Whole Nation

: Two hundred and three anger sea (1)

"One" multi-legged sea monster Neil Persia!, Curren Starce looked unbelievably old, a huge multi-legged centipede traversed the sea, sailing the sea for more than thirty years. Dylan Star For the first time, Sai saw the living Neilbos! Everything in front of him was as unbelievable as an illusion. He sulked his eyes and felt a throbbing throat. Neilbos is a monster in the sea legend who sprayed death venom. They The multi-legged body can easily spend any warship, is a veritable synonym for death.

"No, no, lord, look, those seem to be paddles." After deputy Dylan Scisser panicked for a while, the Neilbos in the distance is not a real Kraken. Obviously it is the oar, which is only swinging in order to stabilize the boat from being washed away by the current. This made him have to yell in surprise, "That's a boat!"

"You're right, it's a ship, and it's a warship. Dylenstads, who had recovered, gritted his teeth, and the ten giant centipedes in the distance were indeed warships. Now not only the white sails are raised, Moreover, the flag of war was also hung. Dyren Stasser was very angry at someone who was so bold in the sea off Dylans that a ship provoked the entire Dylan family fleet, although only the main fleet here Half of them, but enough to tear up this strange ship of unknown origin!

"Order the Sagin formation and the Sangwu formation up close! I'm going to see who is so bold!" Forced Lonstar Setun to give the order. The flags in the hands of the whispering flag waves wave up and down. The eight Poseidon-class warships escorted on both sides laid out a white spray, quickly separated from the formation, and made a few arcs, plus the centipede ship rushing not far away

, The Poseidon-class battleship is equipped with a heavy collision angle and two medium-sized catapults, as well as a full series of young names to attack the boarding soldiers. It is more than enough to deal with this centipede ship with a hull that is relatively lower than the hull.

"Quickly launch the gun! Quick! Quick!" On that Samor battleship, the busy sailors pushed the baffle of the ship's muzzle, and the two guns on each side exposed four black muzzles, in the hands of the artillery division Holding the ruler, he quickly calculated the distance of the warship that hit him in the distance,

"Persuade rice gunpowder bag". The first data was reported by the artillery division. The auxiliary charge hand around him, according to the attack distance reported by the artillery, put a bag of already packed gunpowder bags into the muzzle. Each bag was four meters of fire. recommend. Just superimpose and compact it.

The loader quickly packed the barrel with a cork. Then the cork was taken out, the fuel bomb was poured from the muzzle, the torch was held in his hand, and his eyes were nervous as he watched the artillery division "stay! stabilize". The artillery stared at the Poseidon-class warship that was getting closer, his arms raised high. The whole barn is quiet and terrible, the atmosphere is depressed and the gunner’s heavy gasps can be heard. This is the first battle of the Samor Navy, is it prestigious or to feed fish and shrimp, the duel kicked off in the sea

This naval flat-fire gun is one-half smaller than the heavy-duty Thor gun used by the Army. It is a light-weight small gun with a range of 100 meters. It can be equipped with fuel bombs and solid bombs. In order to adapt to naval warfare, the fat man placed the original thousand on the bow. The Mi heavy-duty crab Thunderbolt flat fire gun was replaced with a more lightweight Thunderbolt gun mounted on both sides of the battleship.

"Prepare the trebuchet! The goal is like a meter!" At the same time. The sails of the two Poseidon-class battleships were rushing, and the captains of the sailors shouted, waving their arms, and behind them were the winches in the hands of Dylans. Tense creaking, a team of heavily armoured assailants on the ship's watch deck was serious


Two of the lightest tonnage Poseidon-class battleships rushed to the front, and the six Poseidon-class ships that followed followed by a fan-shaped flutter. In an instant, the distance between the two sides has been shortened to make rice.

"ignition". The artillery's hand fell suddenly. The gunner's torch ignited the gunpowder line. The blaring sparks affected everyone's nerves. The gunner stood on both sides with his ears covered. All the people on the deck were nervously approaching a fixed point. "Boom!" The loud noise resounded through the sea, and the hull swayed violently up and down, just like being hit hard by invisible objects, even sliding a few meters on the water side,

A large amount of pungent smoke came out of the muzzle and was blown to the sides by the sea breeze. The pungent sulfur smell made people breathless. The shells with a harsh roaring sound shot at the two sea gods rushing in front. Because of insufficient training, most of the shells just crossed the arc, fell on both sides of the rushing Poseidon, and rolled up a few meters high waves

"Damn". The sorrowful foot of Samor's gunner. Suddenly the hull shook, "Boom. A thunder **** who had not yet fired roared, and a fuel projectile flew across the sea in the firelight. Under everyone's startled eyes

"Bump!" A Poseidon hit on the left side was hit by a fuel bomb on the side. The hull was slammed. The violent explosion shocked the sea. The lower deck of the Poseidon wing was exploding. A large two-meter-wide hole was opened, and several thick black smoke quickly rose. The splashed crude oil burned on the bottom deck,

In the thick smoke. The net water rushed in from the breach, and the hull tilted quickly, like a flying meter with two uneven emblems. The bow of the ship was pulled by an invisible giant and sank! I saw people jumping from Poseidon. Numerous heads were crowded on the bow, densely packed together, the stern was bowed into the inside by the sinking bow, and people fell into the water like dumplings.

"It's the Tuton Lisa!" The Dylan soldiers on the other battleships were stunned by the sight. No one knows what happened, and everything born before them completely deviates from their cognition. It was the naval warfare in their minds that the catapult projected and boarded the ship to fight. As it is now, without even touching the enemy's side, it sinks a main sea god. It is completely unimaginable.

Several boats were put down from a Poseidon in the back. This kind of boat can only carry powerful people, indicating that at least more than half of the people have to choose to wait for the warship coming up behind to drop the salvage rope, and the ruthless Poseidon behind it has to stop and organize to save people. Only half of the ship Poseidon was still rushing forward.

The worst thing is the original assault soldier on the Tutton Lisa. No one can wear more than 30 pounds of heavy armor to float on the sea surface, no matter how good the water is. They basically avoided the struggle and sank directly to the bottom of the sea.

"The Siren Neil Persia!" The commander of the Durren Fleet, Durren Stacey, clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes were blood red, and the multi-footed warships in the distance, although not the Siren Neil Persia, showed a strong attack, even After the legendary Kraken,

The sinking of the Tuton Lisa was like a loud slap fan on the face of the old forced Lustace. Thirty years on the sea, there has been such a fuss. He gritted his teeth and said to the adjutant behind him, "Order the unicorn formations together! I want to throw them all into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"Slap!" The hull swayed and rolled up. Splashed on the slightly red barrel, a strong squeak was made, and the strong smell of sulfur was blown away by the whistling sea breeze. The artillery firm stood from the swaying cabin and saw thick smoke in the distance. Poseidon Battleship! Excited arm waving and shouting

"Good job! Ukul! Quick, quick! Persuade Mi! Charge O Mi! Dry him again!"

The gunner named Utkul was a shy young man. He was so nervous that he didn’t hear the order. He had to hurriedly ignite the fire line afterwards. Who knows but slanted his head. He in this hai was also full of surprise and could not believe his own. eye

"I hit it?" He stared at Poseidon in the smoke. He couldn't believe that this miracle shot was fired by himself. He didn't recover until the drug hand patted his shoulder. "Quick! Give it a shot! You are a good boy!" The drug-handling man is a middle-aged man, with dark marks on his dark face,

"It" another Uves prairie-class battleship that rushed to the front seemed to be stimulated. There was an arc, the whole hull deflected to the right, panicked like a bunny who was driven. "That guy wants to run! Kill it!" The Samuel loader shouted excitedly while busy cleaning the cannon Clean and refill the ammunition.

Soon, a thunderous artillery blast, several fuel catapults across the sea, persuaded Mi Mi, and was still turning the side of the Uves slowly. After the experience of the first gun, the shelling readjusted the time difference. "Boom! "This time, three of the four doors accurately hit the target. The entire upper deck of Poseidon was overturned in the explosion. The keel of the hull was completely broken. The sailor above mixed with the broken wooden board and flew into the air. The hull creaked into two. cut

The five Poseidon-class warships of the Dylans family have rushed into the perimeter of the meter ~www.wuxiaspot.com~" "Several rounds of stone bombs with a roar, whipped and turned into the nearby sea, set off Waves more than three meters high. Only the Limi-long Samor warships rise and fall in the turbulent waves

"Degree! Degree! Strive with all your strength! Turn to the east." On the battleship of Samor, captain Hu Lunfeilin wore a sailor suit. The salty and damp sea wind was blowing her cheeks. The stone bombs that fell around the boat guide did not seem to affect her. , Still calm-faced, command the sailors all around to open the sails,

The pointed jaw, slender waist, and thighs that are well-trained for training. Although the delicate skin is slightly healthy because of the wind and sea breeze for many years, it is undeniable that Hulunfeilin is still rare. A beautiful woman, boarding a ship at the age of 13 and having experienced hundreds of battles in the sea, that is, among the Hulins who dominate the sea, Hulunfeilin is also recognized as a top ten player in boating technology.

As the daughter of the Hulin patriarch, Hu Lunfeilin was the adjutant sent by the Hulin tribe to assist the fat man in commanding this battle at sea, and also the captain of this Samor warship, looking like an enraged wolf pack. The trailing Dylans fleet, Hu Lunfeilin's mouth showed a sly smile,

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