In the next few days, there were constant disturbances outside the chemical plant. Ye Ze tried many methods, sneak attacks, tough tactics, luring the tiger away from the mountain, etc., but there was no effect at all, and he made himself look humiliated.

At the same time!

The fact that the chemical plant was about to be demolished could not be concealed!

The news that the guards were about to be upgraded also spread quickly!



Ye Jikai slammed the table and got angry at Ye Ze for the first time: "What do you do? You can't even figure out such a small matter."

"You want to be a star entrepreneur and youth leader with this? You are nothing. You can't even deal with a small chemical plant and local gangsters..."

His curse was extremely ugly.

These days he was busy discussing the school expansion and enrollment expansion with the school shareholders, and had no time to deal with the small chemical plant. He thought Ye Ze had solved it after so long, but he didn't expect that he not only didn't solve it, but also went around in circles and embarrassed himself.


Someone had mocked him openly and secretly at the shareholders' meeting just now.

Ye Jikai said angrily: "If this matter is spread out, other schools will definitely laugh at it to death, and my dignity in front of the school shareholders will also be seriously damaged..."

Ye Ze didn't know what to say, so he just lowered his head.

For a long time.

Seeing Ye Jikai tired of scolding and sitting down, he said: "Uncle, you don't know how difficult those people are. They are completely rogues. As long as the demolition team's car drives to the chemical plant, they will just lie under the car."

"And there are too many of them. I tried to force it many times, but I was sent out before I could rush into the chemical plant."

"I have used all the strategies I should use, such as making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, luring the tiger away from the mountain, but they are completely unmoved."

"I don't dare to really make a big fuss..."

He felt more and more wronged.

It is obvious that he has been exhausted during this period. His business has been smooth sailing before, and even if there are some difficulties, he can easily settle them by using his connections behind the scenes.

This time, I happened to meet Qin Jiang and a large number of gangster students under his command. They don't care about threats or his background. They will really fight anyone who dares to enter the chemical plant.

"That's enough!"

Ye Jikai looked at Ye Ze's aggrieved expression and waved his hand: "You are still too young. You haven't dealt with these unreasonable gangsters. Most of the demolition team will not work hard because you are young. Anyway, they are paid by the day."

"You... need to hone your skills and know that the business world is like a battlefield. The situation of good things for everyone can only be superficial. There is only dirt and darkness in secret."


He picked up the phone and dialed:

"Hello, Lao Sun, what kind of demolition team did you send to me? There has been no progress in so many days."

"Why are you fooling me? Bullying my nephew because he is young, okay, you are really good!"

After saying that.

He hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to speak.


Vigorous and domineering!

Very soon.

The phone rang repeatedly, obviously the other party was calling.

But Ye Jikai did not answer, but calmly lit a cigarette and smoked it. Ye Ze did not say anything but just watched quietly. He understood that Ye Jikai was imparting experience to him.

That's it.

The phone rang and died, died and rang several times during a cigarette, and Ye Jikai picked up the phone slowly:

"Who is it..."

"Old Sun... Is there anything?"

"Are you wrong? No, you are not wrong. I will ask the finance department to transfer the demolition team fee to you immediately..."

"No need... I, Ye Jikai, am not short of money."

A voice begged for mercy from the other side: "Oh, my President Ye, this is not purely a misunderstanding. It's all because of those little bastards below who have no vision. I will let them go when I come back. In this way, all the wages for these days will not be counted. Please calm down!"

"Not enough..."

Ye Jikai said calmly.



Ten minutes later

After the other party compromised and gave up a lot of benefits, Ye Jikai nodded with satisfaction and hung up the phone.

Ye Ze's blood boiled when he heard it.

The demolition team was talking to him about 2.58 million, but his uncle easily got it with a phone call.

And the subsequent school expansion issue was negotiated, and the benefits alone were frightening.

Compared with this!

He thought the chemical plant was really a small fight!

No wonder his uncle didn't care at all. It turned out that he really didn't take this matter seriously and blamed himself for not handling small matters well.

Ye Jikai said calmly: "Remember, whoever can bring benefits to others these days is the boss, and you who spend money can be bullied by those who make money. You can't do business without a bit of banditry."

"Qin Jiang is better than you in this regard. Of course, he started from the bottom, and he was born a gangster, so his future is worrying and he is not to be feared."

"You have to take the broad road, but you can't be without banditry, remember."


Ye Ze kept listening humbly.

Ye Jikai said: "I have asked them to reassignSend the demolition team, and get rid of him today."


He continued to dial the phone:

"Lao Yuan, find me some people from the underworld, the more the better, the location is at the Hardware Chemical Factory on Xueyuan Road."

Hang up the phone.

He looked at the dark clouds rolling outside.


"Black clouds are pressing down on the city, and the city is about to be destroyed. The armor shines towards the sun and the golden scales open."


The sunset has not yet fallen.

The black clouds have occupied most of the sky, and a few swallows are flying low, and frogs have stopped croaking.

Inside the chemical plant.

Wang Tao and others are playing cards:

"Four nines, who else!"

"Don't care about him!"

"The plane is hanging its wings, report one! "


The faces of the brothers were extremely excited, not only because of their recent successes, but also because everyone knew how much they would gain if they could defend the chemical plant.

Seven million!

A number they had never dared to think of before!

After learning about this, they simply worshipped their brother Jiang to the extreme. Originally, many brothers did not understand why they contracted the chemical plant, after all, they did not find any use for it.

However, no one dared to object under Qin Jiang's prestige, until Ye Ze came to breach the contract and continuously increased the liquidated damages, which made them feel that Brother Jiang had foresight. Now that they knew that Brother Jiang set the liquidated damages at seven million, they were naturally very excited.

Just see.

A younger brother stood up and looked at the sky outside the chemical plant. He walked into the factory and said to Wang Tao: "Brother Tao, it looks like it's going to rain soon outside. I guess it will be calm today. Do you want me to buy some duck goods and beer, and we'll have dinner tonight!"

"Duck goods are OK!"

Wang Tao said while playing cards: "Forget about the beer. We can't make mistakes at this critical moment. "


The younger brother nodded in agreement.

Just as he was about to leave, Wang Tao suddenly looked stunned and threw down the cards in his hand and stood up. Not only him, but the others also stood up because they all heard the same sound:


Boom boom boom...

This is the roar that can only be made by large machinery. Now it is one after another. Obviously, there are many large machines nearby. Wang Tao grabbed a baseball bat and led his men to rush out, shouting: "Grab your weapons, do your job, guard all entrances and exits, quickly..."

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