Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 49 (Please Follow Up) Breakthrough, The Third Realm Late Stage!

Chapter 49 (Seeking to Continue Reading) Breakthrough, Third Realm Late Stage!

Of course, Lu Changkong could naturally see that among the hundreds of sword auras, there was one that concealed true cultivation and killing intent.

But he still felt his scalp tingling, as if he had been struck by lightning.

The Mirror Flower Water Moon displayed by Xu You was definitely at the apex level of his cultivation!

In the future, when his cultivation level increases, the effect he can produce will be even more terrifying.

The Mirror Flower Water Moon is already notoriously difficult, with an extremely high threshold. Only those with top talent can cultivate it.

And without a foundation in swordsmanship, how could he possibly display such a perfect Mirror Flower Water Moon?

Could this still be a Daoist cultivator?

I completely don't understand.

"Lu Lao, I have also practiced Mirror Flower Water Moon for a long time, and now I can barely achieve this effect." After a moment, Xu You retracted his sword aura and took a deep breath.

"Practiced for a long time" and "barely achieved."

Look at how he's speaking!

Lu Changkong had no expression on his face, and his eyes nodded slightly numbly. "It's good that you know."

The evaluation he can give can only be like this. If it weren't for his more than a hundred years of composure, an ordinary person wouldn't be able to sit still at all.

"I will continue to work hard!" Xu You nodded earnestly.

"Of course." After a moment, he remembered the instructions from the peak master and reluctantly regained his spirit, continuing,

"Still, don't aim too high! Mirror Flower Water Moon might be achievable.

But the Mud Pill Palace Sword is different. It is a Divine Ability that belongs to the path of unconventional swordsmanship. You must be guided by the peak master, you can't handle it on your own."

"Ah, Lu Lao, this..." Xu You looked somewhat guilty at the other person.

"What do you mean?" Lu Changkong had a bad premonition in his heart.

"I learned it."

"Really learned it?"

"Really learned it."

The ultimate hat trick was performed directly!

Lu Changkong stopped again, because his eyes once again saw such a scene.

Xu You directly shot out a sword aura from the Mud Pill Palace on his forehead. The power of the sword aura was not great, obviously only using a little bit of his cultivation.

Lu Lao was sent by the master to test him, so he had to perform well. Otherwise, if Mo Yuhuang doesn't continue to teach him in the future, what should he do?

So he just tried it lightly, not daring to use his full strength.

He was afraid that if he used his full strength, it would be impolite if it came out from some embarrassing place later.

But in Lu Changkong's eyes, he couldn't find any adjectives to describe his current mood.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt like crying.

"Lu Lao, Lu Lao, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Lu Changkong silent for a long time, Xu You cautiously waved his hand in front of him, trying to wake up the old man.

"It's nothing." After a while, Lu Changkong came back to his senses. He forced a smile and said, "Let's end the test here today. I will report to the peak master later."

Lu Changkong didn't want to stay here anymore. The old man had a weak heart, and he was afraid that Xu You would startle him again.

"Thank you for your trouble, Lu Lao." Xu You stood up and respectfully bowed, "Lu Lao, I have another combination technique, if..."

"No, no." Lu Changkong waved his hand and walked towards the door.

"Um, Lu Lao, you're going in the wrong direction, that's the backyard." Xu You reminded him.

"Oh, oh, okay." Lu Changkong changed direction and hesitated to speak, but in the end, he turned into a streak of light and left.

After entering the sky, Lu Changkong didn't rush to leave. Instead, he took out a talisman and tremblingly wrote on it with his finger as a pen:

Peak Master, I have failed in my task. Xu You is not as lacking in talent in swordsmanship as you said. On the contrary, his talent is something I have never seen in my life.


I cannot grasp it anymore.

Peak Master, please handle it yourself.

With Xu You at Vermilion Bird Peak, Immortal Gate will surely be proud in the future.

Also, I plan to seclude myself for some time. My Dao heart is currently unstable and I want to stabilize it.

When writing the two characters "Dao heart," the strokes were somewhat messy, fully expressing Lu Changkong's indescribable mood.

In this way, Lu Changkong sent this communication talisman into the wind, and it would naturally float into Mo Yuhuang's hands.

Watching the talisman drift away, Lu Changkong sighed endlessly.

This task is so difficult!

Is it easy for an old man like me? I feel guilty for over a hundred years of time.

No, I can't think about it. My Dao heart is becoming unstable.

Lu Changkong transformed into a stream of light and shot towards the distance.

At this moment, Xu You, in a good mood, sat resting under the pavilion. There should be no problem with this assessment. Master will have no reason not to teach me swordsmanship anymore.

And if I perform well, Mo Yuhuang won't punish me.

Today is truly a beautiful day.

Xu You did not realize that his actions just now almost shattered the Dao heart of the old man who is over a hundred years old.

At this moment, he still felt grateful to Lu Changkong and looked forward to a better future.

After emptying his mind for a while, Xu You restrained his joyful mood.

During the sword practice, his three-inch clone did not stop cultivating at all.

Xu You planned to continue secluding himself for a period of time and directly cultivate to the Late Stage of the third realm.

With his talent and the boost from the Nine Yang Immortal Technique, this low-level bottleneck almost doesn't exist. He just needs to push his cultivation to a higher level.

In this way, Xu You closed the door of the Dao Hut and hung a sign indicating seclusion before focusing on cultivation.

Half a month passed in a flash. On this morning, Xu You woke up from his meditation.

Slightly adjusting to the sunlight outside, he slowly stretched his somewhat stiff body after calming his breath.

After going through countless difficulties in cultivation, he has successfully reached the Late Stage of the third realm.

This chosen cultivator is truly amazing. Even the effect of some Qi Gathering pills cannot be described as doubling.

For the first time, Xu You truly understood the meaning of the phrase "even breathing is cultivation."

Of course, during his seclusion, Xu You woke up once, making a small "dumpling."

There was no choice. If he didn't make it, the little guy would go on strike.

This is indeed too embarrassing, it's so annoying.

With his Divine Ability and cultivation advancing together, Xu You happily opened the door of his courtyard. Several communication paper talismans and two copies of the mansion's newspaper flew in.

There was a message from Mo Yuhuang, asking him to come out of seclusion and find her.

There was a message from the artifact refining shopkeeper, asking him to come and pick up his robe when he has time.

Bai Genshuo also left several messages, but Xu You casually glanced over them.

Ning Danyi from Cloud Pill Peak also sent a message, asking Xu You to find two Chihuo Snake Beast Cores for her research.

The last message was unexpectedly from Luo Qiaoqiao, who left a message through the Foreign Affairs Pavilion of Heaven-Connecting Peak.

She asked him to come to the county city of Western River County in three days. She wanted to buy some Chihuo Snake Beast Cores.

The message was left two days ago, so there is still time to leave later.

Xu You was not in a hurry. He first took the Divine Continent Mansion newspaper to read.

When he opened it, it was filled with news about the new Great Dao era and the auspicious arrival of various Apex Level forces.

The newspaper also briefly introduced the Great Dao era.

(End of Chapter)

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