Whole Nation

: Two thousand one hundred and sixty-three blood double 10 characters (22)


The cowhide riding boots stepped in a scattered pool of blood. Gledat followed several guards into the new barracks where the gate was overturned. It is not terrible for the refugees to impact the barracks. In front of the real army, it is the number of refugees. Ten times more, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the army, but if this honorable person is damaged, the good day will be over, and the speed at which Greedart has mobilized the army this time is definitely the previous one. Fastest

"Any officer who shows hesitation about the order is dismissed as soon as possible, and any soldier who does not execute the order is detained on the spot." The orders transmitted to the various units convey the firm determination of the commander, which was originally used as a garrison and border guard. The new corps formed by the army have different strengths to execute orders

But this time, the officer ranks showed a super first-class level, and the commander's anger was second, but the fact that the refugees attacked the barracks scared everyone.

No matter how to deal with it in the end, it is inevitable that the 17th Corps will be affected up and down. "How can a first-line regiment that even the refugees can't control how to make the enemy frightened on the battlefield? The 17th Corps is a group of incompetent people." I think this kind of assessment that is enough to determine the fate of all soldiers will appear in front of the upper level of the military department as quickly as possible.

This is a matter of concern to everyone's future, who will not care,

"Quick, all assembled!" The officers assembled their troops at the fastest speed, and did not even wait for the personnel to arrive. I didn’t dare to stay for a moment and started to move towards the new military camp. Don’t happen, you should have driven away the refugees from Dongfang Province,

Didn’t you just die a few women? Now these years, as long as they are on the border, where no one has died, and endure a few months, maybe those young masters are happy. The border blockade can also be lifted. And this incident also impacted so many people and things that could not see the light.

For example, the officer is empty, such as the young soldiers stuffed in. Is this the end of the 17th Corps? The whole kingdom is preparing for battle with all its strength, but the giants of Kyoto sent a large number of children to the 17th Corps, which seemed dangerous. In fact, the extremely safe place, once spread with this incident, it is a major scandal that shakes the kingdom, and may even lead to the current turmoil of Feishan’s army,

In order to cover the lid, the big officers of the military department may send all the officers of the entire corps to the front line of the squad!

No need to question this possibility. Compared with the 19th Army of a district border, the combined strength of the Kyoto gangsters is terror, and it is a kingdom that is densely covered. The big tree covering the sky with its roots intertwined, the 19th Corps is nothing but a wild grass under this big tree, as long as it is willing above. There are definitely a thousand ways to evaporate the world from the 19th Corps,

It is already a fault not to take into account the safety of the new barracks, and hesitant in handling it, that is, to kill yourself! The command subtext from the Corps Department is basically the same. If you want to live, please hurry up!

Messy enough! I hope there are no big problems! Gredart talked to himself. His gaze swept the scene before him, frowning slightly. Everywhere is messy, but fortunately, the army arrived in time, the mob that hit the barracks was suppressed by force, nearly 1,000 people were arrested, and more than 100 people died in the conflict, and the captured refugees were sharply shot Piece by piece of repression knelt on the ground, daring to raise his head,

Gredart walked to an officer in charge of the cleanup and asked, "How is it going? Is anyone injured?"


The officer was startled and quickly saluted, saying, "No one was injured and arrived very promptly, but it was inevitable that some shock was inevitable, otherwise I really don't know what's going on!" The officer knew the people in the commander's mouth very well , Refers to the kind of people, these refugees are not human in the eyes of the regiment leader,

"Yeah, that's fine!" Greedat heard the report with a sigh of relief, looked around, and suddenly asked, his face slightly cold.

"The responsible squadron of Harlem, as the guard officer of the new barracks, is the main person in charge of this shock incident. He made such a situation, he did not even show a face? Or did he really think that he can hide like this , Immediately find him, if there is no reasonable explanation, I interrupt his dog legs!"

"Adult Harlem did not return to the night last night..." The officer replied ugly, he was the deputy officer of Harlem

"What did you say! Harlem stayed overnight!" Greedart's face was as cold as winter, and he just felt strange. In order to ensure the safety of the young masters, he made a lot of efforts especially in the new military camp. Yes, I chose a location with a good terrain and mobilized a full squadron of troops. There were three hundred fully-armed soldiers. The person in charge was Harlem, his youngest uncle. On the one hand, it was for protection, and on the other hand, To deter those refugees,

The terrain selected by the new military barracks is relatively high, and the residential area of ​​the refugees is relatively low. The superiority of the high ground is self-evident. In the case of complete military strength, it is difficult to say that it is difficult to get close to the barracks if you want to be close to fifty meters The archer on the tower is enough to block most of the impact from 50 meters away,

"Even if they are attacked by a real enemy, they can persist for a period of time. How could they be opened by a group of refugees?" Gredart thought this way, but after hearing the officer's report, he knew that he should have The new army barracks with 300 people stationed there was only a little over a hundred people in the morning, and the other hundred people were taken out by Harlem last night to fight

It is precisely because of the lack of military strength and the absence of the commander, so in the face of such a large number of refugees, only an adjutant is completely useless. At that time, at least the adjutant did not dare to order a crackdown. Fortunately, the adjutant was smarter In the first place, I asked the base camp for help. In addition, I concentrated only the remaining 100 people in the rear of the military camp and tried my best to protect the key personnel. There was no major accident after the refugees rushed in!

"You did a good job. From now on, you will take over Harlem's position!" Gredart said to the officer.

"This..." The officer was at a loss.

"This is an order! Harlem immediately arrested when he came back!" Gradart increased his tone, waved his hand, and his heart was extremely angry. Nima, Harlem, you bastard, drop the chain for me at a critical moment. It doesn’t matter if you die, don’t pull me! I thought that I would have a great future from the present. The future heavy minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs is likely to become a big-headed soldier who is pushed to the death line. The hatred in Greedat's heart, this Harlem usually defaults on the debt of gambling in the name of Greedat. If it weren’t for the sake of this guy’s loyalty to himself, Greedat would have sent him back to his hometown,

Even if such a big incident happened today, you can't blame yourself. All the responsibilities are put on Harlem, and it is also the guy who charges a little interest on the care that he usually gives. If the guy dares to pierce himself, he will arrest and execute directly! Greedart's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the fingers holding the whip squeezed violently, making a gurgling noise. Now he was full of thoughts on how to try to make those big men get rid of misunderstandings, and even decided to sacrifice a part. Otherwise, how can you show sincerity?

Let's take a look at the situation of those big men! Gredart waved his hand, asking the officer to lead the way,

"Adult please!" The officer's face was excited. This is the fact that Grande Dart really regards himself as the person in charge. The two walked into the rear section of the new barracks. In order to take care of these young soldiers, they had been an independent hospital for a long time. How much better the soldier's room. In front is a row of simple wooden houses, and here is a row of stern villas. The environment is also excellent. The cobblestone pavement is separated by pine forest with long-leaved needles. The wind blows and it is refreshing. Absolutely quiet environment, comfortable stay, not so much a military camp, but more like a resort area under the guise of a military camp,

Isn't it just a vacation? Is it also expected that the gang of young soldiers really went to the front line to fight, and Greeder looked at the front, but here filled in a third of the recruits of the new corps, so it led to more than 20,000 vacant soldiers, and now only There were three or four thousand people recruited scatteredly, but Greedat definitely thought it was worth it. Isn’t it just recruiting a few more big-headed soldiers? Anyway, it’s not possible to fight here for a while. There is no chaos in Istan, no three or four years. Time is impossible to settle down, besides there is a solid fortress in front of Helena, the recruitment can be slowed down, as long as those young soldiers can say a few good words to Kyoto, then everything is worth it !

At the entrance of the stairs against the mountain, where is a middle-aged nobleman in a dress already, talking to a few idle young soldiers, the flattering face is about to flow to the ground

"When did this **** come here?"

Gretad paused, his face suddenly gloomy. Johnny was the administrative officer of Newland, and he was also in charge of military affairs with Greedat. I heard that he was a relative of the Minister of Finance. I did not know this time. I got news from somewhere, knowing that the children of the giants of Kyoto collectively served in the 17th Corps, they were extremely diligent in running.

As an administrative officer, it is this guy’s responsibility to resettle the migrants. It is this guy who puts the migrants in the vicinity of the new military barracks under the guise of the public. In nominal terms, it is convenient for military supervision. pressure! If it wasn't for this flatterer's idea, how could there be such a mess?

This kind of thing, the refugees, shouldn’t have passed the border at all. Greedat felt disgusted for a while, and Johnny saw Greedat, and after a few words to the two rich children, he laughed a few. Sound, before turning around and walking towards Greedart,

"Master Johnny!" Greda features salute

"Admiral of the Griedad Commando!" Johnny's flattered face just became cold and arrogant, and his tone was full of aggressiveness. "What the **** is going on? Fortunately, I will patrol nearby, otherwise you will let me How can I explain this to the adults above! What I know is that the army made a mistake, and I don’t know, I thought Johnny lost control of the area!"

"I'm sorry, something like this happened." Greedart bowed his head to salute, took a deep breath, and held back his inner anger. The other party not only stood in the righteousness, but also stood beside him. Johnny was appointed by the Kingdom himself The area guard officer is not like the commander of his team formed in a special period, such as his Greedat. Although the two are the same in the rank of the post, they are completely different in nature.

In order to expand the military power, it is very common for the Kingdom's integrated troops to form a corps, but this temporary corps. Once the war is over, most of them will return to their original identities, but the local government officials have no possibility of shrinking at all, so the meeting between the two, Johnny, from the beginning, squeezed the military side Greda Especially, the arrogance on your face doesn't need a little cover up, don't look at you as the commander of the army. After the war, who knows who you are?

Johnny looked at Greedart for a few seconds. I feel that this guy's attitude is okay, and the corner of his mouth slightly skimmed, Shen Sheng said, "Forget it, I won't say more nonsense. At this time, you and I are grasshoppers on a rope. If you can't suppress this, you When Glendart comes to the front, I will be wiped out to the end. Even after decades of hard work, I have been comforted by the wealthy children, and it is still fairly stable, but there are still people injured. This matter must be severely punished. Punish the murderer severely, you know what to do!"

"Of course! I understand," Gledat nodded. Severely punish the murderer. . Who is the murderer?

It was simply the riot caused by the gang of junior soldiers. Of course, Greedat couldn’t say that. He said, “It seems that the incident was very bad. The army arrested about a thousand people, but it would have to kill more than a hundred, if not. . Just kill three hundred. Anyway, the gang of refugees is like wild grass. It needs to be repaired from time to time.

"Just like that, I will send you a detailed report on this matter tomorrow!" Johnny heard his answer and felt quite satisfied. But he issued a guarantee ticket to the other party. He must be pressed with a hundred heads. Today is the first to get a bargain. I rushed over to condolences for the first time. You are only coming now. Why is it a bad attitude? And this is also caused by the weak protection of the military. In front of the commander of the Corps, you can already add a prefix. With such a person, why do you need to spend more saliva! Johnny sneered in the corner of his mouth, "Come on for yourself!"

"Old fox!"

Greedat whispered inwardly, the green muscles on the temple bulged, and the old fox appeared quickly! There was Johnny’s eyeliner in the barracks. Greedart knew that he was the one who was in trouble. The result was Johnny. If someone really died, I’m afraid how far the old fox is hiding. How far, what kind of grasshopper on the string, deceive the ghost, if you have the opportunity to get rid of the other party, you will definitely choose Johnny, and Johnny will choose himself, this rare opportunity for promotion, one person is enough , The split between the two is too little!

At this moment, a subordinate cavalry rushed in from outside the barracks,

An officer with linen hair jumped from the horse immediately, and the new leather riding boots under his feet were stained with a lot of mud-like things. The armor on the body was skewed, and a pair of people obviously drove a lot of roads. After coming in, after asking, they were in the military camp. I saw Gredart in the second half and sprinted over quickly.

‘Adult, the emergency military newspaper! "

The officer rushed out of Helena desperately, because he was too anxious, he also fell on the road, and the muddy water was even more embarrassed. Several soldiers beside him hurried over to help him up

"Oh? Is this the officer of Lord Grundt? Really rare and eye-opening! Haha" Johnny saw this scene, stopped and mocked, looking at the lively look,

"Anita, what's the matter with you? As a king officer, even the most basic military style is gone!" Greedart snorted angrily, this time it was really shameful! In the front, the refugees attacked the barracks, and now there is such a scene. What day are they today! Isn't it enough to let Johnny, the old fox, read the joke!

"Adult, the emergency military newspaper, the Istanian army stormed Helena, tens of thousands of troops, Lord Mojavero asked for support!" The officer gasped, his voice said intermittently

"Are you sure you didn't wake up? How could the Istanian army go to storm the Helena fortress, where did the Istanians come with such strength and courage!" Glendart was angry, not looking confident, but Johnny's face changed. Change, he is a district administrator, if the Istanians are really attacking the Helena fortress, then the next goal is Nurem,

"The subordinate led eleven people to break through, and hit the other side scout along the way, but I ran out alone, how could I make a mistake!" The officer flashed a trace of grief on his face, remembering the dead subordinates, and said dimly. "Just this morning The Istanian army suddenly entered the borderline and then advanced to the Helena fortress as a large army. At present, the other party’s strength is 10,000 strikers. The follow-up army is still unclear, but there are only 5,000 people in the Helena fortress. Send reinforcements immediately"

"Come here, immediately order the nearest fifth i of the station, the sixth squadron rushes to the Helena Fortress, and the other squadrons immediately gather!" Greedart took a deep breath and ordered from behind. The officer’s expression showed that this was not a lie. The Istanian army was really under pressure. It was also an elderly man who had been in the border guard for more than ten years. He was very proficient in the deployment of troops on the border. The gate on the eastern defense line of Shan, once it was broken by the Estonian army, the Nuron side would have to face the Estonian soldiers directly. Anyway, you must want to keep the Helena fortress before you have time to wait for support.

"Slow down, Master Glendart, what are you doing! mobilizing Nulen to support Helena, what do you do with Nuren? What about the distinguished young masters?" I don't know when Johnny has arrived Beside, he heard Greedart’s order and said awkwardly, “It’s more important to think about whether it’s important to keep a Helena fortress, or to protect those noble figures from Nurem!”

"This~www.wuxiaspot.com~Gredat hesitated, Helena wouldn't be hot enough, but the protection of those distinguished characters could not be less.

"Sir, the enemy is very powerful. If there is no reinforcements, Helena will be over!" the officer shouted heartbroken.

"Okay!" Greda nodded characteristically and was about to give orders. Suddenly the officer made a screaming scream, and his hand was stroking his chest, his eyes looked incredulously from his chest position. The sharp red blood beads dripped along the tip of the sword, and the officer turned hard to look at Johnny holding the hilt behind him, reaching out to grab Johnny's hand, full of blood Hold Johnny's hand holding the sword

"Why..." The officer's voice was low and his body fell towards the ground, never moving

"You!" Greedart's eyes widened, and he was confused by the situation in front of him.

"That's it. Your Excellency didn't receive Helena's request for help, and Helena's responsibility has nothing to do with your Excellency! Adults should immediately consider evacuating Newlun. It is more important!" Johnny pulled his sword from the officer's body with a grim look. The sword was handed over to the servant nearby, and the white handkerchief wiped the blood from the hand (to be continued)

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