Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 89 White wind, formed by the gathering of insects

About ten days passed after meeting the weasel asking for the seal, and Wang Linchi successfully figured out the frequency of the decapitated ghost's aura, activity habits, etc.

He didn't tell anyone about the disguise. Even though he controlled Black Rain City, there were actually countless people in Black Rain City who wanted him dead. As long as the Three Corpse Brain Worm Pills in their heads were gone, they would probably be eaten alive. he.

So when he really learned that Wang Linchi was coming to do this, Bao Buqi was ready to trick him.

The people accompanying him were naturally not loyal to Wang Linchi. They were all used as scapegoats by him. How could they have much loyalty?

"In addition to weasels, there have been snake monsters and wood monsters in the past two days. I always feel that the existence behind them is preparing to make a big wave."

Wang Linchi was thinking about this.

Within ten days, there were two more attacks.

The weasel was killed and skinned, and the meat was stewed.

The snake demon was better. Because it was too big, Wang Linchi didn't eat all of it, so he dug out the snake's gall and swallowed it alive. This made Wang Linchi's eyesight much better and he felt much more relaxed.

Snake gallbladder improves eyesight, clears away heat and detoxifies.

What's more, it's a big snake that has become a demon, so the effect is naturally better.

The wood monster was not bad either. Wang Linchi took out the heart. It tasted like a grassy and woody fragrance, which seemed to increase his poison resistance a little.

This made Wang Linchi become more and more interested in these monsters and monsters, as they were all good ingredients.

The weasel stretched his crotch a little, but Wang Linchi felt that this was not the weasel's problem, but his own problem. He did not find the weasel's value.

Just like the snake gallbladder of the snake demon and the heart of the wood monster, the weasel must have something valuable, but he didn't know it and was ruined by him.

"The person behind the scenes should not be demons, monsters, or humans. It is likely to belong to a fifth species that is unknown to everyone."

Wang Linchi felt that since this was a super giant secret realm, the real context and background were not that simple.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Linchi heard the wind blowing outside.

This made him a little strange.

It's unlikely there would be such strong winds where he lives, unless it's a typhoon.

But there is no coast here, so where can the typhoon come from?

"So it must be a big move?"

"Wait, today is the fifteenth?!" Wang Linchi looked at the calendar and reacted instantly.

On the fifteenth day of every month, white wind appears.

Like Black Rain, it is a special disaster around Black Rain City.

But compared to the black rain that always appears at night in the wilderness, the white wind occurs only once a month. It is small and may not be encountered, so it seems to have less presence.

I have never met Wang Linchi before. He has been here for so long. Who knows where Bai Feng refreshed last time.

But this time he saw it, and it was directly refreshed on his side.

When I opened the window, I saw a bright white hurricane in the dark night, which even the night couldn't cover.

"Tornados can glow, good guy, I have learned a lot." Wang Linchi opened his eyes. No wonder it is called white wind. It is so white at night, which contrasts with the black rain.

Wang Linchi rushed out of the house and ran as fast as he could.

Bai Feng was following him, but seemed a little unable to catch up with him.

Yes, he is indeed not majoring in physical fitness, but he doesn't look like he's out of breath after taking two steps. After all, he has fought hard and improved his physical strength through a lot of resources.

When facing the Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, he could defeat them all by himself.

His weakness refers to facing that group of geniuses, not just any cat or dog that can come out and compete with an awakened person like him.

Otherwise, how could he have dared to go to the Mud Gang with confidence in the first place.

"The essence of white wind is not wind, just like black rain, it is specious."

While Wang Linchi was running, he had time to observe.

"Just try it and see if it can explode!" Wang Linchi turned around and threw a random shot at Bai Feng.


When it fell on Bai Feng, it directly blew up a huge hole in Bai Feng.

A large amount of debris fell from Bai Feng's body, giving Wang Linchi the feeling of being a Brick Man.

As the hole appeared, the entire Baifeng actually began to collapse.

It's like I can't hold it anymore.

However, it collapsed within two minutes and quickly stood up again. It was still white wind, but its size was also much smaller. It was obviously a loss after reshaping.

"It seems like it can be beaten?" Wang Linchi used 100 points of mental power to throw out the Xinluanyima just now, but nearly 20% of its body was destroyed.

This shows that Bai Feng has low resistance in one of the attributes of spirit, soul or heart, or it may be that all resistances are low, and he suffers non-physical damage.

So in theory, as long as four more shots are fired, Bai Feng will be gone.

With his golden elixir that has now reached level five and has 600 points of mental power, there will still be a trace of mental power left in the golden elixir after exploding it.

"Then try it."

Wang Linchi immediately threw another shot.

This time it was even more powerful, and half of Bai Feng was instantly wiped out.

Debris exploded everywhere.

"What's going on? Is it more powerful?" Wang Linchi was a little surprised.

"Could it be that resistance is overlapping and shared? The smaller the number, the greater the damage suffered?"

Wang Linchi really didn't expect it.

Then Bai Feng reorganized again, this time it was no longer one size smaller, but several sizes smaller, making it look very mini.

After the third attempt, Bai Feng was already out of control.

At this time, Wang Linchi touched it back carefully, for fear that Bai Feng was playing him.

He did not approach Bai Feng directly, but circled around to pick up debris.

The debris that fell on the ground no longer glowed. When I picked it up, I saw that it was a special white beetle that looked like a ladybug, but it was very small. It was similar to a louse and a flea. However, there were so many dead that it was easy to see at a glance. It can be seen, not to mention that his eyesight is very good.

"It's actually a bug, and it's so hard." Wang Linchi picked one up and examined it carefully.

Wang Linchi squeezed it hard and found that he couldn't crush it, as if he were squeezing a piece of high-strength alloy.

"If the white wind is enveloped, not even the bones will be left. No wonder the village chief of Icun said before that the white wind will kill him."

At this time, Wang Linchi was also frightened. Although they were large in number and physically strong, in terms of spirit, soul, and mind, the insects that made up Bai Feng were not that strong. Instead, they were a little weak, unlike other monsters and monsters.

"Looking at it like this, the White Wind Insect has not yet developed its spiritual intelligence. Its soul is too weak, its mind is too brittle, and its mental power is basically non-existent. It relies entirely on grouping together and acting instinctively."

"In other words, if it were someone else who met me, it really wouldn't have ended that easily."

The White Wind Insect is not a demon because it has no spirit and intelligence, nor is it a demon. Demons are formless and similar to an energy body composed of distracting thoughts, and they are not ghosts. Ghosts are transformed after death, so they can only be classified into It's weird, something weird.

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