Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 37 (Today Is Very Important, I Decide To Advance, Please Read Zaishu!) Xu You Save Me!

Chapter 37 (Today is crucial, determining promotion, please continue reading the book!)

Xu You saved me!

Then he clapped his hands, and a fiery red flying sword flew onto his hand, instantly engulfing the blood curtain in a blazing fire, crackling and burning.

The nauseating smell of blood mixed with the scent of burning filled the entire courtyard, and the blood curtain was completely burned in an instant.

A gentle breeze blew, and the sounds of the outside world poured back in, everything returned to normal.

Although the blood curtain was strange, it was instantly destroyed under the fierce flames of his Fire Yang Silk Divine Ability combined with the Fiery Morality Sword.

"Ah ah ah, how is this possible, you you you!" Zhou Changkun never expected that his invincible Blood Gang would be burned to nothing by a flame like this.

He was in a state of shock and despair, a blank and puzzled expression appeared on his pale face.

This was his proudest trump card. Previously, the several Independent Cultivators at the Third Realm cultivation level he had absorbed had no power to fight back when they entered.

That's why he had the confidence to directly choose Xu You, who had a lower cultivation level than him.

He never expected such a result, he couldn't accept it at all.

It was like discovering that the goddess you had been pursuing was actually an unattainable dog.

Suddenly, he felt wronged, how could this be?

Xu You seized the opportunity to pursue, the Fire Yang Silk threads retracted into his hand, and he shot towards Zhou Changkun.

Zhou Changkun had witnessed the power of those red threads before, so he didn't dare to be careless. He quickly formed hand seals, and a blood-red dense gang shield enveloped him.


The Fire Yang Silk landed on the shield and momentarily slowed down, but soon shattered the shield directly.

The sharp threads directly cut across Zhou Changkun's chest. If he hadn't reacted in time, he would have been cut in half. But even so, his chest was cut open, blood flowing.

Just as he was about to counterattack, Xu You had already arrived by his side, and the threatening threads were hanging by his neck.

Zhou Changkun was so scared that he didn't dare to move, his face extremely ugly as he stood there.

He couldn't understand why he had lost so quickly, without any ability to fight back. In the clash of cultivation levels just now, he couldn't compete at all.

Clearly, he was the one with the higher cultivation level.

Xu You was not surprised by this situation. He possessed the Nine Yang Spirit Body and cultivated the most solid Daoist path. He also practiced the Nine Yang Immortal Technique, which was originally based on Foundation Building.

Zhou Changkun's cultivation, which relied on plundering, was simply no match for his solid foundation.

He had realized this in several previous missions. That's why he didn't pay any attention to Zhou Changkun.

Xu You casually picked up a large wooden stick about the length of a leg from the ground and waved it, saying, "I'll ask, you answer. If you say a wrong word, I'll give you a hit, no mercy."

Zhou Changkun shivered, looking at the wooden stick with fear.

It was impossible not to be afraid. He knew this well and knew how painful it was.

Especially with the inverted wooden thorns, just thinking about it made his scalp tingle.

He had no doubt that Xu You would actually do it. The thread around his neck made him not dare to resist.

"What's your name?" Xu You began to interrogate.

"Zhou Changkun."

"Where are you from, what's your background?"

"Falling Maple City."

"Surname Zhou, are you from the royal family?"


"When did you join Connected Tranquility Valley?"

"Connected Tranquility Valley? I don't know what Connected Tranquility Valley is." Zhou Changkun shook his head.

"I'll ask, you answer." Xu You's expressionless face made a slight movement with the thick wooden stick in his hand.

"Two years ago."

"Who took Bai Genshuo away?"

"Fang Yuan." At this point, Zhou Changkun didn't dare to hide anything, he directly revealed everything, hoping that Xu You would spare his life.

Upon hearing this name, Xu You was momentarily stunned. Then everything suddenly became clear.

No wonder everything about this matter seemed strange. It turned out that everything was being stirred up by the director of the Bureau of Demonic Cultivators.

Xu You had previously suspected that Fang Yuan had ulterior motives, but he didn't expect that Fang Yuan would directly infiltrate Connected Tranquility Valley.

Wait a minute, Fang Yuan is at the Mid-stage of the Fourth Realm. That means Bai Genshuo and Luo Qiaoqiao are facing him now.

Xu You didn't continue to question further. He took out the Pig Spirit Whip and tightly bound Zhou Changkun, then fled in the direction of Bai Genshuo.

Although Bai Genshuo had previously said that he wasn't afraid even if he encountered someone from the Fourth Realm, Xu You took it as a joke.

The cultivation realms of the Three Realms have three major barriers. This kind of cross-realm difference cannot be compensated for by any technique, unless you are an extremely rare genius.

Obviously, Bai Genshuo is not that kind of person, so he is very dangerous now.

Under Xu You's full-speed flight, he quickly caught up with Luo Qiaoqiao, who was moving slowly.

Bai Genshuo didn't move anymore, stopping at a distance. Therefore, Luo Qiaoqiao didn't dare to fly too fast and chose to pass by without alarming anyone.

"Oh? You're so fast?" Luo Qiaoqiao was surprised to see Xu You bringing a cultivator at the Late Stage of the Third Realm. She asked with astonishment.

"I've always been fast." Xu You casually explained, then told her all the information he had just obtained through interrogation.

Upon hearing that there was a cultivator at the Mid-stage of the Fourth Realm over there, Luo Qiaoqiao also didn't dare to move slowly. She directly grabbed Xu You and shot towards that direction at the fastest speed.

Soon, Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao landed in a forest.

Then, as soon as they landed, the air froze.

The scene was probably like this.

Bai Genshuo was lying on the ground.

His face was filled with sadness, tears in the corners of his eyes, his eyes lifeless, and his heart as cold as ashes. His thick eyebrows drooped, showing how aggrieved he was.

Fang Yuan was standing behind him, his hand on his belt, unable to tell whether he was about to start or had just finished his work.

The scene froze for a moment, and the four of them faced each other in silence, the atmosphere becoming awkward.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and Fang Yuan immediately reacted. He was the first to react, and now he was composed.

After all, being caught in such a situation, panic was an instinctive reaction. After hurriedly fixing his clothes, Fang Yuan realized the situation and then looked at Xu You with an unpleasant expression.

He didn't expect Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You to be together, and that Luo Qiaoqiao even had the cultivation of the Fourth Realm.

Bai Genshuo was the second to react. A huge surprise burst forth from his sorrowful face, and his eyebrows began to dance again.

With a sobbing voice, he shouted to Xu You for help, and then he wriggled towards Xu You like a maggot.

Xu You was the third to react. To be honest, if he had been a step late, Fang Yuan would probably have succeeded.

Looking at Bai Genshuo, who was hoarse and tears streaming down his face, Xu You couldn't bear it and decided to lend a helping hand.

Luo Qiaoqiao was the fourth to react, looking at Fang Yuan with disdain.

Even Zhou Changkun, who was bound on the ground, couldn't help but glance at Bai Genshuo from the corner of his eye and secretly swallowed his saliva.

Very professional, one could say, not caring about quality at all.

At this moment, Fang Yuan's expression changed, and he made the best decision.

That is to run away!

He directly planted his feet on the ground, then turned into a streak of light and flew away into the distance.

Fang Yuan was not stupid. Even if he could currently fight against Luo Qiaoqiao, who knows if Xu You or Luo Qiaoqiao had already transmitted the information back to their respective sects.

Fighting was the most foolish choice. He had reached this point not by fighting, but by assessing the situation.

So, now he would run at the fastest speed. As long as he could successfully escape from here, he would be completely safe.

If necessary, he could return to Connected Tranquility Valley or wander the world. The mountains would remain.

(End of this chapter)

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