Whole Nation

: Two hundred and eighty-five Storm Eyes (4)

The news that the Central European Baro coalition was about to evacuate had spread throughout the barracks in the middle of the night

"Is it true? We are going back!"

"Long live, this is the most wise decision made by His Majesty in his lifetime!" The coalition was thunderous and cheered, and it was finally possible to go back,

The Sino-European Allied forces lifted the camp in the snowy night, the soldiers were ready to go at the fastest speed, lined up, the red face of the excited face was lit by the torch, and many cheers from the camp let The nearby Rila camp was a little more chilled,

In the night, snow fell on the shoulders and made a rustling sound. Except for a small number of sentries, the other Rila soldiers came out. They were also very happy for a while when they heard that the coalition was about to evacuate. The unstoppable news, one by one, was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and he lost his spirits at once. Although he claimed to be a descendant of heroes, what he instilled from his childhood was patience, but a downcast expression was inevitably written on the face of each soldier Many people stood in the wooden fence covered with snow, watching the other soldiers evacuate with longing eyes. The torches of the coalition brigades lit up most of the sky, and the long torches were like a long dragon winding into the sky. The end of the dark night.

At the same time, the horseshoe lifted the snow on the ground, and a Feishan Qingqi scout ignored the bitter cold of minus ten degrees in the winter night of the Bavarian region, wrapped in the snow in the dark, and rushed into the horse for more than twenty years. The rock fort where the legion is located, the area of ​​the rock fort is not large, the iron barrier is hurriedly hoisted, and there is a moat outside, which is only 100 meters long and wide, and is completely constructed of solid mountain rock. In the dark night, there was a bluish-black color. The small town below the fortress had already been covered by the dense Feishan military camp. From a distance, it looked like a giant bat with open wings.

If this small stone castle is placed on the inland plain, at most it is the home of a nobleman of the middle kingdom, but in the barren Bavarian region, this small stone castle built on the across the mountains is of great significance, because Looking down from this old castle. It is like a pair of huge eyes overlooking the entire Bavarian region. The defensive wall extending from this ancient castle stretches for more than thirty years, like a huge arm dividing this wilderness into two. This is the famous Martag line of defense.

The Little Rock Fort is located at an important node of this line of defense. Because of this line of defense, the West of the Kingdom of Feishan has not fought for decades. The Sixth Army of the Kingdom of Feishan is stationed here as the Central European Baro Army The main opponent on the front, with a full-fledged infantry regiment of 60,000 people, can be ranked as the main force of the Feishan Army, in fact, in the initial military plan. Placed here is a temporarily deployed juggernaut in the Kingdom of Feishan,

"A bunch of grasses on the wall, there is no need to use the most elite troops in the empire!" The combat staff of the Feishan Military Department submitted plans. Requesting to transfer the limited kingdom's main force to the Falcon Emperor's front, Fei Shan's military department believes that only two countries can be fought by the Central European Baro, one is Rila, which is like the Central European Baro's gateway, and the two are in the east and the west. In the fierce battle that the forces have pulled for a hundred years, they developed a style of being able to tolerate good fighting. In particular, this generation of King Rila of Oirat is definitely a figure who can be called a generation of masters. If it weren't for encountering the nemesis of the falcon, the falcon empire, if it wasn't for the Hungarian cavalry, the country's vitality was destroyed. Rila is definitely the country most likely to rise to the foundation of the empire in the century in the Baro region,

"The other is almost the Hungarians who swept across Central Europe. The long-bowed fast horses are sturdy and combative. In addition to the discipline, each Hungarian man is a natural warrior. Such a country, if not by me Feishan preemptively beat the valley of Bavaria, and whether or not Feishan still exists is a problem. "Although it is an enemy, the staff of the Feishan military department still expressed their willingness to the Rila and Hungarians. Appreciation, but when it comes to other countries, it is another tone

"Countries such as Silas, Wall, Lucasu, etc. have weak national strength and are vulnerable to war, and have always been a component of the wall. It is impossible to help the Falcon Emperor* in the dead fight. This time, the Kingdom of Rila sent The military strength is only 5,000, and the 10,000 people of the Hungarians are restricted and unfavorable cavalry in the Bavarian region. Eliminating these factors, such coalition forces have little pressure on Feishan, and there is no need to put one The main legion that is known for its attack is here, and a miscellaneous legion is quite worthy of them!"

Holding this plan of the military affairs department, King Fei Shan smiled indifferently, ridiculed and said, "Even if it is some small fish, we also need to play a twelve points of thought, just arrange the Sixth Army, I need A sword that can pierce the enemy of the kingdom at a critical moment!"

King Fei Shan modified the plan with his own abilities. On the one hand, he had high hopes for the Sixth Army. On the other hand, he also placed a cavalry regiment of the kingdom seemingly inadvertently behind the Sixth Army. This change of His Majesty the King gave The entire Faisan Military Department was a little surprised,

"What does your majesty want to do?"

"The Sixth Army has already been called a sword by His Majesty the King. Is it possible that His Majesty put the center of gravity of the entire war on the Sixth Army?"

"It is a very effective tactic to use the weak points of the enemy as an assault, but using the Central European Baros as a breakthrough has really little effect on the Falcons!" The staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs also have misunderstandings. China and Europe The position of the Romanian Allied Forces is located on the flanks of the main forces of the Emperor*. In terms of strategic position, if you can defeat the Central Barbara Allied Forces, you can form a siege of the Falcon Emperor*, but the commander of the Falcon Emperor* is a master. Guy,

The seemingly artificial defect placed the less powerful Central European Baro coalition on the flank, but on the other side of the Central European Baro coalition, it was the sharp scimitar of the 100,000 grassland cavalry deployed. When the Central European Baro Army's defense line penetrates, the horseshoes of 100,000 grassland cavalry who follow the trend will immediately step into the broken Feishan army to pieces. Isn't such an obvious trap visible to His Majesty King? The staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs did not have the courage to speak out. If anyone said it, wouldn't it mean that His Majesty the King was old and faint to see the situation? This is to find death by yourself, don't let others die together, OK?

Since it is arranged by His Majesty, so arrange it! Few fools can enter the military department. Anyway, according to the combat strength of the Sixth Army, it is more than enough to defend Little Rock Castle, and the chief of the Sixth Army, Kelun Talben, is a very powerful member of the Feishan Army. The troops under his command have always been the border guards stationed on the Eastern Front. , Excellent combat effectiveness. Weapons and equipment are also given priority. It is also one of the few troops in Feishan that have really been on the **** battlefield in the past ten years. When the Estonians invaded the eastern provinces, the Sixth Army had given them a head-on attack and put the Istanian offensive on their heads. It was delayed for half a month, although it was finally forced to evacuate because of the war situation. But in that case, no one has a better choice!

Since the sky began to snow, the Sixth Army of Feishan had issued an order for immediate combat. Feishan scouted a wind and snow to jump from the battle immediately, and someone immediately took over the horse. He handed over a glass of hot ale, and scolded the unacceptable receiver of the ale and drunk a few sips. He took out a report from the intimate position and handed it to an officer. "Report it. The Central European Baro Army has begun to evacuate, and we still have It was found that the prairie cavalry was also packing up the camp, and it seemed that there were signs of wanting to evacuate."

The scout's voice paused, it seemed that the hot wine just drank had effect, and the voice was a little more powerful. Rubbed Dong cold's flushed face with both hands, it was a relief

The officer smiled and said, "It’s no wonder that it’s heavy snow. The ground is harder than iron, not to mention hay, even the grass seeds can’t be eaten. One hundred thousand war horses on the prairie, the grass is eaten every day. Astronomical figures, where can I stay? Watch it, if you don’t withdraw to the back. These horses will starve to death in less than a week!"

"Yes. Or adults are well-informed!" The nearby soldiers laughed one by one,

"Is it the movement of the Central European Baro Army? Give it to me!" A middle-aged man like General Fissan heard the voice and walked out of the inner fort at the center of the stone fort, heard the officer's words, and a cold face A glance of joy suddenly appeared on the last day, and it was really moving. The countries of Central Europe and Baro were not afraid at all. What they really need to pay attention to is actually the 100,000 prairie cavalry of the empire. These prairie cavalry are a worm in the Bavarian region. , But once you cross this barrier, it’s the vertical and horizontal ride of the dragon,

"General! This is the latest report." The officer holding the document in his hand quickly stood up and saluted, and he was excited to deliver it with a report that scolded Yu Wen of the chest. The person coming was the chief of the regiment of the Sixth Army of the Kingdom. Lenthal, the immediate chief of this defense zone,

"What's new!" Kirenthal opened the report, glanced at it, and the eyes under the strong eyebrows were terrible, and took a deep breath before closing the report in his hand.

"Report the situation to the base camp immediately! Order the combat regiments, from generals to soldiers, to sleep in armor and suit"

"Yes, understand!" The officer looked excitedly at the report, and couldn't help but think of the various speculations that the Sixth Legion was transferred to this place. At this moment, the Sixth Legion will feel the counterattack against Falcon Emperor*

But the military department does not agree with this idea, how to fight back? Hundreds of thousands of prairie cavalry bear on their heads, who dares to fight back! Although the cavalry’s winter warfare in Bavaria is very unfavorable, and the frozen land is easy to make the war horse slip, but if the opponent is in a defensive position, it is another matter. Even if the Sino-European Allied forces are unbearable, then It is also a tens of thousands of soldiers. It is not a battle that can be resolved in just one or two hours. Once a large number of prairie cavalry is rushed to rescue, the possibility of being enemies is 100%. Under the horseshoe of the prairie cavalry, the infantry is the object of slaughter.

But in the Sixth Army, everyone still hopes to have such an opportunity, as a soldier, to be able to be stubborn and sharp on the battlefield. Such a national sports battle takes the lead in the battle for the army, thinking about it makes people feel **** and feel this life. Not false,

It’s just such a good idea. As the war has been delayed again and again, the inner blood has also cooled a lot, and it is enough to keep your own lot, but at this moment, it seems that this impossible becomes possible at once! Everything is because of this snow,

The Central European Baro countries withdrew, and the prairie cavalry withdrew, leaving alone the hundreds of thousands of falcon empire infantry who will also become more difficult because of the heavy snow caused by the weather. Although the falcon army is good at fighting, it is full In the case of the cold, when facing nearly three times the enemy, it can only be defeated all the way. Come on, let this snow come even bigger. Just become a snowstorm! "The officer pressed the report against the hot chest again, rode the horse and drove out of Little Rock Castle, and headed towards the rear base camp. There was a snow roaring behind him.

Emperor* is in a worrying situation, this has become something that everyone can see

On the fifth day, with the withdrawal of the Central European Baro coalition. Immediately afterwards, the cavalry of the Eastern and Western Tribunals in Falcon Emperor* also began to evacuate the battlefield, gazing across the prairie man Sanhui Huiyue Banner that slowly receded in the distance, and the Empire’s southern governor Varisian could not help holding the whip. Tight, his eyes swept across the snowy ground in front of him, and he couldn't figure it out. Why is it just because of a snow, the situation of this war has become like this, originally a good situation of 300,000 to 300,000, suddenly turned into 140,000 to 300,000, a huge gap in strength. It seems that the increasing difficulties in logistics are converging into one voice, let's withdraw! But without His Majesty's order, who dares to make a decision to evacuate in such a big battle!

"Or someone can"

Varisian’s eyes were not far away looking for something, Brant Bonnie, the emperor’s favorite disciple plus lover, the empire was not the head of the northern legion, although the title did not seem to be as good as that of his own. District governor. But in fact, it is basically the woman who has nothing to do with the affairs of the north. The veritable uncrowned governor, as well as the emperor's darling, even if it is included in the deep princesses of their respective backgrounds, they can definitely be ranked among the real powers.

Everyone is a grasshopper tied to a rope. At this time, people who dare to give such orders. Or only the brave female knight, unfortunately. Varisian struggled with his eyes and looked for a while among the generals attending the meeting. Suddenly did not see the figure of this female knight

Representing the Gangfei Northern Army Corps at the meeting was Deputy Chief Reposti, a fox-like guy with the name of a wise man. The look at the moment was calm and surprising. He was holding a hot glass in his hand and blowing leisurely. Annoyed, it seems that he is not sitting in the military account gathered by the army, but relying on the wheat fields in the garden house to enjoy the waves of the field. It is very leisurely. When he sees him looking at him, he smiles to himself, what is it? It's time to laugh! This woman is a freak, and the generals below also have signs of freaks. You Ripostie is also a famous general in the famous continent. How many life and death battles have you experienced? Don’t you know how to persuade your boss , Let her say a word for so many people? What is not good to learn, learn how to drink tea in this article, why don’t you die!

With a deep sigh, Varisian, who hated the iron, turned his eyes and began to discuss the new troop movement. This time, King Oweet of the Rila also participated, sitting in the left column, the Hungarian left leader Mei Gan Luo sat consciously in the right column. Aoweite saw Megan Luo's eyes were bloody. Megan Luo simply ignored the Rila people, his eyes staring straight at the top of the big account, It seems that there is a peerless beauty dancing. Looking at these two people, Varisian couldn’t help but glance at the corner of the mouth, what is the situation,

The panic-stricken army of 100,000 empire is also paired with a pair of life and death enemies. I really doubt that if it is not forced, the soldiers of the two countries will fight first,

The main force of the Fei Shan army, which is spreading and rising across the 300,000 momentum, may pull out the butcher knife at any time. How to fight this battle! The meeting was very dull, and now it is basically the way to shrink the front. Varisian also has no good way. He can only let the army give up the left wing of the coalition and thicken the defense line of the emperor. . . . . . . During the meeting, Valisian couldn't help but put Repostila aside,

Looking at Reposti, who still had a face of the old gods, Varisian finally got angry. "Dude, what the **** did you plan to do, do you really want to throw the Gangfei Northern Legion that was finally assembled here?" Don’t look at me like this. I’m telling the truth. You and I are very clear. The army of Fei Shan is ready to go. Now, just waiting for the prairie cavalry to settle down, they will attack us. My Gangfei Southern Army is still good to say , The stationed area is close to the rear, at most, it is withdrawn to the city behind to stick to it. I believe that the Feishan army will not have the intention to fight all the way to the end. You are not the same as the northern army. The army will inevitably focus on you!"

"Don't say the brother didn't remind!"

Varisian's tone increased, and when he looked around, he whispered, "Knowing that you want to seize the opportunity to start the sign of the Gangfei Northern Army, but in the current situation, every step may be a tightrope walk. Withdraw, anyway, your face is so big. In this dangerous situation, even your majesty may not punish her!"

"Can I think that this is an indication that Lord Varisian agrees to our army's early withdrawal?" Riposti rolled his eyes and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"I haven't said anything like that! I'm just reminding you in good faith, you need to pay attention to your situation!" Varisian has a face, who dares to admit such a thing!

"Miss Brant has left the barracks for two days. The head of the army is not here, and I can do nothing!" Reposti sighed, and finally said a human word.

"Miss Brant is not in the barracks!" Varisian's complexion changed in one stroke. The woman was insane. The war was imminent, and the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers were hanging around her neck, dare to play missing!

"Miss went to the camp of the 3rd Regiment of the Guards, and soon the 3rd Regiment sent someone to say that the lady would not come back for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's pay attention to it ourselves!" , The corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and he seemed to want to laugh but persevered. He glanced at the distressed Varisian and said, "Do you know who sent the message?"

"The 3rd Regiment of the Guards... Don't tell me, it's Kenneth Captain!" Varisian blinked and replied

"How do you know!" Reposti stunned,

"Really Kenneth!" But the one who was even more surprised than him was Varisian. He just said casually just now, and he can give people from tens of thousands to their identity. None of them is simple and engages in politics. It may not be useful, but the sensitivity of an outstanding soldier to things changes is innate. Kenneth, the head of the third guard of the guard, did not come to the meeting. Reposti couldn’t help being vulgar, so he said yes Kenneth, who knew it was right, Brant Bonnie went to the 3rd Regiment of the Guards, and Kenneth, the leader of the 3rd Banner, personally went to the North Corps of Gangfei to speak, Nima, the information contained here let Varisian's heart was entangled abruptly, might not it be His Majesty to the Third Guard Regiment of the Guards, otherwise the arrogance of the Imperial Guards, the general people can't command at all.

Now he finally knows why Reposti has a fearless attitude, His Majesty has arrived, and he is still worried here! (To be continued)

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