Whole Nation

: 2,173 Public Enemies in Mainland China (1)

"Sir, the gates of the Helena Fortress are open!" Pastanon heard the voice of surprise next to the adjutant,

"Is it, the fortress is open!" Pastanon's gaze was still on the front line, and there was a smile at the corner of his mouth. He didn't look in the direction of the fortress. He waved his hand and ordered the two other regiments to be retained. , Grab the fortress immediately with all your strength!"

"Sir, that's ahead..." The adjutant's expression hesitated,

"The force in front is enough, don't look at the fierce assault of the other cavalry, but the sharpness has been lost, and it is impossible to think about defeating our army in a short time!" Pastanon's tone showed strong confidence and licked. Dry lips, close your eyes, as if enjoying yourself, and took a deep breath of the **** smell coming from the front, grinning

"Although there are some discrepancies in the number of Emperor*s before and after, but they are generally within our ability to bear, as long as they can win the fortress, Emperor*s will fail!"

Pastanon’s voice paused, his eyes flashing and continued, “Taking the fortress to defend the fortress to open the city gate by myself. This is the strategy I’ve been planning. For this reason, I’m leaving only one infantry regiment, which caused me to face it all. The illusion of tens of thousands of troops is exposed naked in front of the Helena fortress. Although the imperial cavalry's combat strength is indeed sharp, it can break through our army's three defenses in such a short time, but as long as it can The gate of the fortress was deceived and everything was worth it! "Pastanon rolled up a whip in his hand, and he snorted heavily with his nose." I want to defeat my army of the Pasta family in one fell swoop. , It’s still early! Look, the real battle is just beginning now, and I have to take a look too. Is it the Imperial Cavalry that will crush us first, or will we take the Helena Fortress first”

"I have 40,000 people. The opponent's cavalry plus the emperor* in the fortress. The dead are 15,000 people. The strength is three to one. I want to take a look. Go to the fortress, the morale of these imperial cavalry will inevitably be hit hard, don’t say that the Helena fortress fell into my hands, this is the elite cavalry of the imperial. I will swallow it,

I want to show the gangsters of the Wang Ministry of Affairs, my private armies of the Pasta family, forty years are the steel barrier of the kingdom, forty years later. Still the steel barrier of the kingdom, I will be in front of all the generals of the whole kingdom, and let them see how my pasta family has managed to turn the tide of the east! "Pastanon's mouth almost reached his ear,

Behind him, the adjutant looked bleakly at the black iron flow that suddenly poured in from the fortress gate, and almost fainted. The fortress gate was opened, but what rushed out from inside! Black heavy armor covering the whole body. Behind is a cloak of blood-like color, these cavalry identities are coming out, and the imperial guards are heavy cavalry. This kind of army is the **** demon in the eyes of any enemy. If there are opponents, then the only opponents are the ruined Gaul Linfeng iron wing and the rumored Zhongbian Empire Longxiang heavy ride. The adjutant can imagine those How terrified the soldiers rushing towards the gate of the fortress, obviously having such a terrible heavy ride, why can't even see it just now.

"Quick, go back. Go back!"

The Fissan soldiers who are now in front of these black heavy cavalry are about to collapse. Most of the Feishan soldiers have heard about the horror of the Imperial Guards heavy cavalry, and even in the wealthy Falcon Empire, I heard that they are only equipped with the Emperor Guards. Why is it here? !

Who is the emperor of the Falcon Empire?

Even the brave soldier saw the steel giant beast rolling like a mountain in front, and his inner courage was immediately vented. There was no possibility of confrontation at all, and the nest was exploded in an instant, and the sound of the collision was shocking. The infantry was crushed, just like a huge meteorite smashing **** his face. I was fortunate to witness this scene. I will remember this shocking moment in my life. The strength of the imperial cavalry weighing more than half a ton will cost you. The heavy armor of the Shan soldiers flew into the air. In front of the force of the mountains and the sea, the people were thin like a layer of paper. Due to the strong inertia, the armor was already exploded, and the corpses that crashed into the crowd behind were all kinds of things.

"Run, make way!"

The Fei Shan soldiers who woke up like a dream were crowded back and forth, and the only thought left was to escape! The long sword was waving and the giant hoof was trampled. The only way for the Feisan soldier holding a spear to resist was to use his own body to resist the cold and heavy riding of the spear and the horrible heavy hoof. The spear in his hand was not used to **** Wearing high-speed horse armor, even if it really enters, it will be thrown out by a two-layer thick iron ring with a gun, and thousands of infantrymen fall into the snow pile like a red hot iron Here, the squeezed pieces, the Feisan soldiers who were too late to dodge, and the heavy armored cavalry slammed from the moat suspension bridge like squeezing ducks,

Before the reaction came, Xueliang's swords and guns had already raised a blood in the Feishan infantry group.


The heavy armored cavalry that thundered like a thunder, driving the horses to dash forward in a straight line, and the Feishan soldiers who had no way to escape, the only thing they could choose was to jump off the moat to escape, completely disregarding the moat still burning. The extinguished flame spread to the soldiers in the pit, the crying father shouted to the mother suddenly, countless people who were ignited by the flame frantically grilled outside the moat ditch, but did not run out of steps, they lost the struggle to roll in The flame-burning moat ditch was so tragic that the adjutant who was two hundred meters away looked stupid. The nose was full of disgusting spitting scorched meat, and the adjutant looked again. Confident Pastanon, whose voice trembles like sieve chaff, "Adult, let's take a look. It is the Imperial Cavalry who rushed out of the fortress! Our people are dead and wounded!"

"What do you mean by heavy cavalry?"

Pastanong didn't respond first, some unconsciously turned to look at the direction of the fortress, looked at the scattered scattered troops, looked at the black heavy armor that represented the killing in the sun, and his face suddenly became a pig Liver color, as if being pinched in the throat, did not speak for a long time. "Why, why there are so many in the fortress... heavy cavalry!"

Pastanong's anger almost fell from his horseback, and the imperial guards rode the fierceness of the sudden formation, not to mention the two infantry regiments. Even with the addition of two more, it is impossible to stop its full advancement at such a short distance. Instead, a large number of infantry are jammed on the road. Two infantry regiments carefully arranged by themselves and thousands of elite soldiers. At this moment, it was like pushing a group of fat sheep to the brutal wolves. Pastanon’s heart was bleeding, and the elite children of the family, because of their mistakes in judgment, were losing.

"Notify the troops to leave the battlefield immediately!"

Pastanong forcibly ordered the contraction of the defense line, which was pressed by the imperial cavalry cluster. Later, there was the strangulation of the imperial cavalry. If you still can’t see this battle as a pre-designed trap, then Pastanon has been a white belt soldier for so many years. The advantages and disadvantages are equally great. If you can resist the desperate charge of the imperial cavalry, and use the concave battle array to surround you, this brutal raid will face only one end, the whole army is annihilated, but now, don’t say that the wings are surrounded, even your own back is very fast It will penetrate, and the consequence of not being able to withstand the impact of the pinch is the warrior no matter how brave. After being penetrated by a pinch, it was randomly interspersed to break up the establishment. Fools also know what consequences it will represent, that is slaughter!

It must be detached immediately, otherwise it would be all dead here,

Pastanon desperately wanted to vomit blood. Forty years ago, the Pastan Furniture Corps experienced a life and death on the Eastern Front. Forty years later, will history repeat itself?


The tragedy of the Pastanon Legion. The front line, which was hardly supported in the front, collapsed, and the generals bleakly led the guards in their respective directions. The imperial cavalry who fought on both sides were like two hedge swords. They cut the tens of thousands of Pastanong legions. The horses ran. The scattered figures of the soldiers of the Pastanon legions scattered across the mountains. The imperial cavalry followed. Massacre, let more corpses lie on the ground, the imperial heavy cavalry who has completed the combat mission slow down on the plain, the black heavy armor is mixed with blood and minced meat, and the horseshoes step into the earth blood clot, The emperor who took the lead released the heavy helmet and looked at the sky in the distance,

The red sunset, the gray grass blades in early winter have been stained with countless blood,

The rescue of the Paganon Army failed. After Helena, Nurem fell, tens of thousands of troops lost, and the eastern defense line was completely lost. At this time, even if the Feishan base still wants to continue to cover the lid, it can’t cover this. The news that shook the entire Faisan spread,

"Pastanon, let the kingdom down!" King Feishan squeezed the battle report tightly in his hand. The whole person seemed to be aging for more than ten years, with pale white hair floating in the morning breeze and standing dignified. In front of the window. Looking at the border of the dark and dark river in the distance, Dawn always has a heavy sense of indescribable words, but only when he is really in it, he knows that it is not heavy, but **** blurred vision,

Are you really wrong? The pressure during this time has made the tough king feel more and more weak. Sometimes he can fall asleep unconsciously when looking at the document. Time is running out. This is what King Feishan has never been willing to face. The problem, but the Eastern Front lost, and the high hoped Pastanon Army did not block the enemy’s attack as it did forty years ago, which led the entire battle to the most unfavorable position for Fei Shan,

The loss of the southern coast, the defeat of the eastern defense line, the war in the Bavarian region was on the verge, and unconsciously, Feishan had already lost nearly 200,000 troops, and the accumulated financial resources for many years had almost bottomed out, and the national life was in distress. Hunger, the plague afflicts the people, and the domestic economy is almost collapsed. How long can Fei Shan support?

"Your Majesty, the Southern Eero Empire has responded!" Under Secretary of the Military Department Barton looked excitedly opened the door, respectfully said

"Oh? What did the other person say?"

King Fissan turned sharply, his eyes shining brightly. It seemed that at this moment, all the chips had returned to the table. Only one Fissan was not an opponent of the empire at all. When he engulfed Fissan, the next one would be serious national power. The Istan Empire, which is weakened, is not even as good as Faisan. Then, the Falcon Empire, which engulfed the giant beast in the vast north-central area of ​​Obaro, will look to the south. The power of the Falcon Empire has caused all the southern countries. The country’s uneasiness, this time, even Istanbul and Kyoto were very cooperative in keeping with Faisan. The ambition to promote the Falcon Empire to the south was to unify the entire Obaro. In this situation, Faisan united with the South. There should be progress

The Falcon Empire has become the public enemy of the entire Obaro country. Its strength and greed give everyone a kind of pressure to breathe. The northern Gaul is over, the west coast is just over, the Central Obaro is over, one by one. The fall of the world, one by one, was annexed, giving the impression that the imperial soldiers pointed out that the entire continent should be landed.

"Hero Empire promised to send troops"

Balton handed over the documents in his hand "but the other party asked for the Central Europe Barrow area, and the Kingdom of Fezer also agreed to send troops to attack the Gangfei South Coast"

"What about the Fiobian empire?" King Fissan took the paper, looked at the contents above one by one, paused, and looked up and asked, Fiobia is one of the three major empires in the South. The kingdom is across the sea. If it is said that it can directly support Fissan’s operations, the Fiobian Empire is definitely the first choice.

"No reply for the time being. Your Majesty also knows that the Empress of Ophebia has always been ambitious towards the southern provinces of the Istan Empire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should be holding the idea of ​​trying to fish in muddy water!" After a while, some disdainfully said that Fei Shan and the Fiorbia Empire have been facing each other for so many years, who still does not know who,

The current ruler of the Fiobian empire is an ambitious woman who has always wanted to grab the southern part of the Istanian empire and the upper north part of the Eero empire. From the perspective of the situation, it is similar to the expansion of the Falcon Empire. ,

In the twenty-seven years of this woman’s reign, the empire’s territory expanded by one-fifth, but this way of expanding the territory was somewhat despising, snatching, deceiving, intimidating, intimidating, and even having three marriages. ,

Just a month ago, the sixty-nine-year-old woman also brazenly applied to a 37-year-old Earl Empire Earl for marriage, and promised to give him the prince’s title only because of the Earl’s The fiefs and the eastern part of the Fiorbia empire were the barriers of the Eero Empire, which made the Eero Empire feel a little nervous.

Such an emperor who does not know what is shame, no one will say much respect, no accident, if the count promised, it should die soon, and then the territory belongs to Fior The empire of Biya, so that the Fiobian empire will be able to take the barrier of the ero empire without any effort, and obtain a strategic advantage over the ero empire (to be continued)

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