Whole Nation

: Two hundred and nineteen Hai Ming (6)

"In any case, the sturdy battleship deck can’t stop a sweeping Thor bomb. It may not be enough to break the main battleship’s deck in one fell swoop, but in front of more than ten rounds of empire Thor burst The word indestructible is a joke"


   "The only way to win the battle with the Imperial Navy is to drag the other party into close combat"


"Thunder God, owned by the Falcon Navy Fleet, has an advantage on the sea. Even in the face of several times the enemy, it can still face the tough battle. The entire Gaul navy in the north was annihilated, and the West Coast was just a shameless bombardment of Kyoto on the west coast. In the non-southern sea, the main force of the Kingdom’s navy was almost destroyed, all of which proved that the imperial navy’s combat power had already surpassed this era.


   Facing an enemy with such a powerful and terrible long-range firepower, it is impossible to carry out all annihilation in the vast sea. Unless, the opponent is willing to be trapped, unless the opponent has no precautions at all, unless he can fall into the opponent's flagship in one fell swoop, so that the battle damage can be minimized. . mouth. . . . "


   "If I were Commander-in-Chief, I would choose the battlefield here."




Prince Anji rubbed his temples, the meeting was over, the kingdom fleet was heading towards the scheduled sea, and his eyes swept the battle plan on the table. His mind flashed in his mind. The young squadron captain pressed the table with one hand, generously The scene of the words, for the first time, made Prince Anji feel that the Imperial Fleet is not like that, invincible! Any strong enemy who feels weak can be vulnerable. The shadow of disastrous defeat caused by the defeat in the southern non-south sea battles was all vanished because of this plan. Stink’s analysis convinced Prince Angie that the imperial navy’s lack of close combat would be the key to this battle.


There are not many people who can see this, but no one has thought about starting from the underbelly, because under the powerful bombardment of the Imperial Navy, not to mention the battleship full of sailors, even if it is a fragment of a small ship board, It will also be tossed and abused more than a dozen times. If you want to get close, it's not easy!


   But the plan provided by Stark brightened his eyes!


   "This time we will succeed, and we must succeed". . . . .


Prince Anji's hand was slammed on the Table Mountain's plan, his face was solemn, and his eyes were cold and scary. Although he was a neutral, he was decisive in style, with a kind of soldier's stiffness, in the wind and rain. China took over the naval power of Strand and determined such prestige through a series of means,


  The success of the Battle of Fei Shanhai made him taste the sweetness. The soldier is the sword of the kingdom and the foundation of all authority. For the naval beast of the sea, victory is the first,


As a naval commander, no matter what your status, royals, nobles, and civilians, in the eyes of the subordinates, there are only two kinds of victory and defeat. What really determines everything is the record, can it bring the ambition of the entire navy fleet With courage, the officers of the navy are elites who have fought many battles and are the backbone of the kingdom. In their eyes, only the commander who can lead them from victory to victory is the most worthy commander.


  Strate is a country that establishes a nation by the sea, and no control of the navy means that it controls most of the authority of the maritime nation.


If this battle is won, Haiguo will really get a chance to breathe. At least for ten years, the falcon empire that is in the sky cannot temporarily pull its hands to shake the eastern seas. In this case, Haiguo only needs to rely on the big tree of the Estan In the case where the Feishan Navy has completely fallen, the maritime nation can fully realize the hegemony in the eastern sea area, and incorporate the surrounding area of ​​the eastern sea area into the maritime country’s control circle, waiting for the falcon empire to regain its power. Expansion in the east is not so easy, instead of fighting for the hegemony of the Inland Sea in a hurry as in the non-Southern Great Ocean War, the result was a World War I defeat, loss of status, and hasty withdrawal. Not only did all the humiliation give up the interests of the Inland Sea And it also needs to show a gesture of obeying the empire's dispatch at any time, so that the future of humility is not the future of the maritime country!


The sea of ​​Fogroy under the dark night is like a giant crescent-like island, leaning on the south side of the sea. Under the soft floating white waves, it is like a dark sea level. There is no wind tonight, the waves are small, and the sky Hanging a round of crescent moon, a silver moonlight sprinkled inward at the lower end of the island


  The sea wall of Fogroy is named because it is backed by the largest coral group,


  The accumulation of these fragile and strong corals over the years, through the erosion of the wind and waves, the tenacious coral reefs were formed tenaciously, which made the peaceful appearance of Fogroy Island also became a dangerous sea area in the eyes of the navigator.


  Because of the large number of corals and coral reefs, this huge area with a large inner curve that extends halfway down the island, also known as the "sea wall", can be seen inadvertently, and you can also see the sea fish flying in the water. In July of each year, the season of red coral, the sea surface also enters a quiet period,


The surface of the sea is like a smooth and transparent mirror. Only when the ship passes by, will the beautiful white waves be painted. The sea waves sway to the sides. The second squadron of the Strand Navy Khan Leiba, who has entered early, Standing alone and proudly on the bow of the battleship, the moonlight of the sky shone on his tough and tough face,


Behind him, the Strand Navy’s 17 main Poseidon-class battleships, as well as the huge fleet of 60 small and medium-sized assault ships drawn from the islands, most of which are sailor-carrying troop carriers. , Like a swarm of geese spreading their wings, in his confident eyes, a huge, fan-shaped curved surface wafted along with the undulating sea surface, painted in black, the battleship mast like a pirate flag rises and falls like a forest , A ring formed by coral reefs in front, shallowly floating out of the sea, sporadically and orderly surrounding into an oval ring. It is like a wreath of bunches of flowers thrown into the sea. Under the moonlight, the red is white, and the waves hit the coral reefs, splashing the broken white like jade.


   is undoubtedly an excellent place as an ambush place for bluffs,


The barrier formed by the coral reef is enough to keep the fleet in an attackable and retreatable position. For an imperial navy who is not familiar with this sea area, even if they want to catch up, they will stop in front of this coral reef group unless the other party is bold To dare to enter the chaotic reef in the night, this is a mistake that no naval commander will make. The complex coral reef is enough to destroy a group of ships.


   footsteps sounded gently behind. Khan Leiba turned back and ridiculed, "Are there targets?"


   "Not yet, but it should be fast. There is an order from the commander-in-chief of the fleet, asking us to be ready. The sixth fleet as bait and commando will arrive in two hours."


   "The moonlight is very bright tonight, the view is good, and it should be visible within twenty miles"


   Appeared behind him was a middle-aged navy admiral with linen hair, wearing a red Stront navy fleet dress, with sharp eyes, sharp nose, and handsome appearance. The slender and sly luster flashed in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth slightly flicked, and said to Khan Leisi


"Team Captain, I don’t understand why we are pirates, and we also have to act with the **** of the Sixth Fleet. I heard that the Captains of the Sixth Fleet have all spoken out. If you know who made this plan, you must Beat him up"


   "Haha, as a navy, but chased by pirates, it is indeed a little embarrassing, but it can be a key blow to the destruction of the enemy, that is the honor of the Sixth Fleet."


   "A critical blow, what does the captain mean?"


   "Cough, don't ask, we just have to prepare ours" It feels like I have said something that should not be said, Khan Leiba coughed! sound,


"In addition to the troop carrier, the other fleets are out! Let them behave more realistically, make the noise bigger, and don't mess up the drama," Khan Leiba said sharply. It's unpleasant to disguise as a pirate. However, as a few senior officers who knew the entire battle plan, he knew that it was the core of the whole plan, deceiving the imperial navy and throwing bait with poison, which was the core of this battle plan


The soldiers are not deceitful. The empire taught a lesson to the entire Strand navy in the naval battle in the southern part of the country, and the other party displayed a cunning like a fox and a fierce jackal that has been deeply imprinted into the bones of the Strand navy The death and capture of tens of thousands of sailors almost caused the navy that the maritime nation spent decades training to collapse,


This time, the Navy of Strand is going to use teeth for teeth, blood for blood. Dusterenkai is supposed to fight pirates. Then let these imperial navies see that there are really pirates in the eastern seas, and they still dare to fight The gangsters fighting head-on in the Strand Navy! Of course, this is all acting for the imperial navy,


Dusterenka is a battle-hardened star who is not so easy to cheat. For this reason, the Sixth Fleet will really fight against himself, although it is fake, but to convince the Imperial Navy that the naval base camp The side even made preparations for sacrificing three to four main battleships. In the end, lost to the pirates, an embarrassed sixth fleet would flee to the Vogeloi sea wall, and in the name of the Strand Navy, The imperial squadron inside asked for asylum. In this case, considering Dustroemke’s request for the Haitian state, the possibility of the other party agreeing to shoot was very high.


As long as the imperial squadron agreed to take shelter, the sixth squadron full of assault soldiers would enter the only entrance to the sea wall. After dispersing close to the imperial squadron, they suddenly made trouble and fought with a large number of shipborne soldiers in close combat, directly attacking the opponent's flagship Where you are, dressed up as a pirate, and another group of ships that have already arrived, will also be killed from their respective hiding places at this time,


For this battle, the maritime base camp assembled 40 main battleships, 30 troop carriers, 6,000 wearing heavy armor, and armed with various warship weapons. The shipboard assault soldiers were densely packed on the side of the ship. It took 50% of the total number of maritime warships and 27,000 sailors dispatched, occupying more than 60% of the maritime fleet’s total number of sailors, while the imperial squadron was no more than two dragons and six dragons. Toothed warships, the number of sailors is more than 6,000, and the number of carrier soldiers will not exceed 1,000. The strength is so disparate, as long as they are entangled by the first wave of assault fleets, the sea wall of Fogeloy is where the Imperial squadron is buried. Ground, the implementation of this plan with more than half of the national power is enough to prove that the Strand Navy is determined from top to bottom this time to be the first general of the imperial navy in the Megatron area, and the greatest threat to the sea. , Dusterenkai lore and this place


   At the lower end of the island of Vogelos,


The night is dark and the wind is high, the moonlight is falling into the sea, Dusterenkai is holding the battleship's side, and his eyes are swept sharply across the distance. Undulating, "creaky" white water foam wandering between You Ge's hull and the reef, all warships lowered their sails, and finally relied on the currents under the sea to follow the waves, and the reefs squeezed the hull The crisp sound from time to time came from the bottom of the hull. The sharp and harsh friction sound made everyone's nerves tight to the top.


  , the squadron had stopped about five miles from the sea wall of Fogroy. From the chart, Dustronkai knew that there was a large reef coral zone near the sea wall of Fogroy. The reefs here are bare, and large areas of red coral reefs, like a pair of giant claws that may protrude out of the sea at any time, flickering under the black sea, from time to time you can see the gray-white wreckage of the shipwreck, from these giant hands A piece of it is exposed, the only way to avoid these corals is to enter the curved inner wall


   Just when he hesitated, the adjutant next to him suddenly raised his hand towards the distance "Master, look!"


Along the direction of the adjutant's finger, a piece of red light diffused. Although they were far apart, they could also see that it seemed that the two fleets were fighting on the sea and raised the female looking glass in their hands. Dustronkai's face appeared slightly confused. The expression, there are really pirates! There are a lot of pirate ships with black sails. They are densely packed with seven or eight battleships of the Strand Navy. They have an absolute advantage in terms of morale and quantity. The group of pirates behind the fleeing chased after it, the direction is exactly the direction of Fogroy’s sea wall


   "Pirate? Strant?"


There was a chill in Dustromkay's eyes. Interestingly, he was also a veteran of naval warfare. He glanced through the looking glass. The engagement between the two sides was very fierce. The trebuchet flew back and forth continuously, and the mast deck of the battleship was constantly visible. It became debris, and many sailors with pirate scarves on their heads jumped on the navy's battleship, and people continued to fall from above.


   If it is a general naval admiral, it may really be deceived, but unfortunately, the Stratans are not bad at acting, but they have made a mistake in the environment.


A full-fledged imperial navy entered the control area of ​​the Strand navy blatantly, and made clear the direction of travel. Even if the Stratans really thought that they were coming to send the Dragon Tooth warship, they would never be rough. It's so nerve to send only seven or eight warships to accept. It is very good that the other party has not sent the main fleet to deter itself. It is their turn to play these pirates! What is the situation? Or are the Stratans naive enough to send warships? Dusterenkai's eyebrows were narrowed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly grinned. He raised his head-mirror again, and his eyes fell on the battleships of Strand, who were making a dying struggle and approaching the sea wall.


The side armor of a battleship was penetrated, the hull was swaying and leaning forward, and the sail masts of two battleships were damaged to varying degrees, and many armor-carrying ships were standing on the deck Soldiers, one by one, with serious expressions, squeezing their arms, what is still talking in their mouths, it seems to be in response to the pirate group behind them."


   "Is it true that I am more conscious?"


  Looking at such a scene, Dustromkai hesitated to put down the female mirror. At this moment, a slight red light suddenly flashed in front of the lens,


"Asshole!" Dusterenkay felt an angry rush to his head, his back straight, like a needle stuck in it, that dangerous feeling made his hair stand up because of the flash The secret light of extinction is sent from the direction of your own fleet. Some people have kindled some kind of signal, and some people are ventilating! Although it only flashed slightly, in the dark, it was enough to expose the position of the fleet. I did not put the fleet into the sea wall to rest as suggested by the guide. In order to keep it secret, the entire fleet was blocked. Asking to stay dark,


He saw a Strand navy officer in a red uniform on one of the battleships of the Navy of Strand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a touch of joy in his face, and he suddenly pointed here and lifted He started shouting loudly at the mast, and a few pirates had climbed to the side of the ship. They turned around and jumped back to the original ship,


   This action gave Dustrengkai's eyes a killing intent, this is. . . .


  . A group! Pirates are also the Strand Navy! The several Strand naval warships that were heading towards the sea wall also turned sharply at this moment, and came flying towards this side,


"Commander, the report of the Dragon Tooth 100, the guide of the Strand Navy, just lighted a torch at their stern." The adjutant looked hurriedly from behind and whispered in Dusteren's ear. "The other party insisted that he was in a hurry, and said that the Strand fleet under attack by the pirates was the fleet responsible for taking over this time.


Dustronk's face became gloomy. At this time, it was a difficult choice before him. The main force of the Strand Navy should be lurking nearby. If he is abnormal, the other party's biggest possibility is to turn his head. Just withdraw,


   This time mobilized the main force of the imperial navy, the siege battle that struck thousands of miles failed,


There is another possibility. This possibility made Dusterenkai take a deep breath. The other party spent so much time to play such a play. I am afraid that it is not just for two Dragon Tooth battleships. The other party may be Want to take the opportunity to swallow the entire squadron! The opponent's goal is himself!


  What should I do? (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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