Whole Nation

: Two Hundred and Thirty-Three Great Turning (2)

   2133 Big Turning (2)


Bibo floating port of Jagpur, Central Europe Baro region, two razor-sharp Imperial Dragon Tooth battleships split the sea, guarding this Imperial Dragon-class battleship slowly entering the port area, a **** on the huge hull The figure is revealed in the position of the bow, the entire port area has been martial law, from the platform to the outer wall of the port, the imperial local garrison's closed water is impenetrable, and even several streets outside the port are in full martial law. A small port, the entire port area is about five miles long and wide. The main economic industry is fishery and a small amount of trade.


As one of the 17 ports that the Strand Sea State has linked to the mainland, Yagpur ranked eleventh. Until the outbreak of the Fraser War, the location of Yagpur Port was unremarkable. However, after the outbreak of the Fraser War, as the nearest port from the mainland to the mainland from the Strand Naval Base, the strategic position of the port of Jagpur began to stand out. This small town is the three major settlements of the migrants of the Strand One, in just two months, a small town with less than a thousand people had flooded into more than 10,000 people in one fell swoop, dense new wooden houses were formed into large pieces, large areas of unowned land were reclaimed, and high above the mounds Huge windmills were also erected, and the surrounding moat ditch was dug in the central area.


However, with the defeat of the Istanians, the Feishan army fought back, and the whole situation collapsed. The Feishan army, who hated the Stratans, launched a massacre in the town where the Stratans were located. The proud Stratans have tasted the bitter fruit of not having a strong continental army, no protection from the army, and only the Navy’s Strat, cannot protect the land territories in substance, and the settlements have so-called self-defense teams. This kind of militia armament is simply a weak person who has no resistance when confronted with a powerful army of all roads.


Istan’s army was evacuated, and even its own two troop regiments did not hesitate to become abandoned sons. There were still spares to take care of the Strants. It was the Seventh Army of Feishan who was responsible for sweeping the coastal area. In this way, the settlement of the Strands was broken into pieces,


The area where the Feishan army passed, a sea of ​​blood, is said to be only in the port of Qat in another large settlement. It was only one night that the Feishan army that broke through the city wall destroyed the entire city and houses with a cruel massacre. All were burned relentlessly, and the black smoked city roads were covered with the corpses of the Stratans. The dried human blood was shocking, and even washed the dirt streets of Quart City into red. The quart residents of 17,000 were killed, but less than a hundred people survived. It was because the Feishan people asked these people to dig pits and corpses.


In just one night, the total population of nearly 20,000 people praised the settlements, so the people who had led the city were ruthlessly wiped out, the tragic wind came, the whole of Gable quaked, and the Strands in the harbor fled wildly. The entire port was emptied for two thirds, and all that could be left was to invest a large amount of money in this emerging town, a merchant who bought a large number of industries, a handicraftsman, a smuggler, and just watched the town as a fisherman It's hard to be reconciled when it is completely burned down. The several interest groups left to discuss the countermeasures, and I don't know who was the first to propose


"Instead of sitting and waiting to die like this, it is better to simply hang the banner of the Falcon Empire. Although the Feishan Army is cruel, it still has some concerns about the Falcon Empire, an ally on the bright side. It’s a short-term first, it’s probably going to go around.” It’s the merchant organization in the port who made the proposal. Although the upper stratum of the Strand Sea State has never dealt with the empire, it has always claimed that the Falcon Empire is ambitious and is an intruder from the sea , Even in the fierce battle in the southern Africa, but for ordinary Strand merchants, the image of an empire that emphasizes business development is much brighter.


  The empire has the most powerful army and the richest region, but in the end, it can make the empire truly become the first power in the entire Obaro region, but it is a businessman


The battle of the imperial army is still on the front line of Central Europe Baro, and the tentacles of the Imperial Business Alliance have extended to the other side of the continent, Central Africa. There are exciting news from the Central European Baro countries. The Empire is in Central Europe Baro. Various countries have built roads, and a Central European Baro artery has passed through more than ten Central European Baro countries. This was absolutely impossible in the past. Central European Baro countries seem to be united. In fact, the internal contradictions are numerous and each has its own. In my mind, I plan to build a road that traverses the entire Central European Baro under such circumstances, and open up the golden commercial road that has been deposited for hundreds of years. For any businessman, the empire is now a miracle. The empire’s business alliance is the common pride of all businessmen. There has never been any country. In any era, like the Falcon Empire, the merchant’s status has been promoted to that of the nobility. At a higher level,


In the Falcon Empire, noble wagons are unnoticed. Even if you are famous for centuries, passed down from generation to generation, you may even have been the nominal lord of a certain area. There is absolutely no large wagon merchant’s wagon. The absolute focus, I heard that in the Falcon Empire, it is the representatives of businessmen who manage the city. This alone is enough to make all businessmen eager, fascinated, and hear suggestions from the chamber of commerce.


   "Yes, this is a good idea!"


Several other forces expressed their approval with little hesitation. Fei Shanjun’s forward sharpness was less than fifty miles away from here. He may be left at any time, and there are still hard-working people in the real bloodstream. He has already fled the port. Those stubborn styles of Strand, they believe that the sea is where Strand is, and staying on land is to be cursed. In this case, who can keep Jagpur, who is the savior, as for him The Sea of ​​Trant, still a falcon empire, can’t manage that much anymore, the meeting hastily dispersed,


   An hour later, a hundred Falcon Empire military flags expedited by the Port Handicrafts Association hurried on the outer wall of the port. Almost just under two hours after the flag was hung, the troops of the Feishan army appeared outside the port, a full force of a thousand men. These Feishan soldiers wore red and white armor, and the soldiers’ weapons seemed to be still The color of blood can be seen, although it is far away, but it can also be seen faintly. Thick black smoke rises from the direction of the Wunai camp ten miles away from Jagpur. The direction in which this team of thousands appeared is Wunai. direction


"Wunai is over!" Everyone in the port held their breath. At this time, watching the regular Feishan troops outside the city, sweating out of their palms, although Wunai camp was not as big as Jagpur , But there are also more than 1,000 people, of which there are about three or four hundred young and strong, equipped with patrols armed with weapons on board ships. Such camps with certain combat capabilities are finished, according to the practice of the Feishan Army, It must have been terrible in Wunai Camp,


   "Is it okay!" Someone in the crowd asked in a low voice, some commotion,


  "How do I know, after all, there are hundreds of empty flags, it is difficult to say that a thousand-man team that can scare the Fei Shan people!" A middle-aged man shook his head ugly,


   "Fear, the Fei Shan people really want to call, and the guy in our hands is not vegetarian!" A strong sailor raised the harpoon in his hand and whispered.


"Just kidding, do you think this is fighting at sea? Seeing that those archers standing in front of the queue do not need, the other party does not need siege at all, just a round of rockets is enough to ignite the entire port! Don’t forget, The entire port is made of wooden buildings. Today’s sea breeze is so big, let alone a rocket, even if it is a igniting star, it will burn most of the street.” A veteran with some experience has a serious look at Fei Shanjun. Said the archer who had raised his bow slowly


   "So what to do? Is it just waiting to die like this?"


The strong man's face became ugly and shuddered. At this moment, an officer came out of the Feishan army, some confused, stopped at a distance of 50 meters from the port, and looked at the Falcon Empire banner at the top of the port , The officer Fei Shan turned around and raised his hand to the army commander behind him, I don’t know what it meant, but after a few seconds, the Fei Shan army, who was already about to move, suddenly turned,


"Long live, we don't have to die!" This move caused everyone in the port to see this scene, and a very loud cheer broke out. As the first port of the Sea of ​​Strand to turn to the Empire, Yage People at the Port of Boer didn’t know that this self-preservation of their actions had advanced the entire battle plan of the Fissan people, and even directly affected the final direction of the war.


   "Are you sure? The Falcon Empire has already begun to occupy coastal ports in advance?"


"Are you sure it's not a blind eye?" The report returned from the Seventh Army Corps caused the Feishan Army command team that had been around the military map for three days and three nights to crash collectively. How could it be possible that the 100,000 Falcon Empire The army has been under our surveillance. When did it enter the coastal area?


   Minister of Warfare, Carmen Feisan, received this report when his experienced head was blank for ten seconds. The first thing that came to my mind is that my Feishan's 400,000 army counterattack, the result of countless fighters fighting desperately, is this the way to make wedding dresses for others!


  The **** of the Falcon Empire finally started to show the tail of the fox. From the beginning, he picked up things behind the Istanians. Now he has developed into a direct shot to **** the results! If it cannot be effectively contained, within a few days, the entire coastal area will be hung with the flag of the Falcon Empire, and the soldiers will be bloodless, and the Falcon Empire will easily take away this fertile land, plus the frightening naval cooperation of the Falcon Empire, The mighty front of the Falcon Empire Army can point to Fei Shan’s hinterland anytime, anywhere. This must not happen.


Carmen Feisan sat down, picked up the black fountain pen on the table, signed his name on a report, replayed the fountain pen, and raised his head. "Unexpectedly, this preparatory plan was used so quickly! "Carmen's solemn face said to himself, shouting "Lairen" to the door


   "Adult?" The adjutant came in from the outside


"Report to your majesty immediately, requesting the advancement of the third combat plan!" Carmen solemnly stood up and handed this report to the adjutant who came in. The third combat plan is a confidential plan of Fei Shanjun, which is not external. There are only a few people who even know this plan, and even whether it is signed or not, they are not sure. This is an emergency plan. The union with the Falcon Empire was originally a stopgap measure, whether it is Fei Shan or the Empire. The two sides only came together because of the common enemy Estan. Now the main force of the Estonian army has collapsed, and the Feishan army has also mobilized the national power. To say that Feishan is currently the most dangerous, he is no longer an Istanian. It’s the Falcon Empire,


   (to be continued)

   is the Falcon Empire,


The Falcon Empire confirmed its hegemony in Central Europe, and this time it pressed 100,000 troops into the battlefield of Feishan. This sharp spear can not only make the Istanians bleed, reverse the entire battle situation, but also let Feishan The authorities are always vigilant. The so-called third combat plan is a combat plan for such situations.


   mentioned in this combat plan, as long as there is any change in the Falcon Empire Army, the Fifth Army and the Sixth Army are in charge. A total of 100,000 people will leave the chase sequence and head west to enter the Bavarian region. Bavarian, in the Central European Baro language, means "Makino's autumn", with a piece of dark green pine needles, It is like a wild wilderness, green grass is bounded, and the eyes are in sight. It is a natural upturned **** formed by the towering Alpine snow mountains. The perennial snow-covered mountains are white and bright, and the mountains are red and bright. The mountainside is covered with a striking layer of emerald green grass, which is like an endless green blanket covering the earth, extending to the end of the junction of heaven and earth, and the silvery mountains of the mountain lake, and the flying birds on the lakeside Fly over, as if entering a pure land outside the world


As the connecting area between Central Obero and the Kingdom of Feishan, the mountains of Central Obero began to slow down here, gradually connecting with the Great Plains in eastern Obaro. The land area of ​​Bavaria Province is not large and the total population is not Less than 300,000 was once the pasture of the Hungarians. Thirty years ago, the Kingdom of Feishan captured the area from the Hungarians. Under the pasture policy that the Hungarians have been adhering to for many years, the environment here is more Nearly wilderness, the terrain is condescending, and 100,000 Feishan troops are stationed, just like raising a side knife, which can directly threaten the 100,000 Falcon Empire Army


   Of course, this is only military, the goal of the third combat plan. It is to contain the infiltration of the Falcon Empire in an all-round way. When the two main legions were used as military deterrents and transferred to the Bavarian region, a knife from the back of the Falcon Empire really broke out at the same time. On August 27, The emperor's responsible person in charge of the Central Europe Baro region suffered multiple assassinations. This incident was called "a big turning point" by later historians.


"The imperial governor’s multiple-choice defense has always been negligent. The fat man has criticized it before, but this is the style of multi-choice. This old man who was born in the chairperson of Dorok has always adhered to the strict rest style. Although he got the control of the two flag regiments of the empire, due to the tight funding, and the full support of the material operation of the 100,000 empire of the empire in the rear on the Feishan battlefield, the protective force left by his side, but only a squad of 200 people It stands to reason that a mansion with two hundred people is enough, but if you meet a real caring person, that is another matter! To be able to force the Falcon Empire to withdraw from the battlefield of Feishan at a critical moment, Fei Shan’s preparations were far more comprehensive than the empire had imagined, but the Fei Shan people did not expect that their self-righteousness provokes a raptor's reverse scale!" --- Excerpt from Chapter 5 of "The Empire Records"


The multi-choice residence is a two-storey villa with fresh air outside and picturesque scenery. The old man’s habit is to go to the governor’s office at 8 a.m. every morning. Governor, the life of the multiple choice is very simple. Although it has a gorgeously decorated governor’s mansion, more choice is more used to resting in such a place. The 100,000 empire of the empire is forced into the battlefield of Feishan. At the beginning of the construction of the Governor’s Mansion, there was a lack of talents, and many things required more choices. Even if such people were chosen, they were still old, after all, they were no longer as hard as they were when they were young. 'S spirit is getting worse,


  Drowsy choices once again fell into a sleeping swamp. Late at night that night, I chose to wake up again. Outside the window is a dark forest. The winding moon hung on the sky, the clear moonlight spilled over the room, got up from the desk, sorted out the scattered documents, and chose the throat so that there was a fire burning in his throat, he walked to the table and wanted to drink . "Do adults want to drink water?" In this quiet night. This sudden sound. It was particularly thrilling and he froze for a while, seeing a dark figure standing in the shadow in front of the door. Seeing Do-cho didn’t answer, he asked again, "Does adults want to drink water?"


   "Ah, it's Pask!" Recognizing the person's voice, he was relieved to choose "When did you come in?"


   "Just now, I saw that the adult was asleep just now, so I didn't disturb the adult. I'm here to get a financial statement!" Pascoe's thin body. Emerged from the shadows. The white moonlight sprinkled on his long thin face. It looks very pale. Because of the initial establishment of the governor’s palace, there is a huge shortage of talents. Most of the talents in other regions of the empire like to go to areas such as Putuo and other prosperous areas. For example, the Central Europe Baro where the choice is located, this is an area that has not yet been completely stabilized. The Empire At present, most people are reluctant to come to the battlefield, and there is no way. They can only use some local people to use it. This Pasco is one of them. As a financial officer who is proficient in arithmetic, Pasco is very popular. For selective appreciation, he carried a kettle in his hand. Quietly poured a glass of water for multiple choices, and selected a little dizzy to rub the temple


   "Adult please use it."


   "Oh, thank you." He chose to raise the cup to his lips. Suddenly he noticed that Pascoe's eyes were fixed on his hand holding the cup. His throat twitched quietly,


  Choose your mind, financial statements? Haven’t all the financial statements been reviewed? Even if there is, you should not pick it up in your own office. Many thoughts passed by, and the glass was put down in a nonchalant manner. "It seems that it is not very thirsty. I will drink it later."


   "Adults are too tired recently. Drinking more water is good for the body," Pask looked concerned, and his voice was unusually soft. Each of the multiple cold hairs stood up, and the moonlight shone from the window at the moment, and the multiple choices involuntarily aimed at the opponent's waist. The other party's uniform is bulging: what is that? Dagger or short knife?


   "Yeah, when people are old, they are not as good as when they are young!" But a little strength of the body could not make it out. He smiled and put the cup in front of the table. "You go down first, wait for me to drink."


"It seems that adults have understood!" Pask's expression changed slightly, staring at the glass of water that he had laid down, and slowly raised his head. "In fact, I have always respected people like adults, which could have been reduced. It’s a lot of pain, but it’s a pity that adults are too stubborn!” He grinned and revealed white teeth, with a grin.


   "You are... Fissan!" Staring at him with multiple choices, he was still wondering, who would think of killing himself, suddenly realized at this moment, Fissan! The 100,000 empire of the empire pressed into the battlefield of Feishan. After defeating the Istanians, the first thing to be dealt with by the Feishan people was the 100,000 empire army, and the logistics supplies of the 100,000 empire army were all responsible for themselves. As long as you get rid of yourself in one fell swoop, the entire logistics will be paralyzed!


   "Sir, why are you this!"


  Pask suddenly turned and rushed over, his hands swiftly touched the sharp light, and he stabbed straight into the selective throat without stopping! In a hurry, I chose to slam my hands and "crack!" A large glass of water splashed on Pask's face. Pask screamed, covering his eyes with his hands, and shouted, "Ah! My eyes! My eyes!"




   The door of the room was kicked open at the same time, and three guards of the governor's house rushed in. Seeing the dagger in Pasc's hands, the faces of the three guards of the Governor's House were all white. When did the other party enter the Governor's Office? Bastard, if there is something wrong with adults, they will only have to confess their death.


   "Catch him first!"


He chose to order loudly, his words just fell, and a sharp wind rushed across his face, then he heard a scream, an arrow hit a guard's forehead, red blood mixed The white brain plasma exploded from the wound, and the body was still in the posture of rushing past!


   "Enemy attack!" The other two guards rushed over quickly. At this moment, a second arrow flew out of the window and penetrated a guard's neck.


   "Sir, let's go!" The last guard pulled multiple choices to block himself. Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped suddenly: he didn't know when he had an extra dagger in his chest, it was Pask! His eyes were swollen, and his vision was blurred, and he could only roughly pierce towards the multiple choice, and as a result, he penetrated the body of the guard,


"Rush in!" There was a large voice outside the window, and there were suddenly as many as three or four hundred people popping up on the outer wall of the Governor's Mansion. They were all in black robes, biting in their mouths or bending in their hands. The knife, at the height of the outer wall, stood an archer wearing light leather armor, standing tall with a silver posture on his body, and a big silver bow in his hand pulled each time, There must be a guard in the Governor’s Mansion who was shot over. The three arrows shot from the window just now are his handwriting. He and Pask have been partners for many years. If they were not guards, they would have died a few times early.


   There was a rapid footstep outside the room, and several guards rushed into the room. Several swords pierced Pascoe’s body at the same time, “Multiple choices, you can’t run away, the entire governor’s palace will be killed!” Pascoe’s puffy eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, with a grin on the corner of his mouth, his body collapsed under

Body collapsed


"I didn't expect Pask to be a spy!" Urgently arrived was the multiple-choice adjutant Rui Bu. He came to the window and looked at the form outside. He anxiously said to multiple-choice, "Master, there are a lot of unknown people out there. Enemy, the back door has been broken, the guards in front are afraid that they will not be able to support it for a long time, you must leave immediately!"


   "How many people are there in the other party?"


"At least five hundred or so, it has surrounded the governor's palace on all sides, and it should look like a soldier!" The adjutant's eyes were complex, and his face was ugly. The reaction of the garrison will take about an hour. I'm afraid that at that time..." The adjutant's voice stopped, but the meaning was already very obvious. I was afraid it was too late.


   "So, we can't run away!"


The multi-choice look is very calm, looking at the moon in the sky, August will be exhausted, the distant river is sparkling, the moonlight exudes the unique fresh breath of the lake, the first star out early reflects in the red light, The lonely twinkling, the river glowed with silver under the night. It was under such a beautiful moonlight that the governor’s mansion had become a fighting ground, because the enemy attacked suddenly, and the number of people was completely crushed. The guards suffered heavy casualties. If not the crossbowmen located on both sides of the turret gave the other party a lot of damage, the other party would have rushed in.


  Is this the day I choose to return to? Not bad, at least there is the moon, not so disgusting! Multi-choice seems to have made the decision, turned around from the window, muttered to himself


   "Adult, you can't..." The adjutant's face changed slightly


"I am old, always dying, the only pity is my book! I thought I could see it again one day! "Come a little bit more, come to your desk and take one out of it Fold the manuscript that has not been officially published yet, mention the pen and write the last line on it, and give it to the adjutant.


"Oh, by the way, and help me tell your majesty, "Multiple choices pause for a while, and continue." The Fei Shan army's counterattack was very fierce and the results were remarkable. It wiped out the two most elite Iraqi in just a few days. The main army of the Stan Army, especially the Feishan 7th Army, which is extremely fast along the coast. After taking control of the coastal area, the whole army took Feishan Qingqi as the forefront, day and night, like a diagonal plug. The sword will probably break the flanks of the main force of Istan in one fell swoop. According to his subordinates, this time the main force of the Istanian army is only afraid of being fierce. The eighth army of Feishan with each other's horns is enough to nail the main force of the Istan Army there. As long as the main force of Feishan Army arrives, it will not take half a month to reduce the morale of the army's heart to the extreme more than 200,000 The Estonian army ate all... The battle of Fei Shan might end early!"


   "Adult!" The adjutant's body trembled slightly, and the voice cried with a trace,


   "The other party is here to kill me. Only when I die, they will immediately evacuate and everyone will survive"


Going towards the window sill calmly, he knew that the terrible archer of the other party must be waiting. Sure enough, when his figure appeared in the window, the man stood high and his eyes could overlook the entire balcony. The archer’s pupil with silver bow shrank slightly, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the target appeared. All the people who participated in the attack saw many selective portraits before the operation. The thin old man was not eye-catching on the portrait. , But at this moment, when his whole body is standing on the window sill, the silver moonlight seems to be solidifying, and the feeling seems to be like saying, I am here!


   "Go to death!" A swift arrow struck in the lightning room, hitting multiple chests. He groaned, took a few steps backwards, thumped, another arrow shot through his warm body, and struck the stone platform behind him with the blood of Jī Xie. The blood poncho spouted out. In the dark, the selective figure shook a few times, and finally fell down heavily


   "Adult!" The adjutant who witnessed this scene, kneeling on the ground with several guards at the same time, a clear whistle sounded out of the window, and the black robe of the Governor's Mansion retreated like a tide,


"The enemy retreated~www.wuxiaspot.com~The enemy retreated!" The guards of the Governor's Palace raised their arms happily. There were too many enemies. Everyone thought they would not live tonight. I don't know why. The enemy retreated like this. It was until a cry broke the cheers, the adjutant held a choice of thin body, and howled, his cry was intermittent, depressed and low, more like a sobbing cry "Master Governor, you protect us Instead of being killed all, rather sacrifice yourself!"


   "Admiral Governor!" The guards of the Governor's House turned pale and eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. Everyone put down their weapons and stood upright in the direction of the balcony. Then everyone bowed their heads and paid tribute in silence.


   On August 28, news of death was sent to the flagship flagship of the Imperial Navy, which was still busy in the flagship command warehouse. It was immediately quiet and frightening.


   All the captains put down the work at hand, and their eyes fell on the commander-in-chief of the Navy, Dusterenkai,


   The body of the commander-in-chief of the Navy was slightly shaking, and the low one asked again, "Are you sure the report is correct? It was the person from Fei Shan who shot it"


   "Already confirmed!" The fleet lieutenant who came to report took a deep breath,


"So, report to your majesty!" Dustrounka's face was cold with a bitter chill, which made all the fleet admirers feel an unstoppable surge from the bottom of his heart, and an imperial governor was assassinated, This is definitely a provocation to the entire Imperial Army, and it has also moved the counterscale of His Majesty the Falcon!


   (to be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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