Whole Nation

: 2008 The Empire Strikes Back (4)

As the trombone sounded, the mixed Hungarian army of stepped horses continued to emerge. The rumbling hoofs and footsteps resounded through the ground. The soldiers and horses lifted a yellow dust mist, black heads and flying flags in the sky. In the looming middle, in front of the Rila army, in sight, countless spoiled Rila slaves were driven,


Obscured the sight, the crowd was crowded, the end was not seen, and they immediately came out from the front of the Hungarian tooth army. These Rila slaves were ragged and ragged, and their skin was yellow and skinny. Both men and women had a miserable expression. The Hungarian cavalry drove the whipping and pushed the rough-and-trick platoons to attack the village.


After the row of cars, there are hundreds of long ladders made of long branches. The length of these long ladders is seven or eight meters long, and the front end can just lean against the wall of the outpost Fegyi.


   It's just that these long ladders have neither a heavier base nor the uppermost hook. Not to mention the temporary products that have a base to push, at a glance, they are used to fill the city with cannon fodder,


   After these pitiful attacks, it was the black crowd. Without weapons, these Rila slaves struggled to move forward. Many people were barefoot and blood was rubbed on the ground, and they dragged out shocking blood stains.


"If you don't want to die, just go forward!" The Hungarian cavalry carried the whip upside down and ran across the crowd. The ferocious cries shouted loudly, and the pressure urged the Rila slaves to move forward. The whip waved in his hand and his head was covered. It's just a beating, regardless of the **** of men, women and children,


   There were even Hungarian cavalrymen who raised their bows and shot an arrow through the thigh of a Laila man who was lame, watching the opponent holding the middle arrow and sorrowing and mourning on the ground.


   The other Rila slaves next to him looked at this scene numbly. The fierceness of the Hungarians, no one sheltered from the escape. This short half-month was for the entire southern Rila. It’s hell. The homes are burned, but it’s just numbness. For the Hungarians, the Rila slaves are the cannon fodder used to fill the city and the ground. Not to mention such a large amount of cannon fodder, it is natural to use the most cruel methods to manage it.


  If one person resists, kill one hundred people and resist one place. Just kill all the Rila people within ten miles of the vicinity, and only one sparse soup can see the shadow every day. For half a month, there are more than 30,000 Rila slaves starving to death in the hands of the Hungarians. Every day, the bodies of one or two thousand starving people are dragged away, living in such a hell,


  Every day I watched people die, watched the fierce Hungarian cavalry, and dragged humans and women away from slave camps like dragging animals. A little resistance is a massacre


   The **** head was brutally inserted by the Hungarians on the wooden fence outside the slave camp, and the dried human skin was swinging on the flagpole, so that all the Rila people knew. In the end of resistance, death is not the most terrible, but liberation,


   Move forward step by step. The black pressure composed of nearly one hundred thousand Swiss slaves crushed a large group of endless teams. I couldn't hear the sound of crying and crying.


   "It's our Rila!"


   Opposite, the soldiers of the Rila Army had a very ugly face, and there was a commotion. The archer who had raised the bow and arrow in his hand shook his fingers slightly. Although they knew that they might face this day, they had no choice. The forefront Rila infantry, their eyes hidden under the hòu real helmet, with a trace Shivering, the hand holding the spear seemed to have a heavy weight of gravity, and sweat beads rolled down their foreheads


  Rila has been squeezed by the forces of the East and the West for a hundred years, forming a tough and patient character,


   But in the past two decades, the rise of Rila’s military power has become the first powerful country in Central Europe and Baro. How could it be that the slave ants attached to the moth to attack the city? In the battle with the Falcon Empire, the recruitment of the Zhuang is only used for rear transport. Such a tragic means of siege is also first seen!


In particular, the number of these Rila slaves far exceeds the size of the 30,000 Rila army. The front and back are crowded. I am afraid that there will be 60,000 or 70,000 people. Looking at the Hungarians' indifferent appearance, it seems that these tens of thousands Even if it is dead, it is not difficult to drive tens of thousands of people to die. Anyway, hundreds of thousands of people in southern Rila are in their hands. Even if these Rila people are so dead, take Fegyi Fortress. Cost-effective!


Reposti looked at the arrangement of the Hungarian tooth troops in the distance, and knew that the opponent’s real target was not the 30,000 Rila army placed in the direction of the Fegyi outpost, but himself. The other party attacked the Rila army defense line with Rila slaves. No matter how effective it is, it is enough to contain the Rila Army within a certain period of time. The biggest advantage is that it can also pin the emperor on the flanking hills at the same time. As long as the Rila Army has not withdrawn, the emperor will not give up On the flanks, the eyes of the Hungarian military commander are indeed venomous, but it is not an easy task to break the emperor's defense line


"Come on, let me see the limit of casualties your Hungarian teeth can withstand!" Reposti's eyes narrowed slightly on the huge black military flag in the distance, a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and raised his hand, 50,000 empire skilled The crossbowman began to pull the bowstring, and the thunder **** with hundreds of cold muzzles slowly raised the muzzle. No one in the emperor's array made a noise, only the cold wind slamming on the face, the Imperial Central Army, experienced How could the world's heroes in a hundred battles be frightened by the sight in front of them? Under the iron helmet of the heavy black infantry of the Empire, there was a cold and serious face, tired and slightly eerie eyes, and the breath exhaled as if to end ice.


   This is the war intention, the war intention in the sky,


Even let the opposite stare at the Imperial Array, hoping to see a bit of a panic. The eyes of the Hungarian Army's military leader, White Durasu, hurt a bit. The white-haired military officer faced the wind and looked like the huge eagle wings spread in the distance. The black army formation, looking at the war flag rolled in the wind, and watching the shock of the mountain with half of the Hungarian teeth, the same battle intentions burst out in their eyes. The enemy of Hungarian hundred years ago, Hundred years of Hungarian teeth The strong enemies of today are considered to be together today. In this case, the battle will be decided. In this battle, the old man will use your blood to fight the Hundred Years of National Hungarian National Games and lay the foundation of my Hungarian Empire!


   "Start, attack!"


   ordered the cavalry to pass by in front of the Hungarian cavalry queue. The cavalry commanders of the Hungarian cavalry screamed, and the knife pointed to the black emperor queue opposite: "Mount!" The Hungarian cavalry leaned over the horse's neck. The spear stretched out and rushed forward, and the spear was shaking like the air in the forest. The war horse swept across the field. The speed is like lightning, and the Hungarian army with more than one hundred thousand in number. With the low trombone representing the attack, the large queue quickly moves. It feels like a fierce wind, and it blows the murderousness of the world. The tip of the tassel on the head of the Hungarian cavalry. It’s like being uncovered by a black cloud, revealing a large crowd,




Reposti narrowed his eyes and clasped his fingers together. At this moment, the wind was moving, and the cloud was black, and the wind was death. At the same time, the 50,000 Imperial Central Army’s skilled crossbowmen fired at the same time. To describe. Countless clusters of arrows flew out, like a large black cloud, and the high-speed shadowed the color that the sky should have. The dark clouds suddenly turned into raindrops, and the metal waterfall immediately blasted into the sky and went straight to the earth. Looking at the shadows that cover all the black layers, not only has the front 150 meters turned into a killing ground, but it has also shattered the forward sharpness of the Hungarian cavalry. The scattered lines of more than a dozen queues have been shrouded. In the shadow, and with the countless arrow clusters falling down, thousands of Hungarian cavalry under the shadow pulled hard. But it was too late, and the countless arrow clusters were like a huge pair of black hands, fierce from high altitude. Photographed, a solidified body of the Hungarian cavalry inside. Once descended, it was destroyed.


  The main force of the cavalry coming from the Hungarians must be at least 50,000, and the opposing momentum of hundreds of cavalry lines. As the tide rolled over, other infantry queues followed, although the weapons were simpler, but the size was covered with a piece of armor, and it was scattered into a slightly irregular quadrilateral. The neatly arranged armor and bayonet could not be seen at the end.


   "Broken snare drum!"


The Hungarian army's white dorasu raised his hands almost at the same time, and he saw hundreds of animal skin drums lined up behind him, each of which was up to two meters high, and the animal skins used were all like tigers and cheetahs. The skin of the fierce beast, just a glance, can feel these drums, it seems that the spirits of these fierce beasts are still sealed, the Hungarian strong man with his shirtless upper body, the drum hammer in his hand is raised at the same time, and then suddenly falls


   "Bang!" The drum sound of this hundred-faced drum seemed to be suppressed by the murderous fertility that was bred in the silence, slamming openly, shaking the world, bang! The second sound, like the thunder rolling down, made all the blood of the Hungarian warriors flow out, bang! The third sound is like a roar of the beasts. It is not the blood but the fighting intent!




The blood of the Hungarian cavalry was pushed to the apex. Just now the layers of scattered lines were pushed forward to speed up. Countless people raised their horseback bows. They crossed the undulating line of the front hills like a blast and broke the drum. Destroy the army! Cracking roaring monstrous,


   Opposite the Falcon Emperor formation quietly did not respond. But that feeling. This deadly silence, unpredictable mystery, and even more frightening pressure than the thunderous drums that shook the world, the Hungarian cavalry began to gather involuntarily. An illusion, it seems that what they are facing is not an army of tens of thousands of people, but a big mouth that has been opened, a big mouth that is engulfed in front of them, and the imperial cavalry has let them teach the murderous Long-range, the infantry of the empire are said to be stronger at long range!


   Never fight long-range war with the other party, and never let the other party shoot calmly! Shock, shock, shock, as long as the other party is crushed, the other party is dead


This is the will of all the Hungarian centurions to inculcate their subordinates. The fierce defeat of 30,000 Hungarians made every Hungarian understand that their proud horseback bow was slaughtered in front of the emperor. Subject, the opponent's range can reach 150 meters, and even the most powerful Wolf Guard can only shoot 120 meters. This gap cannot be made up. This slightly dampening momentum has made Hungary a hundred The commanders shouted with all their strength


   "In the battle of retreating and killing, advance across the board!" Tens of thousands of Hungarian cavalry rushed forward again as if they were stabbed. At this time, all Hungarians seemed to hear a strange buzz. The violent roar, even faintly covered the sound of heavy hammer drums like raindrops. The sky suddenly darkened,


   "Here comes, the Emperor's counterattack!" The Hungarian tooth army standing in the distance, White Durasu's eyes shrank sharply, his hands behind him clenched tightly, his fingers fell deeply into his palms,


But White Russell didn't seem to notice. His eyes were just staring at the front, where there was unprecedented dignity and madness. The Hungarian generals standing behind him were also shocked by the distant scene. The look changed greatly, and there was a strong fear in the eyes looking to the sky,


   Is this the emperor's counterattack! This is too. . . . . An experienced Hungarian general shuddered uncontrollably. They did not know how much damage the Imperial Array had, but they also believed that the cavalry cluster was a natural enemy of infantry. The Emperor was also an infantry in good combat. . In the face of the impact of the 50,000 Hungarian cavalry cluster, it may cost Hungarian teeth a heavy price, but it will also inevitably endure the defeat, but at this moment, this belief has shaken in his heart. The scene in front of him is really terrifying. , People can’t imagine, or believe that such an enemy will win the battle


   thought the sharp arrow rain was already terrible, but hundreds of dazzling white lights simultaneously shot into the Hungarian teeth that had just been covered. It was a strong crossbow car steel arrow. The Hungarian Tooth Army had just been slapped, and it was like a punch from the front of an invisible giant. The body was full of Hungarian tooth soldiers with arrow clusters. Eyes, watching the companion's body under such violent to extreme attacks, the body was torn and flew backwards for several meters, or even more than ten meters. The body in cavalry armor twisted into an unnatural pose on the ground in mid-air,


  Imperial heavy crossbow vehicles launched by powerful springs are strong enough to penetrate shields within three hundred meters. What's more, the armor of these Hungarian cavalry, in this terrible metal storm, the flesh and body that were not protected by armor and shields were pierced like paper, and the blood and minced meat were exploded on horseback. Even people and horses were instantly twisted and shattered, and the lightning between flints was like being suddenly hit by a violent lightning. The man turned his horse upside down, the blood rose in the air, and the corpse planted the dust immediately. The body was torn, and thick steel arrows shot through the half-cut corpse with blood flowers, and fell deep into the body of the second person. The latter's body was nailed to the ground without wailing because it was dead Absolutely,


   "The third, seventh, and eleventh teams are completely over!"


The Hungarian generals murmured unsightly, and looked at the back of the military in front. The fifty thousand Hungarian cavalry of the 18 squadrons were extinguished three at once, and they were still the most elite in the military office. The three squadrons, if they are not elite, will not become the spearpoints of the army specially selected by the military to serve in this battle, but with only one blow, the spearpoint of this army is broken.


  The back row Hungarian cavalry saw the scene in front, and immediately had a fear offensive,


"Go forward and rush past without loss! The opponent's bow and arrow are different from ours. They need time to refill!" A Hungarian commander stood up immediately, pulled out his sword and pointed forward, shouting violently, Hungarian The centurions also shouted with exhaustion, their eyes were already filled with bloodshot eyes, rush! Rush! Even if the last one is dead, I have to rush! Unauthorized retreat from the latter, "Under the military order, cold and merciless, the rear supervision team shot with arrows, killing more than a dozen Hungarian cavalry who turned to escape. The screams of these shot Hungarian cavalry, Changed the face of the Hungarian cavalry in front,


   The sound of broken army drums rumbling,


Suddenly, "Bang! Boom! Boom!" Hundreds of roars shook the sky, and once again turned around the sky, this huge and strong roar seemed to overwhelm the broken snare drum, even letting the broken drummer who was striking with all his strength appeared Out of confusion, these dull and thunderous sounds are connected to each other, shaking the world,


"this is....."


The Hungarian Army's white dorasol was stiff, his face dignified and he wanted to drip water, the hand holding the whip clucked, and his finger joints were pale due to excessive force. Many generals behind him were wearing With a shock that could not be concealed, his eyes were all looking at the roaring black army formation,


   The black army formation has been filled with white smoke. A row of continuous jets of dazzling fire light burst out from the white smoke in a row. Boom! boom! boom! Boom, every blast shot hurt everyone's eyes, every roar, shocked everyone's mind, because the suddenly bursting ground was like a layer pushed away by life, between heaven and earth A terrible shock wave full of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With a series of bursts of fire, the dust on the ground was rolled up, and the Hungarian cavalry in the range was lifted into pieces, and the whistling went straight to the past, all the touches The moment when these black smoke rolled in phantom, the collapse of Qi Qi was torn apart. At the same time, at the moment when these fires shattered, the loud noise of the whirling world came out violently. The scary red that splashed was like the punishment of the thunder by the gods, violently bombarded the sea of ​​infantry behind the scattered lines of the Hungarian cavalry, and the broken pieces of flesh were thrown like raindrops


   is still, the noisy battlefield suddenly stops,


The Hungarian cavalry who were suppressing tens of thousands of slaves to the Swiss army stopped their horseshoes, and everyone looked at the side with horror. On the side of the Swiss army, the general of the Swiss, Boazor, also sucked back. In one breath, he was stunned to see that the emperor had fully opened the front line, and the Hungarians who had the advantage of troops were retreating,


The Hungarian teeth were fully pressed, and even without touching the sides, they were put together. The Hungarian cavalry was hit by this scattered line, and it was directly broken into countless small pieces. The impact was completely disintegrated, and the casualties could not be reached. Calculate, but I am afraid that there will also be 10,000 war losses. This is the first collision, and it broke the teeth of the Hungarians in the name of good warfare.


No wonder Gang Fei's two wars, due to the elite strength of Rila, the coalition forces of various countries, and the local benefits of Gang Fei, were also touched by the Falcon Empire. It is really a gap in combat power. Big, the emperor team is already listed at the pinnacle of this era, whether it is weaponry or fighting will!

(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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