Whole Nation

: Two hundred muddy water

"It's hard to know what happened! Master Tulum. The housekeeper of the Tulum family looks stunned

Open the door, because the door is too anxious to know that the footsteps are not stable. Well, I almost talked to him, the mercenary hit

The housekeeper's embarrassed appearance made Tulum Ende's face dull. Angrily said, "Little Sturgis knows what is so scary.

Didn’t you forget the basic etiquette? In big

Great Master! . The housekeeper was worried. The dry words are incomplete. throat

Whimpered and said, "This morning, the Samor Army suddenly blocked the North and South Roads of the Twelve Company.

mouth. All our carriages and warehouses are under the control of the Samoan army. Every warehouse has

A small group of soldiers guarding the Samor Army is now checking our goods in the warehouse! ,in

"What's the matter! What are you talking about! Now Turan End shouts in panic, his face twisted like he is facing

World Warrior Day, the southwest warehouses that grabbed the housekeeper’s clothes came from us.

Is the cotton clothing warehouse also controlled? in.

"Yes! The Samorians went straight to the warehouse dragons as soon as they came. The housekeeper's face was miserable.

The big lips trembling in a crying voice, "We are still loading the carriage was caught. It seems that they took all

The packages are all opened, it seems that they already know what!

"Mom's waste. A bunch of waste! Yes. Tulum End's face turned flush, and I just felt in front of me

Han Hanxuan turned to know that a **** was sitting on the chair and now it was Qin Tulun Ander seemed to think of it again

What a smile on Qin Luo's face suddenly stood up and waved his hand to the housekeeper and shouted

"Quick. Quickly report this news to the Kyoto Branch of the Business Union

The Garrison Army openly robbed the merchant warehouse to sell the military supplies without authorization. The Qin Kyoto branch will definitely find it

I don’t believe in the high level of the Samor’s military.

German family confrontation! In the

The carriage was driving in the muddy snow. The two horse-drawn pack horses knew their thick noses in the cold wind.

White mist is sprayed out of the cavity to prevent the horseshoe from slipping. The horse's ankle is covered with a thick layer of fur

set. The ice lings of different lengths hang on the swaying ruts and the windows

Lidakus opened the curtains and looked outside. Qin Xuebai's earth stretched out in front of him

E's figure stood in the white mist in the distance. Qin Hei, the broken figure of Litok Fortress

The heavy snow can't cover the uneven scars. It seems to be hidden in the fog, it seems to be still

Tell passers-by about the tragic dagger that fought that day

"Have you figured out what happened?" Lidakus put down the curtain and knew it was on his

Opposite was a thin, middle-aged man sitting with two moustache moustache

Mingguang's eyes Qin made him look like a smart gibbon.

"The 12th Lienbao Squadron in the adults sees money. He wants to intercept part of it

Face respectfully replied, "The result is trouble with the Tulumand family, this is the case!

You have to support justice for our business alliance! Otherwise, I’m afraid that the merchants in Kyoto will suffer


The middle-aged man looked at Lidakus strangely, and his tone was paused.

When the business line is the busiest, I know if it is not handled well. When the governor blames you, everyone

It’s not easy to explain

The Tulunde family, but the predators of the Kyoto cloth trade, controlled Kyoto to Japan.

More than half of Dinbu’s output is also known as one of the senior deacons of the business alliance, although it is not yet

Among the twelve gold deacon levels but can also come at the annual deacon meeting and occasionally be able to deliver words

people. Such a strong family is not something that such a deacon in Kyoto can't afford

I received Qin Qiyoke, a submission from the Tulum End family, and felt a headache in my head.

What does it follow? The Samor Army seized the Tulumand family? It’s not because of infighting

Anymore? In the wind and snow, everyone is hiding at home and roasting the fire. Isn't it interesting to be so noisy? Chi York

Secretly complained

In fact, rumors about the sale of cotton clothes by the Tulumand family knew that York also heard some, but also

I opened my eyes and closed my eyes, that guy I can’t afford to know that I can’t hide

Now that I have found the matter, I want to hide and I can’t hide. Deacon Qin Qiyoke immediately took the report

I found the leader of the Lidarkus Banner, the highest military officer of Samor in Kyoto.

, Are you threatening me? Lidacus groaned, scared Qi York's face

Shabai Qin repeatedly waved his hand and said, ‘I don’t dare to know that little is not what that means! Adults, don’t get me wrong! .

Lidacus is also very depressed about being involved in this matter as the supreme military of Samor in Beijing

official. Not only shoulders the responsibility of gathering intelligence, Qin pays attention to the royal aristocracy. But also in charge of Kyoto

The stability of the business line is a big complaint of the Tulumand family. So that he has to be the person in charge

The brave cold came to the Twelve Lianbao.

"Parking inspection!, a stern order rang out outside Lidacus Probe

Look. Hundreds of heavily armed Samoan soldiers gathered at the intersection of Twelve Lien Fort

on. A barricade made of two large and dead trees lay in the middle. A captain of Samor was facing himself.

A dozen crossbowmen next to him in their carriages were nervous and aiming with a crossbow


"What's going on? Lidakus secretly muttered Qin from this army's outfit

From the standpoint, most of the equipment of the elite main battle troops is distributed, but the soldiers are scattered, but they can look at each one.

Ling Lilai raised his hand and cast his feet to see the trace of long-term strict currency training, a dozen crossbowmen happened to be stuck

Over a dozen shooting points in the entire channel

The serious crossbowmen and the spearmen along the road. Can easily pass through


Long, please ask the two adults to show their IDs! In Captain Samor gently knocked on the carriage door, although

I don’t know who the two inside are the Purple Violet insignia of the current business alliance or I still recognize Lidakus

The captain who took out his ID and handed it over for a look gave him a glance, ‘I’m now saluting him

A military salute

"I am the head of the Lidakus Banner in Kyoto" Lidakus withdrew his credentials to face

Su Dao, "This one beside me is Deacon Qi York, who is from the Kyoto Branch of the Business Alliance. I need to see you.

The highest chief of the garrison! . in

I am afraid that the dragon can't! in. Captain Nianbu straightened his body strangely. Responded to ‘me

The leader of our Tenlissus Banner is still on the way to Qin. We cannot convey your request to him! In the

"Head of Tenlissus Banner? You are not from the Twelve Lien Squadron!...

Stunned. This is too weird. When was there a flag regiment stationed in the Twelve Lien Fort? As a place in Kyoto

The person in charge of the district does not know himself.

Lidacus curiously asked Dragon, which flag group are you from? When to twelve fort

of? .

Dragon We are the 17th Banner Regiment of Kyoto New City. It was only yesterday that I received the order! "

The captain responded loudly

"Order? Whose order?

Yue Dakus was shocked to know that the Seventeen Flags Group Records belonged to the Governor of Samor, and the guards were reunited.

The new city on the outskirts of Kyoto is a sword that Samor arrived behind the royal family in Kyoto.

people. Well-equipped and well-informed is the flag group with the largest number of Samor's Guards.

Because of the existence of this flag group in the royal family of Kyoto and the nobles, they dare not act rashly in Kyoto

Only the commercial line can be stable, even the large-scale battle of Twelve Lianbao has not mobilized this elite department.

The team entered the battle, which shows the importance of this unit, but now this mysterious unit appears in the ten

Zhilianbao then feels a trace of the large-scale investigation of the Tulunand family Zhilikusi by the combination of the Samoan army

Ominous hunch

"Little Lidakus, who was able to mobilize the Seventeen Banners, came out of his head

Cold sweat is blank in my mind, I feel like I am stuck in a bottomless quagmire

The grievous grip of Qin Qin's countless doubts swirled in his mind, "What happened here?"

What? "small

"I'm afraid it's difficult for the subordinates to give advice! The captain of the team still looks cold and indifferent.

"We just follow the command line and do other things. We don't know!, in

Lidacus saw Qin wave his hand when he couldn't find out. Let the carriage drive into the Twelve Lianbao,

A team of closely patrolled soldiers on the roadside turned this place into a barracks, not far away.

The road construction scene makes it lively like a vegetable market, so you can't see the original Twelve Lianbao

Coming desolate

Because there were too many dead people in the Battle of Twelve Lien, especially thousands of people were burned to death by the fire, while the north

The commercial line has not yet been opened. Qin Few caravans are willing to cross the cold wind of the night from this place of death

Qin Woo's screams from the ruins of the fortress that blown through the fortress are like fierce fights thrown in the continuation to occasionally pass

A few wolf howling night owls are adding a bit of desolation and mystery, many people say that it is a battle to death

The grievances of the soldiers wandered in the Twelve Lien Fort, and the nearby farms and residents moved out.

This makes the Twelve consecutive fortresses barren like mysterious and incomplete ghost castles in legend.

"Deacon Ronkey York, you're finally here! Yes. Tulum End stood anxiously at the entrance of the courtyard.

Seeing the carriage of the business alliance quickly greeted. Respectfully stooping down to open the door, the thunder handles on weekdays

Kyoto Deacon Kiyo, who won’t take a glance, takes the carriage

"Dragon Honored Leader of the Lidakus Banner!. Central Tulum End saw Lidakus also walking away from the carriage

Down, a pair of eyes almost smiled into a line. Samor Kyoto’s highest chief came to Qin this time

Let the garrison squadron leader who doesn't know the sky and the ground know. The Tulum End family is not like him

Small characters can cause it!

Dragon, what the **** is going on! Lidacus nodded politely to Tulum End.

The water was too muddy this time and Qin Lidakus had already beaten up in his heart.

"The leader of the banner leader knows you have seen it!. Tulum Ende is very innocent.

I squeezed out a few tears and cried like a bullied young wife

‘The local garrison squadron suddenly searched our map without warning or notice.

The Lun family's warehouse in Twelve Lianbao, and confiscated all the goods in our warehouse.

All the carriages that had shipped the goods were seized, but we followed the orders of the adults and knew to come to the army.

The team had winter coats! This terrible doom makes me wonder what to do! Can only please big

People give us justice! . in

"The Garrison Squadron! Are you sure it is the Garrison Squadron?. Zhili Dakusi lip-sharpened.

A full-blown flag group has become a squadron in your mouth, knowing that you are not Mazi, you are a pitman. Advent

I still want to pull Lao Tzu into the dead. Who will die if you don’t die!

"We asked clearly when we came in." Lidakus pressed down the anger in his heart.

After all, Germany is a big supplier of Kyoto to Lidakus, the highest person in charge of Kyoto commerce.

There is some kind of friendship. And this time, he actually asked him to raise the winter cotton coat.

I can’t get rid of myself

Suddenly something went wrong, Lidakus also felt somehow thinking of the strange seventeen flags

group. Thinking of the patrols that were rigorously investigated outside. No, don’t remind me, “Someone is outside now.

The Garrison Squadron is the Seventeen Banner Regiment! This is the 17th Banner Regiment under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Mansion! Think about Qin

What did you do? Even the seventeen flag regiments stationed in Kyoto bowed! ‘

"What! The Seventeen Banners of the Governor's Mansion!. Tu Luan Ande's steady heart panicked. His body is not

The tremble that can be restrained knows that his face has turned pale, and the heart that wanted to watch a good show fell to the bottom "cotton"

clothes! It must be this batch of cotton clothes! , Shouting hysterically in the blood-red of Tulum End's eyes.

This batch of cotton coats was shipped to the guards stationed in the northern part of the army

Guards. Even the fool knew that Qin must have exposed these batches of cotton-padded clothes.

Seeing Tulum End panicked into this way, Lidacus also understood what was going on.

Scraping Tu Luan De knows that even the cotton clothes that supply military supplies can dare to do things like this.


"Bump! The door of Qin Manor’s living room was kicked and kicked at the door with a huge crack

Dragon who is Tulum End! , More than a dozen heavily armed, sturdy Samor soldiers broke in

Come in and dress up as the leader. Looked sharply at Lidacus' body now

Stayed for a while, and I was surprised to see that Samor’s officer was here despite Lidacus’s

Wearing the flag of the leader of the flag came to stop the captain for a moment, and there was no salute at all.

Do not,

"It was Qin who took him away! Little Captain Samor pointed to the already paralyzed Tulum End

Refers to. "It's not me! I'm not Tulum Ender! Shouting in Zhi Tu Lun Anders hysterical struggling Qin

Let it go, Xiyang. Threaten. Unfamiliar experience

"Damn! Let you resell Lao Tzu's cotton-padded clothes! Captain Samor kicked resentfully a few times.

foot. The dull voice is like kicking a sandbag and kicking Tu Luande with only a low moan

"Take it away!" Captain Samor waved his hand. With half a life, Tulum Ende is like a

Like a pig to be slaughtered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was dragged out by dozens of wolf-like Samor soldiers and found out on the ground

Leaving a **** trail

Seeing the soldiers walking away, Lidakus paled and wiped the cold on his head.

sweat. With a sigh of breath, Kyoto Deacon Qi York leaned over with suspicious expression.

Why don't you stop them? "

"Stop! What do I do to stop! Yes. Lidacus, who has been suppressing for a long time, angered his waving hand.

Finger almost came to the nose dragon of Qi York, did you not see those people are all guards around the governor? Such as

If it’s not on my face, just now both of us might be taken away this time.

The greedy stupid **** of Tulum End was killed! ‘Subscribe! Come for the monthly ticket!

Give the bun some motivation"

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