Whole Nation

: Two thousand four hundred ninety-six Falcon fell (6)

Countless Hungarian wars immediately covered their armor with blood and drove all the way forward, continuously defeating the blockade of the cavalry of the coalition forces. Although more than a dozen of the queues that served as forward sharpness remained less than half of the remaining, the momentum was not reduced but increased, the atmosphere of the war It stirred up the sturdy, rumbling horseshoes in the blood of the Hungarians, covering up all the sounds between the world and the earth. The earth trembles under the trample of horses, which has been mixed with the sound of the tide, forming an unstoppable momentum. , The sword hit the armor of the Hungarian cavalry, the opponent did not even mean to dodge. I saw the weapon stab a long line of metal colliding on the armor, splashing around. Only then did Duke Luan discover that at least two layers of heavy armor were on this Hungarian melee cavalry! Thanks to the extraordinary endurance of the Hungarian war horses, carrying such cavalry can also fight for a long time,

The flag of the blood that has been wet for a long time has gradually become dignified like iron from the wind

The Aden cavalry in the middle line, the sparse Lala team was constantly dispersed, and they could not keep the queue at all, let alone blocked the Hungarian cavalry who swarmed in, the eight thousand Aden cavalry, a large area was empty in the center line, and the injured **** people were injured Or the battle of death immediately rolled down, hitting the ground heavily, looking at the Hungarian cavalry who was rushing head-on, the Aden cavalry faced a disastrous defeat, gazing at the tide-like cavalry, everything in front of him, at this moment It seemed that all of them lost their voices. The only thing they could do was to scream with a big mouth before dying. They all forgot to shoot bows and arrows, or put up arms to resist. Just watching silently, this irresistible torrent of armor rushed towards them, watching the **** mud that was trampled by horseshoes and rolled up, looking at the lay down of the heavy armored horses. Different from the color of the horse head, the red 珎珞 can't stop shaking.

Not good anymore! Unstoppable! "The Aden cavalry finally collapsed and hit the Hungarian main line of attack, even if it was a warhorse, it was under continuous impact. To the extent of the force, at this moment, the blood in front was flowing into the river, the corpses ran across the field, and the blood was already flowing. Even the soil can't be absorbed, and the mixed water starts to flow into a small river and flows out,

Lord Luan of the southern coalition gazed at the broken Aden cavalry array. After watching the breakthrough of the midfielder, a team of Lema started to turn back and attacked the Hungarian cavalry. The bodies of the Aden fell down one by one, knowing that the general situation was gone,

"Communicate the order. The blocking has failed, the wings spread out, giving way to the path." The grand order of Lord Luan looked serious. The Adenites could not keep it up. It was time to give up and give up. The battle situation was already the same. The two-wing reinforcements could not be expected. Hungary. Cavalry has taken the initiative on the battlefield. After the slalom in the middle of the raid, the 30,000 coalition forces will ride into an uncontrollable situation like a dam destroyed by the flood. Not just in the middle, even the sides will be dragged in

"Adult! The young adjutant beside the Duke looked ugly and reminded me cautiously." In order to catch the Hungarian cavalry, the coalition base mobilized more than three-quarters of the total strength, and more than 100,000 people formed a siege here. The route that the other party can escape was blocked, but the result was let go by us. Such a result cannot be returned to the base camp."

"Who said we let it go?"

Grand Duke Luan said coldly, "Did you not see? Our army took the risk of serving as the main force of the blockade, when the enemy's strength was dominant. The reinforcements were late, our army fought to death, and nearly ten thousand casualties finally forced the stubborn enemy to flee, and the base camp did not Just want a good news? Then send this as a good news! The rest will be left to the base camp to weigh yourself!"

"Yes, I get it"

The adjutant's heart nodded his head. This was due to the high expectations of the coalition base camp for this ambush. After all, the falcon empire was too fierce. After several years of fighting in the South, it was invincible. Fighting with such opponents, whether it is a general or a general Soldiers have shadows on their hearts, and the unbeatable reputation of the Falcon Emperor* team is blown out

The Falcon Emperor* is a paper tiger and wears a bucket. This is the coalition base camp. It keeps instilling the thoughts of the soldiers below, and the rapid withdrawal of the eastern provinces and provincial troops, so it is the current morale of the coalition. So this first battle can only win, how can it fail! But the battle ahead is so tragic,

Even the young lieutenant can see how outrageous the judgment of the base camp is

Who said that the Hungarians are already hollowed out wood, and they will fall down when they are touched. They should let the generals of the base camp who have made such judgments come here to see. From the time of the collision, the Hungarians are going to succeed, just like It was a pack of wolves looking for food in the winter night. The layers of the coalition cavalry were defeated step by step. The horseshoe and the late rice were used to break the defense of 30,000 qiqi. Line, it broke the center line of the eight thousand Aden cavalry in an hour. Who would believe it? The reinforcements on both sides came too slowly? Or the fighting strength of the Hungarian cavalry exceeded expectations! Now it can only be done in this way, and there is no failure, even if it is a victory!

"Sir, the coalition forces on both sides have already approached three miles!" A Hungarian scout scout came flying and smoke flying

"Don't care about them, let's go!" Ao Sen waved a wave of his cavalry behind him, and took the Hungarian cavalry forward. The coalition cavalry released the passage, and the pressure on both sides was equal to nothing. , Fifty thousand Hungarian cavalry soldiers put the coalition's blocking line on both sides, thundered forward, and rushed out of the surrounding circle. One hour later, the coalition infantry on both sides saw and panted and reflected them. The sight of the eyes made everyone take a breath of air-conditioning corpse mountain blood sea. Countless war horses and human bodies were stacked on the flat ground in front of their eyes. The broken arms were inserted on the ground red by blood and swayed. Warhorse touched the cold face of the dead master with his head

"What about the Hungarians?" The generals glanced at each other, and the buttocks of the running smoked, but just saw this?

"Sir Luan, what about the Hungarians?" A burly allied general, who was surrounded by several generals, came to Luan, who was reorganizing his armor.

"After being defeated by our army, cunningly escaped!" Duke Luan inserted the wiping sword into the scabbard and said calmly that the generals of the coalition were originally from various kingdoms, and only the base camp had the power to coordinate . The general in front of him had a bad intention and he didn’t need to be afraid. If he had any problems, he went to the base camp and said

"Crushed? Where did the other party run from, why didn't I see it?"

The burly general like the tower is called Lombard. Eyes were taken back from the battlefield, and the look immediately became unsightly, and there was only a sneer left in his mouth." Lord Luan said the escape, wouldn’t it be that I stepped on the body of my warrior in the kingdom of Aden. "He is one of the six southern countries. A famous warrior in the kingdom of Aden saw the inside of the corpse lying on the battlefield at first glance. The body of the Aden cavalry in his country occupied most of the body. While the number of cavalry battle losses in the other two countries is not large,

"The whole situation, I will write in the battle report, you wait patiently," said Duke Luan expressionlessly, but in fact his heart was a little guilty. It was really troublesome this time. He just got the statistical table of battle damage. Wish the Tree Knights lost 1,700. The Harvey Cavalry lost 2,100. This is mainly because of the two-wing front. It is not the main direction of attack and the battle damage is limited, but the loss of the Aden cavalry in the center line is large, almost completely penetrated. Fighting collapsed, so the most people died, and more than 6,000 were lost. The corpses of these horses and horses were spread out along the 100-meter-long center line. They were extremely tragic, and now less than 1,500 people can gather together. This obvious unfairness is really clear at a glance. Even if I explain it myself. Also cannot explain this situation,

Who would have thought. When facing the siege, the Hungarian tooth army took such a straight line breakthrough. However, the Adenians really couldn’t help but fight. If they could hold on for a while, they wouldn’t need to make a decision to give up. Of course, Duke Luan couldn’t say that in person, but the Adenians obviously didn’t agree. People die in this way, without even an explanation

"Luan, the sacrifice of thousands of warriors in Aden, this is your answer?" Lombard glared, his two fists creaked,

"" The war report will be reported to the base camp, and everything will naturally be judged by the base camp. I have no obligation to report to you! "

"Asshole!" The angered Lombard, while the Grand Duke Luan hadn't fully reacted, had a fist with a metal outer armor and had a fierce punch. The Grand Duke Luan, who was always known for his demeanor, did not Be prepared, I immediately felt the flower in front of me, and my head was stunned. When the huge pain struck, I felt something like hot oil flowing out of my nose. His most proud pride was the curved nose of the nose. The punching collapsed, blood covered his face, and after two or three seconds, Lord Luan reacted, and the wailing cry rolled to the ground.

"Asshole, it's too arrogant." The surrounding Duke guards were suddenly messed up, the Duke was beaten, and this was all right. These guards immediately rushed up, wearing cavalry armor, and a metal clashing sound. Some people pulled out their weapons. Draw from all around,

"Why, I thought it was just you guys!" Lombard pulled out his sword, shouting with no fear, his face angry. "Come here," countless infantry rushed over from afar, suddenly struggling

"This matter, the Harvey people have indeed passed a little!" Generals of other kingdoms shook their heads secretly when they saw this scene. This incident was obviously caused by the Grand Duke Luan. The Kingdom of Aden and the Harvey Kingdom were critical. Wars broke out in the area on the border, and the relationship between the two countries has always been bad. With the help of the Hungarians to weaken the Aden, Duke Luan has touched the bottom line of the coalition’s commitment. If there is no such commitment, the coalition will simply It’s impossible to fight, otherwise it’s cold to think about it. This time it was the Adenites who became cannon fodder. Who will be next time? Therefore, the six-nation kings signed a co-operation agreement for the coalition base camp. For the action of violating the yin and ying the allies in the battle, the punishment will be in accordance with the strictest laws!

The wind-swept ground, dusty, and a series of horseshoes around the animals panicked and scattered, and saw a rapidly running black cloud floating over, that was the Hungarian cavalry rushing out from the coalition encirclement, "Father, we want now Return?" Aodel Zema, wearing a Hungarian tooth-and-sword armor, approached Aosen in front and asked in a low voice.

Ao Sen hesitated, glanced over the **** smell of the Hungarian cavalry who had just gone through a **** battle, and finally said in a cold voice, "We went all the way south, as a pioneer of the emperor *, into the battlefield, Now they are killed from the southern coalition encirclement in a breath. It’s a sure thing to be sleepy. The best option is to return to rest from self-heating. The coalition should also think so, but don’t forget to try your best to attract them before the arrival of the imperial army The sight of the main force of the coalition forces is like dancing on the tip of the knife. We need to be cautious at all times. Although the cavalry has high mobility, since entering the outer area of ​​Istanbul Kyoto, the vast land has been occupied by cities. The cavalry's maneuvering route was greatly restricted. Just like this time the coalition was surrounded. At some fixed nodes, the cavalry's maneuverability will be curbed, so I decided to cover the previous wandering tactics and start by looking for important targets. Attack!

"We can't go back!" Ao Sen grinned. He was worthy of the bold and lone wolf character. He was captured by a group of half-hangers, and he dared to move towards King Rila, even attacking the king, and the world was famous. Moreover, this time there are 50,000 elites under his command! Nowhere to go?

"What does father mean?" Ya Odell froze for a moment.

"In addition to the injured return~www.wuxiaspot.com~ others continue to go south! The other side’s cavalry suffered this loss and could not be called out in time." Ao Sen turned sharply to the south and said firmly,

"Attack the coalition base camp?"

Aodel was also frightened by Aosen’s plan. The position of the coalition base camp is not difficult to know. The Hungarian cavalry has been inserted into the coalition area several times. The intelligence collected from all parties proves that the coalition base camp is just at a distance. The city of Ydra in Istanbul, 150 miles away,

According to the speed of cavalry, it can be reached in one day. The problem is that the existence of the coalition base camp as the core of the coalition is naturally tightly protected. It is too difficult to sneak attack. I am afraid that the cavalry cluster has not yet fully arrived in the city of Yadra. The opponent's blocking line has already opened his pocket there

"That's not necessarily. The coalition forces mobilized such a force to surround us. At present, there should not be much troops in the direction of the coalition base camp. "Ao Sen said with a solemn expression." If we move fast enough, even if we are aware, our army It has already been killed. "The southern coalition forces are still whispering with each other. I never thought that someone would boldly set this as an attack point! (To be continued)

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