Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 101 Powerful! Crush the White Wind God’s Dharma Wisdom

Fahui sat cross-legged on top of Naga's head, looking solemn.

The cassock on his body, the tin staff placed across Naga's head and various treasures can all show that Fa Hui's three days of work were not in vain.

"Is the three of us enough? Don't you need to bring these temple protectors?" Wang Linchi asked as he glanced at the decapitated ghost beside him.

"The function of the protector is to protect the temple. The God of White Wind does not need such a large formation." Fahui didn't seem to care about the God of White Wind.

Wang Linchi did not question it. In the past three days, the White Wind God's inconsistent voice was enough to show that the opponent simply did not have enough power.

Perhaps it was his last strength to drive the demons and monsters to attack the city.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be any movement until now.

"Come and sit down, layman. With the power of the naga, we can arrive in an instant." Fahui invited Wang Linchi to sit on the naga together. Otherwise, it would take a day to rely on Wang Linchi's legs to run there.

Wang Linchi not only ran faster than the horse, but also had more endurance than the horse. But compared with Nagai, there was a big difference.

"Okay." Of course Wang Linchi would not refuse. Although Naga is a big cobra, he can still fly. Let him try what it feels like to fly.

There are also shortcomings. The snake scales are too smooth. Wang Linchi is not like Fa Hui, who can move as still as a mountain. He holds on to Fa Hui very honestly.

There must be no place to catch Naga. Who else would he catch if not Fahui? One accidentally fell from the sky and it was lucky that Naga caught him. If he hadn't been caught, he would have become Wang Linchi-chan.

After Wang Linchi settled down, Naga flew away in the clouds and mist in an instant. Wang Linchi could only see the surrounding scenery being blurry.

This naga should now be not only the guardian dragon of Jiming Temple, but maybe also part-time as the mount of Fahui.

Therefore, despite how fast it flew in the air, all wind and waves were blocked by its magical power. Wang Linchi felt as if he was walking on flat ground. The broad snake body was not as slippery as he imagined.

Within a few breaths, Naga arrived at his destination.

"This is the magical power of a square inch, and a thousand miles cannot reach a square inch." Fahui noticed Wang Linchi's doubts and explained.

Wang Linchi suddenly realized that he had used unscientific means. No wonder he felt something was wrong. The speed was not proportional to the time.

"The God of White Wind is hiding here?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

This is a valley, lush and full of life, nothing else, and there are many such places around.

"Exactly, the true form of the God of White Wind is gathered by white insects. This valley is full of its true form."

"If you encounter a crisis, you only need to get rid of one insect and you can make a comeback."

Fahui seemed to know the God of White Wind very well. Wang Linchi didn't inquire about the source of the information. It might involve Jiming Temple.

"Then how are you going to deal with it?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"There is no other, Mahamudra." Fahui looked like an understatement.

Wang Linchi was about to ask about the big handprint, when he saw that the sunlight in the sky seemed to be blocked by something, and the sky suddenly became gloomy.

Then he looked up and saw a huge hand appearing in the sky.

It is this palm that covers the sun.


As soon as Wang Linchi finished speaking, the entire big handprint was crushed in the valley, and in an instant there was a loud noise and smoke scattered in all directions.

"No, you have big hand seals and are wearing all the treasures. You even brought out Naga. Isn't this a bit redundant?" Wang Linchi complained.

"It's not over yet. If the God of White Wind can be killed with a big hand seal, how can he go into such a big fight." Fahui naturally knew that the God of White Wind could not die so easily.

After all, it is a sacred thing that was born and raised by the earth. Coupled with many blessings from the gods, its strength cannot be underestimated.

Sure enough, Fahui's words were quickly verified. Before the Mahamudra dissipated, the buzzing sound of flying insects was heard.

"Traitor, you traitor!!!" burst out with a rustling roar.

Countless white torrents emerged from under the big handprint, and in an instant it ate away the big handprint completely, and then turned into a giant tornado and rushed towards Wang Linchi and Fahui.

"Fellow monk, let's raid the formation here for the poor monk. The poor monk will be here for a while." Fahui said, sent Wang Linchi off the Naga, and then drove the Naga towards the God of White Wind.

"Look at what you said, how high your emotional intelligence is..." Wang Linchi felt that speaking was indeed an art.

Although Fahui cannot tell lies, he can do artistic processing, as long as the meaning is clearly expressed.

In terms of low EQ, it means that you are too weak, hide yourself and don't be affected.

"You're so evil, you still won't bow down!"

The battle between the two sides was about to break out. Wang Linchi could only see the white hurricane and the golden Buddha's light intertwining in the distance, and then heard Fa Hui loudly talking trash, and he kept having the mentality of the God of White Wind.

"That's all. We still need Naga. Fa Hui can kill the White Wind God alone."

Although Wang Linchi could not clearly see the battle situation, under the double siege of Fa Hui and Naga, the White Wind Insect Hurricane, the main body of the God of White Wind, became smaller and smaller.

He even thought about escaping, but the big hand seal seemed to be not only used for group attacks, but also came with some kind of enchantment. The entire valley was shrouded in it, even if the God of White Wind had eaten it up before, This barrier was not destroyed or discovered.

"You can't kill me. If I die here, the Divine Dynasty will definitely send people to investigate. When the whole story is found out, not only will you die without a burial place, but even Black Rain City will be reduced to ashes."

"You are not afraid of death, but have you ever thought about the people of Black Rain City?"

The God of White Wind's body had been beaten to pieces, and his begging for mercy was very skillful. What he paid attention to was a sense of justice and clear interests.

It means that if you kill him, the gods will avenge him. If you don't kill him, everyone can live in peace.

Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about the people.

"Hahaha, no matter how eloquent you are today, you still have to enter my purple-gold bowl and serve me at the altar in front of the Buddha."

"If you sincerely repent, I will grant you a fruitful position. If you continue to resist and kill you, then the divine dynasty will have no choice but to wait for me." Not only was Fahui not threatened, but he also threatened the White Wind God. Surrender honestly, or I will beat you to death.

Righteousness? Moral kidnapping?

You killed someone, but you pointed out that someone else didn't meet your conditions and forced you to kill someone, so it's someone else's fault?

"Damn you!!!" The God of White Wind felt that he was insulted. He thought that Fahui was going to kill him, but unexpectedly, he was planning to transform him.

"Well, since you are seeking death, no wonder the poor monk is doing harm to the people." Fahui was ready to kill him without hesitation.

We will talk about the equality of all living beings later. Are the people who died in Black Rain City due to the massacre of demons and ghosts driven by the God of White Wind not one of all living beings?


The golden light exploded, and the white wind insect tornado became smaller.

At this time, the God of White Wind also understood that Fahui really wanted his life.

"Wait a minute, I would like to enter Jiming Temple, I would like..." The God of White Wind kept wailing.

"The sins on the God's body are heavy. It is necessary for the poor monk to eliminate this karmic obstacle for the God. It will not be too late to enter our Jiming Temple." Fahui did not stop at all.

I gave you a chance before but you didn’t want it, but now you just stop when you say you should? If you lose, you will be beaten honestly. If you can save a life, that's good. Don't think about anything else.

In about half an hour, the white insect tornado was completely dispersed and there was no trace left.

Wang Linchi was sitting far away, and after gnawing most of an elbow, a large bag of melon seeds and a large bottle of drink, Fahui came back in a naga, holding a purple gold bowl in his hand.

In this purple golden bowl, a beetle-like white insect is crawling in the center.

The God of White Wind is indeed not dead, but all his power has been dispersed. Now only this body is left. If he dies again, he will really die.

"Layers live a leisurely life." Fa Hui joked after looking at the melon seed peels lying on the ground.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Master Fahui, you're so powerful." Wang Linchi is just a theatergoer, so he doesn't have so much to do.

"Thank you for your help today, layman. I will be able to have an Arhat in Jiming Temple." Fa Hui also had joy in his eyebrows. It was obvious that the White Wind God was of great value.

"Congratulations." Wang Linchi also congratulated.

After that, Naga took Fahui and Wang Linchi and left here, leaving only a mess in the place.

Fortunately, no one lives here at all. After a while, nature and time will heal everything.

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