Whole Nation

: Two hundred and fifty-nine blood double 10 characters (18)

Put down the secret letter of the Eastern Governor of the Province, which was written by Francis Larer in the hand, Hajira agreed to submit to the empire's secret letter, and the fat man immediately found the navy commander Dustrounkai, which will just sign a foreign affairs document. Say it to him, some mysteriously said, "Aren't you always complaining about the navy's mainstay, is it a waste, then tomorrow, on behalf of the empire, lead a squadron of fleets to go around Istanbul, Istanbul"

"Go to the waters of Istan and Kyoto? Wouldn't it be to beat Istan and Kyoto?"

Dustrengka was taken aback and hesitated, saying, "Your Majesty, IMHO, the battle between the Empire and Fissan has reached the most critical moment. Hundreds of thousands of troops on both sides have been lined up, and the forces of both sides are constantly entering. The Bavarian region has been recognized as an impending battlefield that can devour countless lives at any time. At this time, it is really not necessary to provoke the Istanians. Although the Estan Empire has been unknown since the birth of the emperor Thoradin I, the national power has rapidly changed. Weak, but fortunately, there is also an empire foundation with an area of ​​thousands of kilometers and a huge population. Even if the empire uses its full force, it will not be able to nibble in a short time!

"Fight against the Istan Empire? Rest assured, I have no such plan!" Dusterenkai saw His Falcon roll his eyes at himself, turned around, and took a gorgeous cover letter from the table and handed it out. come

"Look at it and you will know"

The fat man said angrily and ridiculously, "Istanbul Kyoto, I don't know where I learned the news of the more than one hundred thousand Istanian remnants in our hands. He even sent someone to negotiate, asking us to return these dozens Vaistan Remnant Army"

"Return? Isstan Kyoto still awake! Is it so naive!"

Hearing this, even Dusterenkai couldn’t help but slightly slipped his lips, and some said, “After the Emperor Thoradin. The Istanian empire is obviously no longer a successor, and even such absurd requests can be made. !"

"That's not necessarily true!"

The fat man laughed, "The second prince always wanted to be on the emperor's throne, but now the minister's support is there, but because of the rebels, the military and the region haven't always sold his accounts, even he wants Putting that Hash into the military department was not rejected by the disgraced generals on the grounds of their qualifications. Of course, it cannot be said that the second prince was a mediocre. As long as it can be done, more than one hundred thousand It is inevitable for the Istan Empire to return home elitely, thanking the second prince for Dade, and also getting a military force sufficient to control the center of the empire. It is difficult to say that the second prince or really can become Soladin II.

"But such an opportunity is absolutely impossible to give him in vain!" The fat man snorted and sneered coldly.

"What does your majesty mean?" Dusterenkai blinked. His majesty's heart was always too dark. The claws of the falcon never fell through! If you make a deal with this, in exchange for these hundreds of thousands of Istanian remnants, you will be permanently destroyed after the vitality of the Istanian Empire, according to the means of His Majesty Falcon. It would never be let go without removing the skin of the Istan Empire. The fat man was slightly cold and waved his hand. Say

"I have already given a reply, and a person can do it, but more than 100,000 people eat horse chews here, and they consume astronomical figures every day. It is impossible to eat and drink in vain. At least 20 million gold coins are needed for compensation. Also, the Imperial Fleet didn’t have so much time to help them, so it’s okay to go back. Send your own ship! But if you encounter pirates or something on the road, it’s hard to say, the fat man smiled in a meaningful way. "The road is not smooth. The emperor of the Istan Empire is not the only one whose life and death are unknown due to pirate attacks. Of course, the imperial navy can come to escort, but the price is not cheap. The cost of a boat is at least 100,000 tolls! "

"One boat costs 100,000 tolls!"

Dusterenkai felt that his hair was all raised, he had seen black, he had never seen such a black, basically already figured it out, yes, the paw of His Majesty Falcon has been extended, the goal is Istanbul Kyoto pocket,

The basic compensation of 20 million gold coins, according to the current vitality, even the tens of thousands of rebels can not deal with Istan, Kyoto, if you sell the treasures in the imperial palace, it may be possible to get together, but one boat will cost 100,000 tolls.

For hundreds of thousands of people, how much shipping? That's an incalculable sky-high toll

"If you don't give money, the Imperial Navy will let you go all the way to Shenhai!" This kind of naked threat is estimated to be the fat rogue emperor who dare to shyly say,

In this way, 50 to 60 million tolls can't be stopped. If Istan Kyoto really pays the money, Istan Kyoto will have a huge financial deficit for at least 20 years. Angry

Of course, Istan, Kyoto will certainly find a way to exploit this exploit through various means to fill this huge financial hole. It is badly wounded and does not want to cultivate itself. On the contrary, all kinds of exploits are becoming more and more fierce. The end result is the Istan Empire. The national power was completely overdrawn, shrunk, and even caused the domestic conflicts overturned and overturned, or the civil war broke out and separated. I believe that the second prince’s heart is still clear,

But in front of a long-awaited empire emperor's laurel wreath, who dare to say that the second prince would not gamble!

Three days later, the Falcon Empire Navy Secretary, Falcon Emperor Special Envoy Dusterenkai, personally led the sixteen Imperial Dragon Tooth Battleships and four huge Dragon-class battleships of the Empire’s Second Squadron to the sea near Istanbul Kyoto on,

As the emperor’s special envoy, Dustrengka was solely responsible for negotiations with Istan and Kyoto.

"Have you heard that the admiral of the Falcon Empire is coming to congratulate the new emperor on the throne!"

"What is this, I also heard that the Secretary of the Navy will also bring a princess of the Falcon Empire"

"Bring a princess?"

"Stupid, of course, it was given to your majesty the emperor as a concubine!"

"But I heard that the emperor of the Falcon Empire was not even thirty years old, and his daughter..."

"Don't understand, don't talk nonsense, but I heard that the Falcon Emperor is 60 years old this year!"

All kinds of news circulated on the streets and streets of Istanbul Kyoto Street, from the ship group opposite the distant sea, from the tentacles of another powerful empire, all of which are enough for people to talk after dinner. The real purpose of the imperial navy comes from only a few high-level I realized that most of the Istanian civilians still live in the glory of the Istanian Empire. Although the rebels were panicking outside, I heard that they have been suppressed. It will not be long before they will be killed by His Royal Highness, There is a shortage of supplies, but the merchant ships that come and go every day continue to come and go, and the supplies will gradually increase. There are still so many people on the streets. Only the shops that are half-open and half-covered only reveal a little empire.

The palace guards in gorgeous decorative armor stood on both sides of the port straight, and the feet were blue and white port stones. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Istanbul Empire, Rachel, walked back and forth uneasy, and occasionally glanced with a trace of frustration. Huge battleship hull in the port

The waves are rolling and the giant ship is breaking the sea. Compared with the black mountainous and rainbow-like imperial fleets that appear in the distance, this lonely gorgeous dragon-class battleship parked at the location of Kyoto Port is in the waves of the sea Fluctuating,

The original side deck of the battleship was decorated with colorful pictures by the Estonians, and it was peeled off a lot under the impact of the sea water. The long tube of the main gun of the Yamei butterfly, which was proud of the sea, was wrapped in gorgeous golden yellow silk.

The deck of the gun barn was originally a three-row muzzle like a greasy dragon scale. It was confined to death. The reason for this is because the slide rail of the Thunder Gun inside has been rusted, and the Thunder Gun is mostly a decorative object. The dark iron pipes with no sense of beauty were scattered in the gun barrel, and there was a smell of mildew and rust. Where else can you see the posture of the giant dragon that shocked the sea,

When Thoradin I was there, the Istanian military also maintained this dragon-class battleship. Occasionally the emperor would come to see the sailors' drills, but now the emperor is gone, the situation is so chaotic, who still cares This dragon-class battleship is more decorative than practical

In particular, the rebellion of Reza Paqi caused many people to blame. If it was not for the imperial dragon-class battleship's gorgeous volley to make the emperor blinded, he would not want to have Reza Paci who will suppress it for five years. Enabled,

Without Reza Baki’s rebellion, there would naturally be no emperor attacked on his way back, and it would not be as difficult as it is today.

Everything is caused by this imperial dragon-class battleship,

In this case, it would be good not to peel the bone of this imperial dragon-class battleship representing doom,

I heard that the Imperial Navy, who had just defeated the Strand Navy, is already the overlord in the eastern part of the Inland Sea, visited~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was also led by Dusitronkai, the impeccable Imperial Navy Minister, and the upper level of Istanbul Kyoto I remembered that there was such an imperial dragon-class battleship that was almost waste,

If there is not even one warship, it is not too much to look down on the Falcon Empire. In order to resist the aggressive attitude of the Falcon Empire Navy, Istanbul Kyoto once again put out the imperial dragon-class battleship and repainted it with a new paint. Colorful and bright, just put it on the port, it is also a welcome ceremony,

I really don’t know what the ministers thought, Rachel really suffocated. As the foreign minister of the empire, his understanding of the falcon empire should be above other ministers.

Dustron Kay, the first general of the Falcon Empire Navy who conquered the boundless seas, the official to the Empire Navy Minister, a legend in the Navy,

Almost the same as the five big men who are also heavy ministers of the Empire Army, they broke down the non-Navy and devoured the Strand Navy,

Since entering the Central European Baro, he has been killed with blood and is invincible in battles, that is, the strong people that the sea will spread to the sides

The ministers want to use this dragon-class battleship to fight its arrogance, which is really a big joke! (To be continued)

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