"Lao Ruan, it's so late today, why haven't you gone back yet?"

When Wang Linchi returned to the office, he saw that Ruan Tian was still there, which made him a little confused and wary.

At this time in the past, it was impossible for Ruan Tian to stay in the office. As soon as the time came, he would get off work and leave immediately, without any delay.

At this point, it has been nearly half an hour since get off work, and the other person is still sitting in the office. This is obviously a problem.

work overtime?

He still didn't know what kind of work they had in their position, and how could there be an opportunity to work overtime.

"Waiting for you." Ruan Tian responded.

"What are you waiting for me to do? You can tell me tomorrow." Wang Linchi said with a smile, but in fact, the vigilance in his heart had risen to the extreme.

This is not in line with Ruan Tian's character at all.

Wang Linchi stood at the door with no intention of going in.

"You're not afraid, are you?" Ruan Tian said suddenly.

Regarding this, Wang Linchi did not deny it, but nodded: "Yes, I am just afraid."

There is nothing shameful in this. After all, you are so abnormal. He came closer because his brain was squeezed by the door.

"So you are also from the Shadow Alliance?" Wang Linchi spoke directly without being tactful at all.

Ruan Tian is so confident, maybe he has a backup plan.

He was also cursing secretly in his mind how could this be so seriously infiltrated, even his colleagues were shadows of the Shadow Alliance, so would it be more serious in other places?

The Soul Seed Department is the foundation of the economy. Wang Linchi saw during this period that this Soul Seed was just like the gold in his previous life, and was used to link the currency.

As a result, someone in such a position can become a cultist, which is outrageous.

Or is it that the Dajing Dynasty has reached the end of its dynasty, so monsters appear frequently?

"You are very smart, but you are just a little clever. Revealing my identity now will only anger me instead of making me take offense." Ruan Tian said calmly.

"Okay, before you die, can you let me understand this before I die?"

"I just want to know why the Shadow Alliance killed me and the survivors."

Wang Linchi asked his question, and then added: "Given your status in the Shadow Alliance, you should know."

How did he know Ruan Tian's status in the Shadow Alliance? Anyway, he just said it casually.

He probably wouldn't be able to escape. Wang Linchi didn't know what kind of strength Ruan Tian was.

"Do you remember Fang Cheng?" Ruan Tian seemed to be about to say, obviously he thought that the situation was determined.

"Remember." How could Wang Linchi not remember? If it hadn't been for this bitch, he would have fled here from Qinghe City and not finished the remaining two years of school.

"Back then, your parents discovered a brand new secret realm. This secret realm is very special. In addition to its floating position and the need for a fixed time to open, it can also be attracted to a certain location through a key and opened with a key."

"And this is a super giant secret realm."

Ruan Tian told an old story.

"This key is the rainbow soul seed, right?" Wang Linchi said without hesitation.

"You are right to say that, but it is not a key, but the information that contains the key."

"After you were born, your parents were obviously aware of the prying eyes. Finally, they used soul seed technology to split the key information and sealed it into five soul seeds. Finally, they informed their close friend Fang Cheng."

"Originally, Fang Cheng really planned to keep it secret until the Peacock Sword Sect weakened." Ruan Tian said with interest.

"Let me guess, the death of my parents should also be at the hands of the Shadow Alliance. After all, only you know such secret information at the moment." Wang Linchi also followed his guess.

Ruan Tian nodded: "That's not the case, it's the imperial court. We were able to get this news thanks to Fang Cheng. He was hanged on the city wall after being executed. We took the opportunity to capture his soul, but unfortunately it was not complete."

"I see, the imperial court probably didn't discover this secret, but some of their research violated the interests of some people in the imperial court." Wang Linchi breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right. As for whose interests it is, you don't want to know, right?" Ruan Tian didn't intend to say it this time.

"It's no wonder that the Dragon Worshiping Church came back at the critical moment. You, the Shadow Alliance, should have taken the lead in this matter. It's just that Feng Zhu's appearance made your plan fail. Otherwise, the set of Rainbow Soul Seeds would have fallen into your hands. It's over." Wang Linchi thought it was good luck that he found a way to break the situation by mistake.

"Okay, do you still have any doubts? If not, I'm going to send you on your way." Ruan Tian felt that he had answered Wang Linchi's answer, and it was time to send him on his way.

"You have said so much and haven't told me yet, why do you want to kill me?"

"Obviously I'm just a nobody, and the soul seed is not with me. I didn't get involved in the fight for the key. I didn't know everything before you took action against me." Wang Linchi asked.

"Didn't you say it?" Ruan Tian also blinked, and then said jokingly: "It's okay. I'll just think about it after you die."

The other party didn't intend to answer Wang Linchi's question. This was his bad taste.

Wang Linchi took a step back and reached for the door. As expected, he couldn't open it.

The black tone also permeated the entire room at the same time, and Shadow's signature ability, Shadow Space Barrier, also appeared.

"go to hell!!!"

When the barrier enveloped the entire room, Ruan Tian took out a pistol and shot Wang Linchi directly.


Wang Linchi dodged in an instant.

He couldn't dodge bullets, but he dodged in advance when the other party shouted.

After all, he fired the gun only after shouting.

"You have used the shadow space enchantment, how about the full shadow assassination?" Before Wang Linchi complained, he had already used the Soul Seed Page: Heart and Mind, which is the most powerful one.

In an instant, Ruan Tian's head exploded, and his brains splattered into the entire small office. Wang Linchi was made to think.

"No, why are you dead!!!" For a moment, Wang Linchi didn't know what to say.

"How come the barrier is still there after you died..."

Wang Linchi went to pick up Ruan Tian's body. He was sure that he was dead, but he pulled out a treasure from the other person's body.

The name is the Shadow Talisman, which can release a shadow space barrier, and can also hide the Soul Seed Division for a short time.

"So you are really just a white porcelain grade, or a white porcelain grade with a blank slate." Wang Linchi checked and surveyed it and came to this conclusion.

"Fuck, you scared me to death."

"That's right. It's still the Soul Seed Division after all. Even if the Shadow Alliance wants to put someone in, it's impossible for them to actually put someone in the fine gold level."

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