Whole Nation

: 1996 Empire Strikes Back (11)


   Turned over the battle report in his hand, the fat man's eyelids were not lifted, the wind blew in from outside the tent, and lifted the corner of the tabard covered by the fat man's armor,


In the entire military account, from the commander of the five major legions of the empire, below the Governor of the Southwest, the more than twenty imperial generals with heavy armor, they did not dare to breathe one by one, but they looked at the falcon directly. Your majesty, it’s like seeing a flower on the fat man’s face,


   "When is this bastard, still pretending!"


Saron glared angrily at the opposite general and the Governor of the South of Gangfei, Varisian. This guy was watching the nose, watching the eyes, looking at the ground, not knowing what he was looking at, Salon Don’t believe it. The great reward of three million gold coins will not be put in the eyes of Varisian. You know that this is a military reward. It is a bright and solemn private property. Even if the Imperial Supervision Department finds it, it is not afraid. Three million gold coins. Even if it is based on the background of the governor of the richest region of the empire in recent years, Varisian is the impressive new governor of the empire, but once used to sell perfume in the Poto region. There are no fewer people who know about things. Three million gold coins are put in front of you and you don’t care.


The emperor's world was faintly the first general under the five major legions. Varisian felt the gaze from the opposite side, raised his head, and just looked at the sullen single eye of Saron. He smiled a little, don't look at me like this, it's not that I don't understand the meaning of the old boss, it is really too big a game of chess,


  The 300,000 army of the empire suddenly plunged into the northern line of Rila. It was completely beyond everyone's expectations, even nobody in Falcon Emperor* thought of it. His Majesty Falcon had long been thinking about it. Such an unprecedented scale of counterattack would naturally not only be completed with 90,000 prairie cavalrymen, and it was smashed with three million prizes. According to the spirit of His Majesty Falcon never losing money, I am afraid that it will be early. So we have recovered 6 million, 9 million. Even 10 million calculations, my own short-sightedness. I can't see how to play this calculation, and I speak without permission, it's not fun to ask for it!


"Report, the latest battle report! The Xiting cavalry has breached the intended location. After annihilating the incoming Hungarian cavalry, they are marching towards the Hungarian base!" An imperial guard walked in and hurriedly walked out of Zhang Wai, kneeling on one knee The fat man said in front of him, "It's just that the main force of the Xiting Cavalry did not march close to the periphery of the breach, but drawn a semi-arc."


   "Oh, is it half arc? It's not stupid!" The fat man raised his head, his eyes narrowed, his own faint opening,


  "This is a sign that Xiting cavalry will bypass the outer defense of the Hungarian tooth base and give it a fatal blow from behind!" Varisian thought more, and suddenly looked up in amazement, just to see the opposite of Saron's eyes flashing. A surprised look appeared, obviously also with my own thoughts, other people's look was roughly the same, some could not help but eagerly, really cunning, even after breaking through the foreshadowing. I also want to play another kill! Bi Quangong and World War I! It really treats the Hungarians as an enemy like a dog. In the big tent are all imperial warriors, how can we not see the sharpness of Xiting's way of doing this.


At the breakthrough of the first battle, the 30,000 Hungarian troops were defeated in one blow, and the 40,000 Hungarian troops were ambushed and then ambushed. At this time, the Hungarians were afraid that they would have been shocked. If the Xiting cavalry arrogantly directed towards Hungary Going to the Yage Base Camp, I am afraid that at most it touches the edge of the Hungarian Base Camp, and will be entangled by the troops mobilized by the Hungarians. At this time, I am afraid that I don’t know how many Hungarian scouts have left. The base camp is on the periphery, roaming like a swarm, to prevent the enemy cavalry from inadvertently attacking from the side. Going around a big arc that no one can think of, and then suddenly launched a back attack, it is indeed worthy of the tactical habits of the prairie people learning from the hunting of wolves,


"Your Majesty, the previous harassment has been going on for a day, and all the attention of the Hungarians has been brought up. The main force of Duoweiyan is now in, which will inevitably mobilize the main force of the Hungarian teeth to move towards the left wing. ""Salon couldn't hold back. As the highest status in the military account, and one of the five commanders of the Empire, he hesitated, gritted his teeth, and looked at the laid-down military newspaper with his scalp, it seemed that he hadn't sent any troops at all. Meaning fat man,


   "I'm in a hurry?" The fat man glanced like a flash,


"I'm not afraid of His Majesty's jokes, my subordinates are really anxious! Saron ridiculed, and he opened his mouth anyway. According to his relationship with His Majesty, he should not be punished yet, so he just let go and said, "As an emperor, The temptation of the three million bounty is the second. It is about the glory of the soldiers. The best match is the empire. The war reward is also the highest empire. The nondescript Xiting cavalry robbed the limelight." This counterattack was a striker made by Xiting cavalry. Xiting cavalry ripped the Hungarian defense line. If Xiting cavalry overwhelmed the Hungarian base, Nadi* There is really no place for my face!


   "Are you all in a hurry?"


The fat man looked at everyone in the military account and asked sharply, if the first Xiting 90,000 cavalry was a spear that he stabbed, then the 50,000 Imperial Guard Corps and The whole army of southwestern Saron is the spear that is eagerly awaiting the heavy hammer he pulled out, and through the bravery of these arrogant men, he can really make this heavy hammer smash. Strength, the final blow in this battle, but I didn’t have the plan to leave my big uncle. The imperial generals in the big tents all took up their spirits at once, and the body collapsed straightly, neatly returned, and the tent suddenly filled out. The stocks are stunned,


The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly skimmed and said coldly, "The Hungarians are also cavalry, and they have not lost the maneuver with the Xiting cavalry. They have already revealed their whereabouts. Even if they have chosen to detour, I am afraid that they have begun to become entangled. The fighting power of the 90,000 cavalry in Xiting can naturally be defeated all the way, and eventually pushed to the Hungarian West Army Base Camp, but after all, it is a long way to spare and delay time! This means that you may still be ahead of them!"


  "Your Majesty means that we are heading straight to the Hungarian tooth camp?" Saron blinked. His face was slightly stunned. Although the western Hungarian army on the opposite side was not strong, it was still 300,000. Even if it was half attracted by Xiting cavalry. , There are 150,000 on the opposite side, and there are still a number of prisoners who can’t estimate the auxiliary forces, forcibly driving the imperial army to break through from the front. There is no doubt about victory, but if we can destroy the Hungarian headquarters before the Xiting people, then It is also very uncertain.


   "Your Majesty, secret report!"


at this time. Another Imperial Guard walked into the military account and placed a closed secret letter on the table. The fat man picked up the secret message on the table and glanced at it. The hand pressed **** the table,


   "Your Majesty?" All eyes are on the fat man


   "The commander of the Hungarian-Western Army, the generals are dead!"


The fat man grinned and laughed, "Wuya is dead! Now the Hungarian tooth camp has become a pot of porridge, because the death of Wuya is too sudden. In the chaos, the old tribe of the former Hungarian king suddenly took the opportunity to announce his withdrawal from the country. The two rescued patriarchs who were detained by Wuya without permission also broke the news that the flanks were breached. Now the entire western army base camp is shaking. Without the suppression of the general Wuya, the various ministries and departments have been messed up, and some people shouted for Rescue flanks. Some people shouted to evacuate, and some people simply, they have given an order to evacuate."


"Saron!" The fat man took a deep breath, and his voice suddenly mentioned. "The Hungarian teeth broke out, and they were enemies against the empire, but they were just as weak as our empire. They must be paid. Let the world know the end of enemies with us. Attack. The battle of the Hungarian Tooth Base Camp will be given to you within half a day. Take the Hungarian Tooth Base Camp!"


"Yes!" Salon threw an excitement in excitement, sparks also appeared in the eyes of other generals, and only Varisian, who was in charge of the original intention, was temporarily reserved, and his face changed, his face from His Majesty Falcon I saw some obscure information on it. Is this the big game your majesty has been waiting for?


Otherwise, the timing of the death of this **** tooth is really too time. In the past half month, the opposite Hungarian and Western troops also saw it. These Rila people who have drawn out their determination to die are not good to eat, anyway. After grabbing enough, continue to move forward, you really have to hurt your muscles. No one wants to do such a thing. If it is not the overwhelming power of the Uzbekistan, the Western Army has long returned to the country. When Wuya died, the Western army must be its most chaotic time. His Majesty Falcon planned for so long, and finally waited for the opportunity to wipe out the Hungarian teeth and disturb the arms of Central Obaro in one fell swoop!


At noon on June 3, a large black group of emperors* appeared opposite the Hungarian West Army. The infantry group of the Emperor* advanced in front of the arrow rain of the Hungarian cavalry, completely relying on strong force to roll and roll. The Cavalry dared not to fight at all. They were faced with huge pressure and forced to flee. Thousands of tens of thousands of Hungarian auxiliary soldiers were directly surrounded by the black legion and crushed. The entire defense line was completely unexpected. The number of enemies, the other’s formation is like a huge pair of pliers, pryed apart, torn, imperial crossbowmen located behind the formation, let the Hungarian bow cavalry fall countless,


A total of 220,000 empire main forces participated in this battle, six infantry flag regiments and 20,000 southwestern cavalry in the Southwest Army, three infantry regiments and 30,000 guard cavalry in the Imperial Guards, six infantry in the Imperial Central Army The flag regiment, the two infantry flag regiments of the Gangnam Southern Army, and the soldiers had black armor. With a stern look in his eyes, he killed the armed troops on the Hungarian border easily, and the army screamed towards the Hungarian headquarters. The horrible news accompanied the fire and the iron hoof, and the sea of ​​blood drowned the encounter along the way. In the camp of the Hungarians, the horizon was shrouded in dark smoke.


The Hungarian Tooth Cavalry, who is used to mobile operations, has never encountered such a terrible enemy. The opponent’s archer shoots farther than himself. The entire row of advancing infantry armor shines under the bright sunshine. Seeing no end, it seemed as if black clouds came flying from the sky, like a long spear of the forest, pointing directly at the high blue sky, side by side embroidered with the falcon's battle flag, fluttering and shaking in the wind above the black suppressed army. The popping sound of sound, countless clusters of arrows hit the frontline of the Hungarian fright like uninterrupted raindrops, the soldiers disappeared in pieces like this, countless footsteps wearing steel lifted up and stepped on at the same time The sound of stepping on the ground is like a roar of an earthquake: the square array is neatly arranged like a black copper wall and iron wall until it is covered with the sky and the earth in the sight of the Hungarians,


The flanks of    formations are countless black cavalrymen coming from flying,




   Then came the sound of a sharp blade coming out of the sheath, as if a white light was flashing, and the scrambled Hungarian Tooth Cavalry was driven around.


  The black cavalry was wrapped in the storm-like killing, and slammed into the queue of the Hungarian cavalry, just like a file. Stabbed fiercely from the front of the Hungarians. The Hungarian cavalry's scimitar was cut on the opponent's armor, and was even bounced off. The opponent's skilled tactical coordination and superb riding, quickly brought a flash of **** light and shadow on the blade, and the bright red blood from the panic and frightened Hungary Tooth man squirted his neck. Like a bunch of red flowers exploding in high-speed movement, is the armor of the Imperial Guard cavalry sparsely equipped? Even many people are still using bronze weapons Hungarian machete can cut!


   "The frontline collapsed, Falcon Emperor* entered the masses! The number cannot be counted"


   "Fia lost. The Tusu chief died in battle, and all four thousand people were destroyed."


   "Modicia lost, the Russell clan was seriously injured, and all seven thousand were destroyed"


"Haro Oulen was defeated. The Patriarch of Resenna was killed in battle, and all his troops were destroyed." Each of the camps was broken by the emperor's team. The troops invaded by the empire reached more than 100,000 infantry, and they scattered and attacked all the way. It is really like a waterfall flowing down, where the wooden camp fences built by the Hungarians can stop it, and the camps are lit up. The flames rise up into the sky, one by one. It seems to be the legs and feet of giants, chasing behind the crowd of people who do not know how many but only know how to escape. In addition to these infantry groups that are still step by step forward, the 30,000 Imperial Guards cavalry and his southwestern cavalry led by Saron himself. Almost three-quarters of the imperial cavalry's strength in this counterattack. Regardless of the camps of the Hungarians along the way, regardless of the crowd of escaped people, they desperately went straight in. The infiltration of these imperial cavalry troops further exacerbated the chaos of the Hungarians. I do not know how many Hungarians were chased and spit blood. Fall to the ground, and then give countless horseshoe steps


   Battle report from the front. It was almost a dozen minutes to send back the messy headquarters. The number of surprises in a day, no, dozens of surprises, and about 70,000 Hungarian troops who were still stranded in the western army base camp, have been at a loss. Everyone's eyes widened and they watched a series of news from Xiqi. Anyway, the news from the front was just a sentence, defeated, defeated in front, the enemy was fierce, and it was completely beyond the imagination of the Hungarians. The situation, that feeling, is like the sky collapsed,


   The distance from the border to the headquarters of the army is about thirty miles. During this period, there were several lines of defense formed by the elite troops of the Hungarian teeth, and there were 30,000 or 40,000 troops. How can it be collapsed, who can believe it! The patriarchs at the base camp were completely ashamed. Even if the harassment on the opposite side had increased their intensity, wouldn't the news of the patriarchs either be killed or seriously injured be false? How did they fail? The Hungarian Patriarch didn’t know clearly, he would only say one sentence: "Too many, there is no way to fight at all, they just rushed over, and rushed straight over, my people broke down..." Tactics and weapons, he couldn't think of it at all.


   It was a nightmare, but why is this nightmare so clear!


  The other side's cavalry rushed in a large amount, and as a result, their troops collapsed. All of them are great men in the clan, and they are all good players who can shoot horses and shoot bows. How can they be crushed at once, without them, what is my clan leader still alive! The cries of the patriarch made everyone's hearts tangle,


Yes, this time the whole country is rejuvenating troops, who is not bringing out all the young and old in the tribe, as long as they can pull bows and arrows, and men on horses of war, join in this great expedition. At that time, who would have thought of once What will happen to this defeat? All the warrior men of the whole family died here. How should the orphans and widows of the remaining family live?


It broke through the four Hungarian defense lines in two hours, and the cavalry troops rushed into the dozens of miles all the way. The Hungarians' desperate resistance, in front of the imperial tigers that had been suffocated for half a day, could not hold on In ten minutes, he was beaten with a helmet and abandoned his armor~www.wuxiaspot.com~The bow cavalry only released a round of arrows. It seemed that he did not cause any damage to the opponent at all.


A large number of Hungarian auxiliary soldiers who lost control, the captured slaves from various countries, and even the escape of crying fathers and mothers, the crowds of people who have retreated from the collapse have already appeared in the sight of the Hungarian headquarters. Abandoned armor, surrounded by all the clan people who escaped easily in the wild tide.


Less than three hours after the war, the Hungarian cavalry who believed in their strength before the war turned into tens of thousands of little hairy children crying for their fathers and crying for their mothers. Less than a hundred people fled in embarrassment,


   The heads of various ethnic groups in the Hungarian West Army Base Camp have been completely frightened by such a battle situation. At this moment, it is like a bucket of cold water floating in the ice is poured from the head and poured into a cool heart. All in a panic,


   They knew that there was a gap between their own and the real emperor's combat power, but they did not expect that the gap was so large that they could not make up for it by virtue of their superiority in military power, and it seemed that the party that had the superiority in military power seemed to be the other party! What is the strength of the other party, is it necessary to continue to rely on it?


"Report, Emperor *Qianrui is less than ten miles away from the camp!" Just looking at Xunqi from the front, he ran galloping all the way regardless of the horsepower, and opened his throat all the way to yell, no matter whether this distance is in the end or not Someone can hear,




   [Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the sailing update team @情不知所起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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