Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 243 Chapter 328 329 Fight Back And Subdue The Bad Aunt. The Bad Aunt Lost All Her Cultivatio

Chapter 243 Chapter 328 329 Fight back and subdue the bad aunt. The bad aunt lost all her cultivation and allowed Xu You to do whatever she wanted.

Huangfu Lan watched Xu You flying away from the yard like a shooting star. The clouds on his face accumulated more and more, and finally his body collapsed inexplicably.

She clutched her thumping chest, and all the memories just now surged into her mind and heart with extremely clear clarity.

Those emotions and emotions were so clear, so clear that they seemed to be right in front of me at this moment.

How can she control herself in such a situation?

Therefore, Huangfu Lan raised his right hand slightly, and all the curtains on the incense couch were covered, wrapping the incense couch tightly, and the scenery inside could not be seen at all.

And Huangfu Lan was inside, thinking only of Xu You.

The evening breeze is gentle, the night is quiet, and the moon is bright.

Huangfu Lan is guarding the bright moon inside, expressing his longing for the little guy Xu You in his own way.

On the other side, Xu You, who was kicked into the sky, managed to stop himself.

Huangfu Lan's kick was quite forceful, and it was no joke.

Of course, the aunt still felt sorry for Xu You, but she just kicked Xu You away with skillful force without hurting Xu You at all.

Xu You glanced at the ground with a sigh of relief. After all, he didn't shamelessly go back to Huangfu Lan's place.

After all the trouble tonight, he finally knew that the side effects of Hongfu Qitian had not dissipated yet. So how can we dare to go back to Huangfu Lan now?

Damn it, when did this thing end? It’s been a few days. The most important thing is how do side effects specifically affect this aspect?

This makes Xu You afraid to go to confidantes now.

After rubbing his dizzy head, Xu You quickly fell into deep thought again.

That's how to solve the problem about Xie Siniang. The matter between herself and Huangfu Lan must not be used by her again.

But there was something wrong with the way to prevent this kind of thing. Xu You's mind was racing, thinking of countermeasures.

At first Xu You thought that after she helped Xie Mengqing finish the Land Ranking Conference, she would promise herself three things, one of which would be used to protect this secret.

But then I thought about it, it wasn’t reliable either. This thing doesn't have enough binding force and is not easy to handle.

Finally, he came up with a very binding idea, which was to treat him the same way he did!

As long as he has a handle on her, or her shady secret, everything will be solved by hedging the risks.

But how to do this? This Xie Siniang is usually leak-proof and will not leave any clues easily.

Wait, I can't find her handle or secret. What if I give her a ready-made one?

Xu You brainstormed crazily, and in the end, his face was filled with joy, and he took it into consideration!

A very perfect plan clearly emerged in his mind. Although it was a bit unethical, for Xie Siniang, there was no need to talk about moral principles.

This Xie Siniang is ruthless and cruel, and you must have methods to deal with such a bad woman.

Xu You thought about his method carefully, and finally confirmed that it was very feasible, and then left here with satisfaction.

In the next few days, Xu You stayed in Tianque City honestly and did what was ordered in the building.

Of course, he didn't dare to look for women randomly, and was going to take a look again. After all, I still don’t know if my bad luck has passed.

So I really don’t dare to look for it now, otherwise I would really be intolerable if something like this happens again.

In the early morning of the third day, Xu You got up early.

After asking for leave from the building, he rushed to Tianque City. He had to go to an appointment to help Wanbao Tower hold the Land Ranking Conference.

This time Xu You came to Tianyuan City alone.

Han Qianyue and the others have been in Tianyuan City for the past few days and have not come out.

With Xie Mengqing's token, the journey was smooth, and he entered through the VIP channel of the highest standard.

Soon, we arrived at Tianyuan City. It was still night inside, and the city was still as lively as the last time.

"Brother Xu, I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you so much!"

As soon as Xu You entered the city gate, an aristocratic young man holding a fan in his hand, Xu You's cheap nephew Xie Yuan, came up to say hello, followed by another person.

Xu You also knew this person. He was Zhang Huafei from Yihai Society. His expression was the same as last time, a little sinister. The temperament is also gloomy.

It seems that the relationship between Zhang Huafei and Xie Yuan is indeed very strong. I don't know whether it is because of personal relationship or the reason between Yihaihui and Wanbaolou.

"I've seen Brother Xie, why is Brother Xie here?" Xu You stepped forward and clasped his fists, smiling.

"I'm here specially to wait for Brother Xu. Brother Xu, please!"


So, Xie Yuan led the way.

The further inside, Xu You found that the excitement here was much greater than before. The number of visiting monks also doubled.

Among them were many famous disciples on earth, obviously they were all here to watch the conference.

Looking at the lively scene around him, Xu You pondered a little. The Land List Conference was much more lively than he thought.

There are so many people coming.

"Brother Xie, is this Dibang Conference so lively?" Xu You asked.

Xie Yuan smiled and said, "To be honest with Brother Xu, this is actually the first time I have experienced the Earth Ranking Conference in Tianyuan City. After all, this conference only happens once every ten years.

However, it is said that every time in previous years, it was very lively. After all, this conference involves a lot of things, and it can be regarded as the largest event in Tianyuan City during the period.

Few other conferences can match this heat, so countless monks will flock to it.

But I heard it was particularly lively this time. Because the Penglai Fairy Fair will also be held in the near future. There are now more monks in Tianque City than ever before.

And many of these monks would come to take a look secretly. After all, the Land Ranking Conference is very similar to the initial selection of the Penglai Conference from a certain perspective.

They are all battles between young monks. "

Xu You nodded, but forgot about it. No wonder it was so lively here.

Putting it this way, wouldn't the risk of exposure be greater if he goes into the ring to fight?

"Brother Xie, are there many foreign aids from above-ground monks for this Earth Ranking Conference?" Xu You asked.

"I think there should be quite a few." Xie Yuan replied, "For the same reason, there are many young monks who come to participate in the Penglai Immortal Association. There are many strong ones among these monks.

Maybe enter the arena for other forces. But Brother Xu, don’t worry. With your strength, it’s the same as anyone else’s, so there’s no need to worry. "

Xu You nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Xie Yuan began to talk to Xu You about all aspects of the local ranking conference and the process, and also talked about the meaning behind the conference.

Of course, behind this is the game between underground forces, which is very complicated. For Xu You, he doesn't need attention at all.

He just needs to focus on who he plays in his three games.

Finally, Xie Yuancai talked about the competition rules of this land ranking conference.

Each force sent ten disciples, and these disciples all drew lots to duel. The winner advances to the next round and the loser is eliminated directly.

Among them, these ten disciples were divided into two groups. Three and seven.

Seven of them have to start from the beginning at the final gate, while the remaining three are the most elite disciples of each force and start from the elimination gate.

It's also a drawn match, with not many rounds.

And these three people are not playing each other, but in a group. After drawing lots each time, choose who will go up to play.

Each person can participate in a maximum of three rounds, the loser will be eliminated directly, and the winner will gain points.

In the end, the ranking is determined based on the total points of these ten people. Of course, the more difficult and powerful the competition, the more points will be earned.

In short, there are still many rules in it, but Xu You only listened to it and did not understand it too deeply.

Anyway, let him fuck him whenever he wants.

Less than half an hour later, Xie Yuan brought Xu You to the destination.

This place is located in the center of Tianyuan City. It is an extremely large venue. Many major events in Tianyuan City are held in this venue.

Now there are a lot of arenas inside the venue, and the surrounding audience seats are even more numerous. Each arena has a host roaring there and cheering from the audience.

There are many players, and there are many arenas competing at the same time. The audience can watch whichever one they want.

Of course, gambling is also open here.

This kind of competition only pushes the atmosphere to its climax when the game starts. When Xu You entered the venue, he was immediately confused by the "wave" formed by the warm atmosphere.

It's so complicated and lively that the monks don't know what's going on, and many arenas are currently fighting.

The sounds of fighting and the voices of the audience made the atmosphere in the vast venue so good that it exploded.

Now the knockout rounds and group stage matches have begun. They started last night and have not stopped until now.

It is estimated that the knockout rounds will also start tonight.

Naturally, Xie Yuan and Zhang Huafei didn't have to squeeze into the auditorium below. Instead, they took Xu You directly upstairs to where the VIPs should stay.

All the way to the third floor, the view here is very wide, and all the arenas in the center below can be seen.

And if you want to take a closer look at any one, there are many large screens built with special Law Weapons around. Just adjust to that arena and zoom in. It is very user-friendly.

There are not many people on the third floor. They are all in groups, and their relationships are based on personal relationships or closeness between forces.

"Where are my senior brothers and the others?" Xu You asked casually.

"They are elsewhere and will come over later. However, Master Yuiming and Brother Kun have some black boxing to fight, so they may have to be late." Xie Yuan replied.

"Didn't any of them attend the Dibang Conference?"

"With Brother Xu here, they thought not to come, but other forces offered them an olive branch, but they didn't agree."

Xie Yuan explained, and then said with a smile, "But Brother Xu, you have to go upstairs again. My aunt said that you should go up and find her as soon as possible."

"Okay." Xu You nodded.

Xie Yuan handed Xu You a brand, which was Tianzihao.

After Xu You took the sign, he went directly to the top floor without any obstruction. There are private rooms here, which are very private. They are the most Apex Level viewing rooms.

Xu You was led by a servant to the box where Xie Mengqing was. Just as he was about to knock on the door, Xie Mengqing's voice came from inside.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Xu You pushed the door directly in and locked the door.

The private room is large and quiet, and the decoration is extremely luxurious. There is a wide balcony hanging outside, from which you can have the best view of the situation below.

At this moment, an extremely plump figure stood on the balcony.

It was Xie Siniang. She was plump and tall, wearing a light red jumpsuit with slits at the thighs.

The style is very similar to the cheongsam. The material of the clothes is light and delicate, which fully highlights the figure.

To be honest, unless I saw it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that a woman could have such a plump back line.

The slender waist and hip curves can make people nosebleed.

Especially the hair that is tied up high highlights the aristocratic temperament of Apex Level. Just looking at the back, you can imagine how elegant and charming this woman can be.

Xu You couldn't help but sigh inwardly. This Xie Siniang's appearance was indeed the most charming and smooth among all the mature women he had ever seen.

At this time, Xie Siniang came over slightly.

Xu You only felt that his eyes were dazzling and his eyes were swaying.

Indeed, the magnificent "side peak" almost blinded him.

Can you be so fucking flexible?

The ripples that sway slightly up and down are simply invincible. I even want to suffocate in this place ridiculously.

"Here, come here." Xie Siniang waved to Xu You, with a smile on her face, like a good elder.

Looking at the other party's peerless and charming face, Xu You took a deep breath in her heart. Now there is a perfect plan for Xie Mengqing that has not yet been implemented.

You must be careful, don't be seduced by beauty, and kill with one strike!

Then, Xu You showed a humble smile, walked to the edge of the balcony and stood next to Xie Siniang.

As soon as he reached the balcony, the special fragrance of Xie Siniang couldn't help but penetrate his nose.

From the corner of his eye, he looked at the other person's stunning side face without any flaws. I don't know if it was an illusion. Xie Siniang seemed to be wearing some light makeup today, and she looked more experienced.

The clothes are embroidered with lotus flowers on the chest, which rise and fall slightly with the breathing, and are extremely three-dimensional, just like a real lotus flower.

Shit, wait?

No trace?

Today, Xie Siniang is in neutral again?

Damn it, what's going on? Why is it that every time I meet with myself, I always stand idle.

Is it really okay to make such a big statement without carrying something around?

Xu You didn't dare to look any further and quickly looked away. Take a look at the lively play-in and group stage matches below.

Although this is only the qualifying and group stage, the entry standard for anyone who can participate in this land ranking conference is the early stage of the Four Realms.

The number of monks in the early stage of the Fourth Realm is also the largest, accounting for 70 to 80%.

After all, the age limit is under twenty-five, and those who can enter the Four Realms at this age are the best.

There are even fewer in the middle and late stages of the Four Realms. As for those with Xu You's level of cultivation, only the Seven Emperors, the most Apex Level force, can cultivate them.

In short, the competition now involves the most elite disciples of each force below, and the battle is still very intense and exciting to watch.

Xu You's eyes wandered down, watching these people fighting there, and he slowly got a feel for the standard of this local ranking competition.

"What do you think?" Xie Siniang asked.

"The level of underground monks is still very high. It's not much different from those above ground." Xu You gave a pertinent answer.

"Who asked you this? I'm asking you what do you think of what I'm wearing today?" Xie Siniang's fox eyes looked straight at Xu You.

"Huh?" Xu You didn't react at the first moment and turned to look into Xie Siniang's eyes.

At this moment, Xie Siniang's expression had an indescribable charm, making it difficult for Xu You to take his eyes away.

But what shocked me even more at this moment was that Xie Siniang could ask such a question?

Xie Siniang calmly repeated the question just now, and Xu You heard it clearly this time.

After a moment of silence, Xu You nodded and said, "This outfit looks great on Senior Siniang, very nice."

"Really?" Xie Siniang smiled half-heartedly.


"How does that compare to Huangfu Lan?"

"They're all pretty good." Xu You replied.

Xie Siniang raised her eyebrows slightly, "Am I similar to Huangfu Lan?"

"Yes. The two seniors have their own merits." Xu You gave an answer again.

At the same time, he was increasingly murmuring in his heart, what kind of medicine is this Xie Siniang selling? He suddenly showed off his female rivalry with Huangfu Lan in front of him?

Isn't this a bit ridiculous? Xu You always felt that Huangfu Lan didn't tell him the complete story of what happened when she came here a few days ago.

Something must have happened between him and Xie Siniang, otherwise, there would be no reason for Xie Siniang to be like this.

Seeing Xu You being so perfunctory, Xie Siniang just smiled and did not continue to ask. He just looked Xu You up and down without missing any inch.

Xu You was very uncomfortable looking at her with such a radar-like gaze, and she felt like she was being picked on by a rich woman.

"I have never paid close attention to your image before. Now that I have taken a closer look, I understand why Huangfu Lan appreciates you so much." Xie Siniang smiled softly.

Xu You just smiled slightly and said, "Senior, you were joking."

Xie Siniang yawned, and then stretched out in front of Xu You, letting go of the hanging space.

The scenery is majestic and terrifying.

Xu You watched the battle below like an eminent monk. He now always remembers Huangfu Lan's teachings and stays away from this femme fatale.

"What do you think of the level of fighting below?" Xie Siniang asked seriously.

"It's very good. It's great to be able to reach such a standard in the finals and group stage. Senior Siniang, I wonder what the quality of the knockout rounds is like?" Xu You asked.

"The strength is much stronger than this."

"Are there many monks in the fifth realm?"

"Not many. How many people in the entire Divine Continent can enter the fifth realm before the age of twenty-five? Isn't it such an easy thing." Xie Siniang shook his head.

"However, at least two of your three rounds will be against opponents at the early stage of the Fifth Realm, that's for sure. Are you confident?"

Xu You smiled, not overly arrogant, but replied moderately, "I can only say that I will try my best."

"I still believe in you." Xie Siniang said, taking out a piece of black clothing and handing it to Xu You, "This is a robe that can hide the shape of your aura.

It is refined through special techniques, and monks in the realm of Heavenly Dao cannot spy on you forcibly. If you do, this robe will explode and alert you.

There are rules in the Dibang Conference. After wearing these clothes, no one can spy, otherwise they will offend the public. "

Xu You took over the black clothes with great satisfaction. Naturally, he could not let others know that he was participating in the Dibang Conference for Wanbaolou. He could just keep silent and make a fortune, otherwise he might become the center of attention again.

But there is one thing that is not easy. This appearance and aura are easy to hide, but the Divine Ability method is difficult to use. If you are too eye-catching, you can still be recognized, so you still have to be careful in this regard.

"Do you have any favorite fake names now? You need to submit one." Xie Siniang continued.

"Zuo Shandiao."

"Zuo Shandiao?" Xie Siniang frowned slightly, "What does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. I just like this nickname."

"Okay." Xie Siniang didn't say much, and sent a message to others to pass on Xu You's nickname.

After finishing, Xie Siniang looked at Xu You again and slowly moved towards Xu You until their arms touched each other.

Xu You was shocked when she felt the tenderness on her arms, but she calmly kept her posture motionless.

"There's still some time before evening, so you're just going to watch the game below?" Xie Siniang asked.

"There is such a plan." Xu You replied, and then as if he thought of something, he patted his forehead suddenly,

"Look at my memory. I've made an appointment with a few friends for dinner, and what not? Senior Si Niang, I'll go down first, and I'll come back when the time is almost up."

After saying that, Xu You immediately raised his feet and prepared to go out.

"Stop." Xie Siniang stopped Xu You and asked in a gentle tone, "Why, do you really not want to be with me?"

"No, Senior Si Niang, I really have something to do." Xu You explained.

"Stay." Xie Siniang said calmly, "You can only listen to me until all the games are played."

"But you didn't say that when we talked about cooperation?"

"Now I've added it." Xie Siniang smiled lightly, "Sit down, I won't eat you. Whatever you want to eat, just tell me what you want, and someone will bring it to you."

"Then can I ask some girls to come up and drink with me?" Xu You asked.

Xie Siniang looked at Xu You with slightly narrowed fox eyes, "Girl, there is no need to shout, I can accompany you to drink."

"This is inappropriate."

"What's inappropriate? Is it my figure or my appearance? If you don't understand, you can teach me and I will cooperate with you." Xie Siniang replied,

"How about I let you control me?"

"Well, forget it, I'll just eat and drink by myself."

Xu You chuckled. Even if he had ten nerves, he wouldn't dare to play like this. He could still hear the good news.

Then, Xu You had no choice but to come to the table and sit down. The table was filled with wine and food, and he started to eat lightly.

And Xie Siniang didn't seem to listen to Xu You's suggestion that she didn't need to accompany him with wine. Instead, she twisted her big butt and came to sit next to Xu You. She picked up the wine bottle with her delicate hands and poured wine for Xu You gracefully.

While pouring, he asked, "Is it better to pour the wine like this or sit on your lap and pour the wine?"

Hearing this, Xu You glanced at Xie Siniang's plump butt subconsciously, and unconsciously thought about what it would be like to have such a plump butt sit on her lap.

"How about it? Do you want me to sit on your lap?" Xie Siniang continued to ask.

"Ahem, no, no, no, no." Xu You took a sip of wine to calm down, then thought about it and asked directly,

"Senior Si Niang, why do you have such a big change in your opinion of me after this meeting?"

"Guess?" Xie Siniang gave Xu You a charming look and smiled.

"But because of me and Senior Huangfu?" Xu You asked.

"You are quite smart." Xie Siniang said frankly, "Yes, I was very curious about what charm you have that makes Huangfu Lan treat you so differently.

Later, after learning more about it, I roughly figured out the reason, so I wanted to try it too. "

"Senior Si Niang can't do this kind of thing. The younger generation is not lucky enough to be able to support the senior." Xu You quickly waved his hand.

Xie Siniang slightly moved her body closer to Xu You, leaning heavily against her, the pressure was very strong. The voice was even more seductive and said,

"As I told you last time, my destiny will not kill people easily. As long as you don't think about becoming a Taoist couple, you won't have any problems.

Contact or even deep contact is not a problem. Do you think, how could I want to kill you for no reason? I will not mess with Kunlun Immortal Sect easily. "

"No." Xu You said helplessly, "So, Senior Siniang, are you just having fun? Just because you see me and Senior Huangfu getting closer, you also want to have fun?"

"You're talking about me as if I'm a bad person."

Xu You took a deep breath and thought about it a few times. After finally confirming the feasibility of his previous plan, he said,

"Senior, go ahead and change your clothes. I like purple ones, I feel better."

Xie Siniang paused and looked at Xu You with interest. Without saying anything, she just got up and walked to the small room next to her.

When she entered, Xu You immediately took out a pill.

It was the elixir that a Sixth Realm monk prescribed last time with his soul stick, the Nirvana Pill.

[Nirvana Pill]

[Monks in the extreme realm of heaven will be affected by the power of annihilation and lose all their cultivation after taking this pill. The duration depends on the strength of the person taking it, and may not exceed two days at most. ]

When Xu You first got this Nirvana Pill, he thought it was useless, but now it can be put to great use!

This is also the plan Xu You thought of a few days ago.

The secret between himself and Huangfu Lan was known by Xie Mengqing. If he wanted Xie Mengqing to keep the secret, there was only one best way, which was to hold on to a secret of the same level!

And to create this secret, you need the help of the Nirvana Pill!

When Xie Siniang is tricked and temporarily becomes a mortal, he can do whatever he wants and has a lot of room for maneuver.

Originally, this method was too shady and vulgar, and it was even more unethical. Xu You won't be able to use it easily.

But who let the other party be Xie Mengqing? Since she used this kind of secret as a bargaining chip, she could only return the favor.

The only way to treat a bad woman is to be worse than her! Only in this way can she be restrained! If the other party is unkind, don't blame yourself for being unjust.

Having made up his mind, Xu You immediately broke the elixir into two halves and threw one half into the wine.

This is an elixir produced by Azure Lotus. It is colorless and odorless and cannot be sensed by any monk. Even if Xie Mengqing was a monk in the Heavenly Dao Realm, he wouldn't be able to notice it at all.

Half of the elixir is enough. There is no need to control it for a long time. A little time is enough. Saving half of it might be useful later.

Soon, Xie Mengqing actually changed into a purple robe and walked out.

Her temperament and figure paired with this very close-fitting purple robe can be said to be unparalleled in charm, just like Divine Maiden.

Xu You looked at each other with straight eyes and was reluctant to move away. It's really delicious.

"It seems that you like purple very much?" Xie Mengqing walked back to sit down and said with a smile, "I remember that your master always only wears purple clothes, right?"


"Do you still like your master?"


Xu You spit out a mouthful of wine and said quickly, "Senior Si Niang, you can't say this nonsense, you really can't say it nonsense."

"Huh? Why are you in such a hurry? Are you convinced by me?"

"Not really."

Xu You quickly picked up the wine glass and handed it to Xie Mengqing, "Senior Si Niang, stop talking and drink with me."

"Okay, I'm just here to drink with you." Xie Mengqing directly took the wine glass, touched it with Xu You, and sipped it.

First of all, she naturally couldn't detect any traces of elixirs in the wine. Secondly, she really didn't think about Xu You drugging herself. Naturally, she didn't have any precautions and just drank the wine.

Seeing the other party drink the wine, Xu You felt relieved and asked directly, "Senior Si Niang, how do you feel now?"

The elixirs produced by Azure Lotus take effect very quickly.

"How do you feel? Hello, sir?"

Xie Mengqing's expression suddenly changed, and her right hand subconsciously rested on the table. She could not adapt to the total loss of cultivation in her body.

I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I felt so light and without any strength.

How could a smart person like Xie Mengqing immediately realize that there was a big problem in the glass of wine just now?

At this moment, she didn't worry about why she didn't find it. She just thought about why Xu You did this. Did she want to save her life?

There is no reason, how could it be possible to harm one's own life?

"I'm fine. Is there any problem?" Xie Mengqing forced herself to hold herself up and sat up normally, sitting upright.

The expression on his face was as usual, not like he had lost all his cultivation.

After all, he was extremely experienced in fighting. Xie Mengqing was able to control his demeanor, emotions and thinking almost instantly, like a normal person.

Her performance and reaction really made Xu You afraid to take action immediately.

Instead, they looked at each other silently for a while.

Is it because I didn’t put in enough elixirs? Xu You thought for a while, then grabbed Xie Mengqing's wrist and deliberately used his cultivation to make her smile.

"Senior Si Niang, us"

Before he finished speaking, Xu You felt that he had easily pulled Xie Mengqing up, and the other party had no ability to resist.


"What do you want to do?" Xie Mengqing also knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she immediately said in a deep voice, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"I know."

Xu You smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior Siniang, I won't do anything extraordinary, I just want to take a group of photos for you as a secret.

Don’t worry, senior, it will never be spread out, and it will definitely not be shown to anyone.

Only I know this matter, and I will eat this secret from you for the rest of my life!

We usually live in peace and harmony, and if you don't tell my secrets, I won't tell your secrets, senior. "

Xie Mengqing didn't understand what the photoshoot meant, but he knew that Xu You was probably trying to get an excuse for himself, but it wasn't a genuine one.

Then, her face darkened, "I advise you to take care of yourself, there are some things you have to be careful about!"

(End of chapter)

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