Whole Nation

: Two Hundred and Thirty-seven Great Turning (6)

ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "Quan Guo", listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends-add public number-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! The temporary defense line constructed by the Istanian army has already started a big and small fire. Under the dark sky, the black smoke rises into the sky, mixed with the smoke on the battlefield, and rushed into the sky! The Istanian defense line is mainly a few trenches that are not too wide. The edges of the trenches are slanted spikes. Because of the lack of materials, this is what the Istanians can build in a short time.

During the chaotic battle, the Estanian officers desperately organized to resist, a horseshoe fell down and the muddy residual blood rolled up, the flesh and blood of the soldiers was overturned on the ground by the horses of the Feishan cavalry, as if they were forced into the final moment of the desperate battle, Courage, life and death, and glory can no longer be managed here. Anyway, they can’t go back anymore. Even if they die, they have to bite the flesh of the Fissan people, otherwise they will be in vain. ! kill! kill! kill! "Istanian soldiers with a desperate look on their faces have killed their red eyes. The eyes are full of horses of the Fissan people rolling in. The companion's broken limbs are mixed with mud on the face, and the **** smell in the nose is rushing. In my mind, the cavalry bayonet like Hanguang quickly expanded in the pupil, and the body was thus provoked before the horses of the cavalry,

Blood was raining on the faces of other Istanians, and countless Fissan cavalry hit the Istanian front like arrow clusters, "Fight!" Istanian heavy infantry standing in the front row Lost the spear shield. Directly picked up the battle axe in hand, and slammed it against the Feishan cavalry who stepped on the head, while the sharp cavalry bayonet of the Feishan cavalry pierced their bodies without hindrance. The horse's forward momentum shocked, and the sharply dropped battle axe also split the axe of the upper cavalry's half body. "Poo" blood exploded, but the lightly equipped Feishan light cavalry was directly taken by the axe from the shoulder. Split in two, red and white viscera splashed onto the body of nearby people.

"Hold it, or else. Everyone will die here!"

In the strangling of rolling and chaotic disks, everyone had **** melee weapons in their hands, and black crowds crowded the fronts that were colliding together. Fei Shan cavalry pressured on life and death, under the horse's hoof, the head rolled over, thundering like a flood, storming the defense line gap, every squadron of the Istanian army was screaming and urging the soldiers to block with infantry The horseshoes of cavalry are themselves piled with flesh and blood, a quagmire of accumulated water. It has become red, and the dying are still crying and struggling, and they are trampled into the mud by the horseshoes stepped on. Fighting against the sky, the only thing that everyone in the mind can think about is waving a weapon,

"Archer, shoot! When are you still in a daze!" An Istan heavy infantry lay on the ground covered with blood. The armor was depressed by the deformation of the horse's hoof, spitting blood. The mouth was still scolding, the anxious shouting finally summoned a dense white line to dump like a rainstorm,

"Archer, shoot free!" The clusters of arrows came over the sky, traversing the gorgeous arcs at high altitude, and then fiercely plunged into the body of the strong Feishan cavalry, the arrow cluster ripped the Feishan cavalry The thin leather armor plunged fiercely into the flesh and brought up a thick cloud of blood. The light cavalry who wanted to break through at night suddenly turned back, the horse of the arrow screamed, and the crazy chaos, chaotic team Shaped, many Feishan light cavalry collided together, finally let the Feishan people's assault momentum fizzled,

It was Moses who mobilized the last arrow cluster of the entire legion. Facing the nearly paralyzed command system, these archers had chosen their own shots without command, and they stood at a distance of less than 50 Mi's position, watching the heavy infantry in front was crushed and submerged by the enemy's cavalry sea, the bow of the complex look was pulled away, loosened, and the arrows clustered like rain, covering the few remaining heavy infantry with the enemy ,

Fortunately, the intersection was narrow enough so that the Feishan cavalry could not be fully laid out after being blocked. In addition, the sky was dark, and the broken gap could not be seen at a glance, otherwise the entire defense line would have been penetrated countless, and more than one hundred thousand Istanian remnants, The wind meal has been sleeping for more than ten days, and it has been soaking in the mud for two or three days. The energy, morale and morale have reached the critical point, and it is still insisting. It is entirely because they know that they have no escape route. The two armies are stuck on the second line of defense. In the trench area, the front of the torch light was bloody,

The rifle of the Istanian soldiers slammed forward under the blaze before standing up the trench. The temporary trench was only two meters wide, and the body of more than one meter tall had been built on the obliquely pointed pile. Almost all the Feishan soldiers coming from the center of Eisen concentrated in the trench, relying on the area they could control. Rejecting the horse with a spear blocked the Feishan Light Cavalry. Everyone knows that once the trench is lost, what is waiting for you is the unstoppable massacre. In some of the steep mountains, the Estonians desperately use stones and arrow clusters. Pouring down,

The corpses of the soldiers from both sides quickly stacked here, and the blood was continuously left along the fighting slope. The ground was already muddy. It is now wet and slippery. From time to time, the war horse slipped and lost its foot. The light cavalry on the top was wrestled and fell from the top. Don't fall to death, and roll in the mud to make a ball! Several of the Estonian spears were snatched from the back. Some of them were unresponsive and retreated a bit slower. A big hole in the chest was opened. They were nailed to the ground and were removed from the front to correct the fee. Shan Cavalry, just returned to the array, fell off from the horse at once, sitting on the ground and breathing heavily, staring at the impact line composed entirely of human flesh and blood, and swallowed hard.

"Sir Squadron Leader Varo was seriously injured!"

"Seventh Squadron Leader Lord Philet killed in battle"

The unfavorable report from the previous attack made Furan, the head of the 7th Army of Feishan, look cold, his thin cheeks as hard as a knife, and his sharp eyes swept across the battlefield like a star torch, and 30,000 Feishan light cavalry advanced. , After breaking the first line of defense of the Istan Army, was actually blocked by the second line of defense,

The Estonians piled up here with flesh and blood. With long soldiers and mixed support, one wave collapsed and the other wave went up again. With such a large amount of consumption, the Seventh Army could not hold on for too long. With a lot of dissatisfaction, Fron waved his hand on the horse and said to the herald cavalry behind him. "Tell the Eighth Army that if they continue to slack off like this, My 7th Army was withdrawn. Keep them in front!"

No wonder he was so angry that he was the general in pursuit of Fei Shan. This is a rare honor to be placed in front of yourself, annihilating a century-old enemy, the Istan, whose name is destined to be included in the history of the Feishan Kingdom, and comes from the command of the base camp. He was also asked to destroy the Istanian remnant army in the shortest time, and then accompanied the eighth army to the coastal defense line, and formed a three-sided encirclement with the Rousseau ninth army against the 100,000 falcon emperors in the coastal area, forcing him to give up his carry The supplies, which promised Fei Shan’s near surrender conditions, were the strategy of the entire kingdom. Although they were reluctant, they just gave up the game of cats and mice against the Estan, but it was under consideration. He still obeyed the orders of the base camp and cooperated with the Eighth Army, when the Istanians were the weakest. Invading and launching a total attack, the Eighth Army rushed in, and completely wiped out these Istanians,

According to his imagination, this battle is not difficult, and chaos in the night. The advantage of cavalry against infantry should be as simple as harvesting the mature wheat in the rice fields.

The Istanian army was chased all the way by its own, constantly weakened, and the final military supplies were also thrown into the Aristi River channel. It was rolled in the mud for three consecutive days. No morale for the army's heart was left. This battle, the morale of the high morale The stubborn army can easily achieve a victory. Only then did he use his superior status as the eighth army at the meeting to propose a strategy of forging ahead with the seventh cavalry assault cavalry. For his own sake, I did not expect the tenacity of the Istanians to be unexpected. These Istanians who seem to know that they will die are like crazy beasts.

Tired of running, soaked in the rain for two days, and now he was beaten into a honeycomb by the cavalry. He was still mortally rebelling. Sure enough, he was a long-term enemy with Fei Shan! Furong took a deep breath and looked dissatisfiedly at the direction of the sluggish Eighth Army. If it were not impossible, he would not share such a glorious glory with the second-line army such as the Eighth Army. But the front is sticking, although the cavalry assault is fast, the Istanian army occupies a huge advantage in terms of number and terrain. Whether it is itself or the Istanians, they have reached the level of exhaustion, as long as there is a new army at full strength at the moment When it is pressed, it will inevitably collapse. The Eighth Army will not be able to do so.

"Woo" The sound of the rapid trumpet from the direction of Feishan 7th Army was like a rush, like an angry roar. The head of Feishan 8th Corps looked at the blocked battlefield of Feishan 7th Army lightly, to several of them. The subordinates smiled and said, "Fron is really an impatient person. In the end, it is also the elite of the Istanians who have gathered for two decades. The battle of more than 100,000 people who want to achieve a decisive victory in an hour is unrealistic. If you don’t open it, you are urged to go to the army. This annihilation battle is dominated by the Seventh Army.

"Adults said that we are so eager to fill us in, and don't know who this credit is?" said one of the generals with dissatisfaction.

"Adult, whatever he is"

Another general was complimented and said, "Our army is only a light infantry corps. This face-to-face attack was not the commander of our army. This Furong arrogant thought that his own cavalry was enough to defeat Istan. People, in the previous meeting, relying on their status as the main legion, they robbed us of this great achievement from our hands, and could not bite it down, and thought of pulling us out as cannon fodder, I don’t believe that these The Istanians soaked in the rain for a few days, and everything that they didn’t eat or drink smelled. After a few days, they collapsed themselves. Why not do anything more! Sending tens of thousands of troops to fight hard just to **** credit. Not a qualified general as "

"Sir, the Seventh Army has sent people here to urge!"

An **** came in a hurry at this time, and it seemed that the bugle was useless. The Seventh Army simply sent people directly. Several Generals of the Eighth Army of Fei Shan glanced at each other, and they closed their voices and looked at the eighth. What if the army commander? Although they are all prepared by legions, and their numbers are only one digit, but their identity is really different in the Feishan military world. Feishan adopts a standing military system. The real front-line combat troops have only one to seven legions. A total of 400,000 people, the eighth to eleventh legion in the back, were all temporarily recruited by the local reserve army in this war.

"In this case, start attacking!"

The commander of the Eighth Army was silent for a while, and raised his hand hard. There was no way to do it. It used to be unmoved. It can be said that the military order was unknown. It is still unmoved. It is *naked disobedience. Don’t blame me, the Eighth Army. The array began to advance as if it were awake. The 8th Army of Feishan, as a full-fledged light infantry corps, has more than 40,000 people. As a soldier of the second-line corps, he looked at the **** sea of ​​corpses killed in front of him. Pale,

I saw the blood on the front of the battlefield. There were nearly 30,000 or 40,000 people fighting in the two armies. There were also troops on the back. The huge number has saturated the impact line. This situation, although not as good as a continuous ten The battle of the hundreds of thousands of legions in Yuli was as magnificent, but the infantry blocked the impact of cavalry, and the sharp spears like forests intertwined. With blood flowing down the slope, swords and swords, the blood is worthless like a splash of water, life is so unbearable here

"Are we really going up?"

"Go forward, go forward!"

"The whole army is advancing, and those who retreat without permission will be cut!"

Various voices shouted, the infantry captains rudely screamed, angry roaring, the sword in their hands pointed forward, the battle flag was grinning in the wind, the soldiers of the Eighth Legion felt soft hands and feet, walking lightly Yes, before the big counterattack, they only assisted the defense in the rear. When the Istan Army swooped, it was the first-line legion of Feishan. For these second-line soldiers, they just looked at the countless corpses. Overlapping **** scenes can not eat for several days, and at this moment, they are really standing on such a battlefield, feeling the **** face of this face, the fierce impact of more than 100,000 people, the intertwined killing of life and death, Numerous stab guns are intensively colliding with Lin, UU reading www. uukanshu.com light cavalry rushed up and was pushed down again, the crowd was turbulent, the red and black armor of the Feishan army, the yellow armor of the Istanian army, now completely layered and intertwined,

At this moment, a faint trembling sound came into the ear of a soldier of the 8th Legion of Feishan, who was on the leftmost array. The soldier stopped in a daze. Is it an illusion? But more soldiers of the 8th Legion stopped their advancement, and everyone's eyes were invariably looking to the left. Until the ground trembled violently under their feet, these soldiers were surprised to see that a huge black cloud quickly and quickly Come,


I don’t know who shouted in a panic. The huge black clouds of thousands of tons have been crushed into the flanks of Feishan’s Eighth Legion like a rolling dragon. Feishan failed to shout out before he was shocked. The force lifted off, and then fell under the iron hooves in the back row, the black armor rolled, the second row, the third row... that was like a mountain like an empire heavy riding,

Fatty Zhuoli stood on the bow of the Dragon-class battleship, next to Saron and Dusterenkai. When the battleship arrived at the port, it just caught the first dawn at dawn (a good activity to drop a pie in the sky, dazzle Cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~Dian/Chinese network public account (WeChat add friends-add public account-just type qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread WeChat public account now!) (Unfinished Continued)

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