Whole Nation

Chapter 159: Battle of Zhengnan (2)

Ziva Cheze, Dardanelle's family residence

  The early autumn of Riwache is very beautiful. This city is located in a basin surrounded by mountains. There is no winter depression or winter cold. Some are just intoxicating flowers and charming red leaves. At the beginning of autumn, the city's red leaves dotted the city with splendid glow. Standing on the high mountain and looking down, the Riwa car was like the brightest green pearl in the colorful clouds.

  The Baron Finland, the administrative officer of the Dardanelles family, set off from his house early in the morning and rushed to the Dardanier family mansion to attend an important meeting. The carriage was steadily advancing on the spacious street, and the autumn wind gently blew in from the car curtain, sending a fascinating fragrance of red leaves. If it was on weekdays, Baron Finnland would have deeply breathed this refreshing fragrance, but today, he just leaned tiredly on the soft seat of the carriage, letting the fragrance pass the wind. Perhaps it was the importance of the topic that was about to be discussed. His mood was a little heavy, and the beautiful scenery outside the car did not relieve his inner uneasiness.

  The Dardanelle family mansion is located on the easternmost side of Rivache, backed by mountains, surrounded by hot springs on both sides. The rising steam of the hot spring drifts with the autumn wind, forming a layer of white mist, shrouded in haze, and looks like a fairyland, so it is also called "Mist Palace"

   The carriage stopped in front of the gate of the Wugong Palace, and the bodyguard lifted Baron Finn from the carriage. Baron Finn looked up and saw Baron Eck and Baron Milo, the Finance Officer, also arriving.

   Baron Eck is always red and full of energy. With his burly figure, he walks like a majestic polar bear. The characteristic rosacea is blown by the autumn wind and looks even more red. Baron Milo will always look like a poor man. Everyone who sees his sorrowful face will surely think that there is no more gold coins in the Dardanelles’ vault. In fact, in this thin and small look With the efforts of the new financial officer, the Darnell family’s vaults have reached nearly one million gold coins

  The three people greeted each other warmly, and then walked into the Wugong together. The waiter standing at the door respectfully opened the tall gate of Wugong for them.

   The main building of Wugong Palace is pure white, which is also the favorite color of Riwacheze. As if anticipating that today is a particularly important day, every corner of the Mist Palace was cleaned and cleaned, and even the guards of the Mist Palace were all replaced with brand new uniforms. But the three ministers seemed to be feeling a bit heavy, so there were not many words of conversation.

   When the three of them entered the palace gate, the sound of the carriage brake came later. The three of them did not have to look back, they all knew that the military representative had arrived. That particularly magnificent voice is undoubtedly from Barantis. This pure barbarian likes to tremble others' ears with his voice no matter what he does, even when he speaks to Patriarch Dardanelle.

And the man who spoke softly was naturally the military’s most recent celebrity, Tirango. In a short period of half a month, he led the army of the Dardanier family and conquered the Huvallesa region for Dardani. The Ayr family laid down nearly half of the county leaders, second only to Barantis in the military, and behind him was the first general of the military, Olimt

  Fenlang and three people sat down in the conference room, and then Barantis and Olimt came in, but they did not see Tirango. The five greeted each other and then sat down quietly on both sides. Given the seriousness of the issues discussed today, no one wants to express any opinion until Patriarch Dardanir arrives. The serving female officer brought the fragrant blue valley soup, but no one moved.

After a moment, Tirango came in. He stood slightly at the door and scanned the meeting room with his eyes, then walked over and sat at the top of the military representative. This action caused the three political ministers to be surprised. He couldn’t help but look at Ole General Mute.

   Before this, Olimt, as the deputy commander of the army of Zhivache, was the most senior general of the military except the patriarch, and always sat in the top position of the military. Today, however, Tirango sat down on his head very politely. Does this mean that Patriarch Dardanir has made new personnel changes?

  Despite the huge doubts in his heart, none of the three old men showed any questioning look. And General Ollemt seemed to be at ease with Tirangole's passing, and seemed very calm. Only Barantis expressed his surprise unabashedly. He looked at Oremte, then at Tirango, and opened his mouth. He seemed to want to ask something, but at last he didn't ask.

  The aging Dardaniel came soon. He is less than sixty years old this year, and it looks as if he is already seventy years old. Those who are sitting know that it is the result of over-indulgence. This twilight old man looks far more terrible than his appearance

"First of all, I announced a personnel appointment decision. I officially announced that General Tirango served as the deputy commander of the family army and the leader of the First Army, and General Ollemt was transferred to the leadership of the Third Army. Do you have any objections?" The voice of the waitress was soft and seemed to be weak, but it was very sweet and full of contagion. It was this gentle and sweet voice that did not know how many people's fate was determined.

   "Thank you for the love of the patriarch, the subordinates must have painted the family's liver and brain, and died." Tirango shouted sharply. If there are any shortcomings in this handsome rising star, then his overly sharp voice is the only shortcoming, which is very reminiscent of a group of people who have been castrated off the basic functions of men.

   "Observe the orders." Oremte's expression could not see any thoughts in his heart, and he was still very calm. Dardaniel looked at everyone's face, everyone was very quiet, nodded in satisfaction, and said softly: "Well, since everyone has no objections, then I will start discussing today's topic. I think you have already received By the time I let the herald personally send the secret document to everyone, it should be said that everyone has also participated in the two days, and it should also have been considered carefully. I hope that our meeting today will have a good result."

Tirango did not wait for Dardaniel to finish, and could not wait to say: "Our army fully supports this plan of action! Now is the time for us to avenge our hatred! Every soldier of our army will definitely follow the patriarch’s Command, fight bravely, fight resolutely for the glory of the family!"

  Baron Fenlang frowned, and squinted at Baron Milo, only to see Baron Milo narrowing his eyes, as if closing his eyes to refresh himself. The look of Baron Eck was very complicated, and it seemed to be difficult to say, but it was very embarrassing, but the rosacea was even more ruddy.

  Tirango's eyes quickly turned to Finland's face, expecting to say: "Dear Finland Internal Officer, will you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

Baron Finnlang swallowed hard and said, "Adult, should this matter be considered again? The subordinates and subordinates always feel that the aftermath of this matter is difficult to predict. If you think about it, Not detailed enough, I am afraid, I am afraid..."

With a smile on his face, Dardaniel indicated that Baron Finnland could take out his handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and said softly, "Dear Baron Finnland, what kind of consequences do you think there will be? We cannot afford the consequences?"

Baron Finn wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Dear Lord, I am not at all worried about solving the army of the lord of Sartos. I also think that it is for the creation of public opinion. The easy things, even the occupation of the Sartos area, are not difficult for us. I am not worried about all of the above. The only thing I worry about is later...afterwards..."

  Tirango coughed lightly and glanced at the audience with his dark blue eyes. He politely cut off his words and said, "Since you are not worried about our occupation of the Sartos area, what are you worried about?"

  Baron Finland ignored the domineering Tirango, sorted out his thoughts, and slowly said

"My concern is that although we have obtained the immediate benefit, we have established a strong enemy, that is, Samoir. Yes, now Sartos is at our fingertips~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am indeed moved. ....... "

  Tirango stood up impatiently and said, "What are you going to say?"

  Dadanirhe reached out to tell Tirango not to interrupt others' words, and Tirango sat down vigorously. Baron Finnland said in a heavy voice, "Honorable Patriarch, please forgive me for being direct. I think that now Samoir only needs half the power to crush us into powder!"

  Barantis shouted disdainfully: "What? Powder? Just by Samor's mud leg farmers?"

  Tirango stood up again and roared loudly: "Coward! Coward! Come and pull him out!"

  Dadanirhe's face changed and shouted at Tirango: "Shut up! Baron Finnland, please continue!"

  Tirango looked at Dardaniel in surprise, and sat down in amazement.

  Dadanirhe took a breath, and said to Yan Yue: "Baron Finnland, you can make it clear, there are no outsiders here."

Baron Finnlang sighed slightly, and said slowly: "Dear patriarch, to be honest, I am also envious of the richness of the Sartos region. The diamonds and rubies produced there are really for us. Our gift, but Sartos is in the upper-south part of Samoir’s sphere of influence. If we attack the upper-south without authorization, we will surely anger the Samoan people. This is a very dangerous thing for us to take time to grow our army.”

  Tirango said coldly: "We military personnel will not be afraid!"

   Baron Eck said angrily: "General Tirango, please pay attention to your words. No one will be afraid of the people sitting here."


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