Whole Nation

: Two hundred and fourteen Hai Ming (1)

"Your Majesty excuses me, the Feishan people conveyed this time not only in good faith! but in threats!" After reading the fat man's report of the past characters, he chose to look dignified, frowned slightly, and filled a glass of crystal clear ice with his own hands. The chunk of rum was placed in front of the fat man, and said condensedly


"Oh, let's talk about it?" The fat man looked calm, and raised his eyebrows. If he chose, he chose the empire to declare war on Alberto as the bait, so that the emperor of Istan finally agreed to go. It’s a chain. This self-directed Istan Empire’s chief of staff is indeed an ingenious figure. Since this time I’m going to use the Falcon Empire’s hand to complete the final goal, I will naturally count the empire, if not. With a clear understanding of the whole situation, the fat man will also sweat a cold for this idea,


The alliance between the Empire and Fissan is just an alliance against a common enemy. Just like the Istanians trying to pull the hind legs of the Falcon Empire, the fat man is planning to pull the Istanians into the quagmire of the battle of Feishan, but as Fei Shan's side was obviously unwilling, if it was not the information returned by the Imperial Intelligence Department from the Istanian side that it was the Minister of the Istanbul General Staff. It was secretly revealed that the Kingdom of Ebros will act against the empire at this meeting. I am afraid that fat people will not believe it. This high-powered chief of staff who will lead the entire Istanian combat plan will be Fei Shan’s,


"Faluroca, forty-three, from the wealthy Faro family in southern Istan, was promoted to deputy head of the Fifth Infantry Regiment of the Seventh Army of the Istanbul Empire at the age of twenty-two and was appointed to the Eighth Army of the Istanbul Empire at the age of twenty-nine. Commander of the Third Infantry, 33-year-old Deputy Chief of the Third Army of the Istanbul Empire, Mitutoyo 9-year-old Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Istanbul Empire, and 41-year-old Minister of the General Staff of the Empire. People are admired for their mastery of control, an important confidant of the Istanian emperor, the main formulator of the Istanian military combat plan, and the leading think tank in the Istanian side, but such a person turned out to be a spy on the Faisan side? If not Who will believe Faisan’s acquiescence?"


It’s worthy of choice. He was a speaker of power. He was full of talents for the hidden danger of this kind of information. He put the report in his hand on the table and condensed. "Although I don’t know the Istanians and The specific situation of the Shan people, but it can also be guessed that if this chief of staff is all Fei Shan’s secret, then it is conceivable how many people Fei Shan has buried in Istan in the past two decades. Who can get the most benefit from this Istan emperor? Then it is possible to determine who the Fissans have the biggest card in Estan!"


  "You mean, the Feishan people do not want to defeat the Istan Empire, but control.


   Or simply swallow it in secret! "


The fat man's face changed slightly, his body suddenly stood up from the seat, and brought a gust of wind. This conclusion is really too scary, yeah, why didn't you think about it in this regard, Fei Shan and Istan people are common Culture, common race, the Feishan people have spent so much power and arranged for so many years. If it is just for an emperor, it is too naive. If an emperor is gone, it is still possible to establish an emperor. Obviously, the idea of ​​the Feishan people is to fight against another new emperor, to support or simply meet and control. It is entirely possible to rely on the Feishan people for 20 years of patience!


"It's like a multi-stranded domino. When the first card starts to fall, the subsequent series of results will eventually be the one that Fei Shan has been craving for!" Multi-choice sighed, on the cheek. The cheekbones were originally black, and now they are even blacker, like iron, looking at the wild yellow fields outside the window, saying


"It's really terrifying to say. Emperor Itan would not have thought that most of the military actions currently taken are calculated by the Fissan people. The previous retreat and battle shown by Fessan were unfavorable, but It is all for the Emperor Istan to keep his heart out of the country, and constantly transfer the domestic force into the illusion of Fissan. Now that he is staying in China, I am afraid that the Fissan people are in control. This is understandable, why This rebellion in Istan is not large, but it has reached the point where the emperor must be led back to the town."


"Oh, because everyone is acting." The fat man smirked. "Waiting for the emperor to come back, waiting for the emperor to die, waiting for the chaos in the Istanian Empire. Such chaos, as long as it is properly arranged, is similar to Fallu Rocca. Such a high-level ghost inside is enough for the people whom the Feishan people like to take the place of the new emperor"


"This eastern power that has endured for 20 years and has accumulated for 20 years has military power not inferior to that of the Istans and the power of the navy accumulated over decades. This time it seems to have been injured, but in fact it has not suffered much. After such a country collapses the Istan Empire in one fell swoop, will it sit and watch a powerful falcon empire take control of its surroundings?"


"Your Majesty, the empire is strong enough, and it has just swallowed the Central European Baro. Even the Feishan people should not want to fight the empire! And the Feishan people want to digest the power of the Istan empire, it is not short. "I can finish it in a while" hesitated for a few choices, and said with a positive look "Is under strategic considerations, my subordinates suggested that this ambush against the emperor of Istan, the imperial navy should go all out"


"Oh? You mean to suppress them from the navy?" The fat man's slightly appreciable jaws, his eyes shining, the power behind the Fissanians is amazing, what will happen to the Fissan who has swallowed his rival, the Estonians, in one fell swoop. No one knows!


"Yes, "multiple nods". The military power of the Feishan Kingdom is second only to the Istan Empire in the east, with a total national strength of more than 500,000, occupying the natural mountainous terrain, even if the Istanians mobilized more than 500,000 before and after The army’s strength is still unable to effectively suppress the army, unless the empire gathers more powerful forces, which is obviously unrealistic!


   "If there is such a heavy army of hoarding here, the first turmoil will not be Fei Shan, but the Central European Baro countries that have just stabilized!" The fat man smiled and quipped.


"Your Majesty’s analysis is very sensible!" The voice of multiple choices paused, making it clear that "If the land is Fissan’s hard shell, then the coastline is a weakness. Fissan wants to convert the resources of the Istan Empire to his own. It also needs to rely on this transportation line at sea. If the imperial navy is strong enough to make the Fei Shan feel that once the war starts, the sea route will be cut off by our army in one fell swoop, then as long as the empire does not take the initiative to attack Fei Shan will also maintain a certain low profile , At least before completely digesting the power of the Istan Empire, it will still deal with us falsely"


"Your view is correct. The Empire cannot hoard a large number of armies in Central Europe, but relying on the ports in the Central Europe Baro region, the Imperial Navy can easily achieve the purpose of threatening the Fissan!" The fat man stood up from his seat. I walked back and forth for a few moments and stopped, looking at multiple choices. "Give me a definite answer. As the governor of the empire, what attitude would you take towards the future Fisher?"


  "Your Majesty wanted to say that Fei Shan is an enemy of the empire! Even though this enemy hides so weakly, he will bite!" The choice seems to be enlightened, and the moonlight becomes a little dignified to look at the fat man


"Haha, I am very happy that you will have such a clear insight. I am really here to remind you that the empire's ally, Fei Shan does not seem to be full of goodwill in appearance, as the empire's heavy minister in guarding Central Obaro, with Fei Shan The most direct contact person of the Kingdom needs a clear understanding of this situation. There will be no war for the time being, but swords and swords will never be lacking. You should fix it in your governor’s office. The assassins can sneak in and kill you"


  The fat man stopped at the door and looked back. "Although I can avenge you with the blood of countless enemies, I still can't exchange your life!" No


"Your Majesty doesn't think that the more this is, the more it shows my incompetence? I believe that neither the Central European Baro nations nor the Fissan people would like to have a shrewd imperial governor watching them every day!" The corner of the mouth is slightly upturned, and he walked to the door and waved his shoulder to the fat man.


"You pay more attention to some. It is always good! From now on, the 6th and 7th Infantry Banner Regiments of the Imperial Guards will take full command of you, there is no military power in your hands, and you cannot be a governor!" The fat man laughed dumbly. , Shook his head helplessly, took the cloak in the hands of the guard at the door, and turned his horse. It was too careless. In the past, the governor of the empire was all a military officer, with his own lineage, accompanied by civilians, and successively. There is no military power in China. The troops and guards come from. Although the name of the imperial governor is clicked on the head and a glimpse of the Central European Baro countries, it is actually a bare commander.


   "Your Majesty!"


I chose to look more complex and watched the figure of the fat man disappear in the distance. At this time, the sky had reached dusk, the edge of the earth in the distance, the golden sun was setting, and the beautiful and dazzling sunset brought a majestic coldness. He knew that this young man, who had not reached his thirties, was bound to go to the Admiralty in the southern part of Gang Fei. An emperor arranged another emperor’s funeral. This fat man has always been so peculiar, in northern Gaul, He used Arrow Rain to hold a state funeral for the famous Gaul star Hasen Rambo. This time, he would complete the funeral with the Strant who secretly surrendered to the empire, in fact, with small movements in the dark.


  Even though it was a clerical choice, I have heard that the Imperial Department of the Navy repeatedly asked His Majesty to suppress the Stratans, but it was rejected by His Majesty the Emperor for various reasons.


As the former enemy of the fat man, it is clear that the choice is clear. The Strant’s blatant assistance to the Estan movement has completely crossed the bottom line that the emperor can tolerate. The mind of the Samor Falcon is not much larger than the eye of the needle. Proverbs that have been circulating in the mainland of Icadíva for a long time, I am afraid that not many Obaro people know!


   is not the largest port in the southern coast of Valenya. It was once the most violent place in the southern sea battle. It was bombed into a ruined city by the imperial navy warship. After a year of reconstruction, the cross street was filled with flowers. Then the season shifts, the summer flowers are full of people's eyes, the sea breeze blows the breath of deep summer, and penetrates into people's skin through bóbó's clothes, so that people's hearts are also active,


Because the port was almost completely destroyed in the war, the old pattern was broken, the newly constructed port is larger than the original, and the number of docks is larger. The Imperial Navy’s base camp was approved by His Majesty the Emperor in March this year, and will be relocated. Here, it is a gray-white stone building. As far as the building itself is concerned, the symbolic sense of authority is far better than the actual use of functions.


Every day, hundreds of admirals of the Admiralty come and go with this building. The command of the Imperial Navy to radiate and mobilize the fleet from the center to the entire inland sea is also issued from here. The Imperial Navy Minister and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Dustron Kay is said to be under 30 years old, but the glory of his naval record has given him a series of titles such as a sea man, a naval slaughterer, and a widow maker. The port, even if you can’t see a dragon class docked as the main empire of the Empire, is enough to evade the eyes of any naval enemy.


The huge outer turret of the naval fortress, with 30 dark barrels, 11 meters long and 12 inches in diameter, is a black long-barrel heavy artillery completely cast according to the specifications of the main gun of the flax dish on the dragon-class main battleship. All other ships entering the port at the port can feel this kind of deterrence belonging to the highest level of empire


"It is said that such a flax dish main gun, just one shot, is enough to break a heavy warship from it. I don't know if it is true?" A young nobleman standing on the bow of a merchant ship with his head bowed, his voice dignified and solemn. Mumbled, dressed in the style of a sea merchant, with dark-haired blonde cut very short, with a delicate taste in his eyes, saying that it is more reliable like a young scholar,


   "If it is a swordfish class that was not just a navy before, or maybe, if it is a hurricane-class heavy battleship that I have just launched, the top of such a main gun is the side of the open battleship!"


From behind him came a dark-skinned bald man, not only looking at the four imperial naval fortresses guarding the port exit, but also not far away, an imperial dragon tooth-class warship passing by, standing The imperial sailor on the battleship was pulling the sails. The row of black muzzles exposed on the side of the ship when the battleship turned flexibly made his face slightly moved.


   Dragon tooth level! The bald man's face became very dignified, like a big enemy


As one of the captains of Strand, who was ambushed by the Imperial Navy here just last year, he was not afraid of the huge and fierce Imperial Dragon-class battleship. The Empire gave a Dragon-class to the Istanians. Following this opportunity, the Stratans studied this Dragon Tooth class very carefully, from the hull structure to the firepower configuration. Once the mysterious thing was revealed, its deterrent force was naturally weakened a lot. It is undeniable that the Dragon Class The battleship is certainly a giant in the sea, but its sluggish speed and flexibility, unless it is the opponent's decisive battle, otherwise it can only sigh for the more mobile Strand battleship, but it is a body The small, but powerful adaptable and oar-assisted Imperial Dragon Tooth class, in the overwhelming fire chase, caused damage to the Strand navy warship that made the Strand people hard to remember.


   Dragon-tooth level is indeed like the teeth of a sea dragon. When bitten, it will be torn into pieces and become the wreckage deep in the sea


   The sound of a hustle and bustle from the sea not far away suddenly made the two look weird,


It was a burst of military music, and I saw the formation of 30 dragon-tooth warships in a very fancy performance stance, sailing through the waves, powerful, coming from the opposite sea and breaking behind. With the seven huge dragon-class battleships, one of the dragon-class battleships was flying with the flagship flag of the Imperial Navy. All the battleships were surrounded by a huge circle, and two open dragon-tooth battleships , The rolling waves, let the nearby merchant fleet quickly avoid,


"The man who just killed a million people in Central Europe Baro was really enough to show that in order to show his outstanding achievements in Central Europe Baro, he even asked the imperial navy to guard his return to the imperial capital" standing at the bow The young nobleman, looking at the imperial dragon class with a magnificent look, scorned his lips slightly,


"People are imperial emperors, and the imperial navy is nothing more than their own army. Not to mention the imperial navy escort, it is just the Dustrounka who personally escorted it. It is also a matter of course, which kind of vinegar do you eat!" Shaved head, knowing that the young man is an admirer of the Dustronk navy commander, laughed aside


"How could the sea **** of war like Dustronkai be comparable to this arrogant maniac!" The young nobility seemed very dissatisfied. "Dusterlenka was fought by battle one battle after another, just not in the southern ambush. War, although the target of the ambush is us, the upper navy has to admit that the layout of the ambush battle, the command of the battle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ are almost perfect, if not for some accidents, the navy may be all Annihilation, after the meeting can be included in the textbook victory!


   "The words said that, but the emperor is also known as the **** of war." The bald hand touched the chin and deliberately teased her


"Bullshit, a person who doesn't even know what the sea is, what qualifications are called God of War! If you give me a battleship, a heads-up opportunity, believe me or not, you can kill the fat one by one!" The young noble smirked The redness of the teeth said


"I know you are great, Lord Captain, but the main force of the empire in the port was transferred two-thirds at once. Such a move is still good to report immediately." The bald man looked at the young noble with a sneer and shrugged. "You also I know that the domestic navy is still very sensitive to the actions of the imperial navy, and we also need to determine whether the commander of the imperial navy, Dustron Kay, is still in the navy headquarters!


   "I hope there won't be any trouble!" The bald head looks at the sky, the blue sky is floating with clouds, and the seagulls are flying on the mast


"Okay, I know. I will visit this commander as soon as possible in the name of the Strand liaison officer." The young noble sighed in frustration, and his footsteps were very regular, dressed in a manly style. The dark-toned blonde hair dangled from the captain's horn hat, which made people think that he was a beautiful young boy, but in her slim figure, smooth skin and orange scarf exposed from the neckline, it seemed Prove that she is a woman. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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