinguishable fireworks. Their bodies were thrown upside down by the terrifying power of the explosion, and they landed in various places, creating huge pits. .

The flaming waves generated by the explosion vaporized the surrounding temperature to boiling point.

On the other side, as the Sunflower Needle passed through the bodies of the monks, everyone also let out violent screams.

All those who were penetrated turned into ice cubes and fell to the ground without any combat effectiveness.

In the blink of an eye, the more than twenty monks from the fifth realm who were besieged were all dying and unconscious and eliminated from the battle.

As both monks in the fifth realm, Xu You defeated more than twenty monks in the same realm.

Of course, not counting instant kills, these two battle talismans are AOE damage, and the more they are scattered, the lower the damage will be.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill these people directly, but only to seriously injure them and lose their ability to fight.

Of course, Xu You will not spare the lives of these people, he must eradicate the roots!

Xu You made a slight seal with his right hand, and a bright sword energy rose into the sky, and then the sword energy dispersed into dozens of sword energy and fell suddenly.

Instantly kill all these Five Realm monks who have lost their ability to fight!

By the way, he brought back five or six spirit sticks. The spirit sticks obtained from killing those in the same realm generally can't produce any good things. Xu You just casually placed five or six soul sticks in the God's Mansion.

Xu You's move directly shocked Shen Shou and Deacon Sun.

Looking at the twenty or so lifeless men on the ground, these people are all his elite men!

Now that everyone has been killed, won't he become a polished commander in the future?

The ferocious smile on Shen Shou's face suddenly froze.

Three question marks slowly floated over his forehead.

What just happened?

Wait, wait a minute.

In other words, a monk in the early stage of the fifth realm directly defeated more than twenty monks in the same realm with two Divine Abilities?

And some of them are late stage monks in the Five Realms.

How can this be? Xu You Why should he? Those two Divine Abilities seem to be Apex Level’s Five Realm War Talisman again!

It's not the battle talisman that was cast a few hours ago!

In other words, Xu You has mastered at least three perfect five-realm battle talismans of Apex Level, and can do it instantly in the air!

After knowing this, Shen Shou felt even more ridiculous in his heart, even more ridiculous than Xu You's breakthrough to the fifth realm in three hours!

Is this a fucking human being? Can there be such a monster in the world?

It's not like Shen Shou has never seen such monks treat fellow monks like ants, but that was always in a one-on-one situation.

And if Xu You's situation hadn't been witnessed with his own eyes, no one would have believed it, but now it's actually happening.

At this moment, Shen Shou paused and did not dare to smile.

Because he believed that his strength could not reach the level of Xu You when suppressed by the Lost Realm, and he could not defeat so many besieging Five Realm monks with one move.

In other words, if I fight Xu You now, I might not be able to defeat him?

No, I really can't beat him, because I am still seriously injured and suffering from severe loss of essence and blood.

Damn it, Shen Shou wanted to run away at this moment, but his dignity as a strong man prevented him from doing this.

Deacon Sun on the side also looked at Xu You with twitching eyelids, with the same feeling of absolute shock as Shen Shou.

He didn't expect to see Xu You for three hours. Not only had his strength reached a new level, but his strength was even more terrifying.

The most important thing is that there is an equally terrifying Xue Qianluo beside him, which is not difficult to deal with.

How to interrogate? I'm afraid I'll have to be interrogated by them later.

"Senior sister, let's ignore Deacon Sun for now. Leave Shen Shou and the six-level early-stage monk beside him to me. Is it okay to leave the remaining two six-level early-stage monks to you?" Xu You said.

"Yes." Xue Qianluo just nodded slightly, then holding the Tai'a Sword in his hand, his whole person suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already fallen in front of the two ghost shadow sect monks who were in the early stage of the sixth realm.

Xu You was not worried when he saw that Xue Qianluo took action directly. Xue Qianluo, who was in the early stage of the Five Realms, was able to single out the monks in the early stages of the Sixth Realm who were at their peak without falling behind.

Now in the middle stage of the fifth realm, facing these two monks in the early stage of the sixth realm whose strength has been suppressed, they naturally have no problem and kill them casually.

Xu You also flashed forward, and when he reappeared, he was already not far in front of Shen Shou. He stretched out his right hand and drew a battle talisman in the air with one hand.

Jia Ge explosive talisman!

A singular point formed on the body of the monk in the early stage of the Sixth Realm. Before the latter could react, the singularity expanded rapidly, and finally directly wrapped the monk in the early stage of the Sixth Realm inside.


A violent explosion sounded, and the Jia Ge Explosive Talisman exploded instantly!

The huge explosion power swept through the surrounding area in circles.

Shen Shou and Deacon Sun, who were just around the corner from the fierce explosion, were also knocked back ten steps. When the explosion dissipated, the monk in the early stage of the Sixth Realm died on the spot, and his body fell straight down.

Xu You conveniently took in the opponent's soul stick and temporarily put it into the divine palace.

The bodies of Shen Shou and Deacon Sun, who were repulsed, looked extremely ugly and fell straight down.

He was instantly killed by Xu You! He didn't even have time to make any resistance before he was instantly killed by Xu You, who was a whole level weaker than him!

Looking at the light and gentle Xu You, the two of them felt like they were in a dream.

And soon, Xue Qianluo on the side also returned to Xu You's side, and then turned around to look, and saw that the two monks in the early stage of the Sixth Realm had also been killed.

A group of people had surrounded Xu You just now, but now they were the only ones left here. Fucking surrounded!

Looking at the perfect match in front of him, Shen Shou felt that the pressure on him was rising.

"Deacon Sun, right? This Elder Shen and I have something to deal with, so you just stay by the side, understand?" Xu You looked at Deacon Sun and said lightly.

The latter's face became increasingly ugly. It was like a tiger was bullied by a dog!

If this was happening outside, how would he allow Xu You to be humiliated like this, but there is no way now, the situation is stronger than the person.

The confrontation between the two sides seemed to be reversed at this moment.

When Xue Qianluo finished Xu You's words, he directly raised the Tai'a sword in his hand horizontally, and then hung it in front of Deacon Sun.

"You guys chat. If you have anything to say, talk to me." A decent smile appeared on Deacon Sun's face, indicating that he would not interfere at all.

So Xu You's eyes fell on Shen Shou again, his eyes were indifferent, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Shen Shou glanced at Deacon Sun with a twitching corner of his mouth, and then looked at Xu You with a ferocious smile on his face, "Boy, don't think that being lucky enough to enter the Five Realms will make you lawless.

Even if I only have 10% strength, it would be easy to kill you! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Shou stepped back a short distance, and then quickly made seals with his hands, while the surrounding Yin spirit power continued to pour into his body.

The aura on his body was rising steadily, and then he spurted out two mouthfuls of blood essence and merged into the black mist around him, and the black mist turned into blood mist. The momentum looked extremely terrifying.

Xu You looked at the opponent with slightly narrowed eyes. It was obvious that Shen Shou planned to try his best without any reservation, even if it would cause irreversible damage to the foundation afterwards.

This man is also a ruthless person with discernment and rich fighting experience. He knows that at this time, he can only fight with himself without any reservation, without any slightest contempt or any luck.

There are indeed very few strong people who can reach this position who are fools in the pure sense.

"Boy, it's okay to be young and frivolous, but to be crazy without limits is stupid. Today I'm going to show you what despair is!"

Shen Shou's sarcastic words came from the blood mist. His voice was desolate, as if he was speaking with a loudspeaker, which was very pretentious.

Xu You still looked at the blood mist with an expressionless expression.

Deacon Sun on the side was shocked when he saw Shen Shou who was about to fight to the death. He was ready to go and wait for the fisherman to make a profit.

Soon, the blood mist slowly began to twist, and then countless red tentacles grew out of the blood mist. Each tentacle looked like a giant octopus leg.

It was densely covered with small holes, and the entire red mist finally turned into a body integration of tentacles.

It was twisting and squirming there, looking extremely disgusting.

"go to hell!"

Shen Shou shouted sharply, and the tentacles came directly towards Xu You. Each tentacle contained a little bit of the energy of the world to lock Xu You.

It stands to reason that this kind of Apex Level Sixth Realm Divine Ability is devastating and irresistible to any Fifth Realm monk.

But sorry, Xu You is not an ordinary Five Realm monk.

He stared at the approaching tentacles and moved his hands rapidly in the air.

An Apex Level six-realm battle talisman was instantly formed in front of Xu You!

A pair of huge golden illusory hands appeared out of thin air in front of Xu You.

One of the strongest Divine Abilities that Xu You currently possesses, the Six Realm War Talisman, the True Buddha’s Hand!

After practicing in the mysterious space, this was the first time Xu You used it in actual combat. Xu You's face was covered with sweat at the moment. With his cultivation level in the fifth realm, he was forced to cast the Apex Level Sixth Realm War Talisman. The pressure was still high.

Especially now that there is no aura of heaven and earth around him, he relies solely on his own cultivation to fight back up, and is drained out at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the true Buddha is achieved!

A pair of big golden hands were filled with the general trend of heaven and earth. Mysterious Sanskrit sounds lingered on them, and terrifying pressure surged around them.

Deacon Sun on the side looked at the scene in front of him with an extremely horrified expression, and the cultivation level in his body unconsciously started to work rapidly to resist the pressure of these big golden hands.

He is a discerning monk, and these big hands are obviously the Apex Level battle talismans of the Sixth Realm!

And it’s an Apex Level battle talisman that’s full of world-wide trends. Who the hell can withstand this? Which six-level monk can withstand this?

Not to mention in the Lost Realm, even outside, there is no way to stop it, and you can only run away when you see it.

Deacon Sun is completely stupid now. He simply cannot believe that a fifth-level monk can actually cast a six-level Apex Level battle talisman!

It's fucking instant! Outrageous! unbelievable!

Deacon Sun was trembling as he looked at Xu You who stood proudly behind the pair of golden hands. At this moment, Xu You was as dazzling as a god in his eyes.

How could there be such a terrifying young man in the world!

He was suddenly a little lucky now. Fortunately, he didn't completely confront Xu You just now. Otherwise, if he faced these big hands now, he would really fall here.

Soon, the big hands in front of Xu You moved, driven by his thoughts.

The giant hand looked huge, but it was swung like an arm, not clumsy at all.

I saw that the big golden hands directly grabbed the tentacles and tore them off one by one.

Every time one was pulled off, blood-like red liquid spewed out from the blood mist, and Shen Shou's shrill scream came from within the blood mist.

And the tentacles that were torn off were directly evaporated and destroyed by the boiling power of "the general trend of heaven and earth" in the palm of the giant hand.

The sound of sizzling is endless.

Soon, the big golden hand pulled quickly, and all the tentacles on the blood mist were torn off. And the whole mass of blood mist was flickering at this moment.

Shen Shou's screams inside were extremely weak.


Finally, a giant golden hand directly pinched the blood mist, directly evaporated all the blood mist, and finally caught Shen Shou, who was covered in blood, dying and exhausted.

After Shen Shou caught Xu You, he breathed a sigh of relief and waved away the giant hands with his right hand.

His current cultivation level was very depleted. After throwing some rejuvenating elixirs into his mouth, he looked indifferently at Shen Shou, who was panting like a dead dog at his feet.

At this moment, the latter's face had long lost the ferocious look and the aloof and strong attitude that wanted Xu You to look good.

Some are just endless panic, pain, confusion and confusion.

He is a strong man in the Late Stage of the Six Realms, and he is the master of the Ghost Shadow Sect! Door Human Venerable respects, because of fear, everyone calls himself Yama!

His strength can be said to be rare among the six realms, and he is known as the monk in the entire Ghost Shadow Sect who can take the lead in entering the realm of heaven.

The future is boundless and the scenery is unparalleled. It can be said that he is a high-ranking person and is respected by those below. He is valued and entrusted with important tasks by those above him.

This kind of life is really wanton. Normally, those monks in the Five Realms would tremble when they see him. Killing these people is like stepping on ants to death.

But at this moment, he was pinned to the ground by a fifth-level monk who exploded with a hammer and killed him with explosive force, without the ability to fight back.

Even the Divine Ability that I was most proud of was as vulnerable as paper and was slaughtered like a pig or dog!

No way, absolutely impossible, this must be a nightmare.

Damn it, how in the world could such a thing happen!

The panic on Shen Shou's face grew more and more, it was a kind of panic about death. He is not old, and he still has infinite possibilities in the future. He cannot die here!

Xu You squatted down, stepped on Shen Shou's face with his right foot, rubbed it heavily, and said expressionlessly, "Didn't you say you want me to despair? Come on, let me take a look."

Being humiliated and trampled on by Xu You so ruthlessly, the humiliation in Shen Shou's heart was about to explode. His eyes were splitting, but he did not dare to say anything harsh.

Xu You wanted to kill him in just one thought. He didn't have any strength now and couldn't resist even a little bit. The strong desire to survive made Shen Shou forcefully force a smile.

"Huh? Laughing? Are you mocking me?" Xu You stepped on her feet again and asked.

"No." Shen Shou forced his voice out of his throat with difficulty, "I will admit defeat. Please raise your hand, Mr. Xu."

"Oh? You gave in so quickly?" Xu You shook his head and said, "I still like the way you acted when you talked about me just now."

Shen Shou struggled to squeeze out a smile again. Xu You smiled slightly and took back his feet.

Afterwards, he knelt down and helped Shen Shou up with his own hands, brushing off the blood on his body and helping him tidy up his clothes and hair very considerately.

Seeing Xu You who was so peaceful in front of him, taking care of himself carefully and carefully, Shen Shou's body was trembling slightly unconsciously.

"I have some questions to ask you. Answer them carefully and don't hide anything, okay?" After helping the other party clean up a little, Xu You asked politely with a smile on his face.

"Okay." Shen Shou nodded without hesitation.

"very good."

When Xu You was about to speak, he suddenly paused, then made a secret with one hand, and the Divine Ability was released instantly.

Seven golden Jin Geling Spears appeared behind him, and then quickly merged into one extremely bright Jin Geling Spear.

call out-

The Jin Geling Spear fired out and accurately walked to the back in front of Deacon Sun.

The extremely sharp spiritual spear hung before his eyes. Deacon Sun was so fierce that he couldn't open his eyes, looking at this murderous spiritual spear.

Deacon Sun's expression froze at that time and he did not dare to move.

Xu You didn't look back. She still turned her back to Deacon Sun and said indifferently, "I told you to stay there honestly. If you dare to have any more thoughts, you will die."

"I understand." Deacon Sun immediately responded, feeling extremely guilty.

Just now I saw Shen Shou being stunned by Xu You. How could he not be surprised by Deacon Sun?

How the hell can I think about saying that the fishermen will benefit now? I will be thankful to God if I can save my life, so I immediately thought about how to run away.

Just as he was gathering momentum, Xu You's spirit spear came in front of him and fucking split open.

So scary!

Looking at Xu You's back, Deacon Sun was filled with emotion.

Young heroes with such strength are really rare in the world, and there are probably not even a few in the entire Immortal Cultivation World.

Especially Xu You didn't even look back at this moment, he was so fucking pretentious.

But it is undeniable that pretending to be successful has directly prevented Butler Sun from having any other ideas.

Xu You calmly waved his right hand again, and the Jinge Spirit Spear turned into stars and disappeared.

Then, Xu You continued to look at Shen Shou in front of him with a smile on his face, and asked gently, "Elder Shen, you should know how to leave this lost realm, right?"

"I know." Shen Shou nodded.

"Then I'd like to say that it shouldn't be a problem to ask Elder Shen to help take us out, right?" Xu You continued to ask.

"This." Shen Shou hesitated.

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

"No!" Shen Shou gritted his teeth and said, "I can help Xu Shaoxia leave here!"

"Very good." Xu You nodded with satisfaction, "How many people are on duty outside now? How is the situation outside?"

Shen Shou said, "Basically all the monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect are dispatched. After all, the area covered is too big. Even if all the disciples from the Ghost Shadow Sect are here, there are not enough manpower."

Xu You frowned slightly, "In other words, even if you take me out, there will still be people from the Ghost Shadow Sect outside?"

"Yes." Shen Shou said, "And the outside is not affected by the Lost Realm. There are many experts. If you go out rashly, you will be besieged."

"What do you mean? Are you saying that it would be safer for me to stay in here now?"


"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"I don't dare." Shen Shou slightly held his hand.

"Are there any weakly guarded areas?"

"No. There are only a few points that can be entered and exited, and at least they are guarded by elders from the Heavenly Dao Realm."

Xu You pondered a little, this is difficult to handle. Even if you can go out now, it's hard to go out rashly.

As Shen Shou said, he is truly invincible in the Lost Realm, but how can he stay here forever?

"Let me ask you, are there other forces outside to support me? Have my people from Kunlun Immortal Sect arrived? Are my people from Jubao Pavilion here? Several hours have passed, and the support that should arrive has also arrived." Xu You continued asked.

Shen Shou shook his head and said, "I really don't know about this. I was seriously injured and fell into a coma just now. I just woke up not long ago. I just happened to know that you showed up, young hero."

I haven't had time to communicate with the boss yet. "

"Don't know anything? The above didn't contact you?" Xu You narrowed his eyes slightly.

Shen Shou hesitated for a moment, but he did not dare to show it on his face, and said directly without any concealment, "Just now, the superiors gave an order to capture you and Xue Qianluo alive, the young hero. I don't know why."

"Oh?" Xu You said lightly, "That's it?"

"That's all."

"In this case, you should contact someone now who knows the situation outside." Xu You said without doubt,

"You also know my strength in this Lost Realm now. Don't think about other things, otherwise you will definitely die, understand?"

"Understood." Shen Shou nodded, and then said with some hesitation, "But this is considered an act of cheating on me. Even if you forgive me afterwards, young hero, the sect will not let me go.

My main punishment is to add one level to the crime of knowing the law and breaking the law. "

"You threaten me?"

"I don't dare, I'm just a little worried."

Xu You sneered, "Call the person here, and I will kill him after I finish questioning him. The responsibility will be placed on me, and you will be innocent."

You have been around for many years. You should be good at this kind of thing, whether you are a Fellow Daoist or a poor Daoist. Do you still have any questions? "

Seeing Xu You's indifferent expression, Shen Shou lowered his eyes slightly and said, "No problem, I'll call someone right now. Wait a moment, young hero."

After saying that, Shen Shou took out his Xuan Ming Mirror and started shaking people. This Law Weapon also has communication functions.

Soon, Shen Shou contacted a hall master-level elder. From the conversation, the two of them were not very familiar with each other. They were just acquaintances and colleagues.

The reason he used was very simple. He used Xu You and Xue Qianluo as bait, saying that he had great achievements to give to each other.

The other party agreed very freely, and it was impossible for him to think that his fellow disciples would trick him in the Lost Realm.

Moreover, Shen Shou has been hunting down Xu You and Xue Qianluo, and he also knows that there is an order from above that there will be heavy rewards for capturing these two people alive.

Moreover, it was Geng Gongming who personally gave the order. The hall leader who agreed to do this naturally claimed credit in front of the old leader.

You know, there are so many monks coming from Kunlun outside to look for Xu You and Xue Qianluo. The value of these two people is naturally self-evident.

Holding it in your hand is an excellent bargaining chip, so the hall master immediately bit the bait.

Of course, as the leader of the hall, he was not stupid, so he still asked a few more questions why he was called. Shen Shou had so many people under his command, how could he suddenly come to him and say that he wanted to share this wealth.

Shen Shou, a veteran driver who has been around for many years, skillfully resolved these questions one by one.

Soon, the hall master had no problem and promised to come here as soon as possible.

When Shen Shou hung up the Xuan Ming Mirror, Xu You was very satisfied. I have to say that Shen Shou is quite reliable and has some tricks up his sleeve.

"What's the name of the person you called? Who cares?" Xu You asked.

"My name is Cao Zhengchun, the master of the Jingshen Hall." Shen Shou replied.

"Jingshen Hall? What does this do?"

"It's just cleansing."

"Do you ghost cultivators still have this tradition?"

Shen Shou explained patiently, "Well, some ghost cultivators may be born with more yang energy. In this case, they need to use special methods to purify themselves and ensure enough yin energy to practice better.

Of course, this is not just an ordinary person's method of purifying the body. It is not only about the physical body but also about the soul. It is still relatively complicated.

That's why such a clean and dignified place was born. "

After listening, Xu You turned to look at Huangfu Lan and asked, "Auntie, is there such a thing?"

"Yeah." Huangfu Lan nodded slightly, "Ghost cultivators are special, and having too much yang energy is still very troublesome. Therefore, those Apex Level ghost cultivators will create departments like the Jingshen Hall.

Provide the best cultivation state and environment for the monks in the door. The master of the Purification Hall of the Ghost Shadow Sect is indeed named Cao Zhengchun. "

Xu You was a little surprised after hearing this. It was the first time he knew that ghost cultivators still have the restriction of being positive.

Next, Xu You waited patiently.

It didn't take long before a thunderbolt shot out from the sky. As soon as it hit the ground, it hurriedly shouted, "Where are we?"

This is a middle-aged man, whose cultivation is in the middle of the Sixth Realm. He is white, fat, and has no white beard. His voice after speaking was a little spooky, like a eunuch.

The anxious look at this moment is even more funny.

Cao Zhengchun had an excited smile on his face, but the next second his smile suddenly trembled.

Because a bright flying sword was already hanging by his neck, and the sword energy overflowing from the flying sword made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

When Cao Zhengchun came to his senses, he realized that the person holding the sword was a very beautiful girl.

It's just that this girl looks cold, and the indifference in her eyes is even more murderous.

It was obvious that the other party was only at the middle stage of the fifth realm, but for some reason, he just didn't dare to move.

Instinct told him that if he dared to move now, this sword would endanger his life.

As a result, the joy on Cao Zhengchun's face slowly dissipated, and he looked around with a stiff expression.

Finally, his eyes fell on Shen Shou, who was kneeling beside Xu You like a dead dog.

The moment he saw this scene, Cao Zhengchun was completely shocked. He knew who Shen Shou was. Ghost Faced Yama's name was no joke. He was usually an absolutely proud boss.

Compared with the current posture, it is really terrible.

Before Cao Zhengchun could speak, Xu You took the lead and walked up to him with a polite smile and greeted him warmly, "Are you Cao Zhengchun, Hall Master Cao?"

Cao Zhengchun stared at Xu You and did not answer the question for the time being, but was a little shocked.

Is the information wrong? Isn’t this Xu You’s cultivation in the four realms?

Cao Zhengchun couldn't help but look around again, and realized that there seemed to be a fierce battle just now. Shen Shou should have been defeated, and all his men were dead.

In other words, Xu You and Xue Qianluo have done these things! Directly kill Shen Shou's side.

How can Xu You and Xue Qianluo be so strong? How did the two Fifth Realm monks kill Shen Shou and his gang?

Cao Zhengchun was puzzled.


They were all killed in an explosion, why would they call me to come and earn credit together?

Cao Zhengchun was certainly not a fool to be able to sit in the position of the hall leader. He immediately connected the situation in front of him and then sketched out the rough truth in his mind.

Damn it, I seem to have been tricked!

This Shen Shou is leading himself into a pit of fire!

Then, Cao Zhengchun looked at Shen Shou angrily, "Shen Shou, what do you mean? Are you deceiving me?"

Cao Zhengchun's voice was a little anxious, so it sounded shriller, like a drake crowing.

When Shen Shou heard this, he remained silent and did not respond.

"I asked Elder Shen to call you. I want to ask you something." Xu You said aloud.

After getting the answer, Cao Zhengchun's face became even more angry, and he still glared at Shen Shou, "Shen Shou, do you know that you are treason? Aren't you afraid that Elder Geng will kill you afterwards?"

Shen Shou remained silent, watching his eyes, nose and heart.

When Cao Zhengchun was about to continue talking, Xu You slapped the other person in the face with a big, silky mouth.

Cao Zhengchun was a little confused. He covered his face. The right side of his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was stunned.

"You damn eunuch, please stop talking. I'm asking you something." Xu You said with an indifferent expression.

[Please give me a monthly ticket. I would like to take this opportunity to ask, do many people like Zhou Wan'er, a very traditional female character? ]

(End of chapter)

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