Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 234 Chapter 310 311 A Sweet Kiss, An Affectionate Confession From A Good Wife, Wan'er W

Chapter 234 Chapter 310 311 A sweet kiss, an affectionate confession from a good wife, Wan'er will help you pick up your sister from now on

"Ahem." Xu You said with a slight sweat, "Miss Wan'er, have you ever thought that I'm actually not that good? Especially when it comes to matters between men and women."

"The relationship between men and women is in accordance with the laws of heaven." Zhou Wan'er smiled lightly, "Young Master has countless shining points, and it is the human nature of most men to be sentimental in matters between men and women.

This point is actually nothing compared to the young master's advantages.

Wan'er used an analogy, if the young master is placed on the shelf as a commodity, girls who want to buy the young master can queue up from Tianque City to Hanzhou in the north that day. "

"Miss Wan'er, are you serious about this analogy?" Xu You was stunned for a moment.

"Of course." Zhou Wan'er said to Xu You seriously, "Maybe you don't realize how good you are and how many girls will like you.

But for Wan'er, this is the fact, not Wan'er's filter for the young master, it is purely a fact. "

Xu You now only feels that his scalp is numb and his whole body is in a state of elation.

Who can withstand this? Um?

If such a well-educated and traditional girl tries her best to praise you and approve of you, which man can resist her?

So this is the feeling of listening to "Chicken Soup", it's so refreshing.

"So, cough." Xu You coughed twice, "Miss Wan'er, is that why you said that even if I'm passionate, you don't think it has much to do with it?"

"It's not just because of this, it's a combination of reasons." Zhou Wan'er smiled happily.

"What about?" Xu You continued to ask.

Zhou Wan'er said frankly, "Wan'er has actually thought about this problem herself. Wan'er is a commoner. The young master's appearance, ability, background, character, etc. are all superior. He is naturally the best candidate for a husband in the world. "

"But Wan'er is actually not a common person. It doesn't mean that we value these superficial things. If we only valued these things, those disciples from famous families would not think that Wan'er was an "unhuman" woman and so difficult to get in touch with. .

Putting all this aside, Wan'er also thought that if the person who spent a long time together in the future was the young master, it would definitely not be a difficult thing.

On the contrary, it will definitely be something that Wan'er is looking forward to. Wan'er prides herself on being a good judge of people. When she first met the young master, her inner feeling told me that the young master is a very good person.

After that, Wan'er didn't object when my mother asked me how I was doing, and then the following things continued. "

"So, is one glance or one conversation really enough?" Xu You sighed with emotion.

"For Wan'er, it's like this. Wan'er behaves according to his or her own heart. If that's where the heart is, there will be no regrets. That's why Wan'er often takes the initiative with the young master." Zhou Wan'er's face was filled with emotion. A determined smile.

"I understand." Xu You felt a little emotional in his heart. There are thousands of people with different faces.

I have to say that Zhou Wan'er's frankness and this way of communication are really mature and make Xu You like it very much.

Xu You couldn't even imagine what a happy thing it would be to have such a caring and considerate woman to spend his whole life together.

"But Young Master, Wan'er still has something to say." Zhou Wan'er raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"Say." Xu You nodded and looked at the other person. Such a naughty expression was rare on Zhou Wan'er's face, which made Xu You a little curious.

"As for sister Qiaoqiao, in fact, you should have made it clear to her yourself, sir." Zhou Wan'er said slowly,

"This kind of thing is very important to a girl. Even if the young master is a passionate person, he should always be honest.

It’s better to be more proactive. Otherwise, the problem will become increasingly serious and it will be even more difficult to solve by then, and it will be even more troublesome by then. "

Xu You said with some sweat, "I understand the truth, but isn't it always difficult to do this kind of thing? It's very difficult many times.

The main reason is that I really don't have enough experience in this area, and I'm afraid that if I don't do it right, it will be self-defeating, so I'm struggling. "

Zhou Wan'er blinked and looked at Xu You, "Then according to the Master's intention, if the Master has sufficient experience and ability in this area, wouldn't it mean that he would find many, many younger sisters for Wan'er?"

"How is that possible! Human energy is limited! Is this the image I have in your mind?" Xu You felt guilty, but still spoke upright.

"I'm not that kind of person!"

"Wan'er understands." Zhou Wan'er said with a little blessing and continued, "Don't worry, Young Master, Wan'er has told Young Master before, if there is a sister in the future.

Wan'er can coordinate very well and can also help the young master to coordinate things in this regard. "

"Ahem." Xu You said even more ashamed, "I feel like this is unfair to you."

"How can it be unfair to say that you are willing?" Zhou Wan'er shook his head slightly, and then said seriously,

"But Wan'er also hopes that the young master can be honest and sincere with me.

What Wan'er dislikes the most is concealment and deception, and she always believes that as long as all problems are told frankly, there will be the most perfect solution.

Therefore, the young master must not deceive Wan'er on such matters in the future. "

As he said that, Zhou Wan'er looked at Xu You with a slightly gloomy look, "Wan'er is willing to be a good helper to the young master, but if the young master does not trust Wan'er and deceives Wan'er, then Wan'er's heart is also made of flesh. Master, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Xu You nodded heavily, "Don't worry, I won't deceive you in any way in the future."

Zhou Wan'er's eyebrows calmed down again, "Actually, Wan'er also has a woman's mentality. Although she is confident that she can be a good wife, if there are too many such things, Wan'er will feel tired.

Wan'er hoped that the young master would not blindly ask Wan'er to help, but could also be a little nicer to Wan'er sometimes. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Wan'er paused for a moment, then lowered his head a little shyly, "Wan'er's requirements are not high, and she is easy to coax. As long as the young master treats Wan'er well, then Wan'er will feel that everything is worth it." .”

After hearing these words, Xu You felt that his heart was about to melt.

The more sensible Zhou Wan'er is, the less he asks for much, the more sensible he is. Xu You felt that he was even more of an asshole.

After such a comparison, Xu You realizes his own scum even more.

It was as if I was the evil lord and landlord bully of the old society, and Zhou Wan'er was the best lady in the world, the one who was most easily satisfied.

The kind of person who "wipes the butt" of this evil bully like himself every day.

Xu is really the luckiest man in the world.

Xu You sighed with emotion, and then nodded heavily, "Don't worry, Wan'er, I will definitely treat you well."

At this time, Zhou Wan'er's eyes suddenly shone, and then he looked directly at Xu You, "That means that the young master has recognized Wan'er now and is willing to be with Wan'er?"

"What?" Xu You didn't react.

Zhou Wan'er replied directly, "Before, Wan'er and Gongzi discussed a lot about whether they are together because of their feelings, or because they have feelings after being together.

At that time, the young master's point of view was that the basis for the two of them to be together was feelings.

Therefore, Wan'er has been thinking about letting the young master develop feelings for Wan'er first, and then talk to the young master about what will happen next.

And is this the meaning of the young master's answer just now? Are you now willing to accept Wan'er? "

Xu You didn't know how to describe his current mood at this moment. He didn't expect that Zhou Wan'er was thinking about this issue now.

"Wan'er, to be honest, I am lucky to know you." Xu You looked at the other party seriously, "I am saying this very seriously.

It would be a greater blessing if we could continue together in the future. You just said I don't know how good I am.

But why aren't you like that? You yourself also don’t know how good you are. If you are put out as a commodity, people who want to buy can queue up from here to Hanzhou in the North. "

Pfft, Zhou Wan'er suddenly laughed brightly.

Xu You's smile is as bright as a flower, and Xu You feels relaxed and happy, and the whole person is somewhat indulged in such a unique smile.

"Then we've made an agreement?" Zhou Wan'er looked at Xu You with brighter eyes.

"Okay." Xu You nodded and gave a very positive answer.

Zhou Wan'er looked at Xu You seriously again, "But I hope that Young Master agreed because of who I am, not because Wan'er can be a good wife, and Young Master, you just need such a good wife. I agreed."

"Wan'er, you underestimate me too much." Xu You sighed slightly, "Although Xu is a bastard, he is not such a bastard. I must be because of you, how could it be because of other reasons."

After saying that, Xu You said with great sincerity, "You are the best woman in the world. All of this is my Xu's greatest blessing and the most incredible wealth!"

Xu You's words made the proud Zhou Wan'er lower her head in shame. She didn't expect to say these words so quickly tonight.

Now that I have a new "identity", I don't know how to face Xu You, and what attitude I should take to face this matter.

After all, this was her first time doing something like this.

"Sir, Wan'er always feels like she's dreaming." Zhou Wan'er said slowly.

"That's a good dream too." Xu You smiled.

"Wan'er and Young Master have been in contact four times, right?"

"Yes." Xu You thought for a while and gave the answer.

"It's so fast." Zhou Wan'er was in a daze for a moment, then his expression suddenly became firm, and he stretched out his catkin towards Xu You,

"Wan'er is very happy. I will ask the young master for your advice in the future."

"Please give me your advice for the rest of my life!" Xu You also said with great solemnity.

Hearing the word "Yu Sheng", Zhou Wan'er was obviously startled, and then smiled like a flower again, "Good sir, I will give you more advice in Yu Sheng."

"You still call him Young Master?" Xu You asked back.

"Wan'er likes to be called Young Master."

"Okay, let's call it that for now. You can change it to another name later." Xu You smiled, and then looked at the river next to her with emotion.

"Wan'er, I feel a little unrealistic at the moment. I always feel a little floating, and I don't know why."

"Master, can you be more specific?" Zhou Wan'er tilted his head slightly and looked at Xu You's profile.

"There is an unreal feeling. You see, we don't know each other very well now. And then at this moment, we suddenly confirmed this relationship.

Originally, according to my temperament, I would not do such a thing. I always feel a little bit arrogant. But I don’t know why, it was your words, Wan’er.

All this has become very reasonable inexplicably. Do you think this is strange? "

"It's not strange." Zhou Wan'er smiled and shook his head, "Wan'er has told the young master several times before that some people have one face that is better than a thousand faces.

Wan'er doesn't feel it's unreal, but can use one sentence to describe Wan'er's current mood. "

"What are you talking about?" Xu You looked at Zhou Wan'er's gentle profile curiously.

Zhou Wan'er turned to look at Xu You, his face as bright as the peach blossoms smiling in the spring breeze under the sunset.

It's so beautiful, so charming, and so heart-pounding.

"Keep it until the clouds open and the moon shines."

Zhou Wan'er said these words lightly, and then these words penetrated deeply into Xu You's heart.

Looking at her flawless smile, Xu You's heart beat fast.

At this time, Zhou Wan'er slowly stretched out his catkin and landed on Xu You's palm.

Snap, the fingers clasped together gently.

"Master, is it true now?" Zhou Wan'er tilted his gentle chin slightly, looking at Xu You with deep affection in his eyes, his big eyes gleaming.

A blush crept up on her ears, and wisps of sunset also crept onto her cheeks.

"Real." Feeling the delicacy and warmth in his palm, Xu You nodded heavily.

"Are Wan'er's hands soft?"


"Does the young master still feel restless?"

"I don't think so." Xu You paused and then asked, "Wan'er, why are you shaking?"

"Young Master is not in a bad mood now, but Wan'er feels a little too."

Zhou Wan'er's eyes filled with dizziness, "Wan'er is so nervous now, and the master's palms are so hot."

Xu You smiled hoarsely, reached out and pinched the other person's nose, and said, "You are saying that you are so bold to hold my hand even though you have no experience?"

"You have experience after trying it." Zhou Wan'er's emotions began to calm down slowly. He felt the warmth of Xu You in his palms, and the smile on his face slowly returned to a gentle and calm look.

"What about a hug?" Xu You asked tentatively.

"Wan'er listens to Young Master." Zhou Wan'er lowered his head slightly.

At this time, as a man, Xu You naturally had to stand up directly. He put his arms around Zhou Wan'er's shoulders, and then held her sideways into his arms.

Zhou Wan'er's body is very soft, waxy and boneless.

Zhou Wan'er, who was half lying in Xu You's arms, felt that his shoulders were in Xu You's strong arms, his right hand was in Xu You's palm, and he was in his generous chest.

An endless sense of security enveloped her, and her heart was beating wildly.

Xu You's chin gently rested on Zhou Wan'er's hair. Her hair was very fragrant. This special fragrance belonged exclusively to Zhou Wan'er and had never been smelled in other places.

This is a very fresh and soothing taste.

Holding such a fragrant and soft Zhou Wan'er, looking at the gurgling river, there are occasional sounds of insects and birds, and the surrounding silence allows the two of them to hear each other's heartbeats.

They were all thumping in harmony, Xu You didn't dare to open his mouth and speak to break the tranquility.

This kind of silence is really enjoyable, enjoying each other.

In fact, with Zhou Wan'er, Xu You now thinks that their souls are closer in a sense.

Zhou Wan'er's inner beauty and soul are extremely lethal. Xu You has to admit that he is manipulated by her inner beauty, and secondly by her appearance.

Zhou Wan'er, who has a delicate mind, really understands women very well. With such an extremely wise woman, how can Xu You not be impressed?

The atmosphere has been brewing to this point, and Zhou Wan'er in Xu You's arms has begun to become slightly nervous visible to the naked eye.

Xu You lowered his head slightly and looked at the side of the other person's face. It was difficult to describe Zhou Wan'er's beauty and the condition of his skin in words.

That cold white skin is as crystal clear as mutton-fat white jade under the moonlight. Xu You can't imagine how fragrant such cheeks are!

What an ultimate experience it would be to kiss someone on the cheek like this.

"Wan'er, um, can I kiss you?" Xu You hit the ball directly without hiding it.

Zhou Wan'er did not answer, but trembled slightly. But her tightly closed eyes and her long eyelashes trembling slightly gave the answer.

Xu You took a big sip on Zhou Wan'er's fragile side face.

The kind that almost swallows most of a girl's face in one go.

After a long time, Xu You finally stopped with satisfaction.

So cool!

Kissing this face feels like eating the best marshmallows in the world!

Fragrant, sweet, soft and glutinous, Zhou Wan'er's face is the best delicacy in the world in Xu You's eyes.

Xu You moved his index finger and wanted to take another bite, but at this time Zhou Wan'er opened his eyes with trembling long eyelashes.

At this moment, her face is already rosy and ugly. Just now it was white marshmallow, now it is pink marshmallow.

"Young Master, don't be impatient. Can you wait later? After all, I just met Sister Qiaoqiao."

"Of course, of course." Xu You is naturally not an impatient person, and the psychological construction of this kind of thing must be a process.

Especially for a young lady from a traditional family like Zhou Wan'er, according to her traditional understanding, many things have to be done in a private space.

It doesn't work outside, it's not in line with etiquette, and it looks dissolute and frivolous.

And Zhou Wan'er is not such a girl at all. If she wants to change this kind of thinking, she needs Xu You to slowly train and change her.

So don’t worry, the cultivation system is even more interesting and flavorful for Xu You.

"Sir, it would be better for you to accompany Sister Qiaoqiao at this time."

Seeing that Xu You didn't take a step closer, Zhou Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the manor by the river a little further away and said, "A lot of times, what girls like most is actually companionship or proof.

If sister Qiaoqiao's classmates came out to look for her just now, they would definitely know why she came out, and they would also know about you, young master. At this time, if the young master goes in and wishes the elder longevity in the name of sister Qiaoqiao.

The young master's behavior must be extremely happy for Sister Qiaoqiao, and it is enough to prevent Sister Qiaoqiao from having any small emotions towards you.

There won't be any trouble tonight.

On the other hand, if the young master is here but doesn't go in, it might actually make Sister Qiaoqiao a little unhappy. Maybe sister Qiaoqiao won't think this is wrong.

But her classmates who can't stand her may make fun of her, and they are more defensive than guarding others. "

"What about you?" Xu You was stunned for a moment, "We have just decided. Wouldn't it be bad if I left now?"

"It doesn't matter, Young Master, Sister Qiaoqiao's matters are important." Zhou Wan'er smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter to me. The days are long, and Wan'er will naturally have a long time with Young Master in the future."

Looking at Zhou Wan'er who was considerate and considerate of himself to this extent, Xu You felt unspeakably ashamed in his heart at this moment.

What the hell are you capable of?

"Wan'er, if you think about others so much, wouldn't it be unfair to yourself?" Xu You asked.

"Sir, my mother once said that sometimes not fighting is the biggest fight."

Zhou Wan'er looked at Xu You with a rare naughty expression, and said these words so openly.

Xu You was stunned for a moment, and then felt confused about whether to laugh or cry. His whole mind started to laugh because of the other party's frank joke.

Zhou Wan'er always has such magic power. Chatting with her, Xu You can always feel the most endless comfort.

At this moment, Xu You seemed naughty but actually controlled his speech. Xu You knew that he would have to be subdued by Zhou Wan'er's gentleness for the rest of his life.

And to be "surrendered" by Zhou Wan'er, who is so sensible to the extreme, Xu You feels that it is something that can make his life very happy.

"In short, if the young master wants other sisters, then just go. If the other sisters can't understand the young master in this way, then the young master should not be angry.

Wan'er will always leave a light for the young master. " Zhou Wan'er added with a final blessing.

Ah, Xu You looked at it in astonishment. Is this considered "Daiyu" getting up?

At this moment, Xu You felt like she was being pinched hard by Zhou Wan'er again. Who the hell could not love Zhou Wan'er like this!

"Young master, remember not to tell sister Qiaoqiao about us yet. As far as she is concerned, we are still siblings." Zhou Wan'er continued.

"Then Wan'er, when do you think it's appropriate to say it?" Xu You asked back.

Zhou Wan'er pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Today's incident happened suddenly, Wan'er can only use this explanation. So naturally, we can't rush, otherwise it will only worsen the relationship between the young master and sister Qiaoqiao.

Wan'er is sensible and will handle this matter well, but it will take time to do it slowly. Wan'er will first establish a good sisterly relationship with sister Qiaoqiao. "

"Okay" Xu You nodded sweatily.

"Young Master, please go ahead. Don't let anything slip. Wan'er will go back first." After saying that, Zhou Wan'er went directly to Xu You and said another blessing, and finally Shi Shiran left.

After Xu You watched the other party disappear from his sight, he walked in the opposite direction with great emotion.

As Zhou Wan'er said just now, it is indeed countless times better to find Luo Qiaoqiao now than usual.

And the fact is exactly what Zhou Wan'er said.

When Xu You came to the Joyous Union Sect birthday celebration, the people at Joyous Union Sect were very enthusiastic towards him.

After all, it is now the honeymoon period for Joyous Union Sect and Kunlun Immortal Sect, and the relationship between the two families is very good.

Coupled with Xu You's current reputation, Joyous Union Sect is naturally very good for Xu You.

The Joyous Union Sect present was naturally more or less informed about the affairs of Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao.

Luo Qiaoqiao's master Yun Yanjin forcibly brought Xu You to the Joyous Union Sect. There was quite a big fuss. In addition, there were many rumors about the affairs of Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao in Tianque City.

Therefore, many people still don't find it strange that Xu You can come here.

And Luo Qiaoqiao really didn't expect that Xu You would come so suddenly. After being surprised, his eyebrows soon became very happy.

Because the senior sisters and sisters around her showed enough admiration for her.

Creatures like girls can indeed be very happy when faced with this situation, and then they will transfer this happiness to Xu You who caused this phenomenon.

In the end, I naturally liked Xu You more.

It can be said that Luo Qiaoqiao is very happy with Xu You's current situation.

In the end, it can be said that things went very beautifully. At the end of the party, the smile on Luo Qiaoqiao's face never stopped.

The faintly proud expression on his face was unstoppable, and he was extremely happy.

[I'm two inches shorter today, I have hemorrhoids, I can't sit still, I'm whining. Please give me some votes to comfort you, okay?]

(End of chapter)

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