Whole Nation

: Two thousand four hundred and ninety-one Falcons fall (11)

The bright sun shines on the carved window sill, the wind blows through the pink red stamens of the blooming Luowei flowers, and the imperial ship group docked in the direction of the port bathes in the autumn, the silent island, the silent air, the flowers are blooming in the midsummer, large A large area of ​​greenery appears in the distance, and there are some chic and huge flaming coral rock highlights from the green trees, a street full of rose bushes, a large carpet of soft grassland, and a mountain curl A small silver-like waterfall ran down the river. Below the waterfall was a pond about 400 square meters wide. On the pond were water lilies and water chestnuts floating. Pink lotus flowers and white duckweeds dotted the stars. It was not the naval commander Dusterenkai who appeared solemnly in front of him. The fat man felt like he was in a landscape painting.


"Your Majesty, Feishan sent back the news. Just yesterday, a support army had already set off along the sea route. Varisian immediately sent someone to catch up after receiving the order. This morning, the catching fleet only found the target, and the transport fleet was unknown. The fleet was attacked, seven transport ships sank, six were damaged, and two dragon-toothed warships served as escorts. One was sunk and the other was badly hit. If it were not for the search fleet, the enemy was scared away, and the consequences were unimaginable. "Trenkai's voice stopped." His face looked awkward. If he still felt a little disappointed with the emperor's intuition yesterday, it is another matter now.


   "What do you think?" The fat man withdrew his gaze from a distance and looked at Dusterenkai,


"The enemy is prepared, and the ambush circle has been set up, and the navy flag has not been raised, so there is no way to distinguish it. I only know that it should be from the south. I have ordered the navy to search for it. The ports along the southern coast have also looked away. , As long as the other party does not float from the sea, there will always be traces of the traces."


Dusterenkai's eyes flashed cold, his fingers clenched into fists, the Navy's transport fleet was attacked, and he didn't even know who the enemy was. He was ashamed and embarrassed in front of the emperor. Ren Kai felt it was difficult to forgive himself that the attacker was a fully armed fleet, not a small two-piece sampan. Has the Imperial Navy's eyes been blinded! Asshole, have these guys already begun a peaceful era! Although it was only the transport fleet that was attacked, there was no shortage of equipment. After all, it was a fleet to go to the combat area. The transport ship was also equipped with two rows and four doors of Thor, as well as two full-loaded Longya warships. In terms of firepower, it is no longer lost to the combat effectiveness of an old sailing warship group. It is not easy for anyone to attack, and it can cause such huge losses to the transport fleet in a short time.


  " Pay close attention to the south, and since it has succeeded, the other party will surely let out wind"


The fat man stretched out the palm of his fat hut and patted the shoulder of the admired navy minister. With the power of the navy of a country, he suppressed the entire southern coastline. The imperial navy has tried its best. In fact, this cannot be blamed for the lack of naval intelligence. How could there be more than two hundred warships in the imperial area that could cover the long two thousand miles of inland waters?


Even if all the warships of the Imperial Navy Fleet are arranged, it is only a small part of this thousand-mile sea area. The deterrent force of the fleet is mainly reflected in the fixed port, which consolidates the vast sea area into the battle for each port. In order to control the nearby sea area with the port as the supporting point, this is the main method of war in the current sea area. This attack on the transport fleet is not necessarily a warning for the imperial navy. Once the enemy naval fleet Abandoning the original combat mode, even if the Imperial Navy is strong, there is no good response for the time being.


  "Or, you can get some information from other channels!"


The fat man seemed to think of something, raised his eyebrows slightly, the naval fleet was not as simple as an order, so many sailors, no one knows how long it will float on the sea, so material reserves are necessary, Weapon clusters can be placed in the warehouse for a long time. Can food and vegetables be kept for a long time? No, if you can start with the merchants, you should get the answer soon. The navy of that country has left the port recently, and it should be clear at a glance.


   "Your Majesty, there is a ruthless request!" Dustron Kay suddenly kneeled in front of the fat man on one knee,


"You want to mobilize the fleet to take revenge?" The fat man looked at him strangely, how could he not know the character of the navy commander, how could he just swallow it like this, but if he was swept by revenge Fainting his head, or this time attacking the transport ship was a temptation. . . . . .


"Six hundred navy sailors were killed in battle, and more than three thousand casualties on the transport ship. The subordinates really could not be ignored, and if the imperial navy could not respond in a short time, the southern coast would not be so suppressed. "Dustrengka's face was firm, and the tone must say


   "You don’t need too many warships, just ask your majesty to allow you to draw 20 ships out of the 30 Longya warships currently being repaired in the port."


   "Twenty ships? Isn't it a bit risky!" The fat man's eyes flickered, Dusterenka's firm attitude made the fat man have to consider the Navy's emotions,


Dustrounka said, "Istanian waters, and the three squadrons that have been ordered to come close. The opponent can get a blow from the gap between the three squadrons. It proves that it cannot be a chance encounter, but it is very carefully arranged and the wind direction. , The current, and even the position of our fleet, if you want to do this, the other party should have been lurking in the waters of Istan for a period of time to launch such a precise ambush. The subordinates suspect that the other party has a hidden port in the southern area of ​​Istan. , The enemy knows that if it cannot be found quickly, the entire Istanian waters are unsafe."


"Your guess is probably right. The southern part of Istan has been controlled by local forces for a long time. It is not secret that the port secrets of the southern six countries have been invested. The fat man took a deep breath. "I will grant your request and I will let the tile Lysian fully cooperates with the naval operations"


Naval warfare is the world of Dusterenkai. Although he is good at strategic layout, he is talking about naval warfare confrontation. Dusterenkai is the premier commander of the empire, and even the leading naval general of the entire Obaro continent. , And now it seems that Dusterenka’s focus is fairly calm


   "Then, my subordinates will set off in the afternoon!" Dusterenkai stood up, respectfully performed a military salute towards the fat man, and turned to exit the room


The hallway outside the door was already filled with officers of the Imperial Navy. They were breathing quietly and heavily. In some claustrophobic hallways, it was like the sound of wind blowing, and saw Dusterenkai coming out of the emperor's room at the end of the hallway. , Standing upright and straight, raising his hand to salute "Commander-in-Chief!"


   "What are you doing here, does this still look like an imperial navy? There is a naval military rule in your eyes?"


Dustroenka snorted coldly, frightening the officers to ban their voices. Dustroenkai, the undefeated commander of the Imperial Navy, was second only to His Majesty the Emperor in the navy, but in the eyes of the navies of all countries Dusterenkai is a more terrible character than the Falcon Emperor. The Gangfei Navy, the Strand Navy, and the Fissan Navy, all of these powerful existences that once sailed through the seas of giant ships, were all used by this Falcon Empire. The commander-in-chief of the navy one by one cut down the altar, the soul of the falcon empire navy, is now the respect for the empire navy minister in the entire inland sea area


   "The commander-in-chief should not be misunderstood, the subordinates gathered here, just want to know the first time, did your majesty agree?"


The fourth squadron commander Stephen stood out from the crowd, where he had the highest stature, and also had the background of the central military directly under the emperor. The naval transport fleet was attacked, with a total of more than 3,000 casualties. The proud emperor's naval officer group suffered such a loss when it was determined that it had obtained control of the inland sea, just like slapping a slap in the face of the entire inland sea. In the history of the imperial navy, He Zeng There is such a humiliation, this time, even if the entire Istanian waters are turned over, these **** must be pulled out,


   "What do you agree with?" Dusterenkai's eyes glared.


   "It is natural to kill these **** and avenge our dead brother! Although the location of the attack is more than 500 miles from here, but if you know the other party's way, you may not be able to intercept it!" Stephen replied with a scalp.


   Dusterenkai rubbed his temples helplessly, glancing at the faces where blood had flowed,


Now he knew why the emperor's majesty had such a helpless expression. It was really difficult to say refusal to his subordinates who wanted to get revenge. Looking at the pillars of these imperial navies, he said for a while, "This time It was an aggressive operation. In order to enter the waters of Istan as soon as possible, the Dragon-class warships were left. Twenty Dragon-tooth battleships were ready for combat supplies for 15 days before 4 pm, waiting for orders!"


"Yes!" The captains of the Longya battleships cheered. On the contrary, the captains of the Dragon-class battleships became much more frustrated. There is no way. The Dragon-class battleships have the most powerful firepower of the empire. It was far inferior to the swiftness and portability of the Longya battleship. Standing at the window sill on the second floor at four o'clock in the afternoon, the fat man carried his hands on his back and watched the twenty Longya battleships slowly detach from the port's fleet. The white giant sails Pulled up, the triangular bow of the battleship draws a huge arc on the sea, taking three ships as a queue, leaving the port and gradually disappearing into the distance,


Returning from the balcony, the fat man sat down at his desk and unfolded a report sent by the Supervision Department. It was a report about the rapid recovery of the business alliance gold ticket in the southern region, and the news that the empire tens of millions of gold coins bought the business alliance business ticket. It has been released that the nine major business groups in the south also collectively expressed their support for the gold ticket of the business alliance, and immediately made the value of the gold ticket of the seriously damaged business alliance soaring. Although there is still some distance from the full value stage, it has returned to the original. One-half of the value can be fully restored in one month at most. The Fei Ze double-headed eagle business group, which is the main target of the empire, has remained silent. This does make the fat man somewhat unexpected. The Double-Headed Eagle Merchants Group is just a piece of the Fei Ze royal family. Now that this piece has lost its value, the Fei Ze royal family is still biased. Why?


Port of Suvis, south of the Istanian Empire, this port extending from a small fishing village on the coast of Istan, even if it is difficult to find on the chart, large waves of waves are surging and rolling. "The waves here are the most It is more than one meter high in gentle time, and more than five meters in the most violent time. A curved slash dragged northward by the port is a coral reef that stretches for more than ten miles and penetrates the sea surface, like a large blocking line. Weakened the impact of the waves, Suvis, which means coral in Istanbul, the successful Harvey Kingdom fleet docked in the semi-concave cliff wall behind this coral chain, and the protruding cliff wall blocked the internal The wide bay, so that the ships docked inside cannot be seen,


The number of the Harvey Kingdom Fleet docked in the fjord is more than 50. The attack was counterattacked by the Imperial Army and 7 ships were sunk. Now there are more than 40 ships docked, the head and tail of the Harvey battleship The two sections with upward sloping amplitude, the broad deck in the middle, and the rounded hull look like a month and a half, of which dozens of giants are very big, obviously higher than other super-large battleships, just like The most courageous wolf in the wolf pack. Tall body, pressure is high, high bridge like sword, floating in the fjord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is like a huge whale on the sea


The front and sides of these giant battleships each exposed a thick and long iron pipe. This is the trident-class warship that the Harvey Kingdom has only equipped with the Navy for the last thirty years. In addition to large-scale large-scale catapults and other traditional weapons, it is also equipped with There is a black burning liquid collected by the Harvey Kingdom in the east coast area. The Harvey people call it the gun of Vulcan. From a distance, it looks like three front ends of a fork.


   In the quiet port, the head of the Navy Harvey, the thin-looking Admiral Robbenez, with a ugly face, put the war damage report on his desk.


The attack on the Imperial Transport Fleet was originally supposed to be quite easy, but the counterattack force of the Imperial Transport Fleet broke out. It was really amazing. The Imperial Army had six transport ships sunk and seven damaged, and even returned Chen. An Imperial Dragon Tooth-class battleship looks glorious, and who knows, such a victory is caused by more than a thousand casualties of the Harvey naval fleet, and four naval battleships were sunk, including a precious trident Class battleships, and twenty-one different battleships with different damage. This is also called victory? Admiral Robbenez's mouth is bitter. I am afraid that at most it is a terrible victory. The transportation fleet is still so difficult to fight. How terrible is the Imperial Navy's main fleet!


"Is this plan really achievable?" Robbenis's eyes fell on a blue cover document on the table, which read "Combat Name: Falcon Fall" in the southern common words (to be continued) [ This text is provided by the leader of the Qihang Update Team @刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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